A review of More Lasting Unions. By Stephen Post.
Eerdmans, 2000.
This book looks at the institutions of marriage and the family from a combination of perspectives: the social sciences, theology and ethics. The underlining theme of this book is that the retreat away from marriage is a matter of great concern. Both from a religious and a social viewpoint, the trend to make marriage an optional extra is a dangerous and worrying development.
Post looks at the social evidence which supports the importance of marriage and family, especially in relation to the well-being of children. He also looks at marriage and family in history, and examines how religious attitudes towards the family have developed over the centuries. He then looks at how Christian theology pictures marriage and family. And he examines some special issues, like adoption and care-giving, the role of husband and wife, and the place of romance and child-rearing.
This volume is a helpful blend of the social and the theological. It shows how important marriage is both to individuals and societies, and demonstrates how the insights of faith and the social sciences complement each other.
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