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On the Change of Government

Some thoughts on the new American administration:

Plenty can be said about what has just happened in America with the change at the White House. Everyone has their own spin and slant on this, and I am no different. I write as a Bible-believing Christian and a political conservative. If those things are not to your liking, please look away now.

And as always when I write about big-ticket items like this, I must not only discuss the political, social, ideological and cultural matters, but I must offer a spiritual assessment as well. These issues are far more than just political in nature, and if we omit the spiritual take on them, we will have a very limited and jaundiced perspective.

Here then are a number of random thoughts on the changing of the guard in the US:

-I, like many millions of other Americans, am convinced that genuine questions about widespread election fraud from last November remain, and we have not fully gotten to the bottom of it. And given the overwhelming political bias of those who control the flow of information – the mainstream media and the tech giants – we may never really find out the truth about this.

-Given all the serious questions that remain about the last election, it is possible that America is now no longer able to carry out genuinely free and fair elections. If so, this really is the end of democracy in America. An unholy alliance of leftists in politics, the media, Big Business and the Deep State are helping to bring freedom and democracy in America to an end.

-Of course with the open border policies of the new administration, along with their plans to give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, this will pretty much guarantee Democrat governments from here on in, since overwhelmingly these illegals will vote Democrat. They will not bite the hand that feeds them.

-The Biden/Harris administration (soon enough to be the Harris admin) is the most radical hard-left admin America has ever witnessed. That is because the Democrats are now further to the militant left than ever before. This admin will even make the Obama and Clinton admins look rather moderate.

-Already a slew of radical moves have been undertaken, mostly undoing so much of the Trump presidency. These range from returning the US to the Paris Climate Accord to appointing transgender health officials. And of course a host of measures to undo Trump’s prolife initiatives have already been put into action. Indeed, all the proabortion plans that this new admin has will make it one of the most morally evil administrations America has ever known.

-Simply being able to push through the so-called Equality Act will transform America in ways not even imaginable just a decade ago. Any Christian or other American who dares to hold to biblical and traditional views on marriage, family and sexuality will be targeted big time. The reprisals for daring to differ will be draconian and relentless. Welcome to a whole new round of persecution.

-All the talk of unity and so on by the Dems of course is just that: talk. They have no desire to unite with their political foes, and they have in fact made it perfectly clear already that a big purge must take place. Anyone associated with Trump in any way will be in their sights, with all sorts of proposals being heard, from refusing them employment to forcing them into re-education facilities. Yes, they have been saying this – and worse. They are not seeking peace and reconciliation – they are seeking revenge and payback.

-I did not watch a second of the inauguration, but just reading the many appalling praise stories about it on the leftist Age site, you know it was bad, and things will get real bad. It is the same schoolgirl giddiness, just like the lamestream media had over Obama. Such is their hatred of Trump. Life will get a whole lot worse from here on in. Thanks a lot Never-Trumpers: you have a lot to answer for.

-Indeed, I am already seeing a number of these Never-Trumpers now acting as if they are unhappy with a Biden admin. Um, really? Sorry, but there was never any question about how their stance would turn out: not voting for Trump meant voting for Biden. There was never any third option. Their hatred of Trump ensured a Biden/Harris presidency. They ARE responsible for this outcome.

-The claims of purity that these folks ran with ring hollow. They are fully complicit with great moral evil by NOT ensuring that Trump – with all his faults – was elected instead of Biden. And they did not have to actually vote for Biden – they just had to refrain from voting for Trump. That was enough to give at least an appearance of victory for Biden (whatever the actual numbers were).

-By seeking to claim the moral high ground in not voting for the lesser of two evils, these folks – including far too many folks who call themselves Christians – have fully ensured that the most evil option DID in fact get in. I am not sure how they can feel smug and morally superior about that outcome.

-The Farewell Speech Trump gave reminds us of what his presidency was all about, and how radically it differs from his successors. Here are a few snippets from it:

Together with millions of hardworking patriots across this land, we built the greatest political movement in the history of our country. We also built the greatest economy in the history of the world. It was about “America First” because we all wanted to make America great again. We restored the principle that a nation exists to serve its citizens. Our agenda was not about right or left, it wasn’t about Republican or Democrat, but about the good of a nation, and that means the whole nation.

With the support and prayers of the American people, we achieved more than anyone thought possible. Nobody thought we could even come close….

This, I hope, will be our greatest legacy: Together, we put the American people back in charge of our country. We restored self-government. We restored the idea that in America no one is forgotten, because everyone matters and everyone has a voice. We fought for the principle that every citizen is entitled to equal dignity, equal treatment, and equal rights because we are all made equal by God. Everyone is entitled to be treated with respect, to have their voice heard, and to have their government listen. You are loyal to your country, and my administration was always loyal to you.

It ended this way:

Now, as I prepare to hand power over to a new administration at noon on Wednesday, I want you to know that the movement we started is only just beginning. There’s never been anything like it. The belief that a nation must serve its citizens will not dwindle but instead only grow stronger by the day.

As long as the American people hold in their hearts deep and devoted love of country, then there is nothing that this nation cannot achieve. Our communities will flourish. Our people will be prosperous. Our traditions will be cherished. Our faith will be strong. And our future will be brighter than ever before.

I go from this majestic place with a loyal and joyful heart, an optimistic spirit, and a supreme confidence that for our country and for our children, the best is yet to come.

Thank you, and farewell. God bless you. God bless the United States of America.

-As to spiritual assessment, what I say here will sound familiar, simply because biblical truths are eternal truths, and are always fully applicable. So I have said these sorts of things before about other political and electoral outcomes. They are still true here.

-No politician or political party can save us. Only Jesus Christ can save us. Our problems are ultimately spiritual in nature, so spiritual solutions are required. That said, some politicians and political parties and platforms are better than others. Some come closer to ensuring good outcomes, while some others do not.

-Calvin spoke about how when God wants to judge a nation, he gives the people evil rulers. He is on to something there. Scripture takes the same line. As we read in Proverbs 29:2: “When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.” See more on this here:

-As we witness darkness descending upon America and the West, we can rightly ask if God’s hand of protection is being withdrawn. If so, we can expect things to get much worse in the days ahead. A new admin in the White House will not be able to turn this around. Only the deep, deep repentance of God’s people can be of any use here.

-Believers are instructed to pray for those who are in authority. So that I will do with Biden and Co. And my prayer will be the same as for all ungodly and wicked rulers: I will pray that they will be improved or removed. I will ask God to either radically save these folks and see their lives – and policies – radically turned around, or to one way or another have them removed from office.

-At the end of the day, regardless of who sits in the White House, God is still on the throne. And he is still working out his good purposes and plans. As to arrogant and wicked rulers, his take on them remains the same. As we read in Psalm 2:1-4:

Why do the nations rage
  and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth set themselves,
  and the rulers take counsel together,
  against the Lord and against his Anointed, saying,
“Let us burst their bonds apart
  and cast away their cords from us.”
He who sits in the heavens laughs;
  the Lord holds them in derision.

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