To be honest, I am getting tired of listening to so-called believers making cheap excuses for their sin. They seem more intent on justifying their…
Two recent articles about teen crime in Victoria make for disturbing reading. But of more concern is that most of the “experts” seem to have…
As the West sinks into terminal decline, it becomes a fulltime job simply to chronicle each new case of madness and idiocy. The West is…
Every once in a while an idea comes along that is so silly and so preposterous, that one does not know whether to laugh or…
Disgraced footballer Ben Cousins was in Sydney today helping to launch an anti-drugs program. The former West Coast Eagles star admitted to his drug addiction,…
Liberal MP Bronwyn Bishop and her colleagues on a House of Representatives Committee have a lot of guts. They have been willing to take on…
Theodore Dalrymple is an important thinker and writer who has just released an important new book. The book is about the growing problem of drug…
With a title like this, I expect the police would soon be knocking on my door. There should be community outrage. Parents should be appalled…
The push by the Labor Government to soften Victorians up to a permissive policy on drugs has gone quiet lately (except for a major blunder…
The National Crime Authority has recently re-ignited the heroin debate by saying that we are losing the war against drugs. The NCA says that too…
There has been a lot of debate lately about the issue of heroin injecting rooms. Voices from all sides are being heard on the issue,…
In June over 200 people gathered in Sydney’s Parliament House for Drug Summit 2000. Organised by Major Brian Watters of the Salvation Army, Jill Pearman…
A recent call by Major Brian Watters of the Salvation Army for random drug tests among our public servants has caused quite a reaction. Major…
There are a number of important reasons why marijuana use should not be decriminalised or legalised. Legalisation of marijuana will greatly increase the number of…
At the moment the state of Victoria has relatively strong laws against drug possession and use, but various groups are attempting to change this. In…
Shield, 1996. Today drug use/abuse is not confined to the fringes of society. It is becoming mainstream, glamourised in films, music and magazines. As a…