Judge Jackson and the Oxymoron of ‘Woke Intelligence’

Woke-ism is a mental disease:

If you are woke, chances are good you have traded in your brain for a bowl of oatmeal. It is very rare to see a highly intelligent person fully embracing the woke agenda. It can almost be said that not only is ‘woke intelligence’ an oxymoron, but those pushing woke-ism are far too often morons as well.

Sure, you can have a half dozen degrees after your name, but you can still be utterly moronic by clinging to all the latest leftist nostrums and crusades. And one of the worst and most appalling of the woke agenda items is the trans ideology madness.

The gender benders are so fully at war with reality, with biology, with rationality, and with common sense that there is really no way you can have an intelligent discussion with them. They seem incapable of engaging in reasonable and sensible argument. They instead dish up brainless cliches and mantras.

The most recent example of woke inanity comes from Washington D. C. – no surprises there of course. By now most of you would have heard of the madness that came from the lips of Biden’s nominee for SCOTUS. The Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson was asked a rather simple question on Tuesday night as part of her Senate Judiciary confirmation hearings.

Senator Marsha Blackburn, a Republican from Tennessee, asked Jackson a question that most five-year-olds could easily answer: “Can you provide a definition for the word ‘woman?’” Her reply was this: “Can I provide a definition? No, I can’t. Not in this context, I’m not a biologist.”

Good grief. And she is meant to become one of the top nine justices on the highest court in America? This is above her pay grade? Really? Thankfully plenty of folks who do still seem to have something in their skulls were quick to jump on this idiocy.

For example, media personality Piers Morgan tweeted: “Ridiculous. I’m not a brain surgeon but I know what a brain is. This is where ‘progressive’ thinking leads – to a terror of stating basic unarguable facts lest it offend the woke brigade.”

Or as investigative journalist Sara Carter stated: “Wow, our WOKE world has come to this that an educated woman can’t even define herself… soon many WOKE brainwashed people won’t even be able to define human…” Yes quite right.

And the ironic thing is, this uber-woke nominee admitted that this is about biology. Exactly. That is what we have been saying all along. Forget the ludicrous ideology and stick with the biology. And biology makes it very clear whether you are a man or a woman. As Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon put it: “to say biologists must answer this question is to suggest that womanhood is tied to biology (which is what conservatives argue).”

Christian commentator Darrell B. Harrison concurs: “Whether she realizes it or not, by declaring, ‘I’m not a biologist,’ Ketanji Brown Jackson is tacitly admitting that gender is biological and that biology is both the starting point and ending point in defining what a ‘woman’ (or ‘female’) is. She knows the truth—as do we all.”

And Australian political commentator Stephen Chavura rightly said this: “I think it’s important to know whether Helen Reddy consulted a biologist before she co-wrote and performed ‘I Am Woman’ (1971). And the same goes for any “woman” today who claims to identify with the lyrics. Are you an expert in biology? If not, please be quiet.”

Sadly her ignorance of basic biology extends to other important areas. As one recent article puts it concerning her views on abortion:

During a back-and-forth between Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), about whether an unborn child can live independently of its mother outside of the womb, Judge Jackson stuck to such a line as “I’m not a biologist,” going on to say “I haven’t studied this. I don’t know.”


She did respond that “what I know is that the Supreme Court has tests and standards that it’s applied when it evaluates regulation of the right of a woman to terminate their pregnancy.” One does not need to be a biologist to look up and find out that viability–when the child can survive outside of the womb–is considered to be around 23 to 24 weeks. Even The New York Times is admitting this….


During Sen. Lindsey Graham’s (R-SC) line of questioning on Wednesday, he had asked Judge Jackson “can an unborn child feel pain at 20 weeks,” to which Judge Jackson replied “I don’t know.” She similarly did not know that an unborn child is given anesthesia if there is surgery provided in utero. The senator pointed out to Judge Jackson that “well that may come before you one day, so just keep an open mind.” https://townhall.com/tipsheet/rebeccadowns/2022/03/23/judge-jacksons-ignorance-on-biology-extends-to-yet-another-issue-n2604942

There are plenty of other problems with the nominee, including her pathetically weak response to child pornography. She has a rather poor record when it comes to sentencing child-porn offenders. Often she just gives them a few months of prison time when all the expert legal opinion is to sentence them to several years at least.

The simple truth is, Biden’s nominee for the SCOTUS replacement is a pro-abortion, woke liberal. As expected. But in a speech she gave some weeks ago she spoke about how important her faith is! Um, if a conservative President had nominated a faith-talking judge, the lefties would be going crazy by now: ‘Hey, we must keep church and state separate!!’ All this is typical leftist hypocrisy.

And when you get a potential top judge in the land saying she does not know the difference between a man and a woman, then you know America is in deep, deep trouble. Um, I wonder what bathroom she goes to when she is not in a nomination hearing.

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15 Replies to “Judge Jackson and the Oxymoron of ‘Woke Intelligence’”

  1. Oh dear!!
    Thanks, Bill, waking us up to the “woke” brigade.
    Part of a comment reproduced above:
    “…a terror of stating basic unarguable facts lest it offend the woke brigade”.
    I have one comment:

    That’s my standard comment to all this “Do not offend” nonsense. Whatever happened to “Take it on the chin”? We have a generation of wimps, who will go to court for the least offence, like schoolboys, saying, “I’m telling on you”.

  2. “Sex is not a spectrum.” — A biologist copped heaps of abuse online for saying just that, then got kicked out of a US uni.
    And talking of judges and wokeness, if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and gorks like a duck, the chief beak is either now a turkey, a goose or a gallah. Or a sitting duck maybe.
    This whole woke thing is making everyone look really stupid.

    God Bless you and your wife Bill.

  3. “. . . soon many WOKE brainwashed people won’t even be able to define human…” – That is already the case as innumerable people now claim that that which is aborted from a woman’s womb is NOT a baby being ripped to pieces but it is just a blob and definitely not human. I am in the midst of an argument on this very issue today in the UK broadsheet The Times.
    Tragically the most vociferous for abortion is a woman, which causes me to be literally sick to my stomach. You see, I was raped, and I gave birth to my daughter and then I gave her to a couple desperate for a child because I knew they would be able to meet her needs far better than I could at that time. But I was not the only innocent party in this, my daughter was even more innocent. Yes, I sacrificed nine months of my life to her in order that she might have a life. Her sacrifice would have been permanent. And the vast majority of mothers right now do not even have my excuse they are just worshipping the god of convenience by slaughtering their child.

  4. Having recently read a book called Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shrier..my heart goes out to all young and older who are falling for this frightful ideology. It is good to read articles by people of influence who are calling for a stop to this foul wokeness. Thank you for your work…may you be encouraged as you continue to speak sense in an era of turmoil and confusion.

  5. There’s only one way to explain the mind boggling madness of the minds of people like Jackson – Romans 1: 21-22
    “…they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools …”

    There’s a spiritual war heating up big time and it looks like God has given these people over to a depraved mind.

  6. @ Diane Whittle – if you just extended that scripture TO verse 24 you get to see further why it is that people are becoming so blind: “Therefore God gave them up to vile impurity in the lusts of their hearts, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them.” What a frightening thought God gave them over, in other words He is letting them become more and more steeped in their sin to the point when they will no longer be able to hear. And when you get to chapter 2 you see God’s judgment on those who may not practise the sins mentioned but who, in effect, encourage the sinning. Which means that Christians who are in support of abortion; homosexuality; transgenderism, etc, etc, are judged even more harshly by God.

  7. I think that the line from Kindergarten Cop puts it all in a nutshell and underlines that children know the difference.
    “Girls have vagina and boys have a penis”.

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