No Practicing Porn Stars in Heaven
I know what you are thinking: ‘Bill sure comes up with some jarring titles every once in a while.’ Porn stars? Heaven? What is this all about? All will be revealed shortly. But let me introduce what I want to say here by reminding you of some home truths – in this case, some home biblical truths.
There is not a Christian around who should take flippantly the many warnings found in Scripture. One of the most shocking and sobering of these warnings come from the lips of Jesus. In Matthew 7:21-23 we find him telling his disciples some of the most frightening words in all the Bible. He said:
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’”
Wow. Here we learn that there are actually people – perhaps many – who blissfully assume they are part of God’s family, who simply take it for granted that things are just fine in their Christian walk, that they are ready to waltz into heaven, only to be met with the most shocking words they can ever hear.
This warning alone should send shivers down the spines of every single one of us. It should cause all of us to stand up and take notice. It should cause us to do some deep introspection. Indeed, another passage which also deserves some very careful meditation is Jeremiah 17:9: “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?”
The ability for people to deceive themselves seems to be unlimited. And believers are not exempt from this. It is so very easy to think that we are great Christians when in fact we are far from God. And all this brings me to my title. A newspaper article I read today was a real shocker, and it demonstrates just what Jesus, Jeremiah and others spoke about.
It concerns a young woman who claims to be a Christian and teaches in a Christian school. So far so good. But she has another source of income it seems: she is also a porn star. Moreover, she has no idea why her employer does not think that both jobs can be simultaneously engaged in. Yep, you read that right. She actually is claiming that she is a Christian, and that her Christian school should have no problems employing her while she also works as a porn star. Oh boy.
Now I realise that you can’t always believe everything you read in newspapers, so I cannot fully vouch for the veracity of this story. Indeed, the article does not even say where she is from. But a link to another article indicates that she teaches in Los Angeles in the US. Since the original piece is relatively brief, let me offer it here in its entirety:
A Christian kindergarten school teacher was fired for refusing to give up her side job as a $2,500-a-time porn star. Nina Skye, 21, declared ‘I love teaching, I love sex’ before a showdown with shocked bosses who confronted her over appearances in films with titles including Amateur Allure and Swallow Salon.
The auburn-haired beauty, who romps with men and women in the videos, said she was a ‘really good teacher’ and did not see why her hobby should bar her from the classroom. But senior teachers at the unidentified pre-school thought differently, and said her profession went against the religious values they espoused.
Having sex was her dream job, Ms Skye said, and she was very reluctant to leave the industry. She told Fox: ‘It goes against their views of fornication, like sex before marriage and that’s what I’m doing. They say it goes against the paper I signed, saying I wouldn’t do that. They were really trying to pull me away from staying in the industry. They just really wanted me out. They offered help and advice, but I don’t really want out.’
Ms Skye said she liked having an open-minded outlook, adding: ‘I love teaching and sex. If I can get away with doing both, then I will. It’s easy money. For my very first scene, I just did a regular boy on girl and I got paid $2,500 on the spot. I never had that much money, ever, just handed to me in my life. There’s a really big stigma associated with it, and how our society views it. But that’s not how I am. I’m really open-minded. Super open-minded and not judgmental.’
Yikes, what can we say? One would almost think that this was a fake news story. However, with Christian standards hitting an all-time low in so much of the West, we actually should not be surprised if this is indeed a fully legit story.
There are so many people running around today professing to be Christians, but their lives clearly indicate something completely other than that being the case. They live like the devil and think they belong to Jesus Christ. Um, sorry, no dice. It just does not work that way.
And note how I worded my title: I said “practicing porn star”. That adjective makes all the difference here. The simple truth is heaven will be filled with porn stars, prostitutes, homosexuals, adulterers, murderers, thieves, liars and every other kind of sinner. But – and this is a really big but – only forgiven and transformed sinners will be found there.
Those who agree with God that they are hell-bound sinners with no hope, but cast themselves upon the mercy of God can find forgiveness and newness of life when they come to Christ in faith and repentance. There is nothing to indicate in this story that this gal has repented or agreed with God about her sin.
Indeed, she is shaking her fist at God, calling him a liar. She thinks she can determine what is right and wrong, and God should just nod his head in agreement with her moral – or immoral – standards. Sorry, but this is not how things operate. The creator of the universe gets to call the shots here, and he gets to tell us what is right and wrong, true and false. It is our job to get in sync with him, and not the other way around.
As I said, I know nothing about her and this story aside from what a few newspaper articles have said. And I have no intention of doing a detailed search to learn more about her thanks. Assuming the story is more or less accurate however, there are a few things that we can say about it in conclusion.
Firstly, of course, we can pray for her. She is living in deception big time, and she needs to be jolted out of her devilish ways real fast. Unless she has a major change of heart and mind, she is headed on a one way journey, and it is not toward God but away from God.
Secondly, this story is sadly indicative of a compromised and carnal church which far too often allows for this kind of thing. Sure, they may not exactly say it is just peachy to be a Jesus follower and a porn star at the same time, but folks could be forgiven for thinking that at the end of the day maybe the church really doesn’t mind all that much.
When you go to a church that never talks about sin or the wrath of God or judgment to come, and only goes on and on about how God loves you and accepts you just as you are, well, you may be well on your way to seriously believing that there is no moral dilemma between teaching in a Christian school and making porn films.
After all, she did proudly state how open-minded she is and how non-judgmental she is. So where did she learn to think like this? Sure, the world is pushing these ideas all the time, but sadly more and more churches are pushing them as well.
Sorry, but a lot of open minds need to be closed for repairs, and her love of “non-judgmentalism” comes straight out of the pit. It sure does not come from God. Everywhere in Scripture we are told to make moral judgments and assessments.
Being able to discern good from evil is just the start of this. But we live in a culture where the black and white of right and wrong have been replaced with 99 shades of grey. And far too many churches are also sucking up this poisonous moral relativism.
No wonder we have porn stars who think they are good Christians and can teach at Christian schools. When a culture – and the church which is following it so closely behind – gets this far down the tubes, then we really are getting to the end of all things. God have mercy on us all.
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Ms Skye reveals that her “other job” appeals to her love of easy money: The sceptical must ask themselves just how much she might have been paid to declare her love of extra-marital erotic performances…
The likes of Melinda Tankard-Reist and the ladies behind the Collective Shout anti-porn pressure group are far more deserving of our support than the likes of Ms Skye and her fellow hirelings.
The “industry” that employs Ms Skye and others like her is helping to raise a generation of sexual predators who treat women as little more than mere playthings in the pursuit of their erotic impulses. The Adult Services column is the saddest of all the classified advertisements our dailies publish.
There are two ‘old, old stories’ eh? The One God began in Genesis 3:15 about Satans’ seed being destroyed by Jesus the Seed of the woman and His family being saved thus. And the other that began with Cain who thought he ought to be accepted by God and the family with no personal change in his appraisal of himself. The way of Cain, personal interests rule, not Gods’ interests as Jude says. Poor child, she is so self deceived – by her own unregenerate will. Agreed Bill, “The Lord have mercy on us all in this age of deceptions.”
I think she hit the nail on the head with the revelation of “easy money”. She is a prostitute on camera after all, and prostitution has been easy money since antiquity.
Easy money for the ratbags running the cameras too.
The other was a nail she hit her head on; trying to be “super open-minded and not judgmental”. Funny how open-minded people are only open-minded in the narrow direction that suits them. Is she open-minded about listening to people who are warning her of the dangers and offering to help? Nup. In that direction her mind is as closed as it could ever be.
Open-minded my foot.
As for SUPER open minded? Sorry dear, more like super closed-minded actually.
We need a open-minded test to check the abuse of this term.
“The simple truth is heaven will be filled with porn stars, prostitutes, homosexuals, adulterers, murderers, thieves, liars and every other kind of sinner. But – and this is a really big but – only forgiven and transformed sinners will be found there.”
I felt a surge of excitement when I read this Bill as it shows the breadth and depth of the heart of God and that he nothing to be afraid of if we turn to him for forgiveness and healing.
As the world slowly turns away from God and more and more people come into the categories mentioned, my prayer is that the love of God will burst forth to counteract the lies of Satan.
Church, we have a vast commission that Satan cannot stop. Go forth and conquer. Don’t let Satan rob you of your heritage.
“You’re so open-minded that your brain leaked out!” Steve Taylor.
I remember seeing a news article back in 1986 about a woman in Sydney who “stripped for Jesus”. Then there was the nudist church in the USA in Bizarre magazine. Cognitive dissonance indeed! Mick Koster.
If we understand the meaninglessness of ‘porn stardom’ along with the deceptively subtle and satanic power of pornography, whether ‘mild’ or hard-core, we can readily see how their stench so easily empties unwary, careless humans of their dignity – psychologically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally AND physically – It all amounts to casting aside inherent human integrity. May Our Loving Creator of the beautiful, yet long abused, gift of sex have mercy on our world.
‘Not everyone who says to me, Lord Lord, shall enter the Kingdom of heaven’
I’ve never seen a satisfactory explanation of this saying of Jesus. The vast majority of Christians today can’t prophesy, cast out demons or do wonders! Maybe Jesus was eyeballing Judas and some of the seventy at the time. Disciples he knew would walk away or betray him?
Well, on the up side at least the Christian school was allowed to dismiss her – in this day and age even that is becoming increasingly difficult/banned.
I must be the eternal optimist as I’m Just thinking – if we can have a self confessed Christian considering she can be a porn star with no eternal consequences maybe we really can have muslims who can be so open minded as to ignore their book and embrace us Christians and each other as equals – but I don’t see any global evidence yet and as Bridgette Gabrielle says ‘It’s of little consequence even if there is’.
So our hope is for eg. Ps 107 ‘Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble … He rescues them – they fall, they ‘cry unto the Lord in their trouble (of their own making again) He rescues them they fall, cry and so on and on and on the pattern repeats but even so there is hope. Let’s all cry out.
A shocking lost world. I can’t even find a church that teaches sound Bible doctrine anymore.
All I can say is you put it right. I agree with Scripture. The Bible does say that in the last days it will be worse than the days of Sodom & Gomorrah. And I believe we are in the Last days. Even so come Lord Jesus.