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5 Myths About SCOTUS and Abortion

The left is going berserk over Roe v. Wade possibly being overturned:

As we all know by now, a leaked report on a possible Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruling concerning abortion has generated a firestorm of debate and controversy. If the 1973 Roe v. Wade case is overturned, likely all hell will break loose.

The other day Politico reported the story about a leak of Justice Samuel Alito’s majority opinion on the matter. It seems a 5-4 majority ruling will declare the 1973 decision to be unconstitutional. In the document Alito said this: Roe was egregiously wrong from the start. We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled. It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”

What is so remarkable here is the fact that no draft decision from SCOTUS has ever been leaked before. It is almost certain that a leftist would have leaked it – perhaps a clerk of one of the leftist justices. It would have been done in the hopes of putting pressure, threats and intimidation on the five justices. And it would also seek to provoke wide-scale rioting and protests to further intimidate other political leaders.

As Operation Rescue President Troy Newman said: “There’s little doubt that leftist proaborts, probably from Sotomayor’s office, leaked the Alito decision out of panic over the possibility of losing the Dobbs case [the pending Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case]. I can smell their fear and desperation.”

Or as R. R. Reno stated: “The authority and dignity of the United States Supreme Court is being attacked. It beggars belief that the leak was the action of a single individual. In all likelihood, it involved consultation with and encouragement by media bigwigs, activist organizations, Democratic politicians, and perhaps individuals in the White House.”

Whoever did it needs to be found and prosecuted. And if it was done with the knowledge or permission of a sitting justice, he or she needs to be impeached. Chief Justice John Roberts said this about the leak: “To the extent this betrayal of the confidences of the Court was intended to undermine the integrity of our operations, it will not succeed. The work of the Court will not be affected in any way.”

Of interest, with 5 of the 9 justices supporting this decision, we certainly have Donald Trump to thank. All three of his SCOTUS appointments (Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett) will side with the ruling. And it would not only overrule the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision but the 1992 Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey decision as well.

So the left is going berserk right now, and as is the norm, they are already resorting to every lie and deception they can think of. Here are five of the myths they are pushing that are easily countered:

1. This will make abortion illegal

No, it will do no such thing. It will simply restore the former status quo, where the states, not the federal government, decide on these matters. Federalism is a core foundation of American governance: the US Constitution divides power between the state governments and the federal government. The states should once again decide on these matters – meaning the people will decide.

And that has the left in a real panic. Many states have been moving toward restricting abortion in various ways, and numerous polls show that Americans mainly want to see abortion restricted, if not banned. Consider just one recent poll:

A Fox News poll released today showed a majority of Americans want abortions banned and would support either a heartbeat law protecting babies at 6 weeks or a 15-week abortion ban. The new national poll was completed shortly before Monday night’s leak of Justice Samuel Alito’s draft majority opinion striking down Roe v. Wade, which allows abortions up to birth.


When asked how they would feel if such a law were passed in their state, just over half of voters favor it (54 percent) while 41 percent are opposed. Voters were also asked how they felt about a similar ban (with medical exceptions) on abortion after only six weeks, which is the new standard in Texas. Voters split on this policy: 50% favor vs. 46% oppose.

2. This will mean the end of democracy

Hardly. As already mentioned, if this decision goes through, all that it would do is allow the 50 US states to once again be able to determine these matters for themselves. That is how it always used to be, and that is how it should be. But the Democrats and the left hate the thought of letting the people decide.

It was Joe Biden who told reporters that he doesn’t want Americans to have the right to vote on this matter. He said, “I’m not prepared to leave [abortion] to the whims of the public at the moment.” So the American people should have no say in this matter Joe? Only you, or some other elites should decide?

I thought the left was all about democracy and personal choice, but it is clear that Joe and the Dems do NOT believe in either of these things. Indeed, Biden actually said that letting the states decide on abortion is “radical”. Um no, killing babies is radical, trashing the Constitution is radical, and rejecting federalism is radical. If Roe is overturned, then voters in each state can then vote on these matters – that is what democracy is all about.

3. This will take away the rights of women to choose

No, again. If Roe is overturned, SCOTUS will NOT be taking away the rights of anyone. If this decision goes through, it will simply mean letting the states determine these matters – just as they had always done. Some states may well decide to keep abortion fully legal.

Some states may decide to put more restrictions on abortion. And it is possible that a few states may consider banning abortion altogether. But this again will be the decision of the people, not a handful of unelected and unaccountable judges. That is just how it should be. No wonder the left is foaming at the mouth right now.

4. This will take away the right to bodily autonomy

This is a standard myth of the pro-abortion left. It suggests that the baby in the womb is not an independent person deserving of life and liberty, but somehow just some extension of the mother. No, the child being carried is a completely unique and separate person. The mother provides food and shelter – that is all.

In the same way, a newborn child is also dependent on the mother for this food and shelter. But that does not mean the baby is part of the mother. He or she is a completely separate individual, vulnerable of course at first, but still a distinct human being.

And as usual, we have the never-ending hypocrisy of the left. As Adam Creighton said today: “The same people advocating forced vaccination, masking, lockdowns, noble lies etc for two years, are suddenly exercised about ‘bodily autonomy’ and human rights.”

Moreover, for years now the left has been saying that there is no such thing as a woman – people can decide for themselves if they are a woman. But now all of a sudden we are again hearing about women! Um, which is it? Do women actually exist, or are they just mere social constructs?

5. This will cause civil war in America

Um, civil war is already happening in the US. And it started when unelected judges in 1973 decided that the Constitution speaks to a right of abortion (it does not). That is when the civil war started. And it is the left’s top-down approach to solving all our problems that has been dividing America for decades now. It is the politicisation of everything by the left that has been dividing America for decades now.

It is the secular left and their hatred of life that have been dividing America for decades now. So just watch as the rioting breaks out and the cities begin to burn – again. This is always how the left responds when it does not get its way: it resorts to violence, mayhem, rioting, arson and even murder. Barricades are already being put up around the Supreme Court. This will certainly get ugly.

Concluding thoughts

Some 61 million babies have been killed in America since that fateful day in January, 1973. This is a shocking case of legalised murder on a grand scale. As Mat Staver of the Liberty Counsel put it:

For many years, I have confidently said that I will live to see the Supreme Court overturn Roe. We are now witnessing a historic event that will reverberate around the world. The abortion decisions did incalculable damage to the Supreme Court’s integrity because they were wrongly decided and have no connection with the Constitution. The carnage left in the wake of Roe v. Wade cannot be measured. May God forgive and heal our land for this great sin.

Yes this is ultimately a spiritual battle. If by God’s grace Roe is overturned, who knows what else might be on the table – perhaps the Obergefell v. Hodges decision (on homosexual marriage)? If either one are overturned – and certainly if both are – there will be blood on American streets like we have never seen before. These are the two main sacraments of the secular left, and their demonic rage will be unleashed even more than it has been up till now.

So please, we need to keep praying about this – and keep working. The very demons of hell will be unleashed here. And that is not surprising, since we know that the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. Prayer is absolutely essential right now.

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