Confronting Discouragement: With a Little Help from My Friends

Let these two great saints help you deal with discouragement:

OK, confession time: I can easily get discouraged. I often think that I am doing nothing for the Kingdom, and I so easily want to just give it all up. I think that I am not having any sort of impact. Yet in various ways God brings encouragement – be it through other believers, through his word, or in my prayer time. Let me mention one such recent episode.

While in a patch of deep discouragement, I was reading a new expository commentary on Luke that I had just bought. Something said there really blessed me and encouraged me. It occurred to me that the American author would of course know nothing about me, but his words ended up being a real help to someone on the opposite end of the earth,

So I wondered if I might also be having such an impact. In my discouragement I felt like I could quit, and it would mean nothing to anyone else. But just as I was thinking this way, a gal from Texas who I knew nothing about sent in a comment to my website (on an article I had just written on Luke!) saying that she had been blessed by what I wrote. Wow, so that was a real encouragement to me – and it answered my question as to whether anyone would notice if I stopped doing what I was doing.

Here I want to draw upon two friends as I discuss the issue of dealing with discouragement. Actually, one of them I never met, while the other I did hear speak once or twice. I refer to the prophet Jeremiah, and a Christian apologist from last century who had a real prophetic-like ministry: the late great Francis Schaeffer.

In his 1969 volume, Death in the City he focuses on Jeremiah – the man and his ministry. The book is actually based on some lectures he gave at Wheaton College in Chicago in September and October 1968. This was at the height of the hippy revolution and the counterculture. How should Christians respond to such a situation?

Or as he puts it in the opening lines of the book: “We live in a post-Christian world. What should be our perspective as individuals, as institutions, as orthodox Christians, as those who claim to be Bible-believing? How should we look at this post-Christian world and function as Christians in it?”

Image of Death in the City
Death in the City by Schaeffer, Francis (Author), Dennis, Lane (Contributor), Middelmann, Udo (Contributor) Amazon logo

He says this: “The church in our generation needs reformation, revival, and constructive revolution.” Our predicament is this: “Having turned away from the knowledge given by God, man has now lost the whole Christian culture. In Europe, including England, it took many years — in the United States only a few decades.” He goes on to say this:

Do not take this lightly. It is a horrible thing for a man like myself to look back and see my country and my culture go down the drain in my own lifetime. It is a horrible thing that forty years ago you could move across this country and almost everyone, even non-Christians, would have known what the gospel was. A horrible thing that thirty to forty years ago our culture was built on the Christian consensus and now we are in an absolute minority.

He says that because of this we are “under the wrath of God,” just as it was in Jeremiah’s day: “The book of Jeremiah and the book of Lamentations show how God looks at a culture which knew Him and deliberately turned away. But this is not just the character of Jeremiah’s day of apostasy. It’s my day. It’s your day. And if we are going to help our own generation, our perspective must be that of Jeremiah.”

He continues: “Jeremiah, you know, is called the ‘weeping prophet,’ for we find him crying over his people. And his attitude must be ours, we must weep over the church as it has turned away and weep over the culture that has followed it.” And the message of Jeremiah was not an easy one: his primary message was that of judgment. The negative news preceded the good news of possible renewal through repentance.

We must preach the same message: “If you are a Christian looking for an easy ministry in a post-Christian culture where Christians are a minority, you are unrealistic in your outlook. It was not to be so in Jeremiah’s day, and it cannot be so in a day like our own.”

Jeremiah and discouragement

It is in this context that the discouragement of Jeremiah is to be understood. But it is not just his discouragement, but his persistence in the face of this that is vital to keep in mind. And recall that God had even warned the prophet ahead of time that the people would not listen to him, but he must preach, nonetheless. And that he did for some four decades!

Schaeffer says this about the situation:

It’s no small thing to stick with the message. It’s easy to opt out. Both hippies and evangelicals easily can opt out into their own little ghetto, saying nice things to themselves and closing their eyes to the real situation that surrounds them. One can opt out in many ways. But if one really preaches the Word of God to a post-Christian world, he must understand that he is likely to end up like Jeremiah.


We must not think that Jeremiah’s trials were merely physical. They were psychological as well, for Jeremiah never saw any change in his own lifetime. He knew that seventy years later the people would return, but he didn’t live to see it. Jeremiah, like every man, lived existentially on the knife edge of time, moment by moment; and like all of us, he lived day by day within the confines of his own lifetime.


Jeremiah was not just a piece of cardboard; he had a psychological life just as you and I have. How then was he affected? There were times when Jeremiah stood in discouragement, overwhelmed by preaching the message of God faithfully to this culture and ending up in the stocks, the prison, and the dungeon.


In Jeremiah 15:10 we read, “Woe is me, my mother, that thou hast borne me a man of strife and a man of contention to the whole earth! I have neither lent on usury, nor men have lent to me on usury; yet every one of them doth curse me.” I am glad Jeremiah said that, because I get discouraged too. And if you are being faithful in your preaching and not just opting out, in a culture like ours you too will experience times of discouragement.


And you say, how can a man of God be discouraged? Anybody who asks that has never been in the midst of the battle; he understands nothing about a real struggle for God. We are real men. We are on this side of the fall. We are not perfect. We have our dreams, our psychological needs, and we want to be fulfilled. There are times of heroism as we stand firm and are faithful in preaching to men who will not listen. But there are also times when we feel overwhelmed.


In Jeremiah 20:14–18, we read of one of the great cries of discouragement in the Bible, parallel to some of the cries of Job. But the intriguing thing is that neither Job, nor Jeremiah, nor David in the Psalms (where David often cried out to God, saying, “Have you turned away your face forever, O God? Where are you?”)—in none of these cases does God reprove His people as long as they do not turn from Him, nor blaspheme Him, nor give up their integrity in their attitude toward Him. There is no contradiction here. It is possible to be faithful to God and yet to be overwhelmed with discouragement as we face the world. In fact, if we are never overwhelmed, I wonder if we are fighting the battle with compassion and reality, or whether we are jousting with paper swords against paper windmills.

Let me offer here this lament of Jeremiah 20:14-18:

Cursed be the day
    on which I was born!
The day when my mother bore me,
    let it not be blessed!
Cursed be the man who brought the news to my father,
“A son is born to you,”
    making him very glad.
Let that man be like the cities
    that the Lord overthrew without pity;
let him hear a cry in the morning
    and an alarm at noon,
because he did not kill me in the womb;
    so my mother would have been my grave,
    and her womb forever great.
Why did I come out from the womb
    to see toil and sorrow,
    and spend my days in shame?

Wow, that is a real case of discouragement! But Jeremiah persevered. Says Schaeffer:

Jeremiah was discouraged because he was a man standing against a flood. And I want to say to you that nobody who is fighting the battle in our own generation can float on a Beauty Rest mattress. If you love God and love men and have compassion for them, you will pay a real price psychologically.


So many people seem to think that if the Holy Spirit is working, then the work is easy. Don’t believe it! As the Holy Spirit works, a man is consumed. This is the record of the revivals; it is the record of those places in which God has really done something. It is not easy!


As I stand and try to give a message out into the world—at the cafe tables and in the universities, publicly and privately—it costs a price. Often there is discouragement. Many times I say, “I can’t go up the hill once more. I can’t do it again.” And what is God’s answer? Well, first it is important to know that God doesn’t scold a man when his tiredness comes from his battles and his tears from compassion.


Jeremiah, we recall, was the weeping prophet. This has psychological depth as well as historic meaning. He is really the man weeping. But what does God expect of Jeremiah? What does God expect of every man who preaches into a lost age like ours? I’ll tell you what God expects. He simply expects a man to go right on. He doesn’t scold a man for being tired, but neither does He expect him to stop his message because people are against him. Jeremiah proclaimed the message to the very end.

Amen, and I must do the same. All Christians today must do the same. Yes, times of depression and discouragement will come our way. But God has entrusted us all with various tasks which we must faithfully perform. We dare not wallow in self-pity. We dare not linger in our pity parties.

There is important work that needs to be done, and each one of us has a unique calling which no one else can perform. So we need to be faithful and hang in there, just like Jeremiah. And even if we doubt that we are doing any good right now, one day when we stand before the Lord we will hear those wonderful words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

And on top of that, we will spend the rest of eternity bumping into other saints of God who will inform us that something we said or did or prayed had a huge impact in their life. That will also make it all worthwhile.

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32 Replies to “Confronting Discouragement: With a Little Help from My Friends”

  1. Dear Bill. I can quite understand why you must often feel deeply discouraged, given the state of today’s world. However, please continue your great work for God’s Kingdom. I visit your website daily and read your postings, even before I look at my emails. As far as I’m concerned, your commentaries on Scripture, culture and daily living are essential reading.

  2. Despite the grim reality then and now, an encouraging post, thanks Bill!

  3. Blessed brother never give up, your life is hid in Christ in God. You are a stranger upon the earth, you are an earthen vessel with the spirit of God in you. Keep going you are doing a wonderful job for the Kingdom of God defending truth. You are a rare breed of Christian – you inspire me because there is solid meat in your teaching. Thanks brother for being the real deal. I hate falsity. Bless you and your family.

  4. Your posts on discouragement always appear at times when I most need encouragement. And judging by the posts above it seems that this is also the case for others. So, know that others are being blessed and encouraged as you soldier on doing what you have been called to do, even in the midst of your own discouragement. Bless you.

  5. That’s a great piece Bill. I have read other articles by you about the struggles you go through. It makes things real for me and I am encouraged greatly by your sincerity and passion. Keep going and know the impact you have is very positive, challenging and a blessing for many people.

  6. What can I say?! That is SO ENCOURAGING. Thank you. Bill. I am a mere hidden (almost insignificant) cell within the body of Christ, and you inspire me. Thank you.

  7. Having studied under Francis Schaefer in the early 70’s I understand Bill where you are coming from.
    He was a prophetic saint who persevered to the very end of his life as we all should.
    An Aussie pastor with a ministry to other pastors said some years ago that the main problem we face in our ministries is discouragement. I think he is right.
    Just this week there has been an uproar in the SA Liberal party with Christians joining en masse mainly over life and death issues.
    Hopefully the word is finally getting out that we are called to be salt & light because we are regarded as not even suitable for the dung heap!

  8. Thank you Bill! This encouraging word is exactly what I needed as I get ready to coordinate Living Waters, a prayer and discipleship ministry for Christians facing sexual and relational brokenness, this fall. I have your blog articles bookmarked and read them daily. Thank you for your faithfulness and perseverance; you are impacting me!

  9. Assuming Jeremiah to be the author of Lamentations, Chapter 3 of that book is apposite to your remarks, Bill, as is God’s stunning reply to Jeremiah’s discouragement in Jeremiah 12:5-6… We are called to run our race with endurance as did our Lord, the Pioneer of our salvation [Hebrews 12:1-4]…

  10. Hi Bill
    Although I am not a regular responder with comments, I deeply appreciate your comments and insightfulness with relevant topics on a regular basis – words are not enough in response.
    But on this occasion I need to write to you, hearing your heart response in this post, to say thank you for the many hours and days you spend in preparing your articles. Not only that you read hundreds of books on my behalf and glean gems, from quotes as well as relevant scripture references that I otherwise would miss and pass on to others as well. It is noted.
    Although the encouragement of man is timely from time to time, and we should give it to you and others, you have a greater goal for why you are writing these articles, but be assured the comment we would all like to hear is “Well done good and faithful servant” from the one we are serving most.
    Bill I believe you are filling a very important role as a watchman for thousands of us readers – to keep us informed and battle hardened for the fight now and ahead.
    Be encouraged my friend – your article was very timely.

  11. Dear Bill,

    Keep going. I find your writings extremely helpful in a time when my faith is small and I feel like giving up.

  12. There are a lot of social problems today. These include: poverty, crime, drug abuse, child abuse, family breakdown and corruption in business and government. People are hurting because of all these problems. I believe that if more people were real Christians these problems would not be as bad. If we work with people dealing with these problems I believe that some of them will be willing to listen to Christianity. We may be able to reach people by working with them. I think that this approach may work.

  13. Very timely, encouraging and excellent! Thanks. I have long respected Schaeffer’s work, but haven’t read that book. Looks as though I need another visit to the Kindle store!?

  14. I understand, and share, your discouragement Bill but you have done FAR more than I.

    No-one wants to hear a Jeremiah today. They want to hear how a miraculous intervention will happen at the darkest moment and turn this around. That this ship of culture, the Titanic, will any moment be risen up, drained, bolts replaced and head to the shores of revival full speed ahead. To think judgment can come is foreign to Christians that’s the OLD testament God. We have the NEW testament God. Somehow the believe is ALL judgment ended with Christ on the cross. So the only thing God sends is blessings.

    Ours is not a positive calling and thus doesn’t offer rewards in the here and now like others but treasure in heaven is FAR more valuable and we must look to that. Even so you still do so much more than I and are one of the few I read close to everyday (my eyes/head don’t always allow me to do everyday I hope soon to find out what is wrong with my eyes/head). Stay strong your value is GREAT!

  15. Bill, you are doing way more than your share of the heavy lifting. Keep going brother.

  16. This was Francis Schaeffer’s book in 1969!! Let’s really think about that…the culture has gone so far downhill since then no wonder we get discouraged.
    You won’t give up Bill, it’s not in you to do that and we need your commonsense Christianity.
    You are loved and highly valued by many, most of whom you do not know.
    Bless ya Bill.

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