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‘Useful Idiots’ and the Greens

Lenin spoke of those in the West who either wittingly or unwittingly ended up supporting the monstrous agenda of the godless Communists. He spoke of such people as being “useful idiots”. They were idiots all right, but the Communists were quite happy to exploit such people for their diabolical cause.

He even spoke of how these dumb Western capitalists would even sell the Communists the rope with which they would be hanged on. And there were plenty of examples of such useful idiots. Sadly, things are still pretty much the same today.

Consider another diabolical ideology which is doing a great job of fooling a lot of gullible and uninformed people. I refer to the ultra-radical Greens, with their pro-death, anti-family, and anti-progress agendas. I have written a number of articles already clearly delineating their unchristian agenda.

Yet how many people calling themselves Christians have hopped on to this unbiblical and nefarious Party? Sadly far too many people claiming to be followers of Christ and believers in God’s word have aligned themselves with this ungodly bunch.

Consider just two examples. Yesterday we received in the mail a pamphlet from the local Greens’ Bayswater candidate. It starts off with the headline, “Why I joined the Greens”. And the very first reason offered – in the top left of this pamphlet – is, “My faith”.

This is what he says about “My faith”: “I find in the Greens, a party that most closely matches my faith in God – a god who doesn’t pick and choose, but has compassion for all.” Wow, what a bizarre mouthful. All this does is tell us heaps about where this guy is coming from, and what sort of “faith” he has.

Jesus told us to make sure we are not deceived by those claiming to come in his name. He made it clear that we must judge such people by their fruit. What is it that they are peddling? Here we have someone claiming that God would most be at home with the pro-death and anti-family Greens.

Just what sort of God is this? Indeed, let’s examine his remark a bit more closely. His understanding of God is someone who “doesn’t pick and choose”. Oh really? Then this is obviously not the God of the Bible. This is not the God who chose Israel over all the other nations of the earth.

This is not the God who chooses those who come to Christ, but rejects those who don’t. This is not the God who says I will have mercy on whom I will, and I will harden whom I will. This is not the God who tells us that our sins separate us from God, and without holiness, no one will see the Lord.

This is the same God who has decreed that only heterosexual marriage is the acceptable means of expressing human sexuality. This is the God who says, “Choose life” and blasts the false gods for sacrificing children at the altar. This is the God who comes with blazing sword, to separate the sheep from the goats, the true followers from the false.

This is the God who said while on earth, “I have not come to bring peace, but division”. This is the God who will judge the heavens and the earth. Yet all this guy can ramble on about is how God does not choose. Sorry bub, but whatever your god is, it is not the God of the Bible.

And please spare us this rhetoric about compassion. Where is your compassion for the unborn? Does your “faith” say nothing about the 100,000 unborn babies slaughtered every year in this nation? Does your “faith” say it is OK to legalise euthanasia, so that it is somehow compassionate to kill the sufferer rather than dealing with his suffering?

And is your compassion about killing the newborn (infanticide), which Peter Singer, the co-author of your Party’s 1996 manifesto so strongly supports? Singer even ran as a Senate candidate for your party in 1996 with the full knowledge and approval of your great leader, Bob Brown.

To be honest, I am sick and tired of the Greens and their amoral followers parroting all this empty rhetoric about compassion and social justice. If social justice does not begin in the womb, then it is just so much cheap talk. Who gives a rip about asylum seeker policy or affordable housing, if you are not allowed the fundamental right to life?

The second appalling example of Green “faith” and “compassion” came in the form of a comment which arrived today, dealing with an earlier article I had written on the anti-life Greens. I had written that abortion is the most important moral issue of our time, not climate change, and this is what this commentator wrote:

“Oh. My. Goodness. It is ignorant statements like that give Christians a bad name. The world is going to hell, and you want more unwanted babies. Does it occur to you that God loves all creatures, not just humans? Whatever happened to us being caretakers of the Earth? How about trying to repair and restore God’s Creation, and look after the world’s poor, rather than moralising about abortion? Two thirds of the world’s human population won’t have enough to eat today. Get some perspective.”

This is how I replied to her: “One could not ask for a better example of exactly what I was talking about than your comment. Mind-boggling stuff, really. So in your version of Christianity killing unborn babies is perfectly alright, while saving a tree is the epitome of Christian ethics?

“And your comment is a perfect example of a series of alarming logical fallacies. Just how exactly does opposing the murder of the unborn make me an enemy of the poor? And your stats are way off base anyway.

“But leaving aside your dodgy figures, let’s just extend your ‘logic’ here: You live in a crowded flat with 30 other people. Ten of them are poor, so by your reasoning, we should just bump them off, because we are already overpopulated. And this is your idea of Christian ethics? Which Bible exactly are you reading from?

“Can I remind you that all your rhetoric about helping the poor means absolutely nothing to a person deprived of the fundamental right to life? Your solution to poverty is to kill innocent unborn babies. So much for your unbiblical and trendy Green social justice. Until your plea for social justice extends to those in the womb, all you are giving us is secular mumbo jumbo and empty rhetoric. Please spare us the notion that you are in any way promoting biblical Christianity here.”

Yikes, with friends like these, who needs enemies? No wonder Jesus could warn so often about wolves in sheep’s clothing. No wonder Lenin could talk about useful idiots. It seems that there are still plenty of them around. And given that so many Communists eventually made their way into the Green movement, this should come as no surprise.

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