More On the Twin Triumphs
Further good news on last night’s dual victories:
Last night I penned a piece on the two wins down under: the Voice Referendum in Australia, and the New Zealand federal election. Both results were good news, and both results came rather early in the evening. There was no sitting around waiting till the early hours of the morning – in both cases we knew very early on that the harmful Voice was defeated, and the harmful NZ Labour government was defeated.
One could be forgiven for popping the bubbly twice last night! But as mentioned, I wrote my pieces while the counting was still going on, and at least in Australia, the numbers are looking better than ever. Let me give some updates on both situations.
Here are the numbers: 8.2 million Australians said no to the divisive Voice (61 per cent) while 5.3 million said yes (39 per cent). And those ‘no’ numbers will likely keep going in the same direction. Recall that a year ago it was 60 to 40 in favour of the Voice; last night saw that completely reversed. Labor and the lefties were not speaking of racism a year ago with those numbers – but now…? Some sore losers are talking about this loss as sure evidence of bigotry, hate and racism.
Of course it is nothing of the sort. Aboriginals were not rejected in this vote, but the radical change to our Constitution. Reconciliation was not rejected, but massive power grabs. That is what concerned voters rejected last night. Details were never forthcoming about all this, even from Albo. Ordinary Australians did not like being left in the dark.
And ordinary Australians – including masses of ordinary Aboriginal Australians – did NOT like being dictated to by the elites, the bureaucrats, the activists, and hotsy-totsy politicians sitting in their cushy Canberra offices, fully aloof from the needs of the people. Indeed, it was always a lie for the Yes camp to claim that 80% of aboriginals supported this. We had large numbers of indigenous people fully rejecting it.
Elitism was clearly rejected. Indeed, I just got in a comment to my earlier piece by an angry activist who clearly rejects the will of the people. She incredibly said this: “There’s nothing to gloat about. The distribution by electorate shows that intelligent, educated people voted Yes, while the bogans and rural electorates voted No. It’s the No voters who are racist bigots. You can carry on all you like about ‘elites’, but the fact is that the ignorant and uneducated contribute little of value to society. We need ‘lifters’ not ‘leaners’.”
Wow, talk about absolutely and perfectly making my case! Her reprehensible and condescending attitude is the perfect illustration of everything I – and the majority of Australians – have been concerned about. She is an arrogant, angry, elitist, out-of-touch bigot who clearly hates us mere peons and wants us out of the way.
Hmm, why do I suspect that she would be the first to approve of me and the 8 million other voters being thrown into prison, or even executed, as enemies of the state – all because we are evidently dead weight, totally uneducated, and a deterrent to her ‘progressive’ and radical agendas. I love it when these folks come along and fully verify everything I have said!
But back to the numbers. As to a few more specifics, at this point, the most leftist state in the nation, Victoria, also voted no, by 55 per cent. The state with the highest no vote of 69 per cent was Queensland. While only the six states counted in this vote, consider these two numbers: around 61 per cent of those in the Northern Territory voted no, while around 61 per cent in the ACT voted yes.
Those two numbers alone tell you everything you need to know about this vote. The people (including Indigenous people) strongly rejected it, while the elites and public “servants” and politicians sitting in their little political bubbles strongly supported it!
Even the seat of Lingiari, which covers the national icon Uluru, has voted No to the Voice – 63 per cent no! And 20 of the 36 indigenous rural areas voted no as well! SA was at the centre of the Yes campaign, but 64% of the people there voted no!
Over $100 million was spent by the yes camp, with governments, the media, the corporate world, the sporting world and all those with power and influence pushing it. On the other side we had David fighting Goliath, with a mere $13 million budget but a dedicated and committed small army of grassroots workers and supporters.
Bottom line: the urban elites voted yes, and everyone else voted no. People power triumphed over the out-of-touch elites. The majority of Australians told the government and the activists to take their Voice and shove it. They have had a gutful of these arrogant, power-hungry elites telling them what to do.
The obvious question that now arises is this: Will the Labor government now start dealing with what Australians are really concerned about, things such as rising food costs, rising energy costs, and so on? That is what mainstream Australians care about most, not radical changes to our Constitution.
Two concluding quotes from others. This from Andrew Hennessy:
An indigenous mother of 4 from a remote community has defeated the
– Federal & State Governments
– Big Business
– Unions
– Media & Entertainment Industry
– Academia
– Law Societies
And the entire White Saviour establishment.
Don’t ever mention the glass ceiling again.
And this from James Macpherson:
Sporting bodies were Yes
Qantas was Yes
Universities were Yes
Schools were Yes
Churches were Yes
Celebrities were Yes
Unions were Yes
Hmm, is anyone else thinking what I’m thinking? Jacinta Price for Prime Minister!”
New Zealand
The current numbers are these: The National Party received 39% of the votes; the Labour Party 27%; the Green Party, 11%; ACT New Zealand 9% and New Zealand First Party 6%. Despite a good showing for the Nationals, it seems the new Prime Minister Chris Luxon will need the support of the libertarian ACT Party to form government.
As I hinted at yesterday, we had centre-right parties winning, but not necessarily true conservative parties. One respected conservative and Christian commentator in NZ, Amy Brooke, wrote a piece last month which provides some useful background, making it clear that the alternative has not been all that much better than Labor:
Luxon’s uninspiring poll rating of only 23 per cent as preferred leader, presently equals Labour leader Chris Hipkins’ – plummeting from 34 per cent – an indication Luxon is regarded as out of his depth intellectually, and also wedded to the sheer nonsense of the demonising of CO2 as a major contributor to a climate disaster scenario. Equally unacceptable is his dismissing the concern he encounters at meetings around the country about the Maorification of our national life with government departments, private institutions and major companies now virtue-signalling, using te reo, today’s largely reinvented ‘Maori’ language, to supposedly inform New Zealanders what they stand for. But how helpful, in an emergency situation, is Middlemore Hospital’s calling its Accident and Emergency department ‘Tari Rongoa Ohorere’? Or for drivers, wondering which road or turning to take, to be confused by signposts headed in unintelligible te reo – English in smaller letters underneath?…
And although Labour’s Helen Clark had passed a Seabed and Foreshore Act to keep most of the coastline in public ownership, National, under Key, with the strong support of Minister Chris Finlayson – a List MP never even voted into parliament – replaced this Act. The whole coastline around New Zealand is now claimed by various Maori groups, with New Zealanders required to fund these. Moreover, it was National that granted undemocratic, special rights to activist Maori groups to various bodies of water, and reneged on its promise to remove the racist, Maori-only seats in parliament, although Maori are well represented in all the political parties in the House.
Undoubtedly, Labour and National both have a chequered past with regard to obeying the wishes of the majority, with ACT’s policies superior to National’s in regard to issues surrounding co-governance. However, leader David Seymour’s strongly pro-euthanasia and pro-abortion stance (shockingly, even voting against legislation requiring aborted, live babies to be given medical help and care) resonates badly with many.
With New Zealand First committed to reinstating English as our primary language, other excellent policies come from the New Conservatives…. https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/09/the-road-ahead-for-a-country-on-the-precipice/
She tells me she has just written about yesterday’s election results, but unfortunately, her remarks are embargoed for a short period. Just as soon as they appear, I will offer some key quotes from her incisive analysis here. I do consider her to be one of New Zealand’s premier political and social commentators. But in correspondence with me she did say this:
In spite of the widespread relief at the overturning of Jacinda Ardern’s, then Chris Hipkins’s incompetent, arguably corrupt Labour government, intent on promoting racial divisiveness, the euphoria accompanying National’s win is somewhat premature. The National’s leader, the new Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon, behaves more like the CEO of a large company, than a team leader. He does not allow dissent, rebuking one of his pro-life MPs, Simon O’Connor, who expressed his pleasure at the overturning of Roe/Wade. Luxon is wedded to the scam of CO2 causing global warming and allowed his deputy to ridicule the one National Party MP who had the courage to question this whole catastrophing cult.
Yes, I am with Amy. It is great that Ardern and Hipkins are gone. But depending on where Luxon and Co take the country, things may not be greatly improved. Depending on who he ends up forming government with will determine this to some extent.
If he ends up allowing the more conservative New Zealand First Party – headed by Winston Peters – to be part of his team, that could make for a more optimistic outcome. Time will tell – and we can keep praying.
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Canberra and the “ annointed ones” of the educated inner city elite, the Teals and the Greens voted high yes.Well to note,Canberra voted 70%. Nice to know the “ hotsy-totsy politicians sitting in their cushy Canberra offices, fully aloof from the needs of the people.” and there shiney bottomed bureaucrats know so much about the rest of us.Qld s highest yes electorate was the previously blue ribbon seat of Ryan based around QLD Uni is represented by an architectural professor- how much more out of touch can you get. I scrutineered I’m Bowman, Redland City. I could tell the No was going to win 5 minutes after the ballot boxes were opened and the piles were sorted into yes and no. The No pile was running 2:1 in its favour from the very start. Aussies may not be as educated as some elites might prefer, but to quote the great Victor Borg- what’s a PhD other than a pfft!
Thank you Bill for exposing the real bigots. This was a people’s revolt against arrogant and out-of-touch leadership. that now call us No voters racist and bigots while we were the clear sighted that fully comprehending the ACT Yessers for what they were trying to cover up.
Remember what Hillary Clinton called the peace loving country folk “deplorables“ – that’s what she said and that was the end of her.
I thought of one good thing about the referendum. Discovering the value of Jacinta Nampijinpa Price
I am not totally informed watching NZ politics from Australia – but I think ACT is kind of economically libertarian but not socially conservative, whereas NZ First is more socially conservative – even though it was their support that put the totalitarian Ardern in power two elections ago?
I am a bit worried that the new PM of NZ may turn out to be the Malcolm Turnbull of NZ if his ACT coalition partners go with his flow??
Am I on the money here? Or just unread on NZ politics? Because I don’t follow it closely.
Anyone in NZ care to make a prediction?
Thank you for your common sense analysis, Bill.
Many thanks guys.
Unfortunately there would have been a racist component to the “no” vote but from where I sit this was not what put the no vote over the line.
None the less, it is hugely concerning that so many people are so manipulated by emotionalism that they were incapable of seeing through the charade of virtue signalling, political posturing and media manipulation. The vote was way closer than it should have been.
Hundreds of million of dollars were wasted, both by public and private institutions on this and had the referendum got up, this would just have been the start. Just imagine the practical good the charities of the past could have done for directly helping people, of all races, with such enormous funding.
Let’s hope people start waking up soon.
Unfortunately the battle will keep raging. See:https://tottnews.com/2023/10/16/states-push-ahead-voice/
Jacinta Price for PM!