The False Shepherds Strike Again

I have no problem in the least calling out obvious false shepherds and apostate churches. And if they keep on publicly spewing out poisonous and deceitful falsehoods, I will keep on publicly exposing them. I have dealt before with the renegades at Gosford Anglican Church:

The pastor there believes it is his primary duty to keep on peddling the homosexual agenda, and pimping the lies and furphies of the homosexual lobbyists. He is more than welcome to do that if he likes, but he dare not pretend to be a Christian pastor at the same time.

You can only be one or the other, but you cannot be both. To proclaim the truth of the Word of God is to denounce the lies of the militant homosexualists. To affirm the propaganda of the activists is to deny the clear teachings of Scripture.

So what has this apologist for the sexual militants done now? Well, he has again used his outdoor advertising sign to push more baloney, doing yet again great disservice to the cause of Christ and the integrity of his Word. Here is his latest offering:

“Jesus had 2 dads and he turned out OK”

Um, no, for a kazillion reasons. Now before I proceed, let me say that I know that a mere poster is quite limited in what it can say. But we all know full well what the pastor is seeking to say here, and he is just plain wrong on so many levels.

Indeed, the whole thing is utterly stupid. How anyone claiming to be a Christian pastor can make such an imbecilic statement is beyond me. First of all, using the holy Son of God to push what God calls an abomination is just about blasphemous.

And of course Jesus is fundamentally different from all other human beings, so trying to make lame comparisons between him and us is foolish in the extreme. While he was fully human, he was also fully divine. He is unique in every way, including in his birth.

That he has a heavenly Father of course has nothing to do with the one giving birth to the other. All three members of the Trinity are eternal and uncreated. His unique incarnation of course involved a virgin birth, and the mother Mary. So if anything, he is even further wrong here: there were no dads involved at all, just the work of the Holy Spirit and a physical mother.

And of course from day one he was raised by Mary and Joseph. So he had a completely normal family and a completely normal upbringing in this regard. He grew up in a traditional married two-parent family – the very thing we keep saying is in the best interests of a child.

And we know full well that children do not do well at all when raised by two men. The social science research of over the past half century is overwhelmingly clear on this: children do better by every social indicator when raised by their own biological mother and father in a married household.

This research is overwhelming, consistent, and undeniable. Any other family structure results in far worse outcomes for children, and that most certainly includes being raised in a homosexual household. And we even have people who were raised in such households coming out now telling us how harmful it was.

So I am afraid our pastor is wrong in everything he is trying to claim in this silly poster. It is completely false on every level, and is nothing more than an attempt at deception and indoctrination. Shame on this false shepherd. He has only one option here: repent, turn from his evil agenda, and start agreeing with God, or face the music at the judgment to come.

Now, have I been using strong words here, even fightin’ words? You betcha. Just like the prophets, Jesus, and the disciples whenever they confronted false teachers and false shepherds. They all used the strongest of language to challenge, rebuke and warn against these wolves in sheep’s clothing.

And for good reason: the very gospel is at stake here. When someone comes along claiming to be a leader over God’s flock, yet effectively shakes his fist at God, calls him a liar, and mocks the clear teachings of Scripture, then this is a very dangerous place to be in for everyone involved.

Such overt and obvious error cannot be allowed to go unchallenged. Indeed, we sin against our Lord by allowing such blatant apostasy and false teaching to go unchecked. But as we warn about this outrageous defiance of God and his Word, let us keep praying for this pastor; pray that the scales will fall from his eyes, that he sees the error of his ways, and he gets restored to a right relationship to his Maker.

[808 words]

18 Replies to “The False Shepherds Strike Again”

  1. What is the Bishop of Newcastle doing? Does he know what is going on? I assume he does and he must bear some of the awful responsibility for this man.

    David Morrison

  2. My first response when I saw that poster was “Blasphemous”!

    Jeremy Wong

  3. This “pastor” reminds me of a whole lot of other people who claim they are Christians but are clearly not: Penny Wong, Michael Kirby, Barack Obama and Kevin Rudd. All who are homosexuals or support homosexuality.

    Janice Tooh

  4. I am sure it is utterly blasphemous and playing with fire on so many levels. In the days of social media this man will be responsible and accountable for his message going out to potentially millions of people.

    Jo Deller

  5. That picture could be edited to talk about the ABC’s article two dad’s are better than one. The ABC had two dad’s and were “too fond” of children.

    It’s sad that in the seventies and eighties there were major scandals where Scout Masters, Catholic Priests and Male Teachers were found to be seducing young boys. It may now be a crime to discriminate against homosexuals being in positions of authority over kids.

    John McAllister

  6. I agree Bill that you can not be a Pastor and a Homosexual agenda pusher. It’s just the same as homosexual priest, there’s no such thing. I will draw the ire of many for saying this but I think the congregation of that church will be held accountable for letting that impostor continue to call evil good in the name of Christ. Why is he still a pastor there? It’s the devils work to misrepresent God at every opportunity this guy is just doing HIS fathers work. Surely a committed, Bible believing Christian would not accept such rubbish. I would imagine many have stood up for Jesus and refused to worship there, I know I couldn’t do it.
    Ephesians 5:11
    “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.”

    Greg Sadler

  7. My first response would have been to tear it down and publicly BURN IT.

    I urge all Christians across the world to take this pledge with me:


    Ed Sumner

  8. This wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing will answer for this kind of proselytizing one day. I suspect he’s preaching to the choir with his congregants, though.

    Paige Norton

  9. I don’t like using the term heresy or heretic lightly. I have to say this is exactly what it is.

    Carl Strehlow

  10. Let me steal the Gosford Anglican priest’s thunder: EVERY born-again believer has two fathers – a heavenly & an earthly one (see Luke 11:2 & Hebrews 12:9). What’s the problem?

    Spero Katos

  11. I suggest we all have two fathers. Only the ‘born-again’ recognise the Heavenly one; when it then becomes both a ‘right’ & a ‘responsibility’ to ‘father’ the needy.

    Arthur hartwig

  12. As Martin Luther once said, “when the gospel is under threat the time for subtlety goes out the window.”

    Mick Koster

  13. This ‘pastor guy’ needs to repent of his ways and commit to studying and reperesenting God’s Word truthfully or he’s going the way of the beast. I pray for all the true Gosford anglican christians and hope God leads them to an appropriate God fearing and bible centred church.
    Prayers for you and your work Bill
    Pita Lino

  14. Bill,
    You’ve struck on one of my favourite themes. More than once I’ve been mislead by false prophets, and I really love Jesus’ expose’ of them in Matthew 13. How I wish I’d listened earlier!

    One day I was at a friends place, and he was giving some visitors the guided tour of the back yard. Finally, he came to what he called the “choko tree”. Our visitors laughed, as they were farmers from interstate. Most people know that chokos are a fruit that grows on vines that run along the ground, but not our friend Pete!

    What had happened, was that the choko seeds had been thrown out with dinner scraps some months before, and they had sprouted and had grown a vine along the ground, that had eventually become entwined around the trunk and branches of this mysterious tree. From 20 metres out, it looked just like a “choko tree”.

    Upon closer examination, it was found to be a sour old, prickly old lemon tree, but the tree was ‘out of season’ (no fruit) and couldn’t be discerned for what it really was, from a distance.

    Now Jesus states in Matt 13, that good fruit cannot come from bad trees – it simply can’t happen, but there it was before our very eyes. This is exactly what false prophets do Bill – they take the good fruit, whipped away from some poor unsuspecting little vine planted somewhere else, and solicit its involvement with that tree (fake ministry, church or individual) and it then becomes entangled and only realises what is at stake after the lemons appear on the branches, and it is all too late. They borrow our ‘good fruit’ in order to deceive others.

    I know that I’m way over your 100 words here, but this lesson in life I paid for with my hide, so I’m passing it on.

    God bless
    Austin Hellier
    35 years a Christian on 22nd of August this year.

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