Tommy Robinson, the Law, and Social Activism

OK, I thought I had finished writing about Tommy Robinson, his jailing, and the plight of young girls targeted by rape gangs in the UK. But since the story keeps bubbling along, and since critics keep coming out of the woodwork, going on search and destroy missions, I guess I must offer one more piece on all this.

Much of this has to do with questions about whether Tommy Robinson may have been guilty of breaking the law, and thus deserving any punishment he has gotten. You would have heard plenty of these sorts of criticisms over the past few days.

We obviously expect the left to come up with all this, as they hate people like Tommy and what they stand for. But there have been some conservatives who have also come out of late seeking to show that because he may have broken some laws, we simply cannot support him, and we should find someone else to champion.

Well, sorry, but I do not buy this for a number of reasons. Sure, generally speaking, both conservatives and Christians have a very high view of human law, and we generally seek to respect it and obey it. But not always. Sometimes there is a time and a place to go beyond law keeping, when greater goods are at stake. But more on that in a moment.

Let me just deal with a few of these recent articles penned by conservative critics. The first thing to say is that some of these conservatives may not always be all that conservative anyway. They can often be quite wishy washy in various areas, or perhaps far more libertarian than conservative, and so on.

As just one example from here in Australia, we recently had columnist Janet Albrechtsen pen a piece saying we should not be supporting Tommy Robinson because he is a law breaker and he knew he would get into trouble for his actions, etc.

Let me simply repeat what I said to others who mentioned her article to me: Yes I am aware of her piece. Needless to say I do not fully concur with all of it. I of course will have to leave it to the legal experts to debate the finer points of all this. I claim no special expertise in law and jurisprudence.

But Albrechtsen has been at best a half-hearted conservative over the years, so she is hardly my first port of call when I want someone on my side. Given how iffy she has been in the past on some issues, I do not really consider what she has to say here as being all that important.

But more importantly, I will NOT let pieces like hers detract from the main issue here: that there are massive problems in the UK with Islam and with rape gangs; that Tommy and others have long been targeted; and that the powers that be do NOT want their voices heard.

The Islamic takeover of the UK continues apace, and I prefer to side, as much as possible, with people like Tommy who are – albeit quite imperfectly – doing what they can to warn us of the great evil unfolding there. But I seek to explain this more fully here:

Let me mention just one further conservative critic of Robinson. I refer to English Jewish commentator Melanie Phillips. If you do a search of her name on my site you will see I have often mentioned her and quoted from her. I have even done some reviews of her terrific books on my pages.

But here I am not as impressed with what she had to say. As with Janet and some others, I again beg to differ. It seems to me that when conservatives try to slam Tommy for possible laws being broken and the like, they may not always be helping matters that much.

In certain circumstances, I would much rather break a law if necessary to do something to help prevent greater evil – in this case, to do something to help countless girls being raped, tortured and killed by Muslim grooming and rape gangs.

Sometimes things come to that place where it is time to take a stand, even if it may mean violating some laws – often lesser laws. To suggest otherwise is NOT to hold to a conservative position. This is called civil disobedience. Sure, when one engages in this, being willing to face the consequences is usually a part of this. And it must be entered into carefully, usually as a last resort.

Conservatives – certainly Christian conservatives – do not believe that the rule of law is absolute and inviolate. It is very important indeed, and not to be sniffed at. It is what by and large separates free and democratic societies from barbaric ones.

But we never hold up human laws as being absolute. Sometimes there are bad laws that deserve to be resisted and/or changed. Sometimes a particular law is OK in itself, but it may need to be violated to obtain a greater good. A law about where a journalist can or cannot stand outside of a courtroom may not be onerous or evil. But there may be a time when even a law such as that may not be viewed as absolutely binding.

Again, I am not a legal expert, and it is not my intent to get into all the fine points of English law. But I have heard plenty of other knowledgeable conservatives who say this entire episode has been a travesty of justice. But I will let the experts in the various camps fight this out.

My point here is simple: sometimes a conservative or a Christian must, for sake of conscience, violate a certain law or set of laws. One can argue whether or not Tommy needed to run up against these particular laws in the UK. But to say that we must stop supporting someone because he may have resisted some laws is rather unhelpful.

One might as well argue that because Bonhoeffer may have broken the law, he deserved his imprisonment and eventual execution. Indeed, we should just forget about all that Nazi business. Um, sometimes civil disobedience is necessary to help stop great evil.

And as I have said repeatedly now, I may not approve of everything Tommy has said and done, but at the end of the day I prefer folks who care enough about horrendous evil to speak out, rather than all those armchair critics who shoot the messenger and usually do nothing to really turn things around.

So consider this to be a possible case of legitimate civil disobedience if you will. All true conservatives, including Phillips, should know that there is a place for this. It may not always be done perfectly, but we do not live in a perfect world. We may not always pick the right time or place to do this, but sometimes it must be entered into.

Here is not the place to go into all the details as to when and where civil disobedience may be appropriate or necessary. But I have written a number of pieces on this over the years. For more on these sorts of matters, see here:

I repeat, not everything done by people like Robinson are necessarily right or expedient or helpful. I do not support all that he has said or done. But I support in principle the one who is willing to speak and to act, and to act knowing that severe consequences may be awaiting.

Robinson has been attacked in prison and elsewhere before, and it will likely happen again. He may well be killed while in jail this time. But he seems to be willing to take the risk, as he cares about his country, and all the victims of these demonic rape gangs. We all should care. Sure, some folks might run in different ways with how they express their care.

But I for one tire of the host of armchair critics. Most of them have never lifted a finger to stand up for what is right. Most of them have never paid the price for standing against evil. Most of them will never see the inside of a prison cell, and most of them will continue to bathe in the praises of men and respectable society.

But I prefer to run with those who care. Sure, we prefer that the activists only acted with the most pristine of motives, only engaged with the very best and noblest of actions, and did everything in accord with perfect wisdom. That is the ideal. But in a fallen world the ideal is not always possible.

If I make some mistakes along the way in seeking to save the lives of young girls – or others – I sure hope that folks will remember me for what my main motivation was, not for any imperfections and shortcomings as I sought to implement those concerns.

Again, I am not saying we should break laws with impunity; I am not saying we should not seek to be wise, cautious and prudent in our activism; and I am not saying the activists always get it right. But sometimes folks like Tommy are needed to help wake up a sleeping nation.

Can he and others like him do things better? Sure. But give me one far from perfect activist any day of the week over a hundred armchair critics who prefer shooting the ones on the front lines while they stay quite safe, secure and comfortable at home.

At the very least, we all need to pray for Tommy. And for England. It may well be on its last legs, and time is running out.


For those impatient with lengthy articles like this, let me offer the following summary, with a bit more spice:

I know, let’s obsess over any perceived flaws or shortcomings of Tommy Robinson. That way we can:
-happily allow him to rot in prison;
-ignore all the horrific problems associated with Islam in the UK; and
-most importantly, totally forget all about the rape gang crisis and the tens of thousands of abused, raped and tortured young girls.

[1703 words]

24 Replies to “Tommy Robinson, the Law, and Social Activism”

  1. Apart from What Tommy is or is not doing, how can anyone defend rape gangs?

  2. Thanks Roger. The conservative critics of Tommy – and some of the leftist critics – would likely say they are not defending rape gangs. But of course if you seem more worried about some minor laws Tommy may have broken, and spend more time writing about it, then you are really giving the rapists a free run. How many of these lefty critics have ever written about the Islamic rape gangs and criticised them? Hardly any. But they will spend all their time attacking folks like Robinson.

  3. I agree totally with you Bill, I read the article on Melanie Phillips and was disappointed with her statement that he broke the law willingly…sometimes the law really IS an ass, to quote someone or other, but it’s true. She also mentioned his ‘legal’ name, what difference does that make when the plight of young, innocent girls are being enslaved by moslem gangs, gang raped and peddled out for sale……where is the outrage for them?? Anyone with any humanity at all, would agree that Tommy does a fantastic job at exposing what the mainstream media WILL NOT, it’s ridiculous for the ”law” to be upheld in his case and not in any other regarding protection of innocents.

  4. Many thanks for all of your work Bill. You are a rallying point for Christians and I do not know of any other. You provide up to date information on issues that are important to Christians. If it was not for your blogs, my knowledge of Tommy Robinson would be limited to what our left-leaning media would tell us.

    Keep up the good work and God bless you.

  5. Tommy Robinson’s Family’s visit to Prison cancelled with no explanation.

    BREAKING: Family Visit CANCELLED For Tommy
    by Darrell Goodliffe
    Gerard Batten MEP leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) has revealed on Twitter that the visit of Tommy Robinson’s family to where he is being held, in Hull, to confirm his safety to his family has been CANCELLED. Mr Batten goes onto speculate that this could be down to an imminent prison move.

    Tommy Robinson latest: Family visit to Hull Prison to confirm his safety cancelled with no explanation. Are they planning to move him? If so it must not be to Woodhill Prison where an Islamic gang are serving time for planning to kill EDL members.

    — Gerard Batten MEP (@GerardBattenMEP) May 31, 2018

  6. The alleged rapists right to a full and fair trial, their right to the legal representation of their choice, their right to have sufficient time to prepare their cases, and their right to go home on bail between sessions of their trial has been brought into stark contrast by Judge Geoffrey Marson when compared with the legal rights of Robinson.
    Marson’s excuse was that his (Robinson’s) actions could be “highly prejudicial to the defendants in the trial” i.e.: the legal rights of the defendants to a fair trial.
    No such rights were offered, however, to Tommy Robinson by Marson. Due process was demonstrably lacking for Robinson.
    Unwittingly, Marson has now illustrated to the entire world that certain ethno-religious groups in the UK have privileges which the ordinary citizens don’t.
    He has single-handedly proved that quality before the law is a myth.
    Its possible that Robinson will serve a longer term in jail than some of the defendants might get, for what, telling the world what was already public knowledge? Some ethno-religious defendants have received suspended sentences on the basis that their culture doesn’t recognise unwanted sex as rape.
    So, three cheers for Judge Geoffrey Marson for the free international press highlighting the inequalities of UK law and for emboldening the freedom fighters and three cheers to Tommy for having the guts to say what millions of Brits. want to say but have been cowered into silence by a presstitute media and draconian government.

  7. Read Tommy’s autobiography

    ‘Enemy of the State’

    Here is the link to the reviews of it on Amazon and a couple of examples

    This is without a doubt the best, most enlightening and horrifying read of my life yet. It has resonated with me and every lower class English part of me. It tells a story that does not show standard working class people anything new but it confirms everything we’ve been too afraid to say. As for the upper and middle classes, maybe it will open their eyes or maybe they will continue to live in denial and a dream world. Anyone with an ounce of common sense should read this book and fact check it somewhat, just to prove to yourself how truthful it is. It has changed my whole outlook on my home country. Best biographical read ever, I cannot recommend it highly enough.

    The powers that be should hang their heads in shame at the way Tommy Robinson has been treated. He has done nothing but spoken the truth about how this country has allowed Islam to erode our culture and laws. We need people like Tommy who literally risk their lives to speak the truth. This man should be lauded as a hero of the people not attacked and labelled racist. Free speech is now hate speech if you’re white. Buy this book and decide for yourself.

  8. “What can be said with absolute certainty is that Tommy Robinson has been treated with greater suspicion and a greater presumption of guilt by the United Kingdom than any Islamic extremist or mass rapist ever has been. That should be — yet is not — a national scandal. If even one mullah or sheikh had been treated with the presumption of guilt that Robinson has received, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the rest of them would be all over the U.K. authorities. But different standards apply to Robinson.”

  9. I watched Tommy’s live stream outside the court, and I believe that there were seven police officers around Tommy when he was arrested. Tommy repeatedly asked in a very reasonable manner what he was being arrested for and he was told a “breach of the peace”.
    I believe that Tommy’s arrest is a complete “beat up” and anyone who has followed his work, knows what a thorn in the side he is to the authorities. To argue the technicalities of very dubious points of law, is missing the point. I have seen first hand how this works inside political parties, whereby there is an obsession with minor technical points, whilst ignoring the greater issue at hand. I suspect some of our so-called “conservative” friends see Tommy as an unsophisticated working class upstart. I admire his conviction and courage, in the face of a formidable enemy, and the out-of-touch elites that live far away from Luton and Birmingham. Tommy is not just a “keyboard warrior”, but takes the good fight right up to the enemy. I would have him in my trench any time!

  10. I’d like to know what role the British Home Secretary, who is a Muslim, played in the jailing of Tommy Robinson. I am so saddened that the country I grew up in through the 50’s, one that fought off the Nazis, has become so corrupt and dominated by Islam.
    Not the England I knew.

  11. I wonder if the new duchess of Sussex will come to the defense of these young women of her new country. She is, According to her own words, a “feminist”. She should open her mouth and speak against this horrific attack on women. How about her new husband, a war hero…where is he when the women of his own country need to be defended? The silence is amazingly loud. I pray for Mr. Robinson. May God protect him, and allow him to be this important voice against unrighteousness.

  12. I believe someone once said, ‘laws are for the blind obedience of fools, and the guidance of wise men. ‘ or words to that effect. I believe your argument highlights that perfectly, as ‘The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks justice. The law of his God is in his heart; his steps do not slip. The wicked watches for the righteous and seeks to put him to death. The LORD will not abandon him to his power or let him be condemned when he is brought to trial. Ps 37:30-33

  13. Many thanks Bill.
    Some commentators have pointed out that Tommy R was basically repeating facts that had already been broadcast on the BBC. No one there was arrested as far as I know.
    Also to be pointed out is the fact that non-Muslim alleged perpetrators of similar but lesser offences (Rolfe Harris for example) are surrounded by media like jackals when they walk into court. Selective justice is not justice at all.
    And all the leftards cheering Tommy’s arrest are the first to scream for ‘civil rights’ when a a suspected terrorist in held without trial to prevent a possible attack. Hypocrisy thy name is ‘The Left’.

  14. Bill, I saw your post on David Ould’s Facebook and commend you for standing up against cultural appeasement, but I was deeply saddened that neither David Ould or Mark Powell, who are usually both so strong standing up for traditional Christian values, answered the call to stand up for Tommy. Or even just talk about injustice Tommy is a victim of. Silence being appeasement in culture wars. (But Bill I’ll be happy to be corrected if either gentleman contacted you privately to make their case for why they won’t support him.)

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