A Review of How Great is Our God. By Louie Giglio.
Passion Conferences, 2007. (Available in Australia from Koorong Books.)
This DVD is one of a number of messages recently recorded by Louie Giglio. The American pastor has produced a number of talks highlighting the amazing nature of the universe which we live in. The presentation is a combination of lecture and PowerPoint presentation, which powerfully and informatively presents the case for a creator, and more.
Indeed, this is a unique presentation. There are plenty of more or less dry scientific presentations from believers, and there are plenty of powerful, dynamic yet content-less presentations as well. Giglio manages to combine the best of both worlds. Giglio is very intrigued with science, but he is also a passionate, Spirit-filled believer, who presents an exciting and dynamic message. It is a good combination indeed.
This DVD is a recording of one of his recent public presentations, and covers similar ground to some of his earlier talks, including his “Indescribable” DVD. Those who are familiar with some of the science shared here may not learn all that much new. But the presentation is both captivating and uplifting, as Giglio reels off fact after fact and statistic after statistic, combined with striking images of our world.
The result is a quite moving and overpowering presentation. Just the complexity and size of the universe is so very mind-blowing, and the way it is presented here really makes one appreciate the grandeur and wonder of our creator God. Making use of amazing NASA colour images of the cosmos, Giglio unpacks biblical themes which remind us not only of the greatness of God, but of the amazing fact that we have cosmic significance in this vast universe.
Indeed, in this DVD he goes from the majestic to the miniscule. We tour the solar system, and we also tour the smallest components of the human body. Those who like the big ticket items of science, such as astronomy and cosmology, will marvel at the images of our solar system. And those who are in awe of the tiniest of what life is all about will be fascinated by the inner workings of cellular life, and what the molecular biologists are telling us.
Consider our universe. The sun, which is 93 million miles away from our earth, is so large that 960,000 earths could fit inside it. And that is just a relatively small star. Betelgeuse, which is 427 light years away, is twice the size of the earth’s orbit around the sun. It is so humongous that 262 trillion earths could fit in it.
The largest known star is Canis Majoris. It is so incredibly massive that seven quadrillion earths could fit inside it. Yet the same God who breathes out the stars from his mouth (Psalm 33:6) is the one who cares intimately about us, and seeks to rescue us. As Giglio puts it, the star breather has become the sin bearer. The universe maker is also our redeemer.
God is the creator of the heavens and the earth. This quick look at the vastness of the known universe must humble us, and cause us all to bow down and worship the creator of all things. The heavens certainly declare the glory of God (Psalm 19:1).
But we are also fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). Our beginning lies in one microscopic cell from our mother, and one from our father. These form one new cell, with a totally new and unique set of DNA. It contains three billion characters of code. This one tiny cell contains all the information and instructions needed to produce us.
This one cell divides, and soon an embryo becomes a baby which becomes a child which becomes an adult. The single cell now gives way to 75 trillion cells in the human body. Every one of these cells has all three billion bits of our genetic code. Every three seconds 50,000 cells die and are replaced in our bodies.
We are truly amazing creations of a truly amazing creator God. Giglio takes these marvellous truths of science and ties them in with biblical lessons which should encourage and stimulate us all. This is not dry science but living lessons from both the Word of God and the world of God. The two bear witness to each other, and give us a picture of an amazing God, and of us, the crown of his creation.
This DVD, like his others, is well worth viewing and sharing with your friends. In an age of secularism and cynicism, we need to be reminded of the greatness and grandeur of God. And we need to be reminded of how remarkable it is that we are made in the image of this awesome God.
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Hey Bill,
I think the one that was shown in Hillsong 2007 was “Indescribable”. That is the title, not just describing it literally.
The How Great is Our God features laminin. I would not diverge too much information because I think these two awesome talks speak for themselves. It would be interesting to what our non believing friends have to say about it though.
Jonathan Ngan
Mostly good, but occasionally he gets carried away. That one protein out of 100,000 is shaped like a cross is not that surprising, just ‘by chance’. Although even this shape is a bit of seeing what you want to see, since it’s more like a sword with the side arms not at right angles. It is unwise to make a big deal out of it as if it is God’s special signature on our biochemistry.
Jonathan Sarfati, Brisbane
Thanks Jonathan and Jonathan
I did not mention Laminin or the other supposed occurrence of the cross in nature that Giglio dwells on (in the black hole in the Whirlpool galaxy). This seemed to me to be the only real weakness of the DVDs. He may just be reading too much into things here. Presumably many other cross-shaped items appear in nature, both big and small, which have no special Christian meaning or purpose.
We need to be careful not to put all our apologetics eggs into this one basket. Perhaps this is all just a case of unnecessary speculation and wishful thinking. Was this important protein molecule specifically designed in the shape of the cross by God as some sort of witness to Christ and Calvary? Perhaps. But then again, it may just be the way it looks, with no further significance than that.
And if it was meant to be some kind of signpost to God or source of comfort to believers (along with the black hole cross), then over 99 per cent of Christians (in history past) would have missed out on them, since they are both quite recent discoveries.
But don’t let that detract from the overall value of the DVD. I still recommend that believers have a look at it.
Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch
Wow. just too hard to wrap my head around…
And our galaxy, the Milky Way, has only a few (a couple hundred billion or so) stars in it of which our sun is one. And the nearest galaxy Andromeda (a mere 2.2 million light years away, unless you take a Sydney train in which case you may never get there) has more than twice the stars in it and is 125,000 light years in diameter. My head is hurting… we’re tiny and seemingly insignificant and yet if I am to believe it, God knows how many hairs are on my head (though it’s getting easier for him by the day!).
And….. the universe is filled with billions upon billions of these galaxies. Mind blowing. And I’m still trying to figure out how to open a cardboard milk carton without spilling it.
Now, in the scriptures it says that God’s ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts – I’ve always thought that to be one of the greatest understatements. If the universe is a representation of the size of God’s awesomeness then I think we have to accept our human frailty and very limited capacity to understand Him. It’s overwhelmingly laughable that we fall into the trying to be gods unto ourselves. And it’s equally humbling to know our inheritance in Christ.
Garth Penglase
Our Creator is just AWESOME. I found this DVD to be humbling.
Rae Wallace, Devonport
One only needs to look at the amazing complwxities of the human body eg the construction of the ear and eye to see that a Supreme Creator [Intelligence if you like] MUST have designed it. It simply could not have formed by accident with no constructing authority.
Put all the pieces or a camera or a motor vehicle on the floor and expect them to assemble themselves is like saying that there was a “big bang” and everything, plant and animal formed itself. It’s just not worthy of a credible consideration.
Alan Hoysted
Thanks Alan
Hey, congratulations!! Your comment was the 5000th to appear on this site. That is a milestone, so well done for being the winner of the big prize. (I just have to think of what that big prize might be!) But I do thank all the commentators who have appeared here in the past 2 years of this website’s existence. It seems to have a wide following, and is hopefully making an impact. So thanks again to all who have posted a comment on this site. You help to make it an interesting, informative and hopefully helpful blog.
Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch
It’s a pity that the 5000th comment on this site is so lacking in basic understanding of natural selection, the key driver of evolutionary change. Comparing self-replicating lifeforms with inert objects like cameras betrays total ignorance of the fundamental biology.
If there really was an intelligence behind the design of the human body, why are we so badly designed in many ways? Why do so many parts of the body fail us once we have passed our reproductive years? Why are we so susceptible to a vast array of diseases and genetic mistakes? Why does our mind fail us in old age? Why do we often die long drawn-out deaths in pain and agony? Why did God design cancer?
How would you explain the concept of an intelligent and loving God to the victims of the recent cyclone in Burma, or the devastating earthquake in China? Or to the children who screamed in agony while their limbs were torn apart by falling debris? Where is the intelligent design in all this?
Steve Angelino, WA
Thanks Steve
But all Alan was doing was making the sensible observation that if we find something with all the appearance of intelligent design, the logical inference is that there is an intelligent designer. This common sense reasoning works fine for all of us, except for fundamentalist atheists who will put narrow ideology ahead of common sense and reason any day of the week.
As to an intelligent creator, you should full well know the answer, given your claims to having a church education in the past. We live in a fallen world, and the effects of sin have tarnished everything. Things are not the way they are supposed to be. This is basic theology 101 which you keep claiming to be totally familiar with.
And of course the ID camp has very cogently addressed supposed issues of faulty design, etc. If you would spend less time pontificating and more time actually reading even one ID book, you might find some of your objections capably dealt with. But one suspects you are more interested in picking fights and engaging in intellectual one-up-manship, than in seriously searching for truth.
But the extreme moral and intellectual poverty of atheism is very nicely revealed in your final remarks. There are plenty of things a believer can say about tragedies in life. There is a God who very much cares about all this. There is a God who sent his own son to deal with sin and its effects. There is the incarnate God who healed diseases and showered people with compassion and kindness. There is a final judgment in which one day every right will be rewarded, and every wrong punished. The Christian gospel offers tremendous hope and comfort in the face of such tragedies, both now and in the life to come.
Yet what does Darwinism and atheism have to offer? Absolutely nothing. Crap just happens, end of story. We all just happen to be here in this cosmic accident, with no purpose or meaning or hope or any sense to it all. Just what would you be telling these poor folk in China or Burma right now Steve? What words of comfort and help can you give these people? Just how will your atheism and goo-to-you evolution help these people in any way whatsoever?
Moreover, just what are you atheists doing about these tragedies? Everyone knows that Christian relief organisations such as World Vision are up to their ears in practical work and assistance and care and comfort for these and other tragedy victims. Just how many atheist organisations are there right now in Burma and China Steve?
It is times like this that the sheer emptiness and ugliness of militant atheism becomes so apparent. All atheists can do is criticise Christians, yet when it comes to crunch time, it is the committed Christian who is actually doing something, while the atheist just sits around in intellectual arrogance and moral snobbery, mouthing empty platitudes and making hollow claims.
Can I really suggest Steve that you stop lecturing us about such things as ID until you have the intellectual integrity to actually read some of their books? And can I suggest you get off your atheist high horse and simply stop your vain criticisms of a faith that you have rejected? Tragically, you have replaced your earlier encounter with Christianity with a morally vacuous atheism which offers no good to anyone, except those who want some sort of cerebral justification for their rejection of the creator God whom they will one day stand before, head hung in shame, with not a word to say.
Indeed, I seriously and sincerely remind you of this truth which you would have learned as a youngster. When you do stand before your maker and judge, every last bit of arrogance and cheap excuses will melt away in an instant. Are you ready for that day Steve, or are you more interested in pretending to know it all? You can bluff and bluster with believers all you want now, but you will not have a word to say on that final day. When he stretches his nail-scarred hands to you on that day, all you protestations will look like so much foolishness. Psalm 53:1.
Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch
There are many secular humanitarian relief organisations involved in disaster relief. Ever heard of the Red Cross, Oxfam, Médecins sans Frontières? These are the groups that I support. I have a lot of respect for Tim Costello and World Vision, but some Christian organisations use aid as a means of proselytising and I won’t support that. You are completely wrong in your assertions about atheists being aloof and uncaring. We care about all people, not just “chosen people”. Perhaps you should examine the ethical philosophy behind humanism some time.
I am well aware of the Christian belief in the Fall, but I specifically asked how you would explain it to those parents who saw their innocent children suffer. The Fall makes no sense when it is used to justify the suffering of innocents.
Can you really rationally accept that God deliberately sabotaged his perfect design and inflicted pain and suffering upon billions of humans until the end of time, including innocent young children, because someone ate an apple? He would have been better to just start again with another breeding pair, or just create souls in heaven and forget the idea of a material world altogether.
As for what atheists make of natural disasters, we think the same as most Christians do. There is no “meaning” in an earthquake that kills 30,000 people. It is simply the result of natural forces, and just bad luck for those who happened to live in the wrong place at the wrong time. And the humanist response is much the same as the Christian response – help those affected as much as possible to deal with tragedy, knowing that we can’t fully appreciate their pain. Bad things do just happen in life, but telling people they happen because all humans are sinners isn’t going to provide any comfort whatsoever to those affected.
I would love to believe there is a God and an afterlife, but I have been unable to find any evidence that either actually exists. I’ve studied the origins of scripture and the work of Bible scholars too. I wonder how many Christians actually know that independent professional Biblical scholarship has basically dismissed the Bible as providing any evidence for the existence of God?
I’ve heard it argued that millions of people believe in the Bible, so it must be true. But millions of people believe the Koran and the Book of Mormon come from God, and I bet you don’t agree with their beliefs.
Instead of blithely dismissing humanists as evil, perhaps you might consider how they come to conclude there is no supernatural. It is not out of hate, spite or bloody-mindedness, it is simply the outcome of reasoned, rational examination of the facts. The god theory fails through lack of any evidence.
And the reason I argue with you is not out of bloody-mindedness either. It is simple because you so often make unsubstantiated claims. Your outlandish claim that only Christian aid agencies are in China and Burma is a case in point.
Steve Angelino, WA
Further to Bill’s excellent comments, may I say briefly that life, with all its mixture of fun, hard work, tragedy, happiness and injustice makes no sense at all. UNLESS we regard it as a test, a trial for another life, an eternal life to come.
It amazes me that some people choose to believe that the Universe came into existence of its own volition, without any architect, creator supreme intelligence or guiding hand. It reminds me of a story about the Christian and the Athiest watching a working model of our Solar System at a science museum. The Athiest said it was great, an d wondered who built it. To his surprise, the Christian said that no one built it, that “it had built itself”. His companion replied that that was impossible, and that “it simply could not have built itself. “Someone must have provided the intelligence and done the work.” “Well, Athiests claim that the real Universe, including our Solar System built itself without any Creator or Intelligent Being master-minding it. “Now you can see how absurd that claim is”.
Alan A. Hoysted
Thanks Steve
But the intellectual credibility of atheism continues to take a hammering with your remarks, beginning with your very first words. Just why do you think the word “Cross” is in the title Red Cross, Steve? Since you obviously are clueless on this, let me fill you in. Henry Dunant, who founded the Red Cross, was a committed Christian, not an atheist. He also helped to form the YMCA. Any ideas what the C stands for there, Steve?
The truth is, most of the long-standing aid and relief organisations had explicitly Christian origins, even if some are a bit more secular in approach today, such as the Salvos or Red Cross. And I did not say secular groups, but atheist groups. Nor did I anywhere claim that only Christian groups were in Burma or China. So please stop distorting and misrepresenting my remarks. While we of course expect these sorts of things from atheists, if you want to continue on this website, you will have to be either more careful or more honest in what you say.
There is an enormous difference in dealing with tragedies when we contrast the biblical worldview with the athist worldview, as I have so many times already discussed. In the biblical worldview there is a God who cares deeply about all that happens to us; who knows the number of hairs on our head; who grieves when we reject him and get ourselves into trouble; and may well have good reasons for allowing certain things to happen, which we may not have the full answers to at this moment. And the final answer to all suffering is the suffering of God’s son on our behalf, and the knowledge that this life is not all there is. God did everything he possibly could to bring suffering to an end. If we reject his only remedy, there is no other solution.
All the atheist can do is proclaim that we live in a random, purposeless and meaningless universe where crap just happens. No comfort, No hope, No answers. Nothing. So please stop pretending that atheism has anything of help whatsoever in dealing with any tragedy in life. It cannot explain evil, nor can it explain goodness. It has nothing to say about morality at all. How can it? Morality assumes nonmaterial things such as love, justice and kindness, and a moral lawgiver. That is nowhere to be found in the materialism and naturalism of atheism, nor in dog-eat-dog evolutionary theory. You have nothing to tell the Burmese or Chinese right now.
And you keep telling us how well aware you are of Christian truth claims, but when you actually talk about them, you demonstrate how ignorant you are of the very basics of Christian teachings.
But your most remarkable claim is this: “I would love to believe there is a God and an afterlife, but I have been unable to find any evidence that either actually exists.” From everything you have said in the past few years, any reader to this site will have to find such words incredible, if not disingenuous. Many here have offered you good solid evidence. Many have recommended books, written by some of the great minds of all times, whether scientists or academics or philosophers or world class scholars or even former atheists. Yet as you keep confessing, you have not bothered to read even one of these books. Where is the evidence that you really want to believe Steve?
If you really were a serious seeker – and not someone whose mind is made up, and closed to any counter evidence, – you would have leapt at the chance of getting some of these books and seeing what they say. Yet you have not. So one can only seriously doubt the honesty of your claims here.
And spare us this foolishness of “independent professional Biblical scholarship” whatever that means. The truth is, there are thousands of top rate Christian scholars, theologians, and biblical scholars who can vouch for the reliability of the biblical texts and the evidence for God and Jesus Christ.
Yet you do not appear to give a rip about any of these experts. You simply do not want to believe, end of story. The evidence is there for the honest seeker, but to those who live in the narrow world of dogmatic atheism, apparently no evidence will even be considered.
The truth is, all you display here is a clenched fist, shaken at God, not an open mind or a teachable, humble attitude. As CS Lewis put it, you are still a rebel who refuses to lay down your arms, and let God be God. Every one of us must make that choice. You obviously are still clinging to your rebellion. You are deciding your own eternal destiny right now Steve.
Sadly, you have heard the truth countless times, but have rejected it. That is a serious place to be in. Since you seem to have made up your mind and closed yourself off to the evidence, there seems to be little point going on and on with you. All I can do is continue to pray for you. What you do with the truth is up to you.
Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch
Dear Steve,
Answering your questions fully would require a lot more words and time than what I have available right now. But as a partial answer, I ask you a question yourself. What exactly were you expecting to happen if God really exists? Make everything perfect, it sounds like. Well, he did, with one qualifier. He made humans with freedom of will. Therefore, he made them with the ability to either choose to obey him, or to reject him. It’s obvious which way things went.
Now if instead the world was made as you would like it to be, then God would have made humans such that we are UNABLE to disobey him. That would involve forcing each and every one of us human beings to be perfect, which would mean us living without sin, living without rejecting God. It would mean that we have no choice but to obey God. What kind of choice is that? None at all, I say. It would mean that our obedience to God is not out of love for him, but rather an involuntary response to our Creator’s supreme will that we shall be perfect. That would be neither love on our part, nor love on his part. That would be a farce. Sorry, I don’t want to be that kind of robot. Maybe you do, but I’d be surprised if that’s true.
Just in case you might want to challenge my obvious presupposition that a perfect physical world requires morally/spiritually perfect humans (or put the other way, why should the physical world become imperfect just because we humans choose to rebel against God?), I think you should consider what living in a perfect physical world would be like, whilst being allowed to live in rejection of the God who created it. Just think, you and me, innocent children, “good” people, all along with Hitler, Stalin, and the worst of your militant religious zealots – all still alive, living with each other. Every person you consider guilty of making life hell for others would NEVER die, along with those who you consider innocent. No way out, because there is no such thing as a physical death. Who would want to live in eternity under such conditions? Your “perfect” world would be a worse one than what we have now (unless, as I said before, you would prefer to be a robot). So I think it was rather gracious of God that he gave us physical death once the first humans decided to rebel against him. It gives us an escape clause from living out hell on earth.
I know this all sounds like cold comfort to the likes of a person suffering the atrocities that you mentioned – but not in light of the loving God who created us all. So the message to such people is, yes, this is awful what you are suffering, but no, God has not abandoned you. You have the opportunity to see this all made right in the next life, which WILL be perfect, and all you have to do to inherit this is to ACCEPT it from God. This is all happening precisely because God DOES love you. If he forced perfection on you (which he has the power to do), then he wouldn’t be showing any kind of love to you.
Like I said, much more to say, but so little time…
Mathew Markey
Just love it, Alan. That’s a great analogy.
And nicely answered Mathew.
There are a few things in the world that keep me in perpetual awe. One being the stupidity and vanity of mankind when he claims logic and reason must show there is no God, and then states that incredibly complex inter-dependent ‘creations’ just happened. And so many of these ‘logical thinkers’ continue to repeat the same platitude of ‘why does a loving God allow bad stuff?’. It’s a pretty simple concept to fathom that if we have choice then bad stuff is going to happen.
Not trying to gang up on you Steve, because, as far as I am aware, isn’t this site all about being able to raise issues and discuss them? But you have been on this site for long enough to know that surely your arguments have to be a bit deeper than the obvious platitudes. But putting aside arguments, why did you turn from your faith (apologies if you’ve explained this elsewhere) or were you purely a child spectator in church until you became an adult? I am truly interested.
Garth Penglase
Thanks for taking the time to respond. I do understand the Christian apologetic position on all this, but I’m afraid it all sounds like making excuses for God. There are many ways that man could have been given free will, and that humans could have finite lives, without the need for arbitrary pain, suffering and natural disasters.
It’s the suffering of innocent young children in particular that makes me question the Christian explanation. They have no understanding of the world, no concept of sin or evil and yet they have to suffer the same blind injustices as adults. It is very difficult to reconcile this with the existence a loving God.
Briefly, I had a typical Christian upbringing, went to church, read the scriptures, even considered ministry at one point. But the more I learned about the origins of the scriptures, and about the natural world, the more questions I asked, and the fewer satisfactory answers I got from pastors and elders. Eventually I came to doubt the existence of God.
It takes a while to accept that death is the end of it all, but meaning and joy can be found in life even when you believe it is a naturalistic world. In fact you appreciate and value every single moment of every day, because life, family and friends become even more precious.
I accept that religion provides comfort and meaning for many people, but it has too many glib and simplistic answers to complex questions for my liking, and I am unable to find any evidence to support belief in the supernatural.
Steve Angelino, WA
Thanks again Steve
But as I said before – and would be clear to anyone reading your many remarks over the years – it is not at all the case that you are unable to find any evidence. The sad truth is, you simply do not want to believe the evidence. There is a world of difference between the two.
Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch
Dear Steve,
I hadn’t seen your post dated 20/5/08 3am before I wrote my previous one. But now I can see a bit more where you are coming from.
I agree with you that the effect sin has on the world is not very nice. I have 4 young children, and I hate the thought that any of them might suffer under adverse situations. However, I also know that what they are suffering from right now is the same thing that you and I are both suffering, and that is the effect of humanity’s rebellion against God – and they are just as guilty of it as you and I. You said something about the Fall, and how it “makes no sense when it is used to justify the suffering of innocents”. I believe that what is different about you and me here is that you believe that there do exist truly “innocent” people, whereas I don’t.
The only reason I don’t, is because the Bible says so. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23, and several other places). I think your idea of “innocent” children is that they haven’t done anything wrong yet. But sin is an attitude of the heart against God, not necessarily external actions a person does. An apple tree cannot bear oranges as its fruit – in just the same way, people with rebellion in their hearts towards God cannot bear children with pure hearts.
You seem to think that the doctrine of a physical curse following the Fall is that of a God who is not loving. But I would say that this is actually evidence of a God who is ALL-loving. If he left people to sin freely without any clue that the attitude of their hearts had put their eternal future in jeopardy, thereby leaving them wallowing in their sin forever and denying them perfect eternal life, then what kind of love would that be? Instead, he decided to make it crystal clear where we all stand with him (by cursing our bodies and the creation we live in to an inevitable death), and then to provide a means to return to him. That means is the loving sacrifice of his perfect son, Jesus Christ, who is also God. Because Jesus was perfect, the sacrifice of his life was enough to pay for all people’s sins, and redeem all people back to God. THIS is true love. So a person who suffers (child or adult) physically in this world is actually suffering due to the necessary effects of God’s original curses on Adam, Eve, the serpent and the creation. While it’s not a very nice result temporarily, it is not a doctrine that “is used to justify the suffering of innocents” as you put it, because no such people exist. The amazing power of the Christian gospel is that it offers hope to all people. All is NOT lost. Eternity is available, and that eternity WILL be perfect. All that is needed for each individual is to actually ACCEPT this now in this life – nothing else.
I find it ironic (and I have to admit, somewhat frustrating) that I am having this discussion with a person who would readily admit that his mind is the result of a long process of evolution, and that his thoughts are purely the side-effects of the many chemical reactions that go on in his physical brain. To you, by definition, your thoughts are the result of purely physical processes. I say “by definition” because there is no evidence you could actually use to prove this. Yet in your worldview you would try and use purely physical processes (your thoughts) to disprove that which is supernatural (God) and by definition exists outside of such physical processes. There is something inconsistent going on here. If this is truly all there is, then I have no reason (nor do you) to believe that the chemical reactions in your brain are coming up with the truth and that mine are not. In fact, you have no way of verifying that the many chemical reactions that have lead you to the conclusion that “the god theory fails through lack of any evidence” or that “I am unable to find any evidence to support belief in the supernatural” are not leading you up the garden path!
In my worldview I have complete and unwavering faith that my mind is quite capable of entertaining logical non-random thoughts and drawing reasonable conclusions from those thoughts – really all quite in line with reality I think. And yet this is consistent with my belief that a God with a logical ordered mind created me and my non-physical mind in his image.
Look, you have said so much, and so much more needs to be said in reply, but it would be impossible here. Maybe we could talk about it on the phone (a much more appropriate medium to do this than the internet) if you are willing to share e-mail details via Bill?
Mathew Markey
This was a great DVD. It shows the creative mind of God, and just how truly great and mighty He is.
It’s so hard to comprehend the size of the universe, and to think that God basically breathed it into being.
For me the DVD just emphasizes the whole perspective of Intelligent Design. How could such amazing creations be the result of a ‘big bang’? What about the complex structure of the human body, and DNA, was it just by chance? It really shows that there has been a great deal of thought put into creation.
Hannah Weichman, Melbourne
I am new in this site and am not an American, I am a Filipino who just watched the DVD last night and made me very interested in both science and the Holy Bible, in other words God. At first, I am thinking that God and Science are words that gainsay each other, but I just realized that I was wrong. Science actually supports the Bible. And it is so great!
While I am watching the movie, I really felt small because of what the speaker said “I am not trying to feel you small, I am telling you that you are small.” which I really believed. I felt God’s love flowing through me when I read “The star breather becomes the Sin Bearer.” as mentioned above.
Regarding the comments here, I am amazed on how Steve, Bill and others interact, you made this site capable of achieving its goals to spread learning and information. I learned many things by reading your comments and it just made my love and faith for God stronger than yesterday. I thank God for being faithful to us humans even though we are insignificant in this wide and vast universe.
Just an opinion, the fact that Steve is here for years is a sign that God is very faithful to him.
Christian Paguio
Louis Giglio is truely amazing! God is so good! Is there an official website where I can get all of his sermons? Or possibly a DVD available for purchase?
Phoenix O’Connor
Thanks Phoenix
You can try this site for starters: http://www.268generation.com/2.0/splash2c.htm
Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch
Wow..how big is our God!! What a wonderful DVD to show to the ones we love. Every human is made in two parts…the Physical and the Spiritual. Love the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path.
When you surrender your will to God, to die to ones self in worldly thinking, the Holy Spirit will be given to you..then the wisdom of the purpose of your life will be seen clearly. Not everyone will go to heaven, in fact only a few…as the path is narrow and many may miss it if the are just going to church. knowledge does not get you to heaven! Satin has greater knowledge of God than we can know in our worldly understanding.
I have witnessed many indescribable miracles that cannot be explained any way but thru Faith. Cancer healed overnight, blind gaining vision, deaf people regaining their hearing both here in Australia and overseas. God is amazing and thru the power of the Holy Spirit greater things will be done than what Jesus did on Earth.
Until you receive the Holy Spirit, as in being Born Again, you just are leaning on your own understanding…a dangerous place to be eternally…blessings to all.
Brian Thomas
I am amused by the “Indescribable” DVD and worship song, because of its illogicality: God is first said to be “indescribable”, then is described in so many ways.
Jonathan Sarfati, US
Jonathan, you should also listen to a famous address called ‘My King’ by an African-American preacher SM Lockredge (?) on YOUtube. It’s deeply moving and hilarious in places. After telling us about Jesus for about 10 minutes in the most picturesque, evocative and thrilling language, he starts to wind down, saying ‘I wish I could describe Him to ya but He’s …..He’s indescribable!’
So in that sense L. Giglio, Chris Tomlin, Laura Storey, Stuart Hine, King David and Job were all right. We can only attempt to describe Him. and PS thanks for all your wonderful writing Jonathan.
Terry Darmody