Woke Churches Erasing Women
You know things are really bad when the church cannot define what a woman is:
When the church follows the world instead of the living God, it is heading down the same slippery slope to hell as the world is. When the church sells its soul to the devil in order to be hip, trendy, cool and “relevant,” you can be sure it is just as lost as any pagan ever will be.
We have seen countless examples of the church selling out and simply imbibing of the secular left’s radical agenda items, including all things woke. The latest example of this should come as no surprise. The Church of England has been on a long, slow downward spiral, and its latest inanity is simply another indication of a church that has well and truly lost its way.
Now it seems it no longer knows what a woman is. Or at least some within its ranks have gone down this moronic path. For a church that was so proud of how it treated women and sought to put them in leadership positions, to now all of a sudden not knowing what a woman is, is the height of woke insanity. Consider how one English newspaper puts it:
The Church of England has admitted it does not have a definition of the word woman. A bishop said yesterday that the meaning of the word used to be ‘self-evident’. But he added that there are now ‘complexities associated with gender identity’ which a church project about sexuality and relationships is exploring. The admission, in an official report prepared for the gathering of its governing body this weekend, stirred criticism last night. It comes despite Anglicanism continuing to oppose same-sex weddings – and only recently allowing women to be bishops.
Campaigner Maya Forstater said: ‘When the Government redefined women through the Gender Recognition Act, the Church of England could have stuck with its long-established understanding, which makes sense whether your starting point is biology or the Bible. ‘It is shocking that they so readily gave up the definition of man or woman for the state to amend, as if this fundamental truth did not matter.’
And Rev Angela Berners-Wilson, who in 1994 became the first woman ordained as an Anglican priest, told The Telegraph: ‘I’m not totally happy with it. I mean, I do think certain things like “men can’t have babies”, just to say the complete obvious thing.’ But she added: ‘But I think we need to be very sensitive and maybe we need to re-examine our boundaries.’ It comes after months in which the definition of the word woman has gripped politics. Several Labour MPs refused to define it, while leader Sir Keir Starmer said it was wrong to claim that only women could have a cervix.
By contrast, Cabinet ministers have been clear that biology defines women and that anyone born male should not compete against women in sport. The church was put on the spot in one of almost 200 questions submitted to its ‘parliament’, the General Synod, in York this weekend. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11000401/Church-England-woman-decide.html
Good grief. No, there are not complexities involved here. Men and women are different, and have been ever since God first created them. Yes, as I have often stated before, in a fallen world things are often skewed, but that does not mean males and females no longer exist.
The case of those in the Intersex condition where there can be ambiguous genitalia and the like is extremely rare and is not at all what the current trans madness is all about. Exceptions do not make the rule. But because folks today think they can identify as being whatever they want to be, and we have churches that are so unsure of their own basic beliefs that they are happy to facilitate and support these folks and their delusions, we only make matters worse.
This demolition job on sex, biology and reality is not only senseless and silly, but it is also diabolical and destructive. And if these folks are having a real hard time telling us just what a woman is, that is because these same churchmen seem to have been struggling of late to tell us what biblical Christianity is. The two go together.
But given that I have already penned many hundreds of pieces on transgenderism, the radical left, and churches that have lost their way, there may not be a lot more I can say about this latest case of woke lunacy. So let me finish by drawing upon the insights of someone else – a very important American academic. Just the other day I wrote about the very significant social thinker and Catholic commentator Anthony Esolen: https://billmuehlenberg.com/2022/07/09/notable-christians-anthony-esolen/
In that article I quoted from various works of his, but let me here return to one of his really key volumes: his 2017 Out of the Ashes: Rebuilding American Culture. Needless to say he has a chapter on the sexual revolution and the war on innate sexual differences. So he is worth quoting from here.

This is a chapter the morally myopic, spiritually befuddled, and rather dim-witted bishops in the Church of England really need to carefully peruse. In the chapter he has a section on “Male and Female He Created Them.” Hmm, sorta sounds biblical. But long ago many of these Anglicans stopped actually believing the Bible. Anyway, here is how Esolen starts his discussion:
First, let us establish that there are such things as the sexes. Some critics say that the modern world is obsessed with sex. That is not true. The modern world is obsessed with excitations and with “identities.” It has huddled itself into deliberate ignorance as regards sex. It is not puritanical about the beast with two backs. It is a veritable shrinking flower when it comes to actually seeing and appreciating the sexes for what they are.
I mean this quite literally. We are taught from the time we enter the indoctrination centers that the only differences between men and women are trivial matters of plumbing. It is not true.
When the European missionaries came to the new world to evangelize the natives, they did not find creatures of a different species. They found human beings, male and female. They did not find any tribes in which the women met in council, hunted the large animals, smoked the peace pipe, trained up their daughters in savage displays of physical courage and endurance (the “sun dance” of the Plains Indians, for example) and established elaborate hierarchies of honor. They did not find any tribes in which the men took care of small children, gathered roots and berries, made themselves up with pretty decorations to delight their women, ground corn kernels to powder to make bread or paste, carried water while the women were singing war-songs, gossiped with one another to share the news and to keep daily morals in line, and made “nests,” as it were, as clean and neat as possible, for the sake of the little ones, and because that is the way they liked things best.
They found men and women. That is what you will find wherever you go in the world….
Men and women are different from one another, down to the roots—down to the cells. We have merely trained ourselves not to see it or not to admit it when we see it. It is a willed stupidity. It is also a willed grimness, a willed refusal to delight in the natures God has given us. There is nothing glad or merry about it.
Yep, there is a whole lotta willed stupidity out there in the world – and sadly in large portions of our institutional churches. God have mercy on us all. When our church leaders cannot or will not tell us what a woman is, then you know it is high time to get out of their churches, and find ones that do know.
And as mentioned, find one that knows what the gospel is as well.
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Lord, have mercy.
Bill, I recognise you as a devourer of books and I’m sure you’ve read much of Carl Trueman.
My pastor gave me and I’ve just finished reading ‘The rise and triumph of the modern self’ and to my mind, he nails so much of the madness circulating today (even in, as your article shows, the church).
If I’ve missed your review of this book, my apologies, but I was greatly encouraged to find he and you are of a like mind.
Grace and peace.
Neil Harvey
Many thanks Neil. I have not yet done a proper review of it, but I have mentioned it in various places, including here: https://billmuehlenberg.com/2021/01/05/17-new-books-for-the-thinking-christian/
And of course he now has a shorter version of it out: Strange New World (Crossway, 2022).
Thank you for all that you do Bill, and may we the laity also remember that we too have a responsibility to speak so simple a truth, just as our Lord Jesus Christ has asked us to do.
Thanks Kaylene.
I think that one of the most definitive quotes about “wokeism” ( I hate manufactured artificial language constructs) is one by Ben Shapiro: “facts don’t have feelings”.
If someone feels they are a woman in a mans body then feel away but don’t call it a fact.
There is only gozzintas and gozzouttas (my contribution to the english language).
Thanks Peter.
Interesting video here:
Thanks for that Andrew.
The reason Paul gives for women not being in authority in the church is that women are more easily deceived and he gives Eve as the example and we know the traits from Adam and Eve have been passed down. Unfortunately the modern statistics on who supports these new, unreal ideas shows that Paul was correct. The difference between men and women is not great but it is significant.
Unfortunately, while many feminists have woken up to the truth that “trans women” in sport is wrong, because the physiological truth is made evident, we, as a society, have strayed a huge distance from having reverence for the truth.
The C of E has clearly joined the zeitgeist and strayed from the love of the truth and so those in the denomination need to make a choice between Christianity and Churchianity.
In Rev 2 God tells the church at Ephesus that they had strayed from their first love and if they did not repent their golden lampstand would be removed I.e. their ability to gather and spread the light of truth would be removed. In 2 Thes 2 we read of those falling away as not having gained the love of the truth.
Those who are in the C of E church and who want to maintain their love of truth can only be harmed by being joined together with unbelievers. This is not unlike Jesus’ warning of the “leaven of the Pharisees” I.e wrong ideas will spread and infect others. People simply will not be fed the truth from the pulpit of churches who have lost their love of the truth. Their lampstand will be removed.
Thanks Michael.
The ‘long march’ of the left has been to denigrate women from the get go. I suspect the evil one hates women because it was a woman who brought our incarnate saviour and his conqueror into the world.
@ Kaylene: there is no ‘laity’ in the New Testament. We are all the church together, variously gifted to build up the church and one another.
Thanks David. Yes, we are all part of the Body of Christ with Christ as the head, or leader. While there is no clergy/laity distinction as such in the New Testament, there are several leadership offices, eg., elders and deacons. So there is a place for leadership, although biblical leaders are to act as servants to the rest of the Body.
So sad. It starts as gutlessness – too afraid to stand out or upset anyone. Finally the cringe factor sets in and a self-loathing religion that bears zero similarity to Book of Acts Christianity. That’s where we get these ridiculous statements about gender! Good grief! Who in their right mind would want to join a movement like that?
Quite right Dee.
Agree Bill. However, I was so, so fortunate to grow up in Roseville in Sydney. I was involved from a young age in the Anglican Church there (St. Andrews). So blessed to be mentored by men such as Graeme Goldsworthy, Phillip Jensen, David Peterson, et al! I pray the new Archbishop will maintain the great tradition.
Thanks John.
All is not well within the 2022 Anglican Church.
Letting satan in isn’t a new thing the church has done it for decades. We let him in the form of worldly ways to gain young people and once he got his foot in the door is it any wonder that eventually he would come in completely and demand changes??? Or that after decades of working with him we would make those changes. We changed to church to keep up with the changing world in the late 60’s early 70’s and we’re still doing it. Once you open that door to worldly influence you’ll never shut it again until something DRASTIC has happened. When it does happen hopefully you’ll live through it to shut that door and get the church on solid footing.
Just as Jesus had to cleanse the Temple of the money changers he is going to have to cleanse the church of the world. It isn’t going to be a pretty sight. And it with most assuredly be painful!! We seem to be making all the same mistakes of Ancient Israel. Nothing new under the sun.