Aping Atheists and Mangled Morality
Are atheists capable of anything new and original, or do they just imitate, ape, and copy from the very thing they despise so much? I still await something original from these folks. Of course this is all fully understandable. Atheists would not even exist if it were not for God. The very air they breathe is God’s air.
So the God they deny and rail against must also exist. There can be no atheists if there is no God. And all their thoughts and ideas and values are also the product of being made in God’s image. They can’t even speak of morality, apart from God.
It is only because a moral God has created a moral universe with creatures in his image that we can even speak of good and evil. So everything about atheists and atheism is derivative. They cannot even come up with one original thought. All they do is take from God and twist and turn things.
They are so obsessed with the God they claim is non-existent that they mimic everything about him. They hate Christianity yet copy it to the letter. Thus we even have atheist church services! Held on Sundays no less! I have written about this elsewhere: https://billmuehlenberg.com/2013/11/25/our-atheist-churches/
They of course have their high priests and holy books, their sacred rituals and obligations, and so on. Talk about the most unoriginal bunch of rebels around. And now they even have their own ‘Atheist Ten Commandments’. So do we simply laugh at this foolishness, or fall asleep with boredom?
And of course none of this is new anyway. Back in 2006 Richard Dawkins in his book The God Delusion did exactly the same thing: coming up with a new set of commandments. Actually he simply copied a set which he “happened to find on an atheist website”. He then suggested four more commandments he might add to such a list.
So this latest attempt is more copying and more pale imitation. These atheists copy Dawkins who copied some other atheists who copied God. These guys are unable to generate one original idea it seems. Yet arrogant atheists like Dawkins describe themselves as “Brights”. Yeah right.
Consider one of the earlier commandments that Dawkins ran with: “Treat your fellow human beings, your fellow living things, and the world in general with love, honesty, faithfulness and respect”. Of course this is a bit rich coming from a guy who had spent 400 pages attacking the overwhelming majority of mankind (those who do not share his reductionist atheism).
One write-up of the new set says this:
Atheists have written their own version of the ten commandments. These commandments were chosen from submissions to Atheist Mind Humanist Heart’s (AMHH) Re-Think Prize, a crowdsourcing project.
Previously reported by the Inquisitr, in November Adam Savage announced he would be a judge in the ReThink Project, the host of MythBusters (one of only two, these days), caused a new surge of interest and awareness for the contest — so much that the contest website crashed shortly after his tweet.
As part of the crowdsourcing project, submissions were submitted to Atheist Mind Humanist Heart’s website. The submissions for new commandments were reviewed by the contest judges — Adam Savage was one of 13 judges — and ten submissions were chosen that were deemed worthy of being called commandments. The ten writers of the chosen submissions split a prize of 10,000 dollars.
And their Ten Commandments?
Be open-minded and be willing to alter your beliefs with new evidence.
Strive to understand what is most likely to be true, not to believe what you wish to be true.
The scientific method is the most reliable way of understanding the natural world.
Every person has the right to control over their body.
God is not necessary to be a good person or to live a full and meaningful life.
Be mindful of the consequences of all your actions and recognize that you must take responsibility for them.
Treat others as you would want them to treat you, and can reasonably expect them to want to be treated. Think about their perspective.
We have the responsibility to consider others, including future generations.
There is no one right way to live.
Leave the world a better place than you found it.
Oh puh-leeese. A total of 2,800 submissions, and this is the best they could come up with? Sorry, but I will take the original any day of the week. All these guys prove here is that atheism is bereft of any worthwhile ideas, and any that get even close to being worthwhile are simply borrowed shamelessly from the God they despise so much. Brights indeed!
Consider this ground-breaking commandment of theirs: “Treat others as you would want them to treat you, and can reasonably expect them to want to be treated. Think about their perspective”. Um, sorry, but I think someone beat you to it. The Son of God actually ran with that one 2,000 years ago!
Try Luke 6:31 for starters: “Treat others the same way you want them to treat you.” You gotta laugh. These rebels hate God so much that they think they have to reinvent morality. But all they end up doing is confirming the reality and wisdom of the very God they claim does not exist.
Let’s check out a few more of these doosies. Their first one says this: “Be open-minded and be willing to alter your beliefs with new evidence.” Um, do they really believe that? Of course they don’t. Millions of atheists and agnostics have followed the evidence wherever it may lead, and embraced theism, and often biblical Christianity.
Yet for their troubles, they are roundly denounced as traitors by the hardcore atheist brigade. A classic example of this was the world-famous atheist Antony Flew. He was a far more important figure in the atheist universe than Dawkins ever was, yet when he started to follow the evidence, all hell broke loose.
He left atheism and embraced theism when the evidence led him in that direction. Flew had made it a lifelong habit to follow the command of Plato attributed to Socrates, “We must follow the argument wherever it leads”. And the scientific evidence forced him to conclude that “the universe was brought into existence by an infinite Intelligence”. I discuss him and review his book here: https://billmuehlenberg.com/2007/11/21/a-review-of-there-is-a-god-by-antony-flew/
And it seems that it is the atheists, with their predetermined worldview, that are at war with evidence, and with science itself. Consider the recent incredible outburst by atheist Sam Harris. He took some vicious pot-shots at Christian scientist Francis Collins.
Collins of course is a world-renowned geneticist and leader of the Human Genome Project. He is also the director of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. But because he dares to believe in God, bully boy Harris says he is dangerous, calling him a “Bible-thumper”.
He goes on to say that the work of celebrated Christian physicist John Polkinghorne is “just pure madness”. So much for a high view of science (their next commandment) and following the evidence impartially and doggedly. Scientism, not science, is what these angry atheists worship.
Consider also this commandment: “Be mindful of the consequences of all your actions and recognize that you must take responsibility for them.” But Dawkins and Co insist that we are mere gene replicators. How do such impersonal and amoral objects ever get to be responsible? Where does that come from in the materialistic world of atheism?
Personal responsibility cannot of course exist without free will. But the God-haters insist that there is no such thing. As atheist biologist Will Provine put it, “No God. No life after death. No free will. No ultimate meaning in life and no ultimate foundation for ethics.”
And Dawkins himself tells us this about morality: “Whenever natural selection favors a gene because of its beneficial effect in youth – say, on sexual attractiveness in a young male – there is likely to be a downside: some particular disease in middle or old age, for example. . . . . To return to this chapter’s pessimistic beginning, when the utility function – that which is being maximized – is DNA survival, this is not a recipe for happiness. So long as DNA is passed on, it does not matter who or what gets hurt in the process. . . . Genes don’t care about suffering, because they don’t care about anything.”
Finally, consider this one: “There is no one right way to live.” Um, really. So if I think it is right to live as a Christian, you guys are OK with that? But given how hate-filled they are with Christians, I guess they don’t really mean this at all. Indeed, they think there is only one way to live: as a reductionist atheist. Nothing else is viable.
So much for the ten commandments of the misotheists. Sorry, but I would much rather run with the real deal. You remember the original set? It includes the commandment about not bearing false witness. That is something the atheists need to take to heart.
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This was on the cards when Michael Shermer wrote his book ‘Why People Believe in Weird Things’ 10-15 years ago.
Humanism, at its best, believes in the dignity of Man, but sadly, for them, depravity gets in the way. Its many manifestations include envy, jealousy and rage, which in its mildest form occurs when we can’t get out own way, so love takes a hit.
‘Blessed are the crackpots, for they shall let in a little light’.
In this sense, even the Humanist’s accusations fall flat. The end of futility is humility. Excuse me for trying to cheer myself up.
Ecclesiastes 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
10 Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.
Yep, these guys are so original, so fresh, so new. I would not have known any of these things unless they had led me to it, /sarc off/
All they have done is reproduce, very poorly might I add, the Ten commandments that wonderful Moses gave us directly from our lovingly Heavenly Father. They have simply replaced God with self. Well whoopdy doo, there is a scripture in the book of judges about man doing what is right in our own eyes.
Oh and isn’t plagiarising illegal, even in the atheist movement? Oh that’s right, thou shalt not steal means zip to genes LOL.
They claim it is their own, but isn’t that bearing false witness? Or does the end justify the means?
Give me God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost/spirit any day, they can keep writhing around in their own filth.
P.S Merry Christmas Bill and everyone who reads here, may you have the spirit of Christ with you on the special day and every day.
P.S.S Wife and I send our love to you at this time also Bill. We know you need it.
Many thanks Neil.
I have to conclude that these blokes don’t even understand English. A commandment is a rule that must be followed, and for that to be the case, it must have authority behind it, such as the authority of God. This atheist list has no authority, because the committee that decided on it has no authority. Nobody is under any obligation to follow these so-called “commandments”. Rather, they are ten statements that they would like people to agree to adopt.
But even if you overlook that matter, only five are actually instructions on what to do (Nos. 1, 2, 6, 7, and 10). The other five are assertions about what they believe to be the case. Take No. 4 for example: Every person has the right to control over their body. That’s a truth-claim, not an instruction.
As for: “Be open minded and be willing to alter your beliefs with new evidence.”, the problem is what they count as “evidence”. For a start, it’s usually only scientific evidence. So historical evidence, such as found in the Bible, doesn’t count as evidence. On the other hand, interpretations of the evidence (such as dates calculated for rocks, using materialist assumptions) are routinely counted as actual evidence.
“The scientific method is the most reliable way of understanding the natural world.” is arguably true, if one is talking about understanding how the world is, not how it came to be. Science is extremely useful for the former, but the latter is history, for which historical account is the best source. One cannot run scientific tests on unique past events.
The perverse result is this: atheists reject historical evidence when discussing history, substituting present-day (scientific) evidence and the stories they invent for how it came to be, yet claim to follow the evidence.
I’ve seen the same thing on Wikipedia. In order for something to be included, it needs to be based on a “reliable source”. But a source that contradicts their views is excluded as not a “reliable source”.
The last “commandment” is a rather interesting one. Surely the Nazi’s were trying their best to fulfil that one, since they honestly believed they were removing those who didn’t deserve to be allowed to live and thus they were trying to leave the world a better place than before, well according to their eyes, at least.
Yes, even if he doesn’t know it we have to remember the atheist depends on God, and he enjoys and depends on religious principles in our culture even though they may not realize it or even want to know it. It’s good for Christians to remember this so we’ll be inoculated against these atheistic attacks against faith which come from every direction and sometimes in subtle ways, tempting people to despair. Atheists depend on the cultural contributions that came from Christianity even for their own freedom and the values they prize, like equality. Where does equality come from? It sure don’t come from atheistic evolution, where only the strong survive! I’m thinking the reason western society came to value equality (and eventually twist equality into the false equalities we have today, but that’s a tangent, because equality properly understood is a good thing), but I would think the foundations of the equality atheists and all of us enjoy originally came from biblical principles, like that we are all created in God’s image and also the words of Paul where he says we are all one body and there is neither slave nor free, male nor female, etc.
Every person has the right to control over their body.
This is, of course, a euphemism for abortion and most of the LGBT agenda. So atheism is just another tenet of the liberal religion.
Hi Graham,
Nope, its just another prong of Satan’s death cult, Satan hates everything that God loves. Satan loves everything that God hates. God’s people love everything God loves and hates that which God hates. Satan’s people love everything that Satan loves and hates everything that Satan hates.
So as much as they ‘try’ to say they do not believe in God or Satan, they show by their fruits who their father truly is.
Take 9 and 10 for instance; if “There is no one right way to live” how do you “Leave the world a better place than you found it?” I’m open to correction if it’s only I who think there may be some logical inconsistency here.
Well said, Bill. I was recently engaged in an online discussion with an atheist friend of mine who has obviously read too much Dawkins. He was all loud and vocal, but his argument (that the world would be better off without religion) lacked substance. He insisted that religion was responsible for most wars, but when I pointed out the data on this he reverted to personal opinion. So much for being committed to the facts.
It’s about time Atheism was called for what it is – a death cult.
There are many agnostic folks who don’t know if there’s a God, just as there are many atheists who don’t believe and who worship materialism, sport, the environment or any of the ‘isms’ as a religion, but those who actively promote Atheism, although they may not carry a weapon, use words as such and the result is a psychological war on those who do believe.
Many of these Atheists are of the intellectual class and they war against Creation, obviously in ignorance of any foundation for their existence.
They are death cultists, cranks and accusers of those who profess to know Christ because they reason from their own sin that anyone who claims to be forgiven is a hypocrite. They are anti-Christ and for those of us who do believe, dealers in death. They may not believe in Satan, but his way is accusation and he comes to kill, steal and destroy. These are his attributes whether those who don’t believe in him know it or not. He deals in death, but Christ is life abundant.
Reason and tolerance undergirded the Enlightenment. These have proved to be relative to one’s cause and the guideposts are constantly changed because it is impossible to play by the rules of relativism. There is no integrity in it, despite all the talk of an ethical base. Without absolutes, life is just shifting sand. Jesus said, two thousand years ago:
“Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall” (Matthew 7: 24-27). Those who have believed and have fallen, know the truth of these words. Christ does not condemn those of a contrite spirit. We get back up and go on, wiser because we believe in Him, rather than a shifting stick.
Ha Ha Ha. “There is no one right way to live?” So why are they writing commandments? Idiots. What a joke.
Mind you “Do unto others..” is something Confucius effectively said around 400 BC and is in the OT somewhere (I just can’t remember where) but seriously, its what children learn before they go to school (if they have any sort of reasonable parent). It is very simple logic and very, very basic empathy that all people can and should easily have.
So according to atheists; murder, rape, theft, lying and greed are just intrinsically honky dory not to mention forcing people to work sevens days a weeks, being disrespectful to parents and hating God. Yep. That sounds like the atheist inspired regimes I know of. Dawkin’s ideas are couched in a huge amount of spin but they are quite obviously master race theories re-badged and no amount of hugely qualified “do-unto-others…” can conceal it.
Dawkins talking about sexual attractiveness is a joke too because he can’t even explain how and why the sexes exist. C’mn Dawky. How does the vastly more complex sexual reproduction evolve from the very much simpler, much more efficient but still extraordinarily complex plus more conducive to “natural selection”, asexual reproduction and how could it possibly have produced an immediate benefit so as to be naturally selected? Its all just absolute fantasy.