The war against Biblical Christianity continues to hot up. This time the prestigious journal, Nature, has weighed into the battle. In its 8 March, 2007…
Most media outlets carried the story over the weekend of the radical Muslim cleric who told his followers that the nation’s drought was caused by Australians’…
There was a rather atrocious discussion about Jesus on Melbourne’s ABC radio on March 9, 2007. Of course silly discussions about Jesus take place all…
When the Cold War was at its height, there was a corresponding ideological war taking place: a war of ideas. Those on the radical left…
Political conservatism and religious conservatism tend to go together. Not always. Not completely. But there does tend to be a connection. It can be said…
I should have known better. Last week the Melbourne Age printed a strange opinion piece by a former Catholic, Catherine Deveny, who now calls herself…
A documentary was aired on American television yesterday entitled “The Jesus Family Tomb,” in which it is claimed that the tombs of Jesus, Mary and…
As I wrote in my previous article, William Wilberforce became a leading abolitionist two centuries ago because of his strong Christian convictions. Without his Biblical-based…
March 25, 2007 marks a very important anniversary. Two hundred years ago the British Parliament voted to abolish slavery, and on that date the Abolition…
A poster which has recently been displayed outside of some Australian churches has caused a fair bit of controversy. The large outdoor posters feature the…
I recall when I was quite young my older brother reading a book called Flatland. It was not until many years later that I finally…
InterVarsity Press, 2006. We are told that religion and politics don’t mix. But it is often the irreligious who make such claims. Secularists do not…
Tom Cruise, well-known proponent of Scientology, has been compared to Christ by the current Church of Scientology leader, David Miscavige. He believes the two share…
A recent comment on this website raised a number of related issues about God’s fairness and justice concerning those who have not heard the gospel,…
The twentieth century witnessed the onslaught of several totalitarian regimes, all of them atheistic or secular in nature. While things are a bit more quiet…
The atheist fundamentalists have been working overtime as of late. Not only did Jill Singer pen another zinger in the Herald Sun (January 8), but…
IVP, 2006. At the very heart of Christianity is Christ. Remove Christ, and you no longer have Christianity. Thus those wanting to attack Christianity concentrate…
Who says ideas do not have consequences? Ideas are not just neutral, ethereal concepts with no bearing on life. Quite the contrary. Bad ideas have…
A person’s worldview is often much more than just some theoretical knowledge. Often it translates into action. And dangerous worldviews will lead to dangerous practices.…
With both major political parties now headed by professing Christians, the discussions about faith and politics in Australia continue to gather steam. Christians can rightly…