Compromised Christianity: On Treachery and Betrayal

We all know about those who will betray you and turn on you for various reasons – we have all experienced it and it sure is not pleasant. But it is a normal part of life alas, and the Christian is certainly not immune from this. Believers can easily be betrayed and abandoned, even by those closest to them.

The most obvious and most horrific example of betrayal in the Bible is of course that of Judas. All four gospels discuss in detail how Judas betrayed Jesus for his lousy pieces of silver. But the Bible throughout offers examples of treachery and betrayal.

For example in Jeremiah 12 we read about Jeremiah’s complaint, and then Yahweh answers him, beginning in verse 5. Here are his opening words:

If you have raced with men on foot
and they have worn you out,
how can you compete with horses?
If you stumble in safe country,
how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan?
Your relatives, members of your own family—
even they have betrayed you;
they have raised a loud cry against you.
Do not trust them,
though they speak well of you.
“I will forsake my house,
abandon my inheritance;
I will give the one I love
into the hands of her enemies.” (Jeremiah 12:5-7)

And Jesus warned his disciples that this would happen as well: “Brother will hand brother over for execution, and a father his child. Children will rebel against parents and have them put to death” (Matthew 10:21).

Paul could talk about those who had forsaken him and had betrayed the gospel. The Pastoral Epistles speak to this quite often, for example: 1 Timothy 1:18-20; 1 Timothy 4:1-2; and 2 Timothy 3:1-9. So the Bible provides examples of this and frequently warns against it.

salvation-armyAnd we see this playing itself far too often in church history. Simply consider those German Christians who not only refused to defend their faith over against the rise of the Nazis, but the many who actually sided with this evil regime. This was betrayal of a tall order.

But there are plenty of other ways in which believers can betray the gospel and betray their Lord. We see this happening everywhere with the area of homosexuality. One church after another, one leader after another, and one Christian after another is caving in here, capitulating and compromising.

They are betraying the clear teachings of Scripture as they run with the world’s immoral agenda instead of staying faithful to Christ and his teachings. We learned today of another prime example of this. It seems that the Victorian Salvation Army is now fully in favour of the diabolical and rabidly pro-homosexual “Safe Schools” program.

But don’t take my word for it – this is what they say on their own website about this:

The Salvation Army Supports Safe Schools Initiative
The Salvation Army supports the Safe Schools Coalition Victoria in its initiative designed to reduce homophobic and transphobic behaviour and create safe learning environments for all students. The Salvation Army is concerned by the very high level of bullying, higher levels mental health issues and the highest rates of suicidality of any group in Australia for same-sex attracted and gender diverse young people. The Salvation Army’s Victoria State Council (VSC) has been aware of the negative claims about the Safe Schools program and its related materials but believes these to be unfounded.
Chair of VSC, Major Dr Geoff Webb says “Our social policy unit has reviewed the official teaching resources provided by the Safe Schools Coalition and the four official guidelines. It has also studied the independent review commissioned by the Australian government, together with other materials. None of the negative claims made about the program accurately reflect anything in the official materials reviewed.
“Provided schools adhere to official teaching resources and the official guidelines, there should be no issues with Safe Schools. We support the provision of safe learning environments for all students,” Webb says.
Dr Webb notes that a Federal Government independent review found that the four official guides are consistent with the aims of the program and are appropriate for use in schools. “Our findings are consistent with the government’s review,” Webb says, “and the resource All of Us is consistent with the aims of the program, is suitable, robust, age-appropriate, educationally sound and aligned with the Australian Curriculum.”
The Salvation Army in Victoria has welcomed the Andrews Government commitment of additional funding to ensure that every Victorian secondary school is involved in the Safe Schools programme by the end of 2018.

Um, why do I think William Booth would be rolling in his grave right now if he saw this betrayal of the gospel and this capitulation to the agenda of the world? This would without question send him reeling with dismay and disbelief.

Of interest is the fact that just a few months ago I was a speaker at a public meeting on Safe Schools. I warned of its many clear dangers and how no real Christian could support such a program. During the Q&A period I was asked about why some Christian organisations would actually support this terrible program.

I answered by saying that many church groups are getting government funding, and they refuse to rock the boat therefore. They seem more keen on getting that money than in standing true to biblical principles and values. While many groups came to mind, I did mention how the Salvation Army seems to be a case in point here.

I said they used to be part of the Family Council of Victoria, but then pulled out a bit later. Why? They are getting government funding, and when the FCV started challenging the Victorian government on its pro-homosexual agenda, the SA left our group.

Interestingly, when the meeting concluded, I had a rather upset SA officer come up to me and mildly rebuke me. I of course did not know he was in the audience, and assured him that I was not picking on the Salvos, as there were many other groups I could have used as an example.

So I offered a brief apology and I took his calling card. Sadly, I now cannot find his card (and I really did spend quite a bit of time trying to find it), as I wanted to call him first and talk about all this before writing this article. But given the SA position on this, I wonder if this officer knew about this all along? I may never know.

But it is clear that the Victorian SA has let us all down big time by making this unwise and unbiblical step. Indeed, reading their website article, they seem no different than the Greens or any other radical left group. They simply parrot all the nonsense about this being some really neat and helpful program.

It is nothing of the sort of course, as I have documented in 26 other articles now. See here for more on just how horrible this program is:

And I am not just some wild outsider recklessly carrying on here. I am in regular contact with numerous Salvos from both Australia and overseas. They too have told me how devastated they are not only by this act of betrayal, but by so many other cases of SA compromise and capitulation.

They have been lamenting for years now the sad decline and implosion of a once great Christian organisation. As with so many others, it is often now little more than a secular social action organisation. Yes they are doing much good in many areas. But when they play down or in fact betray their own gospel foundation, then they might as well just be any other secular aid group.

And I personally know many genuine on-fire Christians who are Salvos. Some of them have even contacted me today about this very matter. They are devastated, and rightly so. I am not saying that the SA is now utterly defunct and a waste of time, or that there are no real believers left amongst them.

In many places it is still doing a great – and a great Christian – job, and many of its members are true disciples of Jesus Christ. But sadly many of its leaders and localities are no longer what they are meant to be. They have betrayed the gospel for a mess of radical secular left porridge. They have adopted the agenda of the world, while ditching the biblical agenda.

I must remind them of some very strong words from their founders, William and Catherine Booth:

“If we are to better the future we must disturb the present.” Catherine Booth

“Here is the reason why we have such a host of stillborn, sinewless, ricketty, powerless spiritual children. They are born of half-dead parents, a sort of sentimental religion which does not take hold of the soul, which has no depth of earth, no grasp, no power in it, and the result is a sickly crop of sentimental converts. Oh! the Lord give us a real, robust, living, hardy, Christianity, full of zeal and faith, which shall bring into the kingdom of God lively, well-developed children, full of life and energy, instead of these poor sentimental ghosts that are hopping around us.” Catherine Booth

“We are not sent to minister to a congregation and be content if we keep things going. We are sent to make war and to stop short of nothing but the subjugation of the world to the sway of the Lord Jesus.” William Booth

“The chief danger of the twentieth century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, and heaven without hell.” William Booth

[1620 words]

64 Replies to “Compromised Christianity: On Treachery and Betrayal”

  1. Hi Bill, My wife and I, just saw this ourselves and being a Salvation Army Officer’s if the Salvation Army Supports this when we will conclude our service.

  2. Ask the Lord to reveal the hiding place of that business card. I do that and get wonderful results.

  3. “The chief danger of the twentieth century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, and heaven without hell.” William Booth

    Wow. He sure got that one right. It always amazes me how far the descendants of a movement can drift from their roots. Actually, it also amazes me just how good a lot of Christian activity was back in the 1800’s. It seems they really got it.

  4. Peter and your wife, you have my prayers. My wife and I will never return to the Uniting Church since their National Assembly in 2003 gave permission for homosexuals to be ordained if the local district Presbytery agreed. There comes a time to make a stand and we’ve found that God has been faithful for us ever since.
    I wouldn’t be surprised if sections of the Uniting Church are supporting the so-called Safe Schools programme, especially in Victoria.

  5. I worked for the Salvos for a 2 years and thought they had standards but realised that they were getting rid of Christians who would not compromise and were replacing them with non Christians who would compromise. My contract was not renewed (three years ago) and I was replaced by someone who was a yes man and who got paid 20% more than I did. I agree that govt funding tends to guide organisations world view. I have seen this many times working in the industry I work in. I see many Church based organisations sell their soul.

  6. 2 Timothy 3:1-5 (NKJV)
    1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come:
    2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
    3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good,
    4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,
    5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!
    2 Timothy 3:9 (NKJV)
    9 but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was.

  7. It pains me to see good institutions die – but it’s much worse when they are taken over and their purpose perverted. It would be best if the members were able to rescue and restore their movement, or failing that, to re-establish faithful cells. In any case, action is required – one way or another. Should adjacent faithful Christian communities offer support in various ways? What would SA faithful think? Isn’t this problem part of everyone’s responsibilities?

  8. Hi Bill,

    A good word ! 1620 words to be exact.

    Is my 150 word precis of your message acceptably accurate ?
    Could it, or any precis of any of your other articles be of any value to you ?



    Post this if you want. A brief personal comment would be much appreciated.

  9. Ooops ! I didn’t send the precis.

    Here it is :

    Sallies Compromise

    Bill Muehlenberg’s post for 16 Nov 2016 exposes the Victorian Salvation Army as now being fully in favour of ‘the diabolical and rabidly pro-homosexual “Safe Schools” program.’ Their website states: “The Salvation Army Supports Safe Schools Initiative.”

    Bill believes the programme promotes homosexuality and diminishes the value of heterosexuality and traditional marriage. He believes the Sallies have compromised with the world, the flesh and the devil and that they have betrayed true Christianity. Why ? Well, he is quite sure receiving considerable amounts of state funding, has a lot to do with their position. He reminds Sallies of some very strong words from their founders.

    “If we are to better the future we must disturb the present.” Catherine Booth

    “The chief danger of the twentieth century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, and heaven without hell.” William Booth

  10. Thanks Bill,
    As a result of this action by the Salvos I will not support their Christmas Appeal this year. I have been a loyal and generous supporter for over 20 years. I have told them why,
    Interesting comment David. I have heard similar things Anglicare. eg a Buddhist statue in their waiting room.i

  11. Thanks for the heads up Bill,

    Now I withdraw from volunteering in the mainly music program and other services with the Salvos this is just as shocking as the news World Vision and other charity organisations help provide abortions disguised as medical aid in ‘majority world’ countries. Just supported SIM Operation Neighbour Care in Zimbabwe with a couple of Christmas gifts, it would be sad to find that this and other Australian Christian charities are involved in such activities, can you please let us know where we may access this type of information Bill, there used to be a website that provided this info. To your knowledge is there still such a data base available for our access online?


  12. Pfft…

    The Salvation Army supports Safe Schools Initiative
    … Government commitment of additional funding to ensure that every Victorian
    secondary school is involved in the Safe Schools programme by the …

    An error has occurred no longer access to this info on Safe Schools
    “Guilty as charged!”

  13. This is terrific news. The SA has removed its page supporting the wretched Safe Schools program! People power works!! Keep it up folks! All of you who have written in to them and prayed have achieved a great victory. Now we need to find out if they have stopped endorsing this diabolical program, or if they just removed the page where they said they support it. Keep writing to the Salvos – you are all champions!!

  14. It is little wonder there are politicians who think little of the Church when they see the Salvos bought off.

    Such short term thinking from the Army when they depend on God for success. Without credibility they will not receive donations.

    There are many humanists working for the demise of the Church. Successful charity work is the major PR effort for the Church. By using tax money to entrap Church work with the unemployed and elderly etc. the enemies of righteousness can more easily turn public opinion against Christ and Christianity.

  15. Bill, Thank you for your work for the Kingdom. We support you, we do not support TSA stand and intend to indicate this to our leaders.

    Wanda & John

  16. It is important to not let Safe Schhols try to squirm out of this reality.

    There are many links to the appalling Minus18 website from the Safe Schools program and vise versa. Many of the Safe Schools promoters, including Roz Ward, are involved in much of Minus18.

    Minus18 has nothing to do with anti-bullying. It is solely designed to promote gender-bending of school aged children.


  17. Salvos, supporting Safe Schools won’t get you any favours. Don’t you get it? They hate Christians! I work at a ‘safe schools’ school and they just got rid of the Salvation Army charity Christmas tree in favour of a secular charity. Gotta get the Christ out of Christmas! The utter hatred and contempt is very real for Christians out there in the secular world.

    Sorry, I need to post this anonymously, understand if you can’t put on blog.

  18. The twist!

    1 John 3 English Standard Version (ESV)

    3 1See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 2 Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is. 3 And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure.

    4 Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness. 5 You know that he appeared in order to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. 6 No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him. 7 Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous. 8 Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. 9 No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God. 10 By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother.

    Love One Another

    11 For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. 12 We should not be like Cain, who was of the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own deeds were evil and his brother’s righteous. 13 Do not be surprised, brothers, that the world hates you. 14 We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brothers. Whoever does not love abides in death. 15 Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.

    16 By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. 17 But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? 18 Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.

    19 By this we shall know that we are of the truth and reassure our heart before him; 20 for whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything. 21 Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before God; 22 and whatever we ask we receive from him, because we keep his commandments and do what pleases him. 23 And this is his commandment, that we believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as he has commanded us. 24 Whoever keeps his commandments abides in God, and God in him. And by this we know that he abides in us, by the Spirit whom he has given us.

    Praying for our brothers and sisters in the SA Corps here and elsewhere, may God forgive their leaders and restore their wonderful Christian ministry for Jesus’ name’s sake! Amen.

  19. I believe The Salvation Army is excusing this non-Biblical authorisation of the Safe Schools Programme because we see it as a way of helping youth and children who are suicidal due to bullying over their sexual choices.

    The pity of it is that if we helped the way God prescribes, rather than the way God proscribes, if we helped the way that the Founder (General William Booth) would have done, the Love of Christ would see HUGE miracles, with lives turned around, permanently.

    This way, we’re helping people go to Hell.

  20. How sad that the Salvos has been hijacked by Leftist activists!
    The organisation I believe has become an extension of government, so that 50% of its income comes from tax-payers money. Sadly it has sold its soul, and hundreds, if not thousands have turned away from their congregations!
    Most “churches” have become welfare centres, with a “chapel” .,,paid by your taxes! So what do you expect?!

  21. Yes quite so Harry. The sad decline of the Salvation Army is just another illustration of how dangerous it is for church groups to suck on the government teat, instead of trusting fully in God Almighty.

  22. If the Salvation Army in Australia freely chooses to be of the world…via cultural participation in questionable programs all due to gain more federal funding…had better remember this in the end: 2 Corinthians 5:10. Sadly many forget that we ALL will be held accountable….for what we do, did.

  23. The Safe Schools (unsafe schools) program is an attempt by Satan to influence public opinion under the guise of being an anti-bullying program. I believe TSA statement is in grave error and should be wholly retracted. Yes, there are many points put in the article that are seemingly convincing, however, do not and will not stack up. Preaching a convenient Gospel will not bring people to Christ.

  24. Anyone who doesn’t believe that homosexuals ultimate goal was child sex is simply deluding themselves. The history of ancient homosexual behaviour has always been about that. The homosexual movement hasn’t been shy about their goals. Just recently the Canadian government lowered the age of consent for anal sex to 16. Shameful behaviour that anyone claiming to be a Christian would follow such things that early Christians explicitly rejected.

  25. Goodonya Bill, again, though this time I am shattered by what you have had to write.

    Very often, you have graciously refrained from naming and shaming churches and Christian leaders; but this was public, necessary and justified.

    60 years ago, an abused and neglected child came forward to the Mercy Seat in a Salvation Army Citadel in Victoria. She was wonderfully converted and became a radiant Christian woman, my wife for 45 of those years. I thank God for the blood and fire of the Salvation Army, but what a tragedy to have to add, ‘back then.’

    Andrew Campbell

  26. The Salvation Army has for a long time been an awesome and God led organisation. But in the past 10 years has made nothing but errors and stop being led by the spirit!
    I was a candidate who withdrew because of legalism and worldly thought on the Salvos part.

    I love what they do when it comes to welfare. But I have since then left and seen a huge decline in numbers. As well as the burn outs of MANY officers who are following Gods lead but being torn down by the legalism of the organisation.

    This news saddens me, and I hereby withdraw any last semblance of support of had for this ‘Company’ as it no longer does the will of God, but the will of man.

    *Sigh* it breaks my heart to say this, but I feel in my spirit it’s going to get worse before it gets better.

    God Bless you all for being so strong in the faith and following through with your actions! I pray for you Peter and Gail as well with this extremely tough decision.

  27. Hi Bill.

    As the statement from the Salvos mentions the high rates of suicide and depression amongst school age kids as one justification, I’m interested to know what you think the solution to this is.

  28. Thanks David. The so-called Safe Schools program sure is not offering a solution to this. Its own leaders have admitted this. For example the chief architect of the program, Roz Ward, clearly said that it is ‘not about stopping bullying…but about supporting gender and sexual diversity’. She also admitted it is all about pushing Marxism in the schools. As she proudly stated, ‘I not only teach people how to be gay, I teach them how to be gay and communist, so invite me to your school if you will.’

    So this program has nothing to do with bullying. If it really were concerned about all young people and their struggles with depression and suicide, it would not be focused on just 1-2 per cent of the population, namely the homosexual and transgender students.

    Plenty of genuine pro-youth and anti-suicide programs exist which should be run with instead of this bit of Marxist indoctrination. But as I already stated in my article, I document all this in over 2 dozen articles on this topic, so have a look at those:

  29. The Salvation Army is not backtracking on this. The statement has simply been moved to the news and press release area for the general public to access.

    To suggest that TSA are backtracking is being mischeivious at best and fraudulant at worst.

  30. Thanks Vic. No I am not being mischievous nor fraudulent. You folks are panicking – admit it. As another Salvo insider told me directly:

    “This morning I sent a couple of my close friends who work at the Salvo Territorial Head Quarters (one of them a Salvo Officer) the link to your article and they’ve replied telling me that there’s been a big backlash to the endorsement, including people/Officers from within and people are scrambling within the Head Quarters over the public announcement.”

    So yes of course the SA is in panic mode, and rightly so, for dragging the name of the Booths in the mud as they deny their Christian foundations and run with this diabolical pro-homosexual indoctrination program. Shame on those Salvo big cheeses who made this dastardly decision, much to the outrage of millions of ordinary Salvos and their supporters worldwide.

  31. Jewish kids in Europe don’t turn to drugs, promiscuity, alcohol and suicide etc. – let alone at the first opportunity.

    Parents of gay kids have a lot to learn.

  32. Hi Bill. I have been a Salvo officer now for 7 seven hard years. We met some years ago, and you’ll know that I don’t always agree with your views. Sadly, you have exactly nailed what is happening today in TSA. I don’t know what consequences may follow from my writing this, but many (most?) in TSA are today in deep grief re what has become of our part of church. Please pray for us. You need to understand that TSA is a strongly hierarchical organisation, being perhaps more like the Roman Catholic Church in structure rather than being like other protestant denominations where there would be at least a process of wide discussion on major policy matters. The rank and file have no input on the likes of this. We are in deep pain. God help us.

  33. Many thanks for sharing with us Railton. Yes TSA has some real problems (every day I am getting more reports on how bad things are from various insiders) so we need to pray that God breaks through big time. It sounds like they need a John the Baptist or a William Booth to shake them up a bit!

  34. G’day again Bill,

    Here’s a poem, a prayer, attributed to William Booth. it sounds like this grand old soldier, this saint:

    O God of burning, cleansing flame: Send the fire! Your blood-bought gift today we claim: Send the fire today! Look down and see this waiting host, And send the promised Holy Ghost; We need another Pentecost! Send the fire, today! God of Elijah, hear our cry: Send the fire! And make us fit to live or die: Send the fire today! To burn up every trace of sin, To bring the light and glory in, The revolution now begin! Send the fire today! To make our weak heart strong and brave: Send the fire: To live, a dying world to save: Send the fire today! O, see us on your altar lay, We give our lives to you today, So crown the offering now we pray: Send the fire today! Amen.

    No more comment needed. Ichabod. The glory has departed.

    Andrew Campbell

  35. Thank you Bill for being a strong voice for reason on this issue and thank you for posting this video. Only in this crazy PC world can the authors of ‘Safe’ Schools continue to claim this is an anti-bullying program with total mainstream media silence. If a conservative lied in this way they would be hung out to dry. The words used on the Salvos site, that the ‘All of Us’ resource of ‘Safe’ Schools is ‘… suitable, robust, age-appropriate, educationally sound’ … is the same brainwashing propaganda terms coming from all activists.

    A quote of Theodore Dalrymple (Our Culture, What’s Left of It) appears appropriate here – where he is discussing communist propaganda: “When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

  36. Bill Muehlenberg I have two questions please:

    1. Have you read the Safe Schools Coalition’s curriculum?

    2. You stated:
    For example the chief architect of the program, Roz Ward, clearly said that it is ‘not about stopping bullying…but about supporting gender and sexual diversity’. She also admitted it is all about pushing Marxism in the schools. As she proudly stated, ‘I not only teach people how to be gay, I teach them how to be gay and communist, so invite me to your school if you will.’

    Could you please provide a direct reference to where this statement can be found

  37. Thank Judy. I have two questions please:

    1. Have you read my commenting rules where I clearly state that I need a full name to have a comment printed here?

    2. You stated: Could you please provide a direct reference to where this statement can be found.

    Had you looked just above you of course would have seen that I just gave the source of the first one, straight out of the horse’s mouth. Let me give it to you once again:

    The second quote is from the 2013 Marxism Conference she proudly spoke at and is found here:

    So yes, I have obviously read the curriculum – how else could I have penned 28 detailed articles about it? So I do indeed know a fair bit about it. The question is, do you?

    I hope this answers your questions.

  38. My husband and I were SA officers until 5 months ago. Resigning from something I thought I would do for the rest of my life was shattering, but we were given no other option, with the downward spiral of TSA (watered down gospel, gov money chasing, culture of bullying and coverup). My claim to fame today is that I am now blocked from the ‘Western Vic Salvos’ Facebook page because I put up a link to this article, no comments, just the link. My husband spoke to a Cabinet Secretary late this afternoon in regards to this and he said TSA does support the Safe Schools Coalition. We could not believe it!

  39. The fact that Christian groups support the ungodly Safe Schools is beyond hypocritical, heretical, and tragic, The Bible points out the reason in I Timothy 6;10: “For the love of money is the root of all evil.”

  40. I have just received an email this morning from NSW former Salvation Army Officer friend. I myself was a Salvation Army Officer many moons ago.
    I am having trouble coming to terms with what I have read today….deeply saddened.
    Father…forgive…..forgive us all.

  41. My grand mother was a captain in TSA Cambridge and knew the Booths personally. The Victorian leadership has gone far beyond the Rev. 2:1ff Ephesian church who left their first love – the love of God! – in pseudo “love for neighbour” they have joined the Nicolaitans which Jesus says He hates. O God of burning! Send the cleansing Flame! Out of this shambles may come the revival we need. Mercy, O my God.

  42. After reading your article, and doing a little research of my own I wrote to the Salvos via a link on their website expressing my dismay at their press release ( and notifying them I would support a different charity this year at Christmas. I received the following response:
    Thank you for email.

    “Please find below our current statement. There are also ongoing discussions internally around this topic. If you would like to discuss this further over the phone, our Directors are more than happy to give you a call when it is most convenient for you. If you would like a Director to call you, please reply with your preferred contact phone number, and your preferred time.

    The Salvation Army believes everyone should have the right to feel safe at all times regardless of ethnicity, religious belief, age, sexual orientation or gender identity. All people should be able to access education and live within community without prejudice or bullying.
    Earlier this year, The Salvation Army Leadership referred the matter of Safe Schools to our Victoria State Council (VSC) to research this issue.

    The Salvation Army commissioned a study of the Safe Schools teaching resource. The research included four official guidelines and two independent reviews around safe schools – reviews were commissioned by the Federal Government and the University of Sydney.
    Our research indicates that if the Safe School guidelines and official resources are utilised correctly, the program fulfils an important social function. This is vital given the high levels of suicide and mental health problems associated with bullying in schools based on homophobia or transphobia.

    Thank you for supporting our work over the years and I’m hoping we can resolve any concerns you have about our services to people in need. We are able to help others because of the generosity of donors like you.”

    I guess I’m encouraged that there are ‘internal discussions’ taking place at least!

  43. Thanks Carol. Yes it is the same tired form letter they are ending to everyone. The same baloney as was on their website. These folks have lost the plot and are supporting a vile, filthy, perverted, immoral, anti-child and pro-homosexual program the SSC is. If they think this this is a terrific program then that tells us all we need to know about their version of Christianity. We need to continue to pray for TSA leadership who so wrongly went down this path, that they will see how mistaken they have been, deeply repent and change course so that the glory of God can again be manifest.

  44. Are there any bastions in Australia that hold onto the truth. I can’t seem to find any
    The people want what the people get. Sadly, too many of us

  45. This news is no great surprise since the Australian branch of the SA has for years had a statement on its website permitting abortion in cases of rape and incest. So this is just another step along the path to apostasy.

    Ewan McDonald, Victoria

  46. Hello Bill,

    Now the Salvos are on the news appealing to the public/crying out for us to help the poor this Christmas saying “Nobody can help everyone…” and so on. If they weren’t so keen to help people to ‘go to hell’, I’m sure there would be more people willing to join them in their service to the poor. The money raised by the government in taxes ought to be better able to assist the poor and marginalised in the community without turning these services into businesses for others to profit from. “For you always have the poor with you, and whenever you want, you can do good for them. But you will not always have me.” Mark 14:7 Now we have an industry like that which the Salvos is part of which our government subsidises to do the work of the church, they seem to forget in all their “do-gooding” that the point of this work is to prepare for the Lord’s return; “Then I will draw near to you for judgment. I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, against the adulterers, against those who swear falsely, against those who oppress the hired worker in his wages, the widow and the fatherless, against those who thrust aside the sojourner, and do not fear me, says the Lord of hosts.” Malachi 3:5 The Salvos obviously do not fear God anymore, they are working against the messenger of the covenant and their ministry is suffering because of all their apostasy!

    The Salvos are really hindering the work of God by their current attempts to do good, for instance Ephesians 6:16 “In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one;” their own logo is a shield, which indicates faith is in short supply, no longer do they rely on our Savior, God cannot be relied on by the Salvos thus they are denying the power of God to completely save the lost and broken in our nation! The ministry of the Salvation Army has been compromised as it’s all about self, what their organisation can do to make a difference, not what the Lord can do through the services they provide by the grace and love of God, in my experience.

    May the TSA church be separated from this industry designed to help without “God (whom) is our help in times of trouble”, Psalm 46:1 may their prayer be like that of Job as it seems SA have been arrogant in thinking that working this way really will help the communities in which they serve, may their defense be as Job’s: Job’s Summary Defense 29 1 And Job again took up his discourse, and said: 2 “Oh, that I were as in the months of old, as in the days when God watched over me, 3 when his lamp shone upon my head, and by his light I walked through darkness, 4 as I was in my prime, when the friendship of God was upon my tent, 5 when the Almighty was yet with me, when my children were all around me, 6 when my steps were washed with butter, and the rock poured out for me streams of oil! 7 When I went out to the gate of the city, when I prepared my seat in the square, 8 the young men saw me and withdrew, and the aged rose and stood; 9 the princes refrained from talking and laid their hand on their mouth; 10 the voice of the nobles was hushed, and their tongue stuck to the roof of their mouth. 11 When the ear heard, it called me blessed, and when the eye saw, it approved, 12 because I delivered the poor who cried for help, and the fatherless who had none to help him.” Job 29:1-12

    This decision of TSA leadership to fully support the Safe Schools program has endangered the Church of Christ. Repentance is the only answer! God bless the Salvation Army. May our mighty Lord and savior forgive their arrogance and doubting, and restore them to faith in him who is full of love, mercy and grace, faithful to forgive and righteous in all he does, just in all his dealings with His people, in Jesus name for His sake. Amen

  47. Who is the best person to contact at the Salvation Army if you want to express concern about their stance on this issue? I can’t find an email address for the top person in Victoria anywhere on the website of the Salvation Army. I imagine there must be someone who supervises the church or “corps” side of the Salvation Army – as distinct from the social work side – who would be sympathetic to the concerns of Christians. Can anyone help me?

  48. Thank you Bill for your article. Both myself and my husband have served as Officers in SA for many years and like many others we are quite appalled at this latest announcement and will be expressing our grave concern to our leaders on what seems to us a disregard of Scriptural teaching.

  49. I am reminded of a verse in 2 Thessalonians 2 which talks about “…unless there is a falling away (a great apostasy) the end cannot come” – the leftist, Marxist cult that is sweeping Australia is part of that apostasy… As shown by examples of church organisations becoming more like cults than true believer’s dwelling places… The end is here.

  50. Hi Bill,
    Being an officer who resigned from The Salvation Army over this very issue, as well as a friend of Major Geoff Webb, but friendship and truth are where I separate and side with the God of the bible.
    Whilst going through college under my friend Major Geoff Webb, the whole two years had us schooled in Liberal theology, Cultural Marxism with all the catch phrases about Social Justice as opposed to Justice. We learned all the catch cries of equality and wealth redistribution programs and that Socialism is good and Capitalism is evil and on and on. Then we also learnt from Major Geoff Webb and all the other liberal Teachers in College, Jason Davies Kildea, Major Sandra Crowden and Major Brad Potter that homosexuality is not sinful and that we have misinterpreted the bible. Sadly many of the cadets being trained for officership had a Sunday school theology, so they were ripe for a Marxist brainwashing.
    In saying this, I love The Salvation Army and they really have done a great job and being on the field as a minister I learned so many things about loving broken people. But now as you say government funding has blinded the eyes of many in positions of power that never should have these positions.
    Is there hope for The Salvation Army? I don’t know if they can recover from the government take over. I hope so. There are too many social workers who don’t have a relationship with Jesus masquerading as officers. The takeover is sad really. As there is so much potential to make this a great movement again.
    Peter Sweeney

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