The Saint Must Walk Alone

This is the first time in over 1800 articles that I have done something like this. My first 1808 articles were written entirely by myself, but here I want to allow another to write instead of myself. While I have referred to this person often, and quoted from him repeatedly, I thought it was time to simply let him speak for himself.

Indeed, I have referred to this article a number of times, including in my most recent article:

But this article is so profound and so important that I don’t mind going against my own flow here and allowing it to be reprinted, without any further ado from myself. I refer to one of the great recent prophets of God, A.W. Tozer, and his vitally necessary article, “The Saint Must Walk Alone”.

This article was first penned for the now defunct American Christian magazine, Eternity. It became chapter 39 of his very powerful 1966 book, Man: The Dwelling Place of God. Its message is as timeless as it is timely. All of God’s people need to hear it, or hear it again.

So here it is in its entirety: “The Saint Must Walk Alone” by A.W. Tozer:

Most of the world’s great souls have been lonely. Loneliness seems to be one price the saint must pay for his saintliness.

In the morning of the world (or should we say, in that strange darkness that came soon after the dawn of man’s creation) that pious soul, Enoch, walked with God and was not, for God took him; and while it is not stated in so many words, a fair inference is that Enoch walked a path quite apart from his contemporaries.

Another lonely man was Noah who, of all the antediluvians, found grace in the sight of God; and every shred of evidence points to the aloneness of his life even while surrounded by his people.

Again, Abraham had Sarah and Lot, as well as many servants and herdmen, but who can read his story and the apostolic comment upon it without sensing instantly that he was a man “whose soul was alike a star and dwelt apart”? As far as we know not one word did God ever speak to him in the company of men. Face down he communed with his God, and the innate dignity of the man forbade that he assume this posture in the presence of others. How sweet and solemn was the scene that night of the sacrifice when he saw the lamps of fire moving between the pieces of offering. There alone with a horror of great darkness upon him he heard the voice of God and knew that he was a man marked for divine favor.

Moses also was a man apart. While yet attached to the court of Pharaoh he took long walks alone, and during one of these walks while far removed from the crowds he saw an Egyptian and a Hebrew fighting and came to the rescue of his countryman. After the resultant break with Egypt he dwelt in almost complete seclusion in the desert. There while he watched his sheep alone the wonder of the burning bush appeared to him, and later on the peak of Sinai he crouched alone to gaze in fascinated awe at the Presence, partly hidden, partly disclosed, within the cloud and fire.

The prophets of pre-Christian times differed widely from each other, but one mark they bore in common was their enforced loneliness. They loved their people and gloried in the religion of the fathers, but their loyalty to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and their zeal for the welfare of the nation of Israel drove them away from the crowd and into long periods of heaviness. “I am become a stranger unto my brethren, and an alien unto my mother’s children,” cried one and unwittingly spoke for all the rest.

Most revealing of all is the sight of that One of whom Moses and all the prophets did write treading His lonely way to the cross, His deep loneliness unrelieved by the presence of the multitudes.

‘Tis midnight, and on Olive’s brow
The star is dimmed that lately shone;
‘Tis midnight; in the garden now,
The suffering Saviour prays alone.
‘Tis midnight, and from all removed
The Saviour wrestles lone with fears,
E’en the disciple whom He loved
Heeds not his Master’s grief and tears.
-William B. Tappan

He died alone in the darkness hidden from the sight of mortal man and no one saw Him when He arose triumphant and walked out of the tomb, though many saw Him afterward and bore witness to what they saw.

There are some things too sacred for any eye but God’s to look upon. The curiosity, the clamor, the well-meant but blundering effort to help can only hinder the waiting soul and make unlikely if not impossible the communication of the secret message of God to the worshiping heart.

Sometimes we react by a kind of religious reflex and repeat dutifully the proper words and phrases even though they fail to express our real feelings and lack the authenticity of personal experience.

Right now is such a time. A certain conventional loyalty may lead some who hear this unfamiliar truth expressed for the first time to say brightly, “Oh, I am never lonely. Christ said, `I will never leave you nor forsake you,’ and, `Lo, I am with you alway.’ How can I be lonely when Jesus is with me?”

Now I do not want to reflect on the sincerity of any Christian soul, but this stock testimony is too neat to be real. It is obviously what the speaker thinks should be true rather than what he has proved to be true by the test of experience. This cheerful denial of loneliness proves only that the speaker has never walked with God without the support and encouragement afforded him by society. The sense of companionship which he mistakenly attributes to the presence of Christ may and probably does arise from the presence of friendly people. Always remember: you cannot carry a cross in company. Though a man were surrounded by a vast crowd, his cross is his alone and his carrying of it marks him as a man apart. Society has turned against him; otherwise he would have no cross. No one is a friend to the man with a cross. “They all forsook him, and fled.”

The pain of loneliness arises from the constitution of our nature. God made us for each other. The desire for human companionship is completely natural and right. The loneliness of the Christian results from his walk with God in an ungodly world, a walk that must often take him away from the fellowship of good Christians as well as from that of the unregenerate world. His Godgiven instincts cry out for companionship with others of his kind, others who can understand his longings, his aspirations, his absorption in the love of Christ; and because within his circle of friends there are so few who share his inner experiences he is forced to walk alone. The unsatisfied longings of the prophets for human understanding caused them to cry out in their complaint, and even our Lord Himself suffered in the same way.

The man who has passed on into the divine Presence in actual inner experience will not find many who understand him. A certain amount of social fellowship will of course be his as he mingles with religious persons in the regular activities of the church, but true spiritual fellowship will be hard to find. But he should not expect things to be otherwise. After all, he is a stranger and a pilgrim, and the journey he takes is not on his feet but in his heart. He walks with God in the garden of his own soul – and who but God can walk there with him? He is of another spirit from the multitudes that tread the courts of the Lord’s house. He has seen that of which they have only heard, and he walks among them somewhat as Zacharias walked after his return from the altar when the people whispered, “He has seen a vision.”

The truly spiritual man is indeed something of an oddity. He lives not for himself but to promote the interests of Another. He seeks to persuade people to give all to his Lord and asks no portion or share for himself. He delights not to be honored but to see his Saviour glorified in the eyes of men. His joy is to see his Lord promoted and himself neglected. He finds few who care to talk about that which is the supreme object of his interest, so he is often silent and preoccupied in the midst of noisy religious shoptalk. For this he earns the reputation of being dull and overserious, so he is avoided and the gulf between him and society widens. He searches for friends upon whose garments he can detect the smell of myrrh and aloes and cassia out of the ivory palaces, and finding few or none he, like Mary of old, keeps these things in his heart.

It is this very loneliness that throws him back upon God. “When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up.” His inability to find human companionship drives him to seek in God what he can find nowhere else. He learns in inner solitude what he could not have learned in the crowd that Christ is All in All, that He is made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption, that in Him we have and possess life’s summum bonum.

Two things remain to be said. One, that the lonely man of whom we speak is not a haughty man, nor is he the holier-than-thou, austere saint so bitterly satirized in popular literature. He is likely to feel that he is the least of all men and is sure to blame himself for his very loneliness. He wants to share his feelings with others and to open his heart to some like-minded soul who will understand him, but the spiritual climate around him does not encourage it, so he remains silent and tells his griefs to God alone.

The second thing is that the lonely saint is not the withdrawn man who hardens himself against human suffering and spends his days contemplating the heavens. Just the opposite is true. His loneliness makes him sympathetic to the approach of the broken-hearted and the fallen and the sin-bruised. Because he is detached from the world he is all the more able to help it. Meister Eckhart taught his followers that if they should find themselves in prayer as it were caught up to the third heavens and happen to remember that a poor widow needed food, they should break off the prayer instantly and go care for the widow. “God will not suffer you to lose anything by it,” he told them. “You can take up again in prayer where you left off and the Lord will make it up to you.” This is typical of the great mystics and masters of the interior life from Paul to the present day.

The weakness of so many modern Christians is that they feel too much at home in the world. In their effort to achieve restful “adjustment” to unregenerate society they have lost their pilgrim character and become an essential part of the very moral order against which they are sent to protest. The world recognizes them and accepts them for what they are. And this is the saddest thing that can be said about them. They are not lonely, but neither are they saints.

[1963 words]

22 Replies to “The Saint Must Walk Alone”

  1. That is something I’ve understood only recently. The scandal of God’s particularity. With one man or woman he is able to accomplish marvels!
    Martin Snigg

  2. Boy you really know how to touch on a nerve. Because I’m a people person and yet I’m so alone. It all make sense now. This post has touched me very deeply.
    Daniel Kempton

  3. Dear Bill,
    You have done a service to God’s people in showing that loneliness is characteristic of the walk of a saint.
    Those who touched my life have accepted this as being part of the sacrifice of walking in step with the Son of God. Oswald J. Sanders spent many nights nursing his beloved wife during her final hours. Yet, he relished the sweet Presence of the Christ of God: jotting down references for his next publication. He touched vast audiences.
    Peter Daniels, alone in his study, prepares as an entrepreneur to reach tens of thousands for his Lord in Jakarta and Singapore. The solitary walk makes exceeding precious the Lamb of God.
    Relish the immense honour of the company of the King of Kings.
    Harrold Steward

  4. Yes, Bill, indeed, a touching article. Certainly I have lost Christian friends, who have considered my website, and its orthodox stance, to be “extreme”. One thought is that the Lord will find someone to “walk with” such as I … but maybe that’s the not the way it is to be, Maybe His presence has to suffice.
    John Thomas, UK

  5. This article really explains my life. I’ve been a loner all my life and I cried a lot and asked God why don’t I have friends like others? Now that I am in college, it’s the same way. I am amongst a group of people but I barely speak and my mind wonders. I cried again asking God to send me some friends. And then along came this article. Thank you seriously.
    Chantelle Simmons

  6. Thanks Chantelle

    While a fully dedicated walk with God may well mean walking a lonely path, that does not mean we will have no friends or fellowship, nor should it. I will pray that you find and enjoy like-minded brothers and sisters.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  7. This is the first time I have found that you are seriously mistaken Bill! You forgot the one other time you let someone else write – and that was when your wife wrote on the joys of having children;

    Actually her last comment kind of ties in with this article;

    – it’s hard to play music with people who are tone deaf – and you just don’t want to do it as much as before.

    Annette Nestor

  8. Thanks for that Annette. Actually I thought she had written one piece, but I thought it was on another topic. So when I could not find it there, I wrote my above opening remarks. Thanks for locating the long lost article!
    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  9. No problem. We should hear from her some more – That was a good article. Come to think of it, I don’t know that there are any bad ones on this site – I haven’t read any!

    Annette Nestor

  10. Thank you Bill for speaking to this. It speaks directly to a long history for me of struggling with this very loneliness. Each must carry their own burden, but I thank the Lord for lightening mine a little this day, through your article. God Bless!

    Marion Stolk

  11. Being alone is hard enough but add to it being constantly persecuted and a woman. Most people do not know what it is to be alone or lonely. I loved the honesty of Bill when he said he did not believe those who said ‘Jesus is enough’. Prophets tell the truth and oh how good it is to hear it and how rare.

    It’s such a hard life though. Why is it necessary to be alone? I do not understand at all; it is such a cruel thing particularly with being female and persecuted. It is a constant burden. I would not change or lessen my relationship with God but it is much, much harder than I ever thought it could be.

  12. Truth is rejected. The pulpits in America dish out what the people want to hear. But who do they run to when tragedy hits? Yes, the ones who speak only Truth. It is a very lonely life but I will not trade it. We are to stand out not fit in.

  13. Hi Bill, thank you for putting this article out there for us to read and as it soaked into my heart. I realised that there are others that feel as I do. The only one in this world that understands me is my creator. Yes we have fellowship with fellow brothers and sisters and I’m married to a beautiful Christian but nevertheless alone I am, and as we battle the powers of this dark world our ally is the greatest man that ever lived so that’s enough to push me forward to finish the race.

    Bless you Bill
    Mark Savies

  14. Good article Bill. However I do not like how you nearly always refer to spritual “men”. What about spiritual women? I did not like someone saying something that contradicted Christianity. I was subjected to a long lecture on the viewpoint that defacto relationships are “as valid” as marriage relationships. In the end I was laughed at. I sat there with my jaw dropping totally stunned especially by being laughed at. This was my in-laws ganging up on me. It has caused problems with my husband and now we do not talk about the incident very often. I was extremely offended because we had only been married for nearly 2 months! Then the follwing Christmas Day I was abused by more of my in-laws! I had actually done nothing wrong. I have paid a high price for my beliefs. It has even caused problems in my marriage and with my in-laws. I did not wish to stir up trouble or offend anyone! So I think that women should be included in people who suffer for their faith. I certainly have. I thought that I would be able to discuss anything with my husband without it causing a problem. Maybe we could have an article on the difference between marriage and defacto relationships. Also I would like an article on how to deal with in-laws and still maintain your marriage. It is easy to say that marriage is a good thing. It is much harder to maintain your marriage, relationships with in-laws and retain your sanity! Please can we have an article on marriage and in-laws. I have found this to be a difficult area to deal with. Love from Helen

  15. Thanks Helen. As to your initial complaint, three brief replies if I may:
    -except for my introduction, the article is written by Tozer;
    -Tozer and I of course often use words like “men” in the routine generic sense of including both sexes;
    -Neither Tozer nor I doubt that there are godly women, and who may walk alone.

    As to your requests, I have done some things on the first one. See here eg.:

    I have not done much on in-laws. I am not a pastor or counsellor or marriage guidance expert!

  16. I just want to thank you Bill for all of the articles you write. They have helped me considerably over the last few years since finding your site. I am so glad I found this article today as it has encouraged and strengthened me knowing there are others who feel the same way. I would really appreciate it if you could pray for some Godly friends to come my way please…
    Also, maybe a repost of this article is due as I’m sure it would help many especially in these times we are living ?

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