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I Wish We Loved Our Children This Much

You may have seen on the news the past few days the ongoing saga about some trapped killer whales in Canada. The ice around them was closing in, and a dozen whales were trying to get some breathing space. All the mainstream media was agog with the story, and you could almost see tears in the face of some of the news announcers.

It was one of the more emotional news items going for a few days. And the champagne was likely flowing when the story finally ended with the whales freeing themselves. One news report covers the story as follows: “About 12 killer whales trapped under sea ice in Canada’s Hudson Bay appear to be free after the ice shifted.

“However, people who fear the whales will get stuck elsewhere have hired a plane to find them. The whales’ predicament in the frigid waters of Hudson Bay made international headlines. Locals had been planning a rescue operation with chainsaws and drills before the mammals slipped away on Thursday.

“Tommy Palliser said two hunters from remote Inukjuak village reported that the waters had opened up around the area where the cornered whales had been bobbing frantically for air around a single, truck-sized hole in the ice. Officials said shifting winds might have pushed the ice away. ‘It’s certainly good news – that’s good news for the whales,’ said Palliser, a business adviser with the regional government.

“But fears remain that the whales may be trapped elsewhere by the ever-moving ice. Some villagers were sceptical the killer whales had escaped harm, so the community hired a plane to scan the region on Thursday for signs of the pod. Mark O’Connor of the regional marine wildlife board said the aerial search did not locate the orcas but he noted that large swathes of ice-free water were seen in the area. ‘So as far as I could tell, the emergency, for sure, is averted,’ said O’Connor, the board’s director of wildlife management.”

Another news item added these remarks: “Over the last few days, 80 people at a time had gone out on the ice to watch the whales. ‘We were all trying to find out how we can save them,’ he said. ‘We observed the wind, the moon, everything.’ The whales’ escape was cause for celebration elsewhere in Canada, where there had been a desperate campaign to push the government to send in ice-breaking ships to crack open the ice and help the animals find open water.”

Wow, that is a lot of time, attention and money being spent on a bunch of killer whales. Of course I, like everyone else, never like to see animals suffer, and if reasonable measures can be taken to help some animals, then that may not be uncalled for.

But to have a worldwide panic over this “emergency” with plans to get governments sending in ships and planes, just to help out a few killer whales seems a bit much, especially if we highlight another inconvenient truth. Every day in Canada something like 300 trapped creatures are mercilessly killed.

This too is an extreme emergency, yet I see no global media campaigns erupting over this, and I do not notice any local community worrying itself to death about this fact. Indeed, there is complete silence about these poor trapped creatures who will die if no one intervenes.

I of course refer to the unborn who are slaughtered each year in Canada. Abortion accounts for around 100,000 dead babies each year there. Yet where is the outcry about all this? Why not the same moral outrage and concern about even more worthy life worth living?

Why the double standards all over the West? Why mega-concerns about a bunch of whales, and zero concern about the mass slaughter of our own children? That makes no sense to me whatsoever. That is an indication of a culture which has lost its way big time.

Indeed, just contrast our whale story with another story which broke in Canada not so long ago. To me this is far more horrific, but I never heard a peep about it from the MSM. The story goes like this: “Figures from Statistics Canada, a federal government agency, show 491 babies were born alive following botched abortions during the period from 2000-2009 and left to die afterwards. The numbers have pro-life advocates up in arms.

“Andre Schutten, legal counsel for ARPA Canada, noticed the numbers and blogged about them recently. The blog Run with Life has reported that, from 2000 to 2009, 491 babies have been born alive following a failed abortion procedure, and subsequently left to die. And those are only the ones that are recorded by Statistics Canada.

“The blog explains that ‘there were 491 abortions, of 20 weeks gestation and greater, that resulted in live births. This means that the aborted child died after it was born. These abortions are coded as P96.4 or “Termination of pregnancy, affecting fetus and newborn”.’

“The question that should immediately present itself is, why has there not been 491 homicide investigations or prosecutions in connection with these deaths? Section 223(2) of the Criminal Code (the accompanying subsection to the now infamous subsection that Mr. Woodworth’s motion 312 was examining) reads ‘A person commits homicide when he causes injury to a child before or during its birth as a result of which the child dies after becoming a human being.’

“That is to say, anyone who interferes with a pregnancy such that the child dies after it is born alive due to that interference, is guilty of homicide. So again, why have there been no criminal prosecutions? Why no outcry? And why are the provinces funding this explicitly criminal activity?”

Good questions indeed. And here are a few more: Why did I not see this reported on ABC news? Or Ch 9 news? Or in the Australian newspaper? Or on SBS radio? Or in the Sydney Morning Herald? Every single one of these media outlets would likely have covered the whale story, and more than once.

Yet on something far more important all we get is complete silence from these guys – a total media blackout. Not only does that tell us much about the warped values and priorities of the MSM, it also tells us that the MSM does not report the news, it determines the news and censors that which it does not want aired in public.

It is about censorship, propaganda and ideology, in other words. It only covers that which fits into its secular left agenda. That means whales will hit the front pages any day of the week, but butchered babies will not even rate a mention.

Thus if you want to know why a website like mine exists, here is your answer. As long as the MSM censors the news, I will be around to present it. And especially when it considers baby killing to be un-newsworthy and a non-issue, then I will run with it far and wide, day in and day out.

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