Choosing Death, Choosing Hate

So, just back from another annual March for the Babies in Melbourne. Wow, what a day. Well done to the 3000 or so brave and committed troopers who came out to stand up for life. They are superstars. And not so well done to the 80 or so manic protestors who did everything they could to make the march a living hell for everyone.

Indeed, we knew things would be ugly since they have been posting online their intentions to disrupt and shut down the event. And we also knew firsthand as they showed their love and tolerance to the Youth for Life dinner the night before.

As the dinner was in progress, six screaming pro-aborts burst into the event, yelling and waving their banners around, complete with coat hangers wrapped around their heads. They came to bring the event to an end, and were intent on causing maximum damage.

It was handled very well however by the American speaker Bryan Kemper. He welcomed them, cleared a table for them, and ordered them a meal and some wine! So the uninvited guests stayed there for perhaps 15-20 minutes listening to the pro-life speakers!

But they soon tired of that and left with more angry and boisterous protests, with Bryan praying for them. So we see that now they will even break into private functions like Nazi storm troopers, seeking to crush anything they do not agree with. The tolerance and acceptance just oozed out of these guys.

As one gal there reported: “As they left they were yelling ‘Right to choose! Right to choose!’ One of the beautiful ladies yelled back ‘Choose what?? Finish your sentence’. One girl came back in tears saying ‘You have no right! You have no right!’ A group of very hurting girls!”

So that paved the way for today. When I got to Parliament House where the march was to finish up at, there were perhaps 80 screaming, enraged protestors there. They were even tearing down our signs and seeking to steal our valuable audio-visual equipment, cameras, etc.

I joined the marchers at a nearby park and we began our colourful and joyous march through the streets of Melbourne’s CBD. However we did not get very far. The motley crew of protestors decided to block our path after we had gone a few blocks, and the police seemed unable or unwilling to do anything about it.

So there we sat singing songs and waving our placards as the handful of anarchists screamed obscenities, shouted abuse and made a ferocious racket. Some of them started fights so the police intervened on occasion. But we of course had our parade permit – I assume the pro-death camp did not. But freedom and democratic rights seem to mean nothing to these folks.

We were all in this hot sun-baked street for at least an hour with no resolution in sight, so one great pro-life gal from rural Victoria started spending hundreds of dollars buying cases of water to give to the pro-life marchers. I helped her carry these and pass them around.

I then said, “Can I take a case over to the protestors? We can hand them out and tell them Jesus loves them.” So she kindly gave me a case of 24 bottles. I grabbed a few other guys and said, “Come on, let’s bless these guys and tell them God cares for them.”

I grabbed a pro-life balloon and waded right into the seething, screaming crowd which was blocking our way. At first they were glad to get the water, but as soon as they realised we were from the pro-life side, their faces exploded into a demonic rage and they screamed, “We don’t want your f…ing water”.

They abused us, screamed at us, shoved us, ripped up our signs and popped our balloons, and dumped the water all over us. Well, it was a warm day, so our baptism actually was not too bad. But the fury, hatred and ugliness of these folks was utterly amazing to experience firsthand, at close quarters.

Eventually we decided to march in a different direction, so we finally arrived at Parliament House. Of course the screaming banshees hectored us all the way, and then stood on the steps just by the speakers, making their horrible racket, beating on drums, and screaming in furious rage.

Bernie Finn and the others gave their brief talks, we sang a few songs and hymns, and the rally ended around 2 ½ hours after it began. So I survived to tell about it. It was certainly an experience. But of course it was utterly typical of how the other side operates.

They have all their signs protesting intolerance and bigotry, little realising that they are the most intolerant and bigoted group on the planet. And of course they were all the usual suspects: the rent-a-crowd mob. So you had students, the socialist, green left gang, and so on.

But one organising group told us of all the groups involved in this march of rage and hate. The usual culprits were invited, eg:
Campaign for Women’s Reproductive Rights (Melbourne)
National Union of Students Queer Department
RUSU Womyn’s Department
MSA (Monash Student Association) Women’s Department
Socialist Alternative
Freedom Socialist Party
Radical Women
Socialist Alliance
Melbourne Feminist Action
Keep Left Poetry
SlutWalk Melbourne
Renegade Activists Action Force (RAAF)
Australian Sex Party

We also saw all their loving signs there today as well, like “Abbott should have been aborted” and “Bernie Finn keep your hands off our ovaries”. Of course most of their signs and chants I cannot repeat here – they were just too foul and obscene in the extreme.

One article discussing the aims of the protestors said this: “The rally is demanding free, safe and unrestricted abortion on demand for all women across Australia; full reproductive freedoms for all women; free contraception.” So let me offer a bit of translation here: ‘We demand the right to freely and legally kill our own children.’

They want to be able to murder their own offspring, and have taxpayers foot the bill! And safe? Not very safe for the babies of course. And women are harmed greatly from abortions: physically, emotionally and psychologically. Indeed, that is part of the explanation for the utter rage, hatred and viciousness of these protestors.

Many have had abortions themselves and they are really hurting because of it, and seeking to take out all this on anyone who dares to tell them that they have taken the lives of their own babies. Many are the walking wounded, and instead of getting help which so many pro-lifers offer, they get even more bitter, angry and resentful.

And the second factor that we must recognise about this horrific rage and hate is surely this: this is coming straight out of the pits of hell. There is no other way to explain the vitriol, obscenities, and utter hatred. These people are simply giving vent to demonic rage.

That is why I and so many others spent so much of this weekend in prayer and spiritual warfare. Such people cannot be reasoned with. You cannot offer them facts and evidence. You cannot discuss things rationally with them. You must pray that the spiritual bondage is broken, and the very devils of hell are repulsed.

Sure, we need to offer logical arguments and facts about life, and provide creative alternatives to abortion, including counselling for all the post-abortion trauma which is out there. But we must also engage in heavy duty spiritual warfare, because at the end of the day this is a major spiritual battle.

Scripture states this quote plainly: “All those who hate me [God] love death” (Proverbs 8:36). Jesus said that Satan comes to kill, to steal and to destroy (John 10:10). So this is a battle that must be fought on all levels, but without the spiritual level fully taken into account, we will not win.

Having said that, the good news is, we are winning. As today’s speakers made clear, around much of the Western world, pro-life wins are being notched up, and the pro-death camp is losing one round after another. That is why we march. That is why we take all the hate and abuse.

It is because babies are worth it. Life is worth it. So if you get screamed at, spat upon, shoved around, and have water sprayed all over you, well that is the least of it. If it results in a few more babies being rescued, and a few more angry protestors seeing the light, then it has all been worthwhile.

So well done again to the 3000 or so who came. There really should have been 30,000 showing up today. But God richly bless those who did come, and those who prayed. I will see you next year!

[1472 words]

84 Replies to “Choosing Death, Choosing Hate”

  1. May I suggest that you should video tape the screaming of those pro-abortionists and post it up on somewhere as evidence. It will embarrass them and make it clear that the fight to protect the atrocious murder is not over.

    Janice Tooh

  2. I didn’t even know the rally was on. How did I miss that? And how do I not miss it next time?
    Rodney Gynther, Melbourne

  3. Good March today – very joyous group – very encouraging. Stretched across two city blocks a couple of times.

    The behavior of the protest group today was disgusting. They had no tolerance and no respect for anyone else. Since I witnessed the same things I can verify that Bill’s report above is factually accurate.

    Andrew Stagg

  4. Yes, but I don’t read everything you write, otherwise i would not get any work done, would I?

    Rodney Gynther

  5. The constant double standard is depressingly familiar – love the way Bryan Kemper welcomed the protesters in and made them listen!

    Jo Deller

  6. The more I read your posts, the more I realise how lukewarm and desensitized I have become in my Christian life. It has inspired me to firstly, repent and secondly, go back to that first love. Jesus said what He meant and meant what He said. I stand up for the teachings of our Lord…

    Damian Utano

  7. Hi Bill

    I was wondering if you could put up the link to the protest so that we can spread the message and show how intolerant, perverse the pro-abortionists are?

    Janice Tooh

  8. I came to this rally and watched both sides with curiosity. I have to admit I was planning to join the ‘other side’ and I was pretty excited, it was to be my first ever rally. I got the shock of my life when I saw how ugly they were and I had to sit down to stop myself trembling.
    I am having triplets, cancelling my abortion on Monday morning. Thank you. My heart has been changed.

  9. Thanks for sharing Bill, particularly about the how many of the pro-choice protestors themselves are hurting because of the abortions they have had. They fight to keep abortion legal to ease their consciences. May we pray that the guilt and shame that these women feel will not lead them to hate and despair, but rather, to find hope in Jesus, who can forgive our sin and cleanse our conscience. Thanks also for sharing the verse from Proverbs, which says that those who hate God love death – this explains a lot.

    Sid Avery

  10. Wow Melinda, bless you and thanks for writing in. I am so happy for you. If there is anything we can do to be of help for you and your babies, let us know. Bless you heaps,

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  11. Melinda,

    You are doing a wonderful and beautiful thing. Bless you. Best wishes for you and your triplets. I bet they’re going to be the cutest, sweetest, adorable little babies. Thank you for sharing this with us, you can’t imagine how wonderful it us for us pro-lifers to hear such a thing.

    Jenna Priest

  12. O Melinda, I am so proud of you, it won’t be easy, but if you need any help, please let us know and we will help. This makes it all worthwhile. I don’t know if you love Jesus. I do, so I thank Him for this miracle and the miracle babies and hope you will be blessed.

    Gerredina Kovac

  13. Dear Melinda,
    You are in our prayers. If you need any help, there are many wonderful pregnancy support centres around the country. Bill can direct you to them. Blessings, blessings, blessings to you.

    Anna von Marburg

  14. Thank you for your openness and honesty Melinda. I am confident you will find all the helpers you need only too willing to be there, and the choice will be sooo worth it.

    Tony Doevendans

  15. Darling Bill, I loved your loving gesture of providing them water and then they acted like you were waterboarding them! Their reaction proves that this is a spiritual battle through and through. We can’t win with just clever arguments. This is demonic. We must pray and (oooooohhhhh this is so hard because I love chocolate) fast as the Master has commanded.

    Anna von Marburg

  16. Melinda – WOW!!! TRIPLETS – three beautiful babies saved. (tears) This is sooooo encouraging! You are in my prayers. Going to the march each year just to see your babies saved has made it all worth it!!!
    Sammi Masters

  17. Well, that sure was worthwhile! Lives saved already.

    Melinda, thank you. You have decided The Right Thing.

    Jason Porter

  18. Hi Melinda, greetings all the way from KL, Malaysia. Firstly, let me say how very proud I am of the stand you’ve taken to cancel the abortion. As Bill and everyone has stated, pls do not hesitate to reach out for help or a listening ear fr any of us here should u need to. We wld b happy to do tat for u and your babies.

    I know this has not been an easy decision for u to hv made as I hv friends in such a position before but I’m glad u choose life, for yourself and your babies.

    Blessings & peace,
    Irene Tan

  19. Well done Melinda! God bless you muchly as you embrace life and prepare to welcome three babies into this world. Shall be praying for you.

    Anne Benson.

  20. Let me share my own experience of the march today. When we (my wife and I) left Treasury Gardens the line must have stretched from Russell St back to Spring St. But when it stopped for the first time I moved up the the front line, just behind the police. At the beginning there would have been a mere 15-20 counter-protesters (“barbarians” I called them). I marvelled to others around me how such a small group could blockade a legitimate march which had been planned and authorised well in advance. One lady nearby remonstrated with two members of the police force, but was blithely told, “they have their rights too”. So they just stood by and either did nothing, or merely formed a line barricading us from the anarchists.
    Then they started throwing eggs (the remains of egg were all over the tram-line area on Flinders St, including egg cartons), and water bombs, one of which hit my sign directly, and would have hit me in the face if my sign had not been in the way. Others around me were doused with water. But the police did nothing about this, from my observation (and I was well to the front).
    The chanting of mindless slogans and obscenities with loud hailers continued incessantly, causing some parents with small children to drift away. Throughout the whole hour or so of this shrieking the police did little, and certainly nothing to vindicate our right of passage.
    Several matters call for comment:
    1. The media reporting of the whole stand-off was a disgraceful tissue of lies and half-truths (as one might expect). Allegations that someone was “punched to the ground” (I didn’t see that, and I was in a position to see it), that “the whole thing turned ugly” as fists flew and angry words were exchanged. For the most part all the abuse came from the pro-death crowd, not from us.
    2. The police inaction was a violation of their motto, “tenez le droit” (Uphold the right). It was all about “Keeping the peace” and defending rights (plural). Keeping the peace was the whole line of reply from the police to the woman mentioned above. I was disgusted at the lack of integrity on the part of our police force. They have no criteria by which to arbitrate between conflicting rights, and so in the end they do nothing, which is what happened.
    3. One incident on a positive note: there were three girls who on hearing the testimony of Kay Painter wept openly and came over to speak to her afterwards, obviously very upset emotionally, and sought her counsel. Kay was able to speak to them with kindness and compassion, sharing the love of Christ. But it did not last long: soon the pack came over and herded them away to rejoin their group. The pack mentality reigns, and woe betide anyone who breaks ranks!
    So that is at least part of what I observed beside Federation Square during the long time of this blockade.
    Murray R Adamthwaite

  21. The hate emanating from the pro-abortion crowd was tangible today.
    All the pro-aborts proved by their signs, foul language, throwing the eggs and balloons filled with liquid at the march, was how ugly their hearts are.
    Marcus Anderson

  22. It doesn’t seem that the “Campaign for Women’s Reproductive Rights (Melbourne)” cares much for the reproductive right to carry a baby to term.
    Good luck Melinda – triply blessed! Please remember to reach out for as much help as you need.

    Cathryn Cavaney

  23. Dear Melinda.

    I know I can speak on behalf of all of us here, ‘We are SO PROUD OF YOU’. You have made a decision which has not been at all easy, but you will be blessed with three beautiful children. And I know that God is very pleased with your decision also.

    Melinda, in the coming days if you need help, please, please do contact Bill so that he can direct you to a group of folk who can help you and assist you with your pregnancy. Do not be afraid to ask for assistance. We are all here to help you.

    My wife and I know many fantastic twins, but haven’t met any triplets. You are very special.

    God bless you Melinda. You are in our prayers.

    Paul, Alison and Grant the champ.

  24. Bless you Melinda! You’re doing the right thing.

    I wish I could have flown over for it; Sounds much more exciting than the rally we have here.

    David van der Wal

  25. I came in today by train with my friend Gary to the March for the Babies.

    Well on the way home on the train we had a few of the Right To Life banners with us. We were sitting quietly in our seats opposite three young men. One of the men got all worked up and started abusing us and ticking us off. We kept calm.

    I tried to share about the PAS (post abortion syndrome) effects on women, but I was howled down. Gary and I just looked at each other. Gary tried calmly to share a few things, but again he was howled down.

    We realised we weren’t getting anywhere so we just sat calmly. Then the young man with the foul mouth got up and said that he couldn’t stand it anymore and went to another part of the train. A minute later his two friends followed.

    There was absolutely no way we could have reasoned with the young man. His ears were blocked by a spirit deception. Somewhere along the way he has been impacted by abortion and is terribly scarred.

    Very, very sad.

    God bless you and your family Bill and keep up the great work for Christ.

    Seeya soon, hopefully within the week 🙂

    Paul Copeland

  26. That’s wonderful news Melinda 🙂 I am in Sydney but if there is anything at all I can do to help you and your babies please do not hesitate to contact me at There are also many centres in Melbourne that can provide you with practical assistance if you need it. May you be blessed forever, and may these beautiful babies be a constant source of joy for you. Regards, Yvette Hanna

  27. Before yesterday I had never heard of “March for the babies”, but I have been on the mission field for 20 years and only came back to Australia 3 years ago and just moved to Melbourne this year.
    Rodney Gynther

  28. I travelled from interstate with a bunch of people including my 16yr old daughter, husband and mother. We have been coming down since we heard about the laws 3 years ago. This year we sponsored a couple of pro life students to come down to Melbourne with us.
    I had told them how awesome and encouraging the event is.

    What a surprise.This year was unbelievable. Not like any other year.
    Everything Bill describes is true.

    Among all the abuse we copped, my daughter made me so proud. A few times we were separated and she quietly held her sign as the demonstrators shouted abuse at her, popped her balloon and unhurled demonic rage towards her. At one stage she was surrounded by 6-7 of these people and tried calmly to talk to them as they swore, spat and pushed her away.
    Can I please yell out a huge THANKYOU to the WONDERFUL young pro life men who saw what was happening and came to her aid and those who came to stand with her.
    All across the march, pro life men stepped in to face the full fury of the screaming, hate filled women.
    The difference between the two groups of us was gobsmacking.

    God Bless you Melinda- your story makes it all worth it.
    Do you need financial support? Let us know.
    Thanks Bill and God bless your work,
    Roseanne Masters

  29. Thank you, Melinda, for your testimony. At the march yesterday, while we stood just behind the police line and being blared at with all the invective from the hate brigade, a sweet young girl was standing beside us with a pro-life sign, and she said to my wife, pointing at the other side, “I was there myself until I met Jesus” To think that she was once dressed like them, spoke like them, abused like them, etc. and now she is a sweet, softly-spoken young lady was almost incredible. She with the two of us knelt down on the street while the loud hailers blared and we prayed for those who displayed such hate, that the Lord would open their eyes, as He had opened hers. This was truly moving.
    However, I would like to know from others who were there yesterday what their impression was of the police inaction and general handling of the whole event. Apparently an MP, Andrew Ellsbury (I hope I have spelled his name correctly), was knocked to the ground and dragged along the ground, but when he complained to the police they told him that because he still held on to his sign it was not assault, but that if he had let go of his sign it would be. Excuse me!!!! This wasn’t a football game!
    I daresay he will be going to the Police Minister about this matter!
    I would like some comments, please. I only saw things from my own limited perspective.

    Murray R Adamthwaite

  30. Melinda, you’re already a very fine mother – and you’ll get 3 times the joy for being so! We’ll all keep praying for you. God Bless.


    Bill, another very good example you are making along with all the others who went on the march. Well done.

    I’ve saved the link that Teresa has posted and will try my hardest to get down there next year. God Bless.

    Mike Marshall

  31. We got to the march a little late, and joined in as it started down Flinders St. You are right Bill – nothing but demonic hatred from the pro-death group. They showed no regard for the children and families who had come to peacefully march.

    We went up on the steps into Federation Square to pray for all involved when the march ground to a halt. We prayed for good to come out of such a situation – and our God is more than able to do so! I’m reminded that we only ever see a small part of the bigger picture – we need God’s perspective on our world. One example of good would of course be Melinda’s testimony above!

    I must admit though that we went to find food after a while when it seemed that nothing was going to change. So I’m glad to hear that you eventually made it to parliament!

    David Keen

  32. I didn’t march but I did go. I had a wardrobe malfunction and had to leave early. Thanks for informing us about this event. I will try to march next year.
    John Mcallister

  33. Dear Melinda, I was so overwhelmed to hear you had decided to keep your three babies. Thank you for sharing it with us, we will all be praying for you!
    All the best for your future.

    Bless you,

    Michelle Ryan

  34. Just want to give you all some encouragement. When we did the state election here in South Australia for “Save the Unborn” we had over 2000 of our election posters ripped down and graffitied along with a rally on SA parliament steps held by the pro aborts for “We hate Trevor Grace”. We were sent death messages, to our home, and had torn up election posters dumped at our home.

    Six months after the election at 4am I get a phone call from a woman who said she is going to end it. Yes, she was booked in for her abortion that morning. We talked and 2 hours later this woman was on my doorstep. The ironical thing is, this woman confessed how much she hated us and what we stood for. She confessed she was the ring leader in organizing the “We hate Trevor Grace rally on parliament steps” And that she and her pro-choice friends had send us hate mail and ripped down our election posters.

    Yet, she was at my house! Her best friend worked at the SA abortion clinic and was wondering why she hadn’t kept her appointment.

    It was truly the most unusual experience I have ever gone through but I can say thanks to God. It was a true blessing being at the birth of this dear baby girl.

    Nobody ever knows what impact our lives have on people we are just called to be faithful and leave the rest in God’s hands. Thank you to all of those who had the courage to stand up for babies.

    Blessings to you to Melinda if you need any help and support you can contact me through the website “Pregnancy Help SA” or by phone 0403760200

    Robyn Grace

  35. Thanks again guys. What we saw yesterday was nothing less than a war zone on the streets of Melbourne. The anarchists and revolutionaries had free reign, and very little was done by the authorities to stop them. If that is allowed to continue, that spells the death of freedom and democracy in Australia:

    Please remember to write in to the police, and send letters to the newspapers.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  36. The media has inaccurately said that there was violence on both sides. The pro-lifers had to protect themselves from the pro-death, pro-abortion people, nothing to it. Of course, one needs to protect oneself. Abortion, does not protect anyone. It should not be legalised because it IS murder. This is a sufficient reason for the banning of abortion. Abortion is not a right. Check this out:

    Janice Tooh

  37. Thanks to everyone for your uplifting comments. Bill at the end of the rally I said to you that I thought that the opposition won the day. How wrong was I! Melinda because of your encouraging story and other great stories and comments, no-way did the anarchists win! So I’d like to thank the opposition for being true to their beliefs so Melinda was able to see through it. God is so good and is able and willing to reach any and every individual. Bring October 2014 on.

    Keith Lewis

  38. To Rodney Gynther – each year as close as possible to the date of the most cruel passing of the horrific bill by our Victorian Parliament – allowing abortion up to birth – which happened 11th October 2008 is the MARCH FOR THE BABIES held. To Melinda – how we would love to meet you and your precious babies next year at the MARCH. You may have noticed we all love you very much and I join with so many and will pray. All over Australia you can contact Pregnancy Counselling Australia 24/7 and find a woman who will listen and answer you.
    God bless, Margaret Kane

  39. Thanks Bill for the comprehensive report. It captures the mood of the day. We need to be on the streets more sharing His love with the lost. This march is over an issue but the greater issue, is the issue of salvation. Churches are happy to remain locked in within their four walls and sing hymns but few dare to make the market place the congregation. For me it was an eye opener to see what happens when light meets darkness on the streets.

    John Mathai

  40. This is awesome, the rally, Melinda’s experience, the lives of three children saved, people being shown the love of good, evil repaid with good and life treasured.
    Andrew Bolt has a 9 minute video of what took place. His blog is read by hundreds of thousands.
    Des Morris

  41. I live in Adelaide and so was unable to attend the march, but I did see a 10 minute video of one of the many incidents with the protestors on Andrew Bolts’ blog site. I was absolutely appalled by the hatred coming from those “pro choice” protestors. From now on, I will be praying for them daily – you are so right Bill in stating that this is spiritual warfare! I have only ever seen such hatred once before in my life – and that was in a war.
    Melinda,, I am so glad that you have chosen to save the lives of your babies. If you need financial help, I am sure that many of us will be more than happy to assist in any way possible. God be with you. God be with you also Bill, and thank you for this comprehensive report on the events of the day.
    Joan Davidson

  42. I am most disappointed about the lack of response from our Police force. To allow people to hold up signs in a public place that say, “F*** Tony Abbott”, is an utter disgrace.
    Regardless of who is in the Office, surely our Prime Minister deserves some respect. I will be writing to the Victoria Police Minister, and the Police Commissioner about their apparent unwillingness to “keep the peace”. No one should have to put up with such awful abuse.
    Peter Coventry

  43. Bill,
    Andrew Bolt describes Saturdays march and the antics of the pro-death camp quite well here
    I was there and had to try to shield my young son from a lot of what was going on also.
    I was also very disappointed in the police. I talked to one of the officers at Fed Square and got the distinct impression she really didn’t care much and encouraged us to go home.
    I was also disappointed with the turnout; was the march promoted in churches at all!
    Keep up the good work.
    David Horton

  44. Melinda, make sure you get help from us especially AFTER your triplets are born – even for a year or two after the birth. So we must not let our promises fall to the ground. Lest we forget!

    I too saw the aggression of the pro-aborts – and disgraceful police inaction: I saw deliberate assaults and identified offences and offenders to police who ignored it, and I saw police ignore similar claims from other pro-lifers. One skinny pro-abort guy in a grey T-shirt mastered a technique of screaming abuse in peoples faces while shirt-fronting them with his arms thrust behind him (clear assault) but if any pro-lifer tried to push him away he cried foul and tried to provoke a fight with backup of three thugs who ‘defended’ him if any pro-lifers dared to try and push him out of their space. The goons also use bicycles as active weapons and barricades forcing their way into pro-life ranks, trying to start fights and dragging bicycles aggressively between pro-lifers: I was caught by a pedal deliberately yanked past me.

    Police claimed to me that they didn’t have the numbers – but they probably outnumbered the pro-aborts. One or two judicious arrests would have made all the difference but police were passively and even actively assisting the pro-aborts by their considered inaction. Pro-lifers greatly outnumbered the pro-aborts and could have easily flowed around and past the pro-abort barricade line. Bernie Finn declared that we would wait until the police cleared the way. In hindsight, that was a mistake. Police effectively re-inforced the pro-abort line and forced a stale-mate and prevented the pro-life march from going forward whereas they should have simply walked in front to clear the way.

    It was obvious to me and others that we could easily get past the blockade and I, with a placard, walked around to about 10 to 15 metres ahead of the blockade with no difficulty. In that free and relatively quiet open space (middle of Flinders Street near Federation Square) several individuals and couples approached me to ask what it was all about and I explained. Incredibly the police asked me to move back to the pro-life group as I was a ‘provocation’ to the pro-aborts (who were actually ignoring me there). The police woman claimed that several groups had official permission to demonstrate and all had equal rights. Equal rights? What right do the pro-aborts have to abuse, assault, intimidate, make a continual noise nuisance and deliberately block the way of peaceful demonstration?

    But there were other divine appointments that day: At federation square there was a school group seeking comments on “Marriage Equality” so, still while holding my placard, I explained what marriage was and how it predated all formal laws and religions and had a good productive discussion with the students. That led to a discussion with a young man who was a Muslim who said Muhammad was a good example to follow. So we had a constructive 2-way discussion on that, the Bible, the Qur’an etc and by the time the March for the Babies had long gone we parted on good terms and he’d gratefully accepted a set of pamphlets written by Bernie Power designed to lead Muslims to consider the claims of Jesus & Christianity compared with those of Islam.

    Peter Newland

  45. We arrived late and went reverse route. Waiting for some time near Melbourne Town Hall for the march to arrive into Swanston Street. Alas it didn’t. One solitary lady with a pro life banner walked by, heading towards Flinders St, so we asked her where the march was. She explained it had been stopped by a protest barricade. We walked with her towards Flinders Street station, whereupon she was set upon by several irrational ranting radicals who emerged from around the corner on mass. In their very incensed state they tore her sign off her and set upon her with verbal rage on mass. The physical abuse didn’t eventuate, because several men and myself intervened between them. Men I might say who we’re simply members of the general public, not the march, and couldn’t abide the treatment she was receiving for no apparent reason. It was a physical jostle. One that brought tears to my 10yr old son, who was concerned for his Dad’s and the lady in questions welfare. Once that tension eased, my wife, our 2 boys and I then walked up Flinders street, finding 2 young couples with signature pink and blue balloons still trying to gather their composure, then we continued up into Spring St and joined the Parliament steps participants and listened to the speakers trying to make themselves heard above the protest noise. A very confronting experience. One that brought us alive in the spirit. The experience sponsored great discussion as a family on the topic of spiritual warfare and the need to make a stand to keep this country free. Free from such anarchy and disrespect for the rule of law. Of course Melinda’s testimony was such a joy to share with our boys this morning. Thanks Bill for being such a warrior and tireless promoter of peaceful social action. It was you who got me to attend for the first time last year.

    Jamie Bowman

  46. Many thanks for being there Jamie, and to your family. And thanks so much for protecting this poor lady from the ferals. You are a champion. Thanks for sharing your story. You may want to share it with the police as well, and as a letter to the editor.
    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  47. What a march it was on Saturday! Along with my friend, Elizabeth, we had come from Whittlesea to join the march for babies this year. We both remembered that along with 30,000 people some 12 months ago, we had both joined the march for Jill Meagher, to protest against her vicious rape and murder. Then we were all there with the same purpose. On Saturday it could not have been more different. We felt as though we were in a war zone. There were people there who hated us, screamed abuse and obscenities at us, threw eggs and tomatoes at us, and without the thin blue police line, would have physically hurt us, such was their intent on opposing what we stood for, life for babies, not death.
    Nonetheless we were glad we were there and thank you to all those who were there with us. For us, Saturday brought to mind Jesus’ words that the world hated Him for what He stood for and that it would hate us too. It surely felt like it.
    Please God may we all continue to stand together for all babies.

    John Ferwerda & Elizabeth Miller

  48. Murray, in response to your request for comments on the Police: My wife and I were held up at Fed. Square for a long time until finally we got diverted via another route. I commented to a number of people that I thought the real villians were the Police. Perhaps, not the individuals, but the ones who give the orders or lack there of. The “state” is in place by the will of God to promote the good order of society (Rom. 13:4 “for it is a minister of God to you for good…. for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil). The issue is that we had a permit to be there. A lawful gathering in which we had a right to expect protection from the Police.
    At Parliament House we were in the middle of the crowd. The “opposition” started to shove their way in from the back. They had a push bike equipped with sound equipment designed to make as much “drowning” noise as possible. They knocked over some people in an effort to force their way through until an elderly lady in front of us was knocked over. Then two brave guys “said” enough was enough and blocked their path. A scuffle ensued. We were calling to the Police to come, but they didn’t want to respond. It was not until a number of people were pushed to the ground, including myself, that they decided to take some interest in what was happening. My wife and I were not involved, but she ended up with a bruised arm and I ended up on my butt. Where were the Police? Why did it take them so long to respond? Why weren’t these people arrested? What is the point of having a lawful permit to march when Police do not uphold the law themselves? Yes, it has come to that in my opinion. The Police acted unlawfully in failing to protect those who had a specific lawful permit to be there!
    My concern is that parents with children will no longer feel safe when the Police do nothing. It is a disgrace and testimony to not only the breakdown of society, but of true law and order itself.

    David McAllan

  49. This is the best article yet and the comments are priceless. I almost feel I was there after all, though I wasn’t able to go. I witnessed a similar situation on a smaller scale but without police present on Mt. Ainsley ACT a few years ago. This is the front line of the spiritual war fare, praise the Lord for all of you who demonstrated the fruit of walking in the spirit. Trust the media to prefer to report on “orthodox Christians” attacking a pro-homosexual rally in Russia. As long as they find a Christian who does the wrong thing they are happy, as they can vilify the whole movement that way.
    Just as Satan in his callous hatred thought he had got rid of the Living God when he persuaded men to crucify Jesus, but instead he was just used by God as a tool to bring his perfect will to pass, so the atrocious abortion laws in Victoria have lead to the annual march for the babies, Melinda’s story and no doubt other wonderful stories that we might not know about yet. As someone said earlier, at the end of the march, he thought the other side had won – the disciples must have felt the same after they had witnessed Jesus dead on the cross, but resurrection Sunday came then and will come again and again for those who keep trusting in Jesus.
    I will do my best to bring a bus load next year from our area.

    Melinda, I pray you visit this site again and receive the encouragement from all these wonderful people. I would like to add my prayers to the list. Bringing up triplets will no doubt be very difficult at times, but I pray you turn to Jesus in those times.
    Many blessings
    Ursula Bennett

  50. I am wiping humbled tears from my eyes reading these comments, I thought for sure I would be judged for even thinking about killing these little ones but I honestly did not believe I could raise 3 babies at once.

    I do have support, and lots of it. I have found links to places and phone numbers to call. When I walked into the clinic on Monday morning to cancel my appointment with them, I was told to sit down and wait for the doctor to come and see me.

    I refused and said I was leaving, and was told I had already signed everything and couldn’t back out now. The counsellor came out and I felt relief, I told her I had changed my mind and was keeping my babies.

    She did not smile back and the doctor finally emerged, they exchanged quick glances – The doctor looked annoyed and the counsellor looked …. Ashamed.

    They started talking in low voices, kept glancing at me. I felt suddenly uneasy and headed for the door. The receptionist noticed and tried to call me back, so I ran. I ran for my life and the lives inside of me.

    I’ve never been so scared in my life. I’m still shaking. Thank you ALL for your encouragement, I wasn’t sure and now I am firm in my convictions. Abortion is evil and it can stay right away from us. I will make sure my babies know their story, so they can never make the same mistake I almost did.

    I got a free ultrasound instead and I am 23 weeks with 3 little girls 🙂 Wish me luck and bless you all!


  51. Wow, thanks again Melinda and God bless you. All of our offers still stand – if you need any help of any sort, please do not hesitate to ask any of us – we will be there. You are an inspiration to us all. Thank you so much for choosing life. Many blessings,
    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  52. The hatred of Satan when challenged about abortion is evident here. God bless all who stand up for truth. That is where blessing and peace of mind is. The obvious misery of hatred is evidence of Satan’s hold on people.
    Jenny Maring

  53. What an amazing mother you’ll make Melinda….Warrior Mumma!!

    Leonie Hartwig

  54. Melinda, you are an amazing person and will be a great mother. I cannot believe the attitudes you got at the clinic.

    I was in Emergency one time, pregnant with triplets and miscarrying over several days. The ultrasound on the 2nd day showed only 2 heartbeats and I was told that this can happen and was taken to a ward to be observed. The following afternoon, another ultrasound and there was only 1 weak heartbeat and I was told to get ready for a D and C. I protested and refused to go and got eye rolling and whispering.

    They said that the heartbeat is weak and this one won’t make it and if I refused I’d have to wait my turn, maybe for days nil by mouth as the weekend was approaching and it was a major hospital where emergency facilities were stretched. This hospital has been under investigation for its treatment of miscarrying mums since.

    I went back to the ward and waited it out, nil by mouth and hearing other mums with their babies, which was hard but I felt better doing the right thing. I subsequently lost the 3rd one and another 5 babies in total ( auto immune condition amongst other things) but do now have healthy children.

    One child was found to have the signs during ultrasound of a trisomy condition that is very serious and I was heavily and constantly pressured to get genetic testing etc which I refused. We prayed and vowed to accept whatever would happen and this baby is now a healthy 12 year old. She was taken away for tests and scans after birth but was completely normal. I hate to think what could have happened…

    All the best, Melinda, I will be thinking of you.

    I often felt pushed to rush the D and C with many of my miscarriages and hope that there really was a miscarriage and there was no mistake made.

    Jo Deller

  55. Melinda your decision makes my heart sing. Thank you so much for choosing life for your beautiful babies. I know it won’t be easy. I had twins and another just eleven and a half months old, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. They are so precious and so are your babies. God bless you dear girl and I will be praying for you.

    Rose Klein

  56. Melinda how could anyone condemn you? You are beautiful in God’s sight and I hope one day you will come to see this yourself by meeting His Son Jesus.
    Keith Lewis

  57. Melinda, GOD BLESSED YOU! I’m sure you felt the sheer evil coming out of those abortionists’ spirits. You found out that abortion truly is the work of the devil, and thank God that your babies will live.

    God bless you! Sometimes you have to run for your life, or in this case, run for you and your three other lives!

    Natalie Johnson, USA

  58. Oh how wonderful, Melinda! I wish you all the very best for a beautiful life with your little girls! A very moving story! And scary too! The angels in Heaven are rejoicing that you have made this decision! God bless all of you!

    Jeannie Crooks

  59. Melinda, it has taken me a while to comment because, quite frankly, every time I read and re-read both of your entries, my eyes well up at the close call your babies had and the INCREDIBLE COURAGE you mustered to save and protect those dear little pre-born girls.
    We are in Queensland but if there is anything at all we can do to help, please let us know. We can also link you up with help if you are in Victoria.
    It is great that you have support – we will pray that it continues along this journey to the joyful day of their birth and beyond.
    And here is a little prayer to give you grace, strength and courage on that journey:
    Every Day

    Every day I need Thee Lord
    But this day ‘specially.
    I need some extra strength to face
    Whatever is to be.

    This day, more than any day,
    I need to feel Thee near
    To fortify my courage
    And to overcome my fear.

    By myself I cannot meet
    The challenge of the hour –
    There are times when human creatures
    Need a higher power
    To help them bear
    What must be borne
    And so dear Lord, I pray
    Hold on to my trembling hand
    And be with me today.

    God bless you Melinda.

    Teresa Martin
    Cherish Life Queensland Inc

  60. Melinda, bless you! What a wonderful decision. You will be in my prayers. Love and hugs to you and big blessings!
    Joan Sweet

  61. There nothing much left to say except ‘Wow’. The two comments Melinda posted are the comments of the year. It will be the best decision you have ever made Melinda.

    Carl Strehlow

  62. Way to go Melinda, all the best.

    Excellent work Bill.

    David Williams

  63. Melinda. What a brave decision. I am a grandmother of 4 children. I don’t know your family situation but I would also love to be a nana of three beautiful little girls. Please let me know if you need a nana. They are special. There to supportand encourage. Bless you. Xx
    Lyn Maxwell

  64. Melinda my heart has been so joyous all day to hear that you have decided to keep your three precious babies! I know that they will be a blessing to you. May you come to know how great and deep a love our Father in heaven has for us as your love for them grows and grows.

    Was thinking of you and praying for you today when I was driving a car and I saw this! It reads baby Anna, baby Annie, and (sadly you can’t see in this but from memory I think it was….) baby Angela! I was thinking of you and praying for you and your three baby girl triplets when I saw this at the same time! It reminded me that not only have you “three babies” as a collective whole but three individual beautiful children who will each have their own names, identities, goals and dreams in life who will grow to be the people they were created to be and live a life given to them! I know it would not have been easy to come to the decision you have, but I want you to know despite everything, love conquers.

    You will be in my thoughts and prayers for a long time. Please do not hesitate to ask Bill or anyone for help at any time. We are not suppose to walk this road/journey alone…. If it becomes too much that is what others are here for… You only need to ask and please do as I know many of us would only be more than happy to! God bless you.

    Thea Oly

  65. Melinda, I, along with many others, have been praying for you from the moment you posted your first comment. Praise God he has prevented you from going though with this terrible action. I encourage you to look to Jesus for strength and perseverance and take to heart Teresa’s prayer.

    ‘God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble.’ Psalm 46:1

    Sid Avery

  66. Thanks for this article.

    A few weeks ago, I went out to dinner with a group of single Christians. Among them, was a woman who was a little ‘pushy’ as she mentioned the Pro – Life March, and wanting the rest of us to attend.

    These militant people that you mentioned, were the reason why I was reluctant to participate.

    I hope that after being a follower of Jesus for 24 years, I have grown out of worrying about what others think of this.

    It’s ironic that Christians get accused of being hateful and intolerant. The people responsible for the abuse that the Pro Life protestors received, could be accused of the same things.

    Scott McPhee

  67. Dear Melinda,

    Thank you for sharing your story and may God truly bless you and your 3 wonderful little girls. I pray that the rest of your pregnancy and the birth of the girls goes smoothly – as smoothly as it can anyway with triplets. 🙂

    You have been so courageous. I am so sorry you had to endure what you did at the clinic. I keep re-reading what you wrote and keep staring at it, stunned. May God grant you peace now, calm your fears & keep you in his loving care.

    With much love,
    Heidi Cook WA

  68. I just sent my complaint to the Victorian Police, and reflected on how much more professional the Queensland Police have been when we have had Pro-life events up here.
    I assume the police would have been given their marching orders by forces higher up the chain of command… very sad indeed.
    Btw, every time we drive past our local police station we say a prayer for the police, asking Saint Michael the Archangel, patron of police who cast the undesirables out of heaven, to intercede for them.

    Lucy Robinson

  69. So wonderful to read all of your passionate comments! Praying that you will join us as we pray and witness each day outside the most evil abortion mill which has been operating for the past 40 years and has killed over 300,000 babies…118 Wellington Pde East Melbourne…7am-10.00 am and if you want to come later that is great too as we witness the beautiful women exiting the mill after their abortion..God bless all of you for your wonderful comments! Strength in numbers,we must all stick together and support each other! Praise God for every blessing!!

    Mrs Jane Byrne

  70. Thanks again Melinda. I trust you are doing well. Many people have told me they would like to contribute gifts and practical help to you, even financial assistance. Can you give me some contact details, or can we get together to discuss how this might happen? (I will of course keep things private. So if you send in a comment here I will not post it if you prefer.) Bless you and I look forward to hearing from you.

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  71. My question is: Why are we only marching once a year? I’d be prepared to march again if this event happen every 6 months. Might just throw the lefties off their game as well if we throw in a random march each year that doesn’t occur on a consistent basis.

    Mario Del Giudice

  72. Melinda, I can’t express how your story has made me feel and I am rarely short of a word. May God keep pouring His blessings upon you and may your three beautiful daughters bring you never ending joy. You are giving the world a wonderful gift and we thank you.

    Philip Maguire

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