Grooming Gangs, Multiculturalism, and Barbarous Britain

This is how nations die:

We can be thankful that the horrific grooming gang crimes in Britain are now back in the news, and it has not been allowed to be swept under the carpet and remain covered up. Indeed, international figures have been speaking out on this, and we still hope to fully and properly get this dealt with.

And just recently we had the 18-year-old Axel Rudakubana pleading guilty to the Southport stabbing murder of three young girls in July of last year and a terrorist offence, including possessing an al-Qaeda training manual. He had been known to the authorities for some time, having possessed a knife in school at the age of 13. Nigel Farage has said that the Government needs to “come clean” about this and other attacks, all part of Islamist gangs running wild in the country.

The grooming gang story has been around for many decades now, and I have written a number of pieces on it. Last month for example I said this as I concluded my article: “We must fully support Musk, Badenoch and others in demanding that a true and thorough investigation into this whole sordid affair takes place, and that justice is served, and that heads roll as a result. This should never have been allowed to take place.”

Entire books have been penned on this, but it still seems the cover-ups and excuse-making continues in the UK. For example, back in 2016 an important volume on this was released: Easy Meat: Inside Britain’s Grooming Gang Scandal by Peter McLoughlin (New English Review Press).

All the horrific details of the rapes, imprisonment and sexual assaults of mainly young white girls, as well as the unwillingness of politicians, police and authorities to even admit to all this is carefully covered in the book. As McLoughlin says in the Preface:

When we began writing this book in 2013, we were astounded by the refusal of the establishment even to acknowledge the problem of these grooming gangs. Between 1988 and 2011, there was barely one media report per year in Britain concerning their existence. It seemed to us that the principal reasons why these gangs were getting away with their 25-year reign of terror was because a) the gangs were not white whilst most of their victims were, and b) unlike the victims, the gangs were well organised and were also part of a highly-motivated community which would not only help them evade capture, but certain members would actually seek to block any investigation into the activities of the gangs….


As we finish the book, we are aware how much the media have turned on the official narrative peddled by authorities at both the national and local level. When we published this statistic of at least 10,000 victims in an earlier online version, we were mocked; But now senior police officials and Members of Parliament are indicating that the number of victims may be between scores of thousands and even as many as one million. No one is laughing now. (xiii-xiv)

The book covers in great detail the systematic crimes, corruption and coverups, and the clear failure of the multiculturalism cult. The concluding paragraph of the book says this:

An entire generation of non-Muslim school girls across England have been sacrificed to multiculturalism. Every year, and scores of towns in England, a new crop of schoolgirls find some alluring young Muslim man pursuing them with money and flattery, little knowing what his organisation’s true plans for them are. It is within the power of the government to change this immediately, but they refused to follow through on advice given to them 20 years ago by experts in the field. Instead, the media, feminists and politicians simply turn a blind eye to ‘the biggest child protection scandal of our time’. (pp. 303-304)

Incredibly, Amazon has pulled the book, reportedly because of government pressure! That tells us everything we need to know about this horrific scandal that has plagued the UK and leaders like Starmer for so long now. Good thing I bought my copy seven years ago.

Many other experts can be appealed to here. One person who has written often about all this is former Muslim, former atheist, and now Christian writer Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She has much material to choose from here, but let me look at just one recent piece of hers: “‘Hate’ and the Islamic Onslaught on British Values: Part Three” which looks at the bigger picture. She begins:

In view of the contrast between Western and Islamic views of the world, it is predictable that with the arrival in the United Kingdom of a large number of immigrants brought up within Islam, Britain’s social fabric has been battered by cross-purposes. The British people long to believe with well-meaning tolerance that Islam is just another religion like Christianity. In their charity law, for instance, they cling to the universalist notion, formulated in an overwhelmingly Judaeo-Christian context, that all religious causes must be worthy of support. The Charity Commission describes the “advancement of religion” as a charitable aim of “public benefit”. But problems arise if “religion” is extended to include Islam, as to avoid discrimination it must be.


The Quran is clear that charity should be extended only to fellow Muslims within the Ummah, not to unbelievers. Moreover, there are many verses in the Quran which reflect Mohammed’s warrior culture of sex-slavery. These flatly contradict the principles of British law. The historical roots of the differences between the roles of women within Islamic and Western cultures lie very deep. The earliest Muslims were young men, eager for loot in the form of wealth or sex-slaves. As Mohammed says in the Sira or Life of Muhammad (c.760CE): “booty was made lawful for me, as to no prophet before me” (trans. Guillaume, p. 326). The earliest Christians, in contrast, were slaves and women, attracted by a philosophy of personal salvation and universal humanity.

She looks at how Christianity contrasts with this, and also discusses how Muslims seeking to obtain refugee status were pretending to be Christian converts. Too many Brits simply bought all this, hook, line and sinker:   

The British emphasis on the element of personal sincerity in religious conversion caused a scandal when it emerged that refugees were persuading gullible priests that they had accepted the doctrines of the Incarnation and Salvation and “converted”, only for it to become apparent that they had no idea whatsoever about the details of New Testament theology. Their motive, crudely, was to gain refugee status. If they were returned to their Islamic countries of origin, as they were aware, they would as Christians be persecuted.


Other confusions indicate a coarsening of Britain’s moral culture. The English word “martyr” has recently almost entirely reversed its meaning. In Christian thought, it is essential that the “martyr” involves no other victim. Only the martyr dies. However, in the recently imported ideology of Islam, the more “infidels” the suicidal “martyr” can take with him into death, the more glorious is his (or her) sacrifice. Saint Thomas spends much of his time in T.S. Eliot’s Christian classic Murder in the Cathedral (1935) agonizing over his motives. Is he perhaps deceiving himself and actively seeking death out of sinful spiritual pride? No such qualm would ever occur to a suicide bomber who takes the path of “martyrdom” in Gaza or Jerusalem or London.


Relatively recently in Britain, they have, at times willfully, lost any sense of the longer historical perspectives still vivid within the world-view of Islam. Until the twentieth century, Westerners were aware of Islam as a threatening cultural Other to be feared. However dimly, they were aware of the Islamic expansion in the millennium following Mohammed’s death which destroyed the world of classical Greek and Latin antiquity so crucial to Western thought. But now we disregard the stories of the recumbent crusaders in churches across the nation, each with his futile contribution to the West’s belated resistance to Islam’s conquests.

Her concluding paragraphs are worth featuring here at length:

At some point during the last thirty years, Britain has lost its sense that Islam is an existential threat to “the West”. Britain is in danger of being brainwashed into believing, or resigning herself to, the fundamentally mistaken slogan that “Diversity Is Our Strength”. Her historical amnesia may prove fatal. She is preoccupied with “decolonization” and reparations for the Western slavery of the Middle Passage, and has no collective memory of the Arab Muslim slave trade, which was larger and longer-lasting than the European trade. Worse, the descendants of Arab slave-traders also remain unaware of their crime, since the genocide it involved was so much more effective than that in the West. Blacks were routinely castrated and their womenfolk married into the Ummah. In Islamic countries there are no Martin Luther Kings or Cassius Clays, aware of their slave descent. Had Mohammed Ali’s ancestor been enslaved by a Muslim rather than a European, he could never have existed, nor converted to Islam. UK conceptions of slavery are highly selective. They forget, for instance, that only two or three centuries ago they might have been snatched from the coast of England by “Barbary Pirates” and sold to an Arab as a slave.


After the Southport killings, politicians leapt on the fact, as for a time it seemed, that the man accused of committing the murders was a Welsh Christian, not a recent Muslim immigrant as some had concluded. Breathing a sigh of relief, they welcomed this evidence that there is no threat to Britain from followers of the Quran, nor ever could be. The urgent task is rather to defend mosques, with the utmost vigor, from “racist” “far-right thugs” who “hate” Muslims. £3 million was allotted to mosques to reinforce security measures against anti-Muslim hate. Is this allocation of resources part of the quid pro quo of votes in return for resources?


Though it does not suit them to mention the fact, our political leaders are aware that the immeasurably greater and growing threat comes from Islamofascist thugs inside these mosques, incited by the hatred of infidels in the Quran. The latest MI5 assessment of terrorist threats (October 2024) breaks down very roughly to 75% “Islamist extremist” and 25% “extreme right-wing terrorism”, though these figures must be interpreted with the proviso that though the threat from Islam is ideologically coherent and centuries-old, other threats are incoherent, eccentric, and transient, or essentially criminal.


British politics is infected with a dangerous bipolarity. As in George Orwell’s dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, Brits are told that what they see before their eyes and know to be true is in fact wrongthink which they need to correct. After 7/7/05, the Lee Rigby murder, Borough Market, Manchester Arena, Fishmongers’ Hall, and the murders of Asad Shah and Sir David Amess, the correct political response cannot be to demonize anyone who criticizes the ideology which inspired these atrocities. On the one hand, they are aware of the threat from Islam to democracy and freedom of thought. On the other hand, their political leaders tell them that they must at every point yield to the special interests of Muslims.


Even in the 1980s and 1990s and into this century, it seemed that the center would hold. Mere anarchy would not be loosed upon Britain. But today, after decades of mass-migration from Islamic countries which reject the Western values of democracy, individual freedom of conscience, and freedom of speech, the future is uncertain. The last thirty years have entrenched here an aggressive minority, certain that their divinely ordained destiny is to conquer all who refuse to submit, and for whom showing images of the Prophet or scuffing a Quran are without question more serious offences than making death threats. Already, British police seem unable or unwilling to cope with these contradictions. British values are under sustained attack. As long as British political leaders deny this fact, things can and will only get worse.

She is absolutely right, and things have been getting worse. The death of the UK can be measured by its rejection of its Christian past and its acceptance of all things Islamic. The result is all the diabolical rape, torture and even murder of countless young British girls by barbaric immigrant gangs. Too many elites there somehow view this as being an acceptable price to be paid to be seen as being a non-racist and proud multicultural nation. To hell with this horrid mindset.

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5 Replies to “Grooming Gangs, Multiculturalism, and Barbarous Britain”

  1. This horrible situation shows the failure of multiculturalism. Multiculturalism has always been a Utopian fraud because it denies the differences between philosophies, life experiences, and ideologies. Worst of all, because it creates so many victims, multiculturalism is founded upon a dangerous and false concept– that there is no human evil and that kindness and tolerance converts all things dark into light, as you point out (and both authors you speak of in the article).

    This grooming gang nightmare scandal and the British government’s completely ineffectual and vile denialism of it has created an existential crisis of democracy and national existence across Europe.

    It has been noted by more than several historians that democracies are slow to learn and often slow to act. This is one of those cases and one driven by a self- destructive fantasy of multiculturalism. Excellent review, Bill.

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