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Gotta Love These ‘Fact-Checkers’!

It is always good fun being the subject of the “fact checker” police!

Whenever you hear the words “fact checker” you should run for the hills. Usually those resorting to this do not have the slightest interest in facts, evidence or truth. They are only after one thing: cramming secular left ideology down everyone’s throats. Instead of actually dealing in argument and debate, they just run with hatchet jobs and fake news.

Their sole purpose is to demonise any individual or group that dares to think differently than they do. So if you are conservative or Christian – or worse yet, conservative AND Christian – they will go after you big time, and happily tell one lie after another to make you out to be further to the right than Attila the Hun and Adolf H.

As a great example of all this, check this out:

“Overall, we rate CultureWatch or as an extreme right-biased and factually questionable website based on poor sourcing, promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, and one-sided perspectives. (M. Huitsing 05/07/2023)”

Ha! So I must be really evil. At least this loony leftist outfit thinks so. But it is an honour to join over 6100 other Christian and conservative groups on their hate list. I must be doing something right to be in such good company. You can read for yourself what these folks have to say about me:

It is a real doozy. All up they mention 4 articles of mine as proof of my great crimes and misdemeanours. Um, I have 6219 articles posted so far on my website. Have they carefully read every single one of them, along with the 87,295 posted comments featured there? Somehow I just don’t think so.

Yet they claim to now be experts on me and my site. Wow, these guys are so amazing! Never mind that they go on to say this: “Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information; therefore, fact-checking and further investigation are recommended on a per-article basis when obtaining information from these sources.”

So they recommend checking things out on a per-article basis. Yet here they have fully condemned me and my entire website, with over 6200 articles totalling around 10 million words, all on the basis of a quick scan of four measly articles! Good grief. And we are supposed to take these clowns seriously! They really do need to find a new day job.

But I must admit that their hit piece really did give me a few hearty chuckles. Consider just one paragraph from these goofballs:

CultureWatch is a website that covers a broad range of topics related to Christianity and culture. One example of an article on CultureWatch is “The Dangers of Compromise,”the author cites various Bible passages throughout the article to support his argument. However, the website, in general, publishes articles with strong, emotionally loaded language, such as“Our Beloved Leader: Embracing Chistophobia and Islamophilia,”and uses derogatory language, such as “Danistan,” to refer to the state of Victoria and calls the premier “Dictator Dan” in a derogatory manner. The author also accuses the premier of promoting homosexuality and being “anti-Christian” without providing any evidence to support these claims.

Oooh, I use the Bible sometimes! That makes me the son of Satan! And I use words like “Danistan”! Wow, that really puts me beyond the pale, doesn’t it? But even funnier is if these guys will read this piece. I will hurt their little snowflake feelings even further! Poor diddums!

Oh, and these guys proudly state on their homepage that outfits like the BBC, Newsweek, NBC News, Snopes, Washington Post, Politico, LA Times, etc., use their material. That is really reassuring – not. No wonder the lamestream media is so utterly unreliable, untrustworthy and worthless.

Why do I suspect that these guys would be better served working at a different job, perhaps flipping burgers or something a bit safer, and requiring less intelligence. Although I am not sure any business worth its salt would want to employ such misfits.

Well, these dudes obviously have far too much time on their hands, so I will keep writing articles. Maybe one day they will look at a fifth or a sixth piece. Maybe one day they will get up to checking out more than 0.06 per cent of my total output! You know, do some REAL fact checking.


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