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The Death of the Liberal Party: Why Conservatism and Homosexualism Do Not Mix

All things homosexual are not the stuff of conservative values, and political parties claiming to be conservative should not be pushing such things. That case has been made on these pages often enough. But let me just briefly look at that case once again, then discuss some recent developments within the Australian Liberal party.

Conservatives seek to conserve that which is good and of value. The institutions of marriage and family are among those essential social goods that should never be abandoned, tampered with, or undermined. Pushing things like homosexual marriage is a direct assault on those two long-standing institutions.

And as some of us have warned for decades now, the push for all things homosexual will naturally and inevitably lead to the push for all things transgender, including the all-out war on gender and biology. And the push for homosexual marriage leads invariably to things like group marriage, incest and the like, of which we see indications everywhere.

Thus no genuine conservative in his right mind should be in bed with the homosexual militants. But sadly our federal conservative party, the Liberal Party, has thrown out its commitment to some of these core conservative values as it seeks to do everything to placate the homosexualists.

It is happy to bring in homosexuals who are pushing decidedly anti-conservative values. Sure, some may be pushing radical libertarian values, but that has far more to do with anarchism on the left than conservatism on the right. And we see all this coming to a head with homosexual Liberals pushing the homosexual marriage agenda – yet again.

Four federal Liberal Party politicians have now come out and said they will defy their own party and push for a vote in parliament next month on this issue. They have said they will introduce a homosexual marriage bill, break ranks with the Party, and cross the floor to see this come about.

They are traitors who should be booted from the Liberal Party. I refer to Warren Entsch (far north Queensland), Trevor Evans (Brisbane), Tim Wilson (Melbourne) and Trent Zimmerman (North Sydney). The last three are out and proud homosexuals, while Entsch might as well be for all his pro-homosexual activism.

So now these four renegades have decided to tell the Liberal Party to go to hell, and they will break ranks, telling the electorate just what they think of the pre-election promise to hold a plebiscite on this matter. They are willing to side with Labor and the Greens on this, and snub their nose at their own party.

All of the media is abuzz with this right now. One report puts it this way:

On Monday, the federal Liberal MP for Brisbane, Trevor Evans, said he supported a free vote. His comments are being interpreted by supporters of gay marriage as a coded signal that he would be willing to cross the floor to help bring on a vote and force the issue to be dealt with by Parliament.
Mr Evans – who is openly gay – told News Corp the Coalition should dump its policy to hold a plebiscite on the issue given it has been rejected by Labor and the Greens in the Senate. “I think the quickest and most likely course now is to allow politicians to have a free vote … and I support that,” he said. “I am talking with colleagues, quite a number of colleagues, about different options that sit in front of us at the moment.”
Liberal senator Dean Smith, who is also openly gay, is drafting a bill to legalise same-sex marriage. Writing for the Australian Financial Review, he urged his colleagues to vote in Parliament by Christmas.
“The government should not feel obligated to commit political suicide by handing its opponents a massive political cudgel by allowing the question of marriage equality to remain unresolved and fester over the next two years,” he wrote. “Far too much time and energy has already been consumed by this debate. It is time to resolve the matter, in Parliament, as our constitution provides.

And now we have a pretty clear commitment from the four rebels that all this will transpire within the next few weeks. This is a terrific way to destroy the federal Liberal Party. Of course many might argue that the party is dead already, with the back-stabbing of Tony Abbott just one of many clear indications of this.

The Labor-lite leader Malcolm Turnbull does not seem to have a conservative bone in his body. All in all the federal Libs are in free fall, and what transpires over the next month may well see the end of this once great party. If these four traitors get their way, then anyone who still adheres to conservative values and principles should call it quits and find a real conservative political party.

And as Victorian Liberal politician Bernie Finn just said, this is one big fat early Christmas present for Cory Bernardi. Quite so. He and his new Australian Conservatives party will be the big winner in all this. How many conservatives finally wake up, realise enough is enough, and pull out of the sinking Liberal ship remains to be seen.

But I suspect many will. And the natural place for them to migrate to will be Cory’s party. I do not say all this lightly. For decades now I have sought to defend the Libs and urged folks to stay there. The easy answer always was: well, at least they are not as bad as Labor.

Well, that no longer is really the case anymore. Increasingly the Libs look just like Labor. The political spectrum is shifting leftwards, and instead of remaining the conservative anchor that they should be, most of the Libs have just capitulated and happily boarded the leftwards moving ship.

Some great Liberal MPs remain of course, but to be honest, it may well be time for them to have a good long look at their party and what it has become. Is it any longer redeemable? Can it pull itself out of the leftist morass it is now in? Can it dump sham leaders like Turnbull and get some real conservative leadership?

These are all moot points, but we keep seeing a steady trickle of real deal conservatives leaving their old parties and joining up with Cory. That may be the only sensible course of action left for these folks. So things will be very interesting indeed in the near future.

But if a handful of homosexuals and faux-conservatives can manage to almost singlehandedly bring down an entire political party, well, that party must have been resting on some rather rotten foundations of late. It may be time to declare, “Adios Liberal Party”.

And some might add, “Good riddance.”

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