Greens: The Party of Death

Arguably the three most important things in the world are life, family and faith. Yet for some reason, it seems the Greens everywhere have declared war on all three. Whether it be the homosexual atheist Bob Brown in Australia, or his human-hating counterparts overseas, the Green political activists seem fixated on death and the destruction of the family, and seek to eradicate biblical Christianity.

Thus the very title of their political parties is a complete misnomer. They do not seem remotely concerned about the environment, but want to instead implement their radical social engineering policies. Thus in Australia the first thing Greens’ leader Bob Brown said his party would push for when the new Parliament was voted in was same-sex marriage and legalised euthanasia.

Just what is it with these maniacs? Why are they so in love with death, and so hate humanity? It really cannot be explained by any rational means; it seems like there is a diabolical death wish hanging over the Greens. How else do we account for the ugly stances they keep coming up with?

I have chronicled these examples of Green ugliness many times before, and like the gift that keeps on giving, they keep offering us more examples to run with. Consider the latest outrageous remarks made by Green Party members, this time in Canada.

It seems a Green candidate there is crowing about an abortion he had with his partner, and how he even ‘thanks God’ for it! Given that he is probably an atheist to boot, he is even throwing in some blasphemy into the mix. And to think that some Christians actually vote for these wretched parties around the world.

Here is how one press item tells the story: “A British Columbia Green party candidate in Canada’s upcoming federal election said he’s glad he decided to ‘get rid of’ his unborn child and appeared to imply that pregnant women look ‘like the back end of a bus.’

“‘I am sick to death about hearing murdering babies,’ said Roger Benham, Green candidate for Skeena-Bulkley Valley, in a candidates’ debate April 20th.  He told the audience that he had conceived a child with a woman when he was 25. ‘Thank God we decided to get rid of it,’ he said, according to the Terrace Standard.”

The article continues, “The party’s position was reinforced earlier this month by Green party leader Elizabeth May, who said that she was anxious to correct the false impression that she’s anything less than fully supportive of abortion.  Insisting she’s ‘very militant’ in promoting access to abortion, May told the Georgia Straight that there is ‘no room for going backwards’ on abortion. ‘A woman has a right to make that choice, and it’s not a morally wrong decision by any means,’ she said.”

And this from a party that does not even know what the word ‘moral’ means. This is clearly the most amoral if not the most immoral political party making the rounds today. It is filled with people-haters, marriage destroyers, baby-killers and faith-bashers.

One of the world’s most influential Greens fully fits into this categorisation. Peter Singer who now lectures in bioethics at Princeton University originally was from Australia. Along with Bob Brown he co-authored the 1996 book, The Greens. He also ran as a candidate for the Greens back then as well.

Fortunately he did not get elected. I may be able to take a very small amount of credit for this. At the time I went through his many books and selected some representative quotations from his works. I found four juicy ones which fully reflected his grizzly worldview, and we had them printed in a large ad in the Australian newspaper just before the election.

Given that the Greens were not going to spill the beans on what they really believed, and the MSM was not very willing to do some serious reporting on the matter, we dished out big bucks to run the ad. For what it is worth, here are the four quotes I selected:

“The evidence for personhood is at present most conclusive for the great apes, but whales, dolphins, elephants, monkeys, dogs, pigs and other animals may eventually also be shown to be aware of their own existence over time and capable of reasoning.” (Rethinking Life and Death. Text Publishing, 1994, p. 182.)

“Not all members of the species Homo sapiens are persons, and not all persons are members of the species Homo sapiens.” (Rethinking Life and Death. Text Publishing, 1994, p. 206.)

“Species membership in Homo-sapiens is not morally relevant. If we compare a dog or a pig to a severely defective infant, we often find the non-human to have superior capacities.” (“Sanctity of Life or Quality of Life,” Pediatrics 72, July 1983, p. 129.)

“We do not think new-born infants have an inherent right to life” (Helga Kuhse and Peter Singer, Should the Baby Live? Oxford Uni. Press, 1985, p. 192.)

All these creepy quotes make sense if we recall that Singer is a gung-ho vegetarian and animal rights crusader; a supporter of abortion on demand; a supporter of euthanasia; and a supporter of infanticide. He has even written in defence of bestiality – I kid you not.

In the distorted worldview of Peter Singer it is just fine to have sex with animals as long as we don’t eat them afterwards. And he is the one who co-authored the Australian Greens policy manual! Yet people have actually voted for the Greens.

What is even more disgraceful and despicable is some people who claim to be Christians have thought that the Greens should be their first party of choice. How far have we fallen as a nation, and as a people of God, if we can get our values so warped that we can dare to call the Greens the good guys and the preferred political party?

But it was nice at least for this Canadian Green to come clean. It is always good when they make complete fools of themselves when they actually start to be up front about what they really believe. Indeed, we recently had the debacle of the Greens-controlled Marrickville Council and their anti-Semitic thuggery.

Instead of concentrating on fixing roads and serving the local people, these morally-vacuous Greens thought that pushing for a boycott of Israel was their first duty of the day. This Party is sick, and the sooner it is put out of its misery the better.

And let me be so bold as to suggest that probably the best thing any Christian can do who actually voted for these moral monsters is to repent immediately. If not, they really should stop pretending they are biblical Christians. Any Party which relishes in killing babies, massacring marriage, and undermining faith, is not in the least bit Christian.

[1134 words]

21 Replies to “Greens: The Party of Death”

  1. Apparently a lot of Christians originally supported the Greens because they purported to support the environment. The greens have now had a balance of power for a while now and I wonder of they have made any significant changes in this area? I don’t think so. If it comes with such a radical agenda, is it worth it? What is the point of having pristine sandy beaches if you can’t take your babies or older relatives there?
    Ben Mathewson, UK

  2. The Greens are similar in scope of anti-humanity as the feminists. Both claim the high moral ground and speak mendacities, dissemblings and downright lies. Both meet in abortion and anti-family stances and both encourage the homosexual agenda. Both have captured Government and Institution, the Feminists most infamously in the Family Law field which is responsible for over 700,000 Australian children being estranged from their fathers.
    C. Langan-Fox

  3. Indeed Ben:

    What is the point of having pristine sandy beaches if you can’t take your babies or older relatives there?

    What is the point if we are not allowed to even have babies or older relatives to take there?

    The Greens are madly anti-population. Since they believe that humanity is the cause of all our problems, they are half-correct – and therefore a heresy.

    John Angelico

  4. Thank you for this article! I have also been disgusted by the fact that people who call themselves Christian are actually voting for the Greens. Fortunately here in Finland where the Greens promoted gay-marriage and adoption rights for gay-couples before election day (a couple weeks back), lost one third of their seats in the Finnish parliament. They are now reinventing their strategy… Although I’m not sure if that was the reason why they lost seats in the parliament, I cannot help but wish (and pray) that Finnish people in general are actually still against gay-marriage and gay-couple adoption rights.

    Joni Ruokamo, Finland

  5. Bill – another good article. I have known many Greens and their fellow travellers over the years. My abiding impression of them is their illogicality, their overwhelming sense of nihilism and their anger against anyone who will not subscribe to their extreme beliefs. They are never willing to be held to account in any rational debate. Truly they are the new pagans, offering up others for sacrifice to their false idols. Their emergence in a formerly Christian society is surely a testament of our collective failure to pass on the magnificent legacy of such genuine philosophers as Thomas Aquinas, John Henry Newman and Avery Dulles, who would have publicly sliced and diced these small men. Please keep it up!
    Dennis Ryan

  6. Now we need to also wonder what business a particular denominational church is in to suggest that we need to control our population by withdrawing the baby bonus. Are these people on the side of the greens or affected by them? Already our birthrate is below replacement level and only due to migration are we maintaining or perhaps slightly increasing our population.
    I don’t believe any truly Christian church has the moral right to hold this position.
    Me thinks our Lord can only be shaking His head.
    Gerry Van Hees

  7. Benham said, “I am sick to death…”

    Well, he got that much right.

    Mark Rabich

  8. People should be aware that Steve Boxwell supports the Greens and ran a blog at before the elections advising Christians how to vote. He is currently studying at Moore Theological College.
    David Roberts

  9. And you know, before the Greens came into power i took every opportunity to mention to anyone who would listen, hey you know these Green’s, well they’re not really about the environment?
    What surprised me most was the answers, oh they’re all liars, or worst still, I’m not interested in politics.
    I pleaded, but we will get the very things we don’t want?
    I sensed a sort of numbing of the brain.
    Daniel Kempton

  10. To quote Kent Hovind:

    ‘Ted Turner said “A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”
    Well Ted, You first’


    Mario Del Giudice

  11. In a sense I think there is a sort of perverse ‘environmental logic’ in their thinking. Both you and John Angelico summed it up pretty well: the Greens, especially their leaders, hate humankind vehemently. They want an earth free of us; one which exists solely for the flora, fauna and inanimate matter in it. That would certainly account for Singer’s stance. However, one can only wonder whether he views himself as human, animal vegetable or mineral?
    Dunstan Hartley

  12. Australia also has problems with Christians and the Greens. Lin Hatfield Dodds, National Director of UnitingCare Australia, stood as an ACT Senate candidate for the Greens in last year’s election. God help UnitingCare clients if the Green’s policy on euthanasia becomes law.
    Kevin Cains

  13. Those “morally-vacuous” Greens et al are “of their father the devil”, the shame of it all is that they are taking people to hell with their devilish doctrine!!!
    Barb Hoc

  14. Thanks Bill.

    Keep saying it faithfully like it really is. Even if it feels like water off a duck’s back. Specific quotes and examples are important and helpful.

    Christianity and apathy should be like oil and water but are all too often favourite bed-fellows here in Australia.

    Kerryn Zwag

  15. Human beings seem to have an innate need for some sort of faith in higher purpose. Those who put aside respect for the Divine have to find something else – and it’s likely to be less benign than the Maker of the Universe!
    Joan Apthorp

  16. Hi Joan,

    Yes; as Calvin said “all men are incurably religious”.

    Mansel Rogerson

  17. I’m Christian and voted for the Greens. I couldn’t stand the major parties’ stance on Asylum Seekers. We should be standing up for the downtrodden, not treating them like criminals.

    The current practice of offshore detention is in breach of international conventions and does nothing to help these people, many of who have been forced out of their homes by the wars the US started.

    Shame on any Christian who votes for this to continue. No party is perfect, so stop blinding following the Liberals and think for yourself.


  18. Thanks Greg

    Evidently “Christian” Greens have trouble not only with basic morality and obedience to Scripture, but they are not even very good at reading. I require full names here as my commenting rules clearly state.

    But let me see if I get your “Christianity” straight: we take in any refugee for any reason, no questions asked, all courtesy of Greens policy. Then once they are here we can:
    -abort their children at any time, all via Greens policy;
    -euthanase the sick, elderly and unwanted, all via Greens policy;
    -let them enjoy homosexual relations and marriage, all via Greens policy;
    -let them enjoy various drugs as they want, all via Greens policy;
    -prevent them from hearing about Christianity in our schools, all via Greens policy.

    And this is somehow supposed to represent the “Christian” view of things. What a joke.

    ‘Shame on any Christian who votes for this to continue. No party is perfect, so stop blinding following the Greens and think for yourself.’

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  19. Just like our liberals over here Bill. Not a bit of difference except the name.

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