Getting a biblically balanced outlook on various issues is often quite difficult to achieve. Usually we have a lot of muddled and misguided thinking in…
One of the topics I have penned plenty of articles on over the years is the sad reality that so many Christians don’t think, don’t…
In this irregular series I offer for your inspection a few silly posters and memes making the rounds, especially on the social media, and present…
In an age where mankind reigns supreme, and God – if he is thought to exist at all – is merely an appendage to us…
As part of my ongoing series on dumb sayings and posters, I offer a few more for your enjoyment and edification. Given that the social…
The fact that there are a lot of really dumb, unhelpful, and just plain unbiblical things being said by so many Christians today is quite…
We live in an age when we have to go back to basics and re-explain things and re-present certain key truths. And I refer here…
This seems to now be an ongoing, albeit irregular, series. There never seems to be a shortage of rather dumb and nonsensical posters and quotes…
OK, this is now an official series. I was hoping a few articles on this would suffice, but how wrong I was. Every day another…
This looks like it is going to be an ongoing series for quite some time to come. It is instalment number three of an irregular…
A few months ago I wrote a piece examining some of the popular quotations and posters making the rounds on various social media networks. Many…
Facebook users may have noticed how recently the social networking site has allowed folks to post bigger pictures in their posts. So there has been…
One day I am going to write an article on all the rather dumb sayings, quotes, and posters, as are often found in places like…