I Love My Progenitor A

Welcome to the future. If you want to know where Australia is heading, just look at countries that are a few steps ahead. Consider Holland for example. Or Canada. These are two nations that have moved so far down the path of political correctness and leftwing madness, that they serve as good examples of how nations should not develop.

Both nations seem to be getting more bizarre by the day, although there has been a bit of a turnaround in Holland. But Canada continues to rush down the path of cultural suicide.

Consider its views on marriage and family. When McGill University bioethicist Margaret Somerville uttered these words recently, she was almost lynched: “I believe children have the right to a mother and a father, and preferably their biological parents”.

As another example, consider Canada’s gay marriage law, Bill C-38, which includes a provision to erase the term “natural parent” and replace it across the board with “legal parent” in federal law.

One authority on these issues is Elizabeth Marquardt, director of the Center for Marriage and Families in the US. She was recently interviewed by Barbara Kay for the National Post, September 27, 2006. Says Kay,

“Marquardt details the ripple effect from emerging reproductive technologies and gender-neutral redefinitions of parenthood. Her research revolved around the question of ‘Who is parenthood for – adults or children?’ She cites troubling global evidence that adults’ rights are privileged over children’s. Among many diverse examples: In New Zealand and Australia, influential law commissions propose that children conceived through sperm or egg donation have three legal parents; in Quebec the female partner of a biological mother in a same-sex union is noted as the ‘father’ on the birth certificate; judges in several states in the U.S. have seized on the notion of ‘psychological’ parenthood to award legal parent status to adults (invariably women) not related to the child by blood, adoption or marriage.”

Continues Kay, “When the cultural zeitgeist dictates that children’s interests can be fully served in any caring environment, who are the winners and who the losers in the switch from natural to legal parenthood? The winners are homosexual couples, single women seeking social approval for mate-free motherhood, as well as ideologues promoting state control of social norms and the de facto feminization of society. The losers are children – especially at-risk boys, whose social failures are disproportionately linked to fatherlessness – and fathers, who through law and cultural attitudes are relegated to virtual dhimmi status in a female-controlled social order.”

The new reproductive technologies have certainly been taking their toll of families – especially children: “Marquardt conducted extensive interviews with adult children conceived through sperm donation by strangers, a first in this field of research. Many reveal the negative effects of fatherhood’s marginalized role: Some subjects call themselves ‘lopsided’ or ‘half-adopted’ or, in cases of lesbian unions, ‘queer spawn.’ One used the term ‘kinship slaves.’ Joanna Rose, an Australian interviewee, asks why everyone ‘flips out’ when the wrong baby is taken home from hospital, but assumes donor-conceived children are fine: ‘I believe that the pain of infertility should not be appeased at the expense of the next generation’.”

As Marquardt notes, “When society changes marriage, it changes parenthood…. The legalization of same-sex marriage, while sometimes seen as a small change affecting just a few people, raises the startling prospect of fundamentally breaking the legal institution of marriage from any ties to biological parenthood.”

Quite right. And as Kay concludes: “Words do indeed matter. Ponder the implications of these: Honour thy Progenitor A and thy Progenitor B (and, where applicable, Progenitor C). Brave new world – or a postmodern version of child sacrifice on the altar of neo-pagan deities Feminism and Gender Equity?”

While many are happy to destroy the traditional family and the notion of marriage, others will not let go of these vital institutions without a fight. Before things get much worse, we need to redouble our efforts to maintain some sanity in the face of the social engineers.


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