Zondervan, 2003. The debate over openness theology or free-will theism continues to bubble along nicely. Books both for and against continue to pour from the…
Blackwell, 2005. If T.H. Huxley was “Darwin’s bulldog” just over a century ago, surely Richard Dawkins would be Darwin’s pit bull terrier today. A leading…
Zondervan Publishing, 2004. Lee Strobel is an investigative journalist and a former atheist. When he started digging into the truth claims of Christianity, he found…
Spence Publishing, 2003. This is a revision and expansion of his earlier work of 1999. In it he brings up to date recent developments in…
Lifeline Press, 2002. Epidemic may not be too strong of a word to describe the crisis in teen sexuality we face in the Western world.…
Encounter Books, 2003. Rapid developments in technology, especially in medicine, genetics and biochemistry, are easily outstripping careful analysis and social and moral reflection on these…
Phoenix 2003. Bernard Lewis is a leading Orientalist and expert on Islam. The author of dozens of books on the subject, spanning five decades, he…
InterVarsity Press, 2004. The title of this collection of essays is both a good summary of the book and an important warning as to where…
Multnomah Publishers, 2004. Dr James Dobson is head of the Christian-based Focus on the Family in the USA. It is probably the largest and most…
Encounter Books, 2000. In many ways the cultural revolution of the 60s has been as influential and momentous as other great social upheavals, such as…
Encounter Books, 2003. Revel is a bit of a rarity: he is a French intellectual who does not hate America. Unlike many of his elitist…
Basic Books, 2004. All over the world birthrates are falling. This may be most evident in the Western world, but falling fertility rates are found…
Spence Publishing, 2004 The thesis of this book is simple: women can have it all, but not necessarily at the same time. That is, a…
This volume does a good job of showing the various shortcomings of science, and debunking the myth of the neutrality of science.
Encounter Books, 2002. A good example of the law of unintended consequences can be seen in the US law, Title IX, passed by Congress in…
Eerdmans, 2004. The issue of the relationship between men and women is a vexed and complex issue. Plenty of volumes have been written on this…
Times Books, 2004. This is the most compelling book so far to make the case for same-sex marriage (SSM). However, as a defense of gay…
Basic Books, 2003. This volume very nicely brings together four broad themes into one focused discussion. The nature of radical Islam, the threat of terrorism,…
Encounter Books, 2004. It might seem odd to have to pen a book like this, but we live in odd times. Thus a book like…
Encounter Books, 2003. We are currently witnessing a grand social experiment, the results of which are not fully in as yet. But the data that…