Yet More Abortion Wins
In the US we keep seeing the slow but steady rollback of the abortion industry. Clinics are closing, doctors are quitting or being charged with criminal offences, and pro-life legislation is being passed in various states. The most recent victory comes from Texas where the Senate has just passed HB 2, which now simply awaits signing by Governor Rick Perry.
Despite the frenzied pro-death protestors screaming “Hail Satan;” despite the Democrat offering this charming comment: “Jesus isn’t a dick so keep him out of my vagina;” and despite the jars of urine and faeces police confiscated from the pro-death crowd, the bill restricting abortion was just passed.
Yes they actually did scream “Hail Satan”. Yes they actually did utter such blasphemies. And yes they actually did collect their own excrement to throw at pro-lifers. They really are a lovely bunch, aren’t they? But despite all this demonic hate and rage, the bill has gone through.
It certainly did not ban all abortions, but did put some restrictions on them in Texas. As one news report says, “House Bill 2 would require doctors to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals, allow abortions only in surgical centers, limit where and when women may take abortion-inducing pills and ban abortions after 20 weeks. Only five out of 42 existing abortion clinics meet the requirements to be a surgical center, and clinic owners say they can’t afford to upgrade or relocate.”
It was a tough and gruelling battle, with the pro-death Democrats and their supporters using every trick in the book, including every diabolical trick imaginable, to prevent its passage. But it got through nonetheless. I previously wrote about this dramatic battle and the clash of worldviews behind it here:
So we have another win. Of course none of us can rest until all baby-killing is stopped, but it is always good when at least some deaths can be prevented. And as mentioned, this is simply part of a string of victories. The pro-life cause is on a roll, and the pro-death camp sure isn’t happy about it.
That explains why they are getting so appallingly ugly and nasty. They know they are losing, and that simply infuriates them. So expect things to get even more disgusting and evil as the pro-aborts go all out to keep baby-killing alive and well (no pun intended).
Steve Skojec has recently penned a piece entitled, “3 Signs That We’re Winning the Abortion Battle” which is worth quoting from. He begins, “I wonder if the editorial staff at the Huffington Post regrets the site’s recent poll on abortion? Because it certainly doesn’t support the narrative that sees the Gosnells of the world as an aberration. Apparently, the American people don’t like late term abortion by a pretty overwhelming amount, despite what the radical fringe on the left would have you believe.”
The Huff Post said this recently: “Most Americans would favor sweeping new national restrictions on abortion after the 20th week of pregnancy. . . . By a margin of 59 percent to 30 percent, respondents to the new poll said they would favor a federal law banning abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy.”
Skojec continues, discussing how Planned Parenthood’s President Cecile Richards couldn’t explain the difference between what convicted abortionist Gosnell did and what we find at run-of-the-mill late term abortion mills: “Though there was plenty of time for Richards to answer the questions as she walked toward a U.S. Senate office building, she remained silent after her aide tried to cut off questioning.
“This is what a losing battle looks like, folks. Oh, the road to victory is long, and I expect it may get worse before it gets better — we have a government that couldn’t care less about the consent of the governed after all — but the American people are, I hope, finally waking up. When people begin really pushing back on late term abortions, it’s going to be a lot easier to impose restrictions and enhance the definitions of personhood.
“With the ongoing advances in medical technology and the occasional success of ultrasound-before-abortion legislation, science is going to have nothing to offer the baby bloodlust crowd. They’re going to have to stand on their Mengelean defenses of how sometimes, hey, you just have to cut up a baby for the common good. (Yes, such defenses exist in the public sphere, though they aren’t really warming up the abortion lobby’s PR arm.)”
He discusses some everyday pro-life heroes, and then concludes, “This is the other thing that the pro-life cause has that will help turn the tide: heroes. The heroic people who pray at abortion clinics and save young women from making the worst decision of their lives. The heroic legislators who fight to pass laws restricting abortion, no matter how much political capital it may cost them.
“The heroic families willing to take on a down’s syndrome baby on zero notice just to save a life, many of whom already have no few children of their own. The heroic priest who arranged to make this happen and found a solution with no time to do it. His heroic father, who died in an unimaginable way to save his own Down’s Syndrome child.
“Show me the heroes of the abortion movement. Show me their selflessness. Show me the sacrifices they’ve made. Show me what they’ve done to inspire conversion, dedication, or love. Victory is inevitable. We are on a slow, excruciating crawl toward victory. But it is progress nonetheless. I’m proud to be on the winning side. Keep praying. Keep fighting.”
I cannot add much more to that. We are winning. We are making real gains here. Yes it is a hard, long slog, but we must never give up. We owe it to the unborn to keep fighting. What William Wilberforce said about the slave trade we can equally say of the baby-killing trade:
?”Never, never will we desist till we…extinguish every trace of this bloody traffic, of which our posterity, looking back to the history of these enlightened times will scarce believe that it has been suffered to exist so long a disgrace and dishonor to this country.”
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Bill, don´t say we can rest once the baby-killing stops. The prodeath side will continually try to wrestle their agendas back in. We can never rest.
However, fantastic news of the passing of HB2!
Therese McQuade
This certainly is good news. If only we could replicate these sort of wins in Australia. Unfortunately, it seems, both major political parties are hell bent on destroying babies in the womb.
Marcus Anderson
I couldn’t possibly add anything to this heart warming story other than our God is a powerful God beyond all measure.
Daniel Kempton
Great news Bill- do you think there will be debate before the election between Rudd and Abbott on late term Abortion? I wonder if ACL will host a debate or whether it will be the general debate that could the forum to see this issue debated or at least have the question asked of both to get something progressing with the major parties here in Oz. Thankful for the Madigan bill before Parliament though.
Stephen Lewin
“Hail Satan!”s need not surprise us from some Pro-Choice advocates. Recently I was told by a relative better read in the field of the occult than I am that abortion and child sacrifice aren’t exactly out of place in in the worlds of the occult and Neo-Paganism. However, I suspect most Pro-Choicers operate from a secularist or liberal theological ideological base.
John Wigg
I’m glad to hear of and thank God for an anti-abortion victory in the U.S. Our prayer cell group however, which meets each week, will keep praying for those Christian heroes who are in the forefront of battles in other countries throughout the world, to stop the heinous practice of killing innocent babies in the womb.
John Ferwerda