Targetting Believers
The Greens, along with the Democrats, are among the most supportive of the homosexual agenda, with Labor not far behind. Thus religious folk in general, and Christians in particular, need to be aware of what these parties are up to. For example, we need to be vigilant as to what new legislation or motions are being promoted by the various parties, since much of them have a direct impact on faith and family.
A case in point is in NSW where the Greens have proposed new legislation which would amend the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 to remove the exemptions for religious bodies. The Bill won’t be formally written up in its entirety until just before Parliament sits again in late February. At the moment, it exists as a motion.
The Green’s motion, introduced by Miss Lee Rhiannon, reads as follows: “That leave be given to amend the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 to prohibit discrimination on the ground of co-habitating with a person of the same sex; to prohibit private educational authorities from discriminating in education and in employment and for other purposes”. The proposed Bill, called the Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Removal of Exemptions) Bill 2004, will remove the historic exemption for religious schools. By removing these exemptions Christians can expect to see heavy fines, maybe even jail terms, if found guilty.
Family groups who have been resisting the gay juggernaut have warned for years that the gay activists will not be satisfied until everyone, by choice or coercion, embraces the gay agenda. Gay lobbyists know that religious bodies are the last stronghold standing in their way, and they have been clever to implement their agenda piecemeal, knowing all along that their ultimate goals will be achieved if they keep pushing.
While the gay warriors keep pushing, too many pro-faith and family folk have been lulled to sleep, thinking they will not be affected by the various pro-homosexual wins. In all the states the gay activists have been and are pushing for greater reforms, including homosexual marriage and adoption rights, and similar moves are being made on a Federal level.
The implications of such reforms should be obvious. Religious schools may be forced to hire homosexual teachers. Small businesses run by people of faith (not only Christians, but Muslims, Jews, and other groups) may be forced to employ homosexuals. Home owners with religious convictions about who they rent to may be forced to rent their granny flats or spare rooms to homosexuals.
The ramifications of such radical legislation are mind boggling. Independent Christian schools may have to close their doors, rather than be forced to employ homosexuals. Owners of small businesses may be shut down by the government if they do not comply. Home owners may have their homes taken away if they refuse to rent to people they do not want to take in. The heavy hand of the State will increasingly be found in homes, small businesses and schools. People of faith and conviction will be forced to choose which they will obey: their consciences or the State.
Such Brave New World scenarios are really not that far away. Already they are being realised around the world. The time is coming when we will have to stand up and be willing to suffer for righteousness’ sake. We will have to take a stand as Peter did when he told the authorities, “We must obey God rather than men!” (Acts 5:29).
Indeed, Jesus predicted that such trials and tribulations would come. But we should also, like Paul, appeal to our citizenship. Such anti-Christian changes are not always inevitable. They can and should be resisted. It is vital that all people who value faith and family work against these proposals, wherever they appear.
It is clear that the homosexual lobby is on a roll. It has made tremendous advances in a very short period of time, and looks to make more gains in the near future. The effect this is having, and will have, on families is of great concern. For centuries the family has been the bedrock and safeguard of society. As the homosexual juggernaut continues, the influence and viability of the family will be lessened. At stake is nothing less than the survival of the family unit. All concerned citizens need to become informed on these issues and take a stand on behalf of the family.
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