Our Beloved Leader Embracing Christophobia and Islamophilia
In Danistan Islam is promoted while Christianity is attacked:
Now that 37 per cent of Victorians have just recently voted for Labor (and 35 per cent for the Liberals), we have Dan Andrews back in power once again. You remember him: the most anti-Christian premier Australia may yet have seen. My website is full of documentation on how he has relentlessly waged war on Christianity and Christians.
As but one example of many, if a Christian is approached by someone unhappy with their sexual attraction, and asks for some counsel or prayer, that person can be thrown in jail for ten years in Victoria. Yes you read that right. This is Victoria, where Christians are being hunted down and persecuted for affirming their beliefs.
Speaking of homosexuality, Andrews has done everything in his power to promote it, celebrate it, highlight it, and affirm it here in Victoria. His hatred of Christianity is fully matched by his love of homosexuality. Oh, and being the good secular lefty that he is, he also has another love: Islam.
He will do whatever he can to elevate and promote Islam, all the while doing all he can to cancel Christianity. Consider this proud announcement of his:
Standing Up For Victoria’s Islamic Communities
A re-elected Andrews Labor Government will invest $3 million to fund an Islamophobia campaign to stamp out racism against Muslims in Victoria. There’s no place for discrimination based on faith or ethnicity in Victoria. It doesn’t matter where you’re from, what you look like, what you believe or what language you speak – no one should have to endure racism.
But sadly, intolerance and far-right extremism is on the rise, threatening the safe and inclusive society in which we all want to live. Diversity is what makes Victoria great and we need to counter the rise of racism and intolerance by ensuring the community understands the damage it can cause. That’s why a re-elected Andrews Labor Government will invest $3 million to fight Islamophobia.
This includes funding for the Islamic Museum of Australia, the Victorian Board of Imams, Melbourne Grand Mosque and other Islamic organisations to deliver key programs that support victims of racism in partnership with other organisations. This announcement forms part of Labor’s promise to deliver initiatives that support multicultural and multifaith communities.
A re-elected Labor Government will strengthen the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001 to make it easier to prosecute individuals who incite hatred or bigotry. We will also establish a Multicultural and Multifaith Law Reform Consultative Committee to ensure the voices of diverse communities are heard and considered in the development of Victorian laws. https://www.danandrews.com.au/news/standing-up-for-victorias-islamic-communities
As he proudly told a public gathering: “No matter where you’re from, what you look like, what you believe in or what language you speak – there’s no place for hate in Victoria. … It is important that everyone across our State knows about the works of the Prophet Mohammed, Peace be Upon Him.” Wow, talk about forgetting about the separation of church and state. Talk about preferential treatment of one religion above others. And Muslims are pleased as punch about all this:
Announcement by the Hon. Daniel Andrews MP, Premier of Victoria
22 November 2022
NEWS: The Islamic Museum of Australia (IMA) is pleased about the election promise of $500,000 towards an exhibition on the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The exhibition will showcase and celebrate the life and characteristics of the last and final messenger to the general public. It will be accompanied by educational programs and resources for teachers and students at the IMA. Further to this, the IMA welcomes the $5m towards Islamic community infrastructure, and the $3m to help fight Islamophobia via the IMA and other Muslim organisations. https://www.islamicmuseum.org.au/daniel-andrews-announcement/
OK, so Andrews wants Victoria to be an inclusive state which celebrates diversity. Let me translate Dan-speak for you: ‘Here in Victoria we want all things Islamic put on a pedestal, and we will splash heaps of taxpayers’ money on this endeavour. But we will make sure Christians continue to be second-class citizens, and will not be allowed to spread their evil beliefs on others. The full force of the law will be brought to bear on any of these recalcitrant and bigoted Christians.’
Islam, homosexuality, and double standards
I guess Dan thinks he can get away with all this because most Victorians don’t have a clue what Islam actually teaches. Consider just one area: homosexuality. While Dan wants everyone to know that Christians are evil, intolerant bigots because they say homosexuality is a sin, he does not want anyone to know what Islam teaches about the very same subject.
Here is the short version: while Christianity does indeed uphold heterosexual marriage as the one place where human sexuality is morally licit, it does offer help and hope and forgiveness for anyone involved in sexual sin – whatever form that may take. In Islam, homosexuality is seen to be just as sinful, and often the way homosexuals are treated is to toss them blind-folded off tall buildings. But Islam is obviously so much more tolerant, civilised and loving than Christianity!
So Islam is happy to see homosexuals – and infidels and others – killed, but Dan thinks we must all celebrate and promote Islam in every respect. Hmm, interesting Dan. Given that Andrews is either a clueless wonder here, or being wilfully deceptive on this matter, let me lay things out as clearly as I can.
Anyone even remotely familiar with the teachings of Islam knows where it stands on homosexuality. The Koran and hadith are crystal clear on condemning homosexuality. The two main references to homosexuality in the Koran are these:
“And Lot, who said to his people: ‘Will you persist in these lewd acts which no other nation has committed before you? You lust after men instead of women. Truly, you are a degenerate people.’ His people’s only answer was: ‘Banish them from your city’.” Surah 7:80-82 (Dawood translation)
“Will you fornicate with males and eschew the wives whom God has created for you? Surely you are great transgressors.’ ‘Lot,’ they replied, ‘desist or you shall be banished’.” Sura 26:165-167 (Dawood translation)
So Dan thinks this is perfectly acceptable, while a biblical text such as 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 is hate speech that must be banned, and those who quote it punished: “Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.”
And one can quote Islamic websites all day here on this. Let me feature just three such sites. The first, from the Australian National Imams Council, says this:
Islam’s Clear Position on Homosexuality
ANIC affirms that the Quran has been very clear on important and core matters in Islam, and from amongst these topics is the practice of homosexuality. It has been recently claimed that there is nothing in the Quran that clearly states the Islamic position on the practice of homosexuality. This claim is utterly untrue and falsified.
Islam’s position on homosexuality has always been clear and perspicuous from the time of the revelation of the Quran to our Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him), 1,400 years ago, to this very day. The Islamic perspective is also consistent with Judaic and Biblical perspectives as stipulated in the holy scriptures.
From the Islamic standpoint, homosexuality is a forbidden action; a major sin and anyone who partakes in it is considered a disobedient servant to Allah that will acquire His displeasure and disapproval. This is clearly stated in the three main sources of the Shariah: The Quran, the Sunnah, and the consensus of all scholars, which extends from the time of the Prophet till today. There has never been any debate or discussion regarding this viewpoint amongst the scholars, past or present, simply because the matter was always comprehensive and immutable. ANIC, representing over 200 Imams from across Australia, strongly rejects any claim that the ruling of the practice of homosexuality is not clear in the Quran. This stems from absolute ignorance of Islam and its principles. https://www.anic.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Islams-Clear-Position-on-Homosexuality.pdf
The second website says this:
What Does Islam Say?
Islamic scholars overwhelmingly teach that same-gender sex is a sin. The Muslim holy book, the Koran, tells the story of Lot and the destruction of Sodom – and sodomy in Arabic is known as “liwat,” based on Lot’s name. Men having sex with each other should be punished, the Koran says, but it doesn’t say how – and it adds that they should be left alone if they repent. The death penalty instead comes from the Hadith, or accounts of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad. The accounts differ on the method of killing, and some accounts give lesser penalties in some circumstances. https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/2018-05-17/ty-article/islam-and-homosexuality-what-does-the-koran-say/0000017f-db97-db22-a17f-ffb763870000
And here is a third:
The four Sunni schools of jurisprudence all agree that practicing homosexuality is an egregious crime that earns an especially harsh punishment, although the schools vary regarding what exactly this punishment should be. In the Hanafi school, the practicing homosexual is to be beat harshly and then executed if they persist. In the Shafi’i school, the practicing homosexual is punished in the same manner as one who engages in illegal intercourse (zina) – that is, they are lashed 100 times if unmarried and stoned to death if married. Some scholars, referencing the practices of the four Rightly-Guided (Rashidun) Caliphs, hold that the practicing homosexual should be thrown off of a tall building. Others, referencing the Quran, maintain that the homosexual should be imprisoned until they die. Still others, also referencing the Quran, maintain that practicing homosexuals should in all cases be stoned to death. Yet another view is that while the passive party in the male homosexual act should be killed in all cases, the active party escapes execution if unmarried and is to be lashed 100 times. Some scholars also suggest that homosexual, when executed, should be beheaded rather than stoned. https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Islam_and_Homosexuality
So let me get this straight: Dan Andrews hates with a passion biblical Christianity, especially because it condemns homosexuality. But he loves Islam, even though it also condemns homosexuality, and is happy to see the death penalty applied to homosexuals. Thanks Dan.
And don’t get me started on how Muhammad, the Koran and the hadith look upon women! See here for more on this: https://billmuehlenberg.com/2006/11/02/islam-and-women/
But our Dan pronounces ‘peace be upon the prophet,’ while he effectively spits in the face of Jesus and his followers. Welcome to Dictator Dan’s dystopian nightmare where Christianity is evil and Islam is wonderful.
[1768 words]
Muslims are prepared to protect and cut the throat of anyone who even suggests disrespect to the prophet and this incurs a profound fear on the coward. What follows is the classic feeding of the python to buy favour from the python while ignoring that it will grow stronger with each feeding.
John Abbott
Quite so John.
Great article Bill; but spelling mistake in the title
Oops. Thanks Ken, now fixed!
Dan says, “It is important that everyone across our State knows about the works of the Prophet Mohammed, Peace be Upon Him”.
Yes, Dan is correct. It is important that everyone knows about the works of the Prophet Mohammed.
You might start here:
Thanks John – yes, let’s really teach them about the prophet and Islam. My 589 articles might also be of some help here:
Thanks guys. One guy on the social media just said this:
“So maybe Chairman Dan will introduce some Indonesia style bans on premarital sex now”!
Yes, eagerly waiting for that to happen.
Great informative information Bill. You do it very well and are gifted in this area.
Keep it up. Can we share this on Facebook or not?
Yes of course you can Mettina.
And of course what is most galling about all this is that to disagree with Islam (or any other religion) is NOT to be ‘racist’ at all. Religion is not a ‘race’ and anyone is (or should be) free to change their religion, whereas ‘race’ is immutable, unchangeable, which is what makes real racism so odious. Dan is deliberately using the ‘race’ word to demonise anyone who disagrees with Islam, the same as the socialists are now doing with anyone who disagrees with the proposed Aboriginal ‘voice’ to Parliament. Lastly, Dan’s deliberate blindness regarding Islam’s stand against homosexuality simply defies any rational explanation at all, other than to set Islam against Christianity in an attempt to disempower the Christians. All of this is simply appalling. 🙁
Exactly right David.
He is in sadly one of the most (seemingly) untouchable, wicked politicians I have ever seen in my almost 60 years
Quite right Vicki.
Dear Bill, Thank you for this valuable information on what Islam believes and does about homosexuality because it won’t be available anywhere else.
I couldn’t understand why Victorians had voted Dan Andrews in again after what they suffered because of his obsession with power during the pandemic. I thought they must be crazy but now I see that the Moslems must have voted for him in huge numbers especially if he was promising millions to be spent on increasing their influence in society. Let’s not forget one of the pillars of Islam is about gaining as many converts to Islam as they can get and they would see most godless Victorians, like most Australians, as fertile ground for conversion to Islam. That is because they are fully aware most Australians have abandoned their Christian heritage but worse, wouldn’t have a clue about its basic tenets.
I am reminded of one glaring example of this when a few years ago I met a fairly elderly woman who would have been brought up Methodist as she had a broad Welsh accent. She was wearing the full Islamic dress. I asked her point blank why she had converted to Islam and I will always remember what she said. She said [and pointed to her heart] “because I had an empty hole inside me and Islam has filled it.” I assumed then she hadn’t belonged to any Christian community for years and must have been lonely and found the Islamic community to be warm and welcoming so was fully open to conversion to Islam. I told her that being brought up Methodist she would be fully aware of how they portray the person of Jesus Christ [I was brought up Methodist]. I went on to ask her how could she stop believing in Him when their teachings about Him through the Bible was so beautiful and inspiring? She replied that Jesus was only one prophet amongst many. Therefore I think many potential converts to Islam will meekly accept what they are told if they are very weak in the basic tenets of Christianity and go for the fellowship which they miss when they are lapsed Christians.
What is happening in Victoria does not hold much promise for the future of Christianity there and Daniel Andrews as a so called Catholic Christian should be thoroughly ashamed of himself.
Thanks for that Patricia.
Dan Andrews statement about Islam is full of contradictions and ignorance. What evidence does he have that there is any Islamophobia, let alone rising in Victoria? He wrongly calls Islam a race firstly, but then seems to call it a faith.
Clearly, he doesn’t know what the Koran teaches about homosexuality.
Again, what evidence does he have that far right extremism is on the rise? (How about the far left?)
So he’s going to strengthen the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act of 200 to make it easier to prosecute individuals who incite hatred and bigotry?
I can think of a leading Victorian who should be the first to be prosecuted!
On a different note, I wonder if Dan Andrews has heard about the proposed law in Indonesia, mainly a Muslim country? Anyone practising sex outside of marriage will be prosecuted!
Yes quite so Graham.
Well said Bill. The guy is a joke.
Thanks David.
That photograph of Dangerman addressing the congregation – do you think Dan noticed they were all males, and if there were any females, they were at the back?
Good question Alison.
Sadly Victorians including probably a lot of Christians, voted Labor so Victorians got the Nanny State they enjoy. For those who didn’t vote Labor my sympathies. Expect further high debts, more incompetence and an increasingly fragile health care system full of vax damaged children and adults.
Really really Sad. Maybe it will take another 4 years of pain before large slabs of Victorians wake up.
I personally will not invest a dollar into Victoria at present, it’s become a cot case State.
Yes it sure is sad Phil.
I still can’t believe that the election wasn’t rigged.
One has to wonder Pearl.
Thanks guys. My follow-up article on all this is found here:
Dan Andrews wants us to embrace Islam – so does he embrace the recent Indonesian law changes? https://billmuehlenberg.com/2022/12/08/danistan-dhimmitude-democracy-and-indonesia/
Like Kent Hovind says:
Ignorance can be fixed, but stupid is forever.
Quite right Ernesto.
Is there a remote possibility by this mans illogical reasoning he might be bordering on the insane? With so many indivudals reported going off the rails, seems like Dan is demonstrating some bizzare sympthoms.
Thanks Bill. It’s not just 10 years in prison for prayer with a consenting adult; there’s a maximum fine of $221,904 as well…! But no Imams will be prosecuted under Victoria’s Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Act 2021, Section 10(1), now will they?
Quite right Cathie.
Thank you for the incredible update Bill…I agree with those who have written in and have wondered what is happening to this premier. His thought processes and logic have gone right off the radar as others have noticed and none of it adds up to reasonable/rational thinking but instead we are seeing and hearing a very confused man playing out his role on the stage. I understand in this case he wants to appease the Muslims and gain their votes (as you have shared that fact so clearly) but he can’t see the contradictions at all. eg If Muslims introduce Sharia law to Victoria and gain more power in his Govt then Dan would not be able to walk in the Gay Pride parades freely as he does now, as it would offend their religion. Or if he wanted to attend his church (RC) at Christmas that could cause offence as the Muslim belief ‘you shall have no other god but Allah.’ In time women in Victoria would need to wear a veil in schools, shops and public places if the Muslim numbers increased in Parliament (if 10% population is gained in a state then it is considered a Muslim state by Islamic people (and the same ‘ownership’ is proclaimed for any country that has 10% Muslims). I think the only way to understand it all is to refer of the Book of Thessalonians, where we are told many will come under a delusion.
As we pray God may in His mercy grant repentance but if this does not happen, then in time Premier Dan may become as Haman in the Book of Esther, and go too far in the areas of pride and misguided thinking. God is sovereign and will only allow him a certain time in power.
It remains a truly tragic and alarming situation… but for God – and also our prayers have power long term (even if there seems to be ‘a brick wall’ of resistance there now…just as there was for Daniel the Prophet when he prayed).
Thank you for all your research and updates, as it really helps for informed prayer and as a ‘wake up’ call so we turn to God to ask for His answers.
Many thanks Gail.
God bless you Bill for 2023. Thank you for commitment to truth. Always high value articles.
How many Christian leaders actually told their flock to put Labor and the Greens last. There appeared to be little pushback. We thank the Lord for our NSW premier. Not perfect but light years ahead of the evil tyrant south of our Border.
Looking forward to more Christian truth from you in 2023.
Merry Christmas
Thanks so much Phil.