On Reaching 1500
No I am not that old – although I sometimes feel that way. I am referring to a small milestone which took place last week while in Perth. Amidst a busy schedule there, I managed to pen my 1500th article. This article in fact will be my 1512th.
If each article averages around 1300 words, that amounts to some 2 million words. With so much ink spilt, I suppose some justification for all this must be in order. Why do it? Why bother? I certainly do not do it for the fun of it. Nor the money. Money? What money?
I do it for the simple reason that truth matters, and truth needs to get out into the public arena. With the mainstream media in the West overwhelmingly dominated by a secular left outlook, it is hard to get a word in edgewise. It is certainly quite difficult for Christians, especially those who take their faith and their Scriptures seriously, to get a fair hearing.
So that is a major reason why I do this. Truth is vitally important. Truth is what sets the captives free. Truth is what ultimately wins over tyranny, falsehood, oppression and deceit. As Solzhenitsyn once said, “One word of truth shall outweigh the whole world.” Or as Athanasius long ago remarked, “If the world is against truth, then I am against the world.”
And when truth is being denied, or hindered, or perverted, or attacked, then we have a responsibility to get truth out there. We all can do our bit. Having a blogsite is just one way to do this of course. There are many other ways as well that we can publically proclaim truth.
That is why I pursue any possible avenue to get truth into the public arena. As a result, over the past two decades, I have done countless interviews with the MSM, given countless talks, and engaged in countless debates. Actually, they are a bit more specific than that.
I have kept track – at least roughly – of my various media appearances. In almost twenty years of pro-faith, pro-life, and pro-family activism, I have done around 550 radio interviews; 125 TV interviews; had around 250 letters published in newspapers; 650 comments published in newspapers; 800 articles published in various magazines; and some 400 speaking engagements.
I stopped counting the Internet appearances. Indeed, I just now googled my name and came up with around 12,500 hits. Of course those would involve both friend and foe. So I have been keeping busy, and keeping off the streets during the last few years.
But it is so very important that we raise our voices on so many very important issues of the day. My website, which is broken down to around 60 categories, indicates what I regard to be some of the main areas of attack when it comes to faith, life and family.
I have around 75 articles on marriage, 100 articles on abortion, 150 articles on Islam, and 200 articles on homosexuality. These certainly are some of the major flashpoints in the culture wars waging in the West. But of course they are not the only battles we face.
Thus I have 65 articles on economics, 80 articles on the media, 55 articles on philosophy, 30 articles on war and peace, 200 articles on politics, 100 articles on international relations, 30 articles on population issues, 90 articles on terrorism, 230 articles on theology, 200 articles on the church, and so on.
And because this is an interactive blog, there are lots of comments as well. In fact, there are now nearly 20,000 comments. While the majority of these may well be from those who more or less share my worldview and opinions, there would be many thousands of comments written by every sort of critic around.
Thus there are plenty of comments by atheists, secularists, anarchists, leftists, Hindus, Muslims, New Agers, radical libertarians, pornographers, pro-abortionists, pro-homosexualists, and so on. Indeed, there would also be plenty of comments from fellow Christians who often strongly and forcefully disagree with me.
So contrary to my many critics who claim I never allow a contrarian voice here, there are heaps of such folk allowed in. Of course there are also thousands of comments which never see the light of day, since I have had to put them straight into the trash bin.
That is because they are so vile, ugly, nasty, blasphemous, malicious and hate-filled that they deserve no public hearing. And there are regularly many of these comments. Thus the hate mail and occasional death threats I receive can be somewhat overwhelming at times.
And of course I find that the groups who shout the loudest about tolerance, acceptance and love are those who can be the most intolerant, un-accepting, and unloving people around. The glaring double standards and hypocrisy never seem to occur to these folk.
In fact, I have recently started to collect all this hate mail. Instead of just instantly deleting this torrent of filth and hatred, I am now saving it. I may one day write a book, showcasing the ‘tolerance’ and ‘openness’ of the other side. That could become a best seller.
But I put up with all the abuse, filth, bile and mud because as I say, truth is important. Sure, I worry plenty about my own family, and pray that they will be protected from all the abuse and attacks. And I covet your prayers for myself and them as well. This is ultimately a spiritual battle, and we are in daily need of spiritual protection.
Yet we must not allow fear to keep us from the battle. It will never be pleasant, and we can expect to get heaps of scorn, derision, hatred, and rebuke. But so did Jesus. And he promised that those who follow him will also meet the same fate. So we must get involved and we must persevere.
This then is a bit about why I do what I do. Forgive me if it appears a bit self-indulgent. It is not meant to be. My position is this: there is a war going on. There are vitally important things we hold most near and dear which are under very real threat. We all must do whatever we can to fight the fight, and seek to turn things around.
I am using my God-given gifts to do my bit. I encourage every reader of this article to do the same, utilising whatever gifts, talents, skills or callings they have. When we are in the middle of a war, no one has the luxury of sitting on the fence.
Indeed, to attempt to do so is effectively to side with the enemy. These battles are far too important to allow that to happen. So every man on deck, and bless you as you stand up for what is right, what is good, what is important, and what is true.
In the meantime, I will keep plugging away, and at this rate, article number 2000 should appear in about 18 months or so.
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What a milestone! Put them all into a book and publish it!
Marcus Anderson
Well done Bill for reaching such a milestone. Your writings have been a recent discovery for me and a welcome source of valuable information. Keep up the fight.
Aaron Downs
No wonder I could not keep up with reading your articles. Finished reading one, and 5 more new ones popped up. lol. But good work.
Barry Koh
Hi Bill,
Congratulations on your latest milestone. Rest assured that your ministry is having a big impact on people’s lives.
Mansel Rogerson
Bill, thank you for being the watchman on the tower shining light on our world and times, and a fearless voice for truth and Christ. You are a great example to us, and a challenge to us to also speak up in truth and love and boldness — to do something!
And also many thanks to the great people in the comments, who have also been a source of much truth and learning and encouragement – I daresay the commenters as much a presence on this blog as Bill is! It’s so encouraging (and challenging) to see this host of believers also standing in unity, for Australia and the world.
Blessings from one of your (lurking) readers,
Olivia Tan, San Diego
Congratulations Bill! Your zeal for truth and for Biblical Truth is to be admired and followed. People like you with such a God given gift will be attacked, and I pray that it will only be with words!! You surely can handle that. May our Lord give you and all of His people, continued freedom and boldness to speak up against any evil.
In Him,
Evangeline Rykes
Or as Athanasius long ago remarked, “If the world is against truth, then I am against the world.”
I have never heard this quote before but I like it. I said to my husband just the other night, “The devil owns the fence.”
I often feel overwhelmed by the evil in our world. Your blog is one was I can be informed about the battles around us, learn where to go to make my voice heard, and be sharpened in my thinking about the Biblical answers to these issues both by reading your well though out pieces and by interacting with you in the comments when I disagree or lack understanding.
Keep fighting the good fight. We are standing with you.
Kylie Anderson
Dear Bill, You are a very good person and exactly what this world needs to make it a better place. It is true what the Bible says, the Holy Spirit certainly blows in your direction and does not confine itself to the Holy Father. Like you I try to do my bit though on a much smaller scale because I love writing and think I am reasonably good at it. Yours and other good websites help me do it and as they say the pen is mightier than the sword. To put it very simply it is Christian to keep our comments polite. We must be like Him in all things because I am sure Jesus was always polite even though He was never afraid to speak the Truth no matter how much His listeners didn’t want to hear. God Bless you in your work because it is really needed and does make a difference.
Patricia Halligan
PS. Wasn’t it Edmund Burke who said that it only took good men to do nothing for evil to triumph? If he were here today I’m sure he would not include you!
Patricia Halligan
I have only recently become aware of your blog and now enjoy reading your articles every day…..was wondering,….do you sometimes feel like you’re a voice crying in the wilderness??
I agree with Kylie that the evil in this world can be overwhelming, especially to the newly opened eyes of a baby Christian like myself, and as I’m sure you do, I find great solace and strength in the Word of God Our Almighty Father when the whole world seems to be literally going to hell in a hand basket!!!!! (I wonder who coined that phrase?????)
Keep on fighting Bill and you can be sure that our prayers are always with you. You are an inspiration to us all.
God bless you and your family.
May His strength uphold you in times of great attack from the enemy AND be of good cheer for The Lord has overcome the world!!!!!!
Dianne McMahon
Many thanks indeed Dianne
Yes one can feel rather alone at times, and discouraged. But we dare not give up. The stakes are too high, and we all owe it to our children and grandchildren to keep fighting the good fight. We need each other, and we need to encourage one another. We all have a part to play in being salt and light in a very dark and needy world. So we keep at it, even if it looks like almost everyone else is heading in the wrong direction.
Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch
Hi Bill,
I really appreciate your blog, and the clear biblical thinking that you strongly advocate. Thanks for all the hard work, I’m sure it encourages many Christians who are saddened by the apathy and fuzzy thinking that often seems to surround us.
Equally I’m sure many are equally encouraged by you encouraging book reviews and insights into parts of scripture.
Keep up the good work!!!
Andrew Stagg
Many thanks Bill. Your work is a great encouragement to me and a helpful resource. I do pray we will all find our role in the battle and do it. You will only realise your effect in eternity.
Greg Cadman
Congratulations, Bill, and do keep up the good work. I for one get so much out of your articles and obviously there are many others like me.
Peter Murnane, Sydney
It’s really we who need to be congratulated for the blessing of Mr. Muehlengerg’s courage and clear convictions, and for his loving and truth-filled, life-giving voice among us!
If it were not for those who love Jesus Christ more than life, we could not find encouragement and keep our focus in these times.
Thank you God for Bill Muehlenberg and the rest of Your holy saints, past and present, who have clung to You, love Your Word and light our way!!!
May the Lord of Life bless you and yours this Thanksgiving and always! Keep your faces set to Jerusalem and your eyes on Jesus.
In His Name and Love,
Sibyl Smith, Florida, USA
Solid truth, well done, Bill, stand strong Gods only right one way. Your words are truth according to Gods Word and truth. Please keep writing. We keep reading.
Judith Bond
Hi Bill,
Well done. I hope one day the best of these, maybe including the best comments for and against and your responses could be put in a book one day.
As for intolerance, this site concerns me and it is I am sure is meant to be from well meaning Christians.
I wonder what their problem is. I think heresy is a terrible charge, no matter what church one belongs to. I am not a Catholic, but I have been thinking about it, what would God say to these people.
At the moment I am reading Dinesh D’Souza’s latest book “The Roots of Obama’s Rage” which is an interesting opinion on his concerns of the US President.
Carl Strehlow
Many thanks to you Bill for your inspirational work. It’s great to link up with like-minded people and also encounter the opposition. Thanks to this site, I find I am getting stronger in expressing my conservative world view to my liberal left-wing elite friends and family. I’m always surprised at how threatened the left feels by the right when I thought it was the other way round. I invariably have to make clear that my christian values do not equate to hate-filled right-wing extremism.
Rachel Smith, UK
Keep up the good work Bill, I love your insights into what is going on. It is refreshing to read decent ‘gutsy’ sermons every week unlike the weak commentaries I hear and read about the place. It reminds me of those I used to hear from the pulpit from a very good priest in Perth (RIP) several years back.
Daniel O’Meara, Newcastle NSW
Many thanks Daniel
Someone just posted this on another site: “The problem with Australia is that we have wimps in the pulpits and cowards in the pews.” Sir Weary Dunlop
Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch
Dear Bill,
I would love to know if you would put your articles in a book. I would certainly buy every volume. Also, if you are in need of financial support for this work, I would gladly give to the cause. I would support you in any way that is possible.
I love your work. It shines like gold!
Jane Petridge
Many thanks Jane
Yes I think the book (or two or three) idea is a good one, and hope to do that sometime in the near future. Also I like Carl’s idea of maybe having some of the comments and exchanges included as well (but I may need to get permission for those).
Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch
You should stand for Parliament Bill. Doubt the Prime Minister works as hard as you do, and you would get paid. Yee Haaa. Keep up the Good Work.
David Williams
Thanks Bill, your work is much appreciated among many and also of great value to others fighting on their various fronts.
Servaas Hofmeyr, South Africa
Many thanks guys for your kind and encouraging words. They are most appreciated, and help to sustain me in the battle.
And it should also be pointed out that – as if almost on cue – a number of my many opponents also wrote in comments to this post, doing the very thing I describe in the article above. Instead of offering any constructive engagement or argument, they simply fling out heaps of mud and filth, attacking my person. I guess it beats offering any sort of reasoned discussion. Quite a few of these nasty remarks have come in, and most had to go straight into the bin, although I have saved a few to go into my book. They make such very good examples of how the other side “argues”.
Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch
Well done Bill. You have certainly encouraged me to continue the good fight. Since starting to read your blog my worldview knowledge has increased. It is also encouraging to find that so many other Christians think the same as you on the issues you post. I have put you on my daily prayer list. May God bless you and your family and your ministry.
Paul de la Garde, Sydney
Many thanks Paul. The prayers are especially valued.
Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch
Thanks for what you do Bill. Keep up the good work!
Yarran Johnston