A review of Standing Tall: How a Man Can Protect His Family. By Steve Farrar.
Multnomah Books, 1994.
“Two very sacred and fundamental components of our lives are under attack from our culture,” writes Farrar: our faith and our families. Not very long ago culture reinforced and upheld Christian and family values. Now culture is warring against traditional values and Christian beliefs. A rapid change has taken place and Christian values and thinking which were once (at least nominally) predominant are now under assault from every quarter.
In this war two sides are struggling for supremacy. On the one hand there is the Judeo-Christian philosophy and on the other, what might be termed the secular humanist worldview. Ultimately only one side will prevail, and to the victor goes the spoils. Our faith, our families, and especially our children, will be the spoils of this war.
How can Christians take a stand? This book provides a wealth of information and insight into the war we are in and the role each of us can play in fighting the good fight. Ultimately the battle will be won or lost by how men respond. When men abdicate their leadership role in the home, adverse social consequences will be felt. Farrar, the author of Point Man, urges men to stop abandoning their responsibilities, and return to the role of protector and nurturer of families.
When men reclaim their role as salt and light in the home, then society will feel the effects. A nation is only as strong as its families. Farrar calls men to strengthen their families, or risk losing them. Our children are facing pressures and temptations that we never faced as children. We owe it to our children to understand the forces that are at war with our faith and our families, and to take a stand.
In a war no one can sit on the fence. Everyone must get involved. “Until now,” says Farrar, “it has been socially acceptable to be a Christian. I think the days are quickly coming when it will be socially unacceptable to be a follower of Christ. The lines have been drawn and it’s time to make a decision. We either stand tall and follow Christ with all of our hearts or we don’t. It’s that simple.”
As is becoming clear, Christian values are no longer socially acceptable. Indeed Christianity is all that stands between civilisation and barbarism. We need now to act as salt and light, and the best book I know of to help men reclaim that role is this book. I urge you to buy it, read it, and get a copy for a friend.
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Definitely a must read book for all fathers. This is one our favorite books. Farrar said it all well. Great review! God bless! 🙂
Jennifer Aspacio