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Labor/Green Hatred and Intolerance

The New South Wales Labor Party and the Greens have combined to demonstrate their full commitment to promoting the homosexual agenda and standing against any Christian institutions which dare to resist it. They have shown their contempt for the people of NSW as they work together to push the radical homosexualist game plan throughout the state.

They have supported a motion to leave people trapped in unwanted same-sex attraction, and are working together to target Christian schools which seek to run according to their own faith-based beliefs and values. These parties demonstrate clearly just how intolerant and bigoted they are to everyone except the homosexual militants.

Concerning the first initiative, consider what the Greens said in a statement: “The NSW Parliament today supported a motion highlighting that so called ‘reparative therapy’ is harmful and unscientific and that medical and psychological treatment cannot change a person’s sexual orientation. Greens MP Jamie Parker spoke strongly against the homophobic practice.

“Mr Parker said: ‘Ex-gay therapy is incredibly harmful and shamefully homophobic and it must be rejected and called out. Homosexual relationships must be equal not just before the law but also in the esteem and respect we afford them in our communities and our own interpersonal relationships. We must stand up strongly against the damaging prejudices that are inherent in therapies like this. It’s not good enough to look the other way – we need end it and speak out against it loudly and unequivocally.”

Wow, one almost feels like offering up the ol’ Sieg Heil after a rant like that. Spoken like true fascists alright: ‘We will not allow anyone to have a sexuality other than the one we want them to have. Anyone who dares to want to leave his same-sex attraction must be told in no uncertain terms this is just not acceptable, and the State will make sure it does not happen.’

The simple truth is many thousands of homosexuals who have wanted such help have successfully gotten what they were looking for: a way out of a dead-end and harmful lifestyle, and genuine freedom to be who they were meant to be as men and women.

But that is just unacceptable to the Green brownshirts, or reds, or whatever colour they really are. They know that the reality of so many ex-homosexuals gives lie to their entire campaign. It proves all their baloney about people being born that way and unable to change is just that – so much PC baloney.

The Greens go on to say, “We should be celebrating the diversity of people’s sexuality instead of seeking to shame and marginalise.” Um yeah right – diversity but only for those who maintain the acceptable homo-PC sexuality. ‘There will be no diversity allowed for all those who want to leave the homosexual lifestyle. That is strictly verboten!’

They don’t believe in real diversity or tolerance for a moment. They want everyone to stay trapped in unwanted and dangerous lifestyles. Thus the Greens fundamentally reject the notions of freedom and democracy, and want their militant agenda force-fed upon the rest of us whether we like it or not.

For more detail and background on all this, see this helpful report here:

The other example of bigotry and intolerance from NSW also has to do with the homosexual agenda being used as a trump card over everyone else, in this case Christian schools: “NSW Labor will throw its support behind a push to abolish controversial laws that allow private schools to expel or discriminate against gay or transgender students.

“Independent MP for Sydney Alex Greenwich has introduced a private member’s bill to remove exemptions for private schools from parts of the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act, a move some faith-based schools say could threaten their religious freedom.

“Under the act, it is unlawful for public schools and educational institutions to discriminate against or expel students on the basis of homosexuality, transgender status and other traits, but private schools are explicitly exempt from these laws. Labor’s education spokeswoman Carmel Tebbutt confirmed the party had decided against a conscience vote and would support the bill outright when it comes up for a vote later this year.”

OK, let me wade through all this PC doubletalk and cut to the quick: what Labor and the Greens are saying is that Christian schools can no longer uphold their own beliefs and practices, but must bow down to those of the homosexualists.

So if a student breaks the rules of a Christian school by living a known sinful lifestyle, the school can do zilch about it. The Labor/Green tyrants might as well tell the schools if they have students committing other blatant sins, be it fornication, adultery, theft, or lying, the school has no right whatsoever to discipline them in any way, or see them removed from their schools.

Hmmm, now if I were the devil himself, wondering how best to thwart and eventually destroy every single Christian school in NSW, I could not come up with a better scheme. And if you don’t believe in el Diablo, then this will do: If I were a homosexual activist bent on destroying all Christian schools there, this would be the perfect plan.

And does anyone but the ideologues and the blind PC stooges in these parties doubt that this is exactly the goal here? Of course they want to shut all these schools down. Coming out and saying that of course will not wash too well with the general public.

So simply wrap it up in all sorts of lame “anti-discrimination” jargon, and you can cover a multitude of sins as you destroy Christian education in NSW. A master plan. Indeed, a masterful diabolical plan; just what the haters of Christianity ordered.

So what are we to make of the Labor and Greens parties in NSW? Obviously they hate Christians and Christianity, and they hate anyone who dares to seek freedom from his or her unwanted homosexual lifestyle. They hate diversity, they hate tolerance, they hate freedom, and they hate democracy.

All they seem to want is a totalist homosexual state. What a deplorable bunch they are. So I guess I will not hold my breath waiting for them to put out a press release with these words: “EX-CHRISTIAN THERAPY IS CHRISTOPHOBIC AND DAMAGING”.


Robert Bork concludes his very important 1996 volume Slouching Towards Gomorrah this way: There is a “torching of America’s intellectual and moral capital by the barbarians of modern liberalism. We have allowed that capital to be severely damaged, but perhaps not beyond repair. As we approach its desolate and sordid precincts, the pessimism of the intellect tells us that Gomorrah is our probable destination. What is left to us is a determination not to accept that fate and the courage to resist it—the optimism of the will.”

That is quite true of NSW and Australia as well.

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