Christmas, Terrorism, and History

Yet another terrorist attack in the West:

We can often tell when we are nearing Christmas because even more terrorist attacks occur. Europe has had so many of these over the past few decades. And when you have a car or truck used to plough into Christmas shoppers at markets and the like, you know this is probably coming straight out of the jihadist playbook.

And it raises questions once again about our failed multi culti policies where hordes of people are allowed to stream into Western nations, too often unvetted, and too often not seeking to fit in at all with Western values and principles. That is always going to be a recipe for disaster.

The latest example of this just happened in Magdeburg, Germany. One news report says this about the attack:

A car ploughed into a busy outdoor Christmas market in the eastern German city of Magdeburg on Friday, killing at least two people, including one toddler, and injuring at least 68 others in what authorities suspect was a deliberate attack. The driver was arrested shortly after the car barrelled into the market about 7pm, when it was teeming with holiday shoppers looking forward to the weekend.


The suspect is a 50-year-old Saudi doctor who first came to Germany in 2006, Tamara Zieschang, the interior minister for the state of Saxony-Anhalt, of which Magdeburg is the capital, said at a news conference. He has been practicing medicine in Bernburg, about 36 kilometres south of Magdeburg, she said.


“As things stand, he is a lone perpetrator, so that as far as we know, there is no further danger to the city,” Saxony-Anhalt’s governor, Reiner Haseloff, told reporters. Fifteen of the injured were hurt very seriously, according to government officials. Haseloff said the two people confirmed to have died were an adult and a toddler but that he couldn’t rule out further deaths.

A few things can be added to this. Other reports are now saying 11 people are dead. Time will tell what the final figures actually turn out to be. And for the most part, Saudi equals Muslim. Not always, but one suspects this person was NOT a Baptist or a Buddhist. But as always, the mainstream media refuses to use the ‘M’ word or the ‘I’ word.

However, these sorts of horrific attacks almost always turn out to be perpetrated by Muslims. And if the media spills the beans here, that means they might have to spill the beans on our faulty multiculturalism policies where borders are wide open, and attacks on the local populations continue unabated.

The false Western god of DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) is far too often directly responsible for these sorts of Islamic terror attacks in our nations. While our clueless leaders celebrate all cultures and beliefs (except for that of Christianity), some of these other cultures clearly do not celebrate ours, and are on a mission to wipe us out or turn us into Islamic slave states.

And why do the authorities and the media almost always insist that this was just a “lone wolf” attack? Whenever a white ‘Christian’ is found to have done something even remotely similar to this, so many of our politicians and commentariat speak of the need to clamp down on all Christians, and that they are somehow all implicated in these matters.

Moreover, vehicular terrorism is something we have seen so much of in recent years. Whether in Germany, Britain or even here in Australia, this has become a primary means for the Islamists to inflict maximum damage, destruction and death. See a few of my earlier articles on this:

These sorts of terror attacks happen so often now that we might be growing used to them. Thankfully some brave commentators on Islam are willing to speak truth here, even when it is deemed inappropriate to do so. Let me cite two of them.

Pamela Geller has just written about this most recent jihadist attack. She says this :

Here is what we know so far:

– Explosive device believed to be in the car.
– 70 injured, 15 in serious condition at this moment.
– At least 11 are dead.
– He was driving at 80 KPH
– Suspect was working as a doctor according to BILD.
– The car traveled over 400 meters through the market.
– The suspect was driving a dark BMW.
– Chancellor Olaf Scholz says “something terrible is to come.”
– Musk calls on Scholz to resign.

And then she tells us what we really need to know:

The Islamic State issued a call to slaughter in this fashion in accordance with Islamic texts and teachings:

“You must strike the soldiers, patrons, and troops of the tawaghit. Strike their police, security, and intelligence members, as well as their treacherous agents. Destroy their beds. Embitter their lives for them and busy them with themselves. If you can kill a disbelieving American or European — especially the spiteful and filthy French — or an Australian, or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever from the disbelievers waging war, including the citizens of the countries that entered into a coalition against the Islamic State, then rely upon Allah, and kill him in any manner or way however it may be….If you are not able to find an IED or a bullet, then single out the disbelieving American, Frenchman, or any of their allies. Smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife, or run him over with your car, or throw him down from a high place, or choke him, or poison him….”

She then quotes from another Western expert on Islam, Robert Spencer:

Germany brought this on itself. All politicians who favored Merkel’s mass Muslim migration scheme should resign in disgrace. But they won’t. They’ll be reelected.


“Moment Magdeburg attack ‘suspect, 50, from Saudi Arabia is arrested with explosive device in car after killing at least 11 and injuring up to 80 when he drove BMW into crowd at Christmas market in Germany,’” by Perkin Amalaraj, Daily Mail.

See more on this here:

The historical connection

This same city that is now reeling from this latest terror attack might be wondering if their leaders have made things worse by their open border policies of letting masses of people in, including so many unvetted Muslims, with no questions asked. There is actually some historical precedence here. In an earlier discussion on taking a stand against evil leaders I wrote:

One of the earliest Protestant statements on the place of resistance to wicked rulers is the Magdeburg Confession. The confession was written by a group of German pastors at Magdeburg laying out why they had to resist the 1548 Interim of Charles V. Among other things, it set out the doctrine of the lesser magistrates.  

While the battles being fought back then differ from this incident, the principles are much the same. Out-of-touch leaders and politicians are putting the citizens at risk, and when they refuse to listen to the people but simply push their elitist agendas, then the masses suffer.

And too often of late, the suffering includes horrific injury and death. So perhaps a new Magdeburg Confession needs to be issued, not just for Germany, but for all of Europe and all of the West. Wilful ignorance about the nature and intent of political Islam is always going to be disastrous.

The victims in Magdeburg right now certainly know all about this. How many more such tragedies will we allow to take place before our ruling elites get the message, and start putting their own people first ahead of those who have no desire to fit in with our culture, but instead want to see it replaced with their own? Judging from the recent past, I suspect we will be seeing many more such attacks here in the West.

Christians and others should not have to fear going out in public places to do Christmas shopping. But that is now the reality as so many Western leaders have allowed their nations to be flooded with those who hate Christianity and the West.

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2 Replies to “Christmas, Terrorism, and History”

  1. Not detracting from the above, but seeing that there is an epidemic of gender dysphoria might there be an epidemic of dangerous lunacy imitating jihad? This does not in any way exonerate anyone, but it may complicate the picture. One thing, we can be fooled but there is no fooling God.

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