Big Brother Revealed: Homosexual Totalitarians
When Orwell’s 1984 appeared in 1949, Stalinist Russia provided much of the fodder for his dystopian vision, and for the menacing Big Brother. Well, the Soviet Union is no more, but we can argue that Big Brother totalitarianism is still alive and well in the West today.
And without question the militant homosexual juggernaut is nicely filling in for where the Communists left off. The homosexual militants are using the coercive powers of the state to crack down on all disagreement and opposition. And it gets uglier each passing day.
I recently wrote a book documenting nearly 200 cases of people directly being impacted by the new pink totalitarians. Ordinary men and women who run afoul of the homosexual agenda are losing their jobs, being fined, and even jailed. And this has simply escalated big time since then.
One of the examples I mentioned in Dangerous Relations was that of Jack Phillips, a baker in Colorado. He is another one to face the fury of the activists and the pink Big Brother. My website had featured articles about him several times. I first wrote about Phillips back in July of 2012, when he was being attacked for refusing to make a homosexual wedding cake. As I wrote back then:
In an interview with CBS, he noted that he has no problem making birthday, graduation or other event cakes for homosexuals, but that wedding cakes are a different story. “If gays come in and want to order birthday cakes or any cakes for any occasion, graduations, or whatever, I have no prejudice against that whatsoever,” he said. “It’s just the wedding cake, not the people, not their lifestyle.”
In December 2013 I wrote this about him and the case:
“On Friday, Denver administrative law judge Robert Spence released a ruling that forces Jack Phillips, the owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, to either make a wedding cake for two homosexual men who requested one or face fines and possible jail time.” There it is: you will violate your conscience and become a promoter of homosexuality and political correctness, or the State will punish you big time. That is exactly where the West is heading – a homosexualist police state.
Well, he took his case to an appeals court, and the decision has just come in: Phillips must bow to the activists and violate his conscience – end of story. Wow, so does that mean a Jewish baker will be forced to make a cake for a neo-Nazi social function?
Will a Muslim t-shirt company be forced to print t-shirts for Christians with the words “Jesus is God’s Son and Saviour” on it? Will homosexual florists be forced to cater for an anti-homosexual marriage function? Will atheist entertainers be forced to perform at Christian worship services?
As one report states about this latest development:
The Colorado Court of Appeals has upheld a lower court ruling requiring a Christian baker to make cakes for “gay weddings” despite his biblical beliefs not to be a partaker in other men’s sins. (1 Timothy 5:22) “We conclude that the act of same-sex marriage is closely correlated to Craig’s and Mullins’ sexual orientation, and therefore, [the initial arbiter] did not err when he found that Masterpiece’s refusal to create a wedding cake for Craig and Mullins was ‘because of’ their sexual orientation,’” the three-judge panel, consisting of Judges Daniel Taubman, Judge Michael Berger and Judge Alan Loeb, ruled on Thursday….
Phillips, who also declines to make Halloween cookies at his bakery, had told the men that he would be happy to make them any other type of baked goods outside of having to facilitate the ceremony, which he believed was a form of personal participation….
Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), which is representing Phillips in court, says that it is considering the legal options at this time.
“Americans are guaranteed the freedom to live and work consistent with their faith. Government has a duty to protect people’s freedom to follow their beliefs personally and professionally rather than force them to adopt the government’s views,” said Senior Legal Counsel Jeremy Tedesco in a statement. “Jack simply exercised the long-cherished American freedom to decline to use his artistic talents to promote a message with which he disagrees. The court is wrong to deny Jack his fundamental freedoms.”
This is an utterly shocking case indeed, and already various commentators have weighed into the latest decision. As Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality wrote:
We’re losing these cases at the lower courts (and state supreme courts), while the ACLU, which purports to defend “individual rights,” is celebrating the negation of Phillips’ freedom not to violate his strong Christian beliefs.
Is it just a coincidence that homosexualism and “progressivism” are leading the assault on religious freedom in America? Hardly. This case isn’t about “rights” or “discrimination” or “equality.” It’s about homosexual activists’ resentment of God and biblical truth and their obsessive drive to compel others to honor their sinful sexual behaviour – perhaps to quell their guilty conscience – using the force of law. Apparently many LGBT activists and allied “progressives” are willing to kill liberty itself to accomplish that goal.
As David Harsanyi opined, “Hey Christians, Say Goodbye To Religious Freedom”. He wrote:
Here are a few things Phillips didn’t do: He didn’t query consumers about their sexual preferences. He didn’t bar same-sex couples from purchasing a cake at a place of public accommodation. He didn’t ask consumers traveling in same-sex pairs to leave his shop. He didn’t hang a ‘No Gays Allowed’ sign in his window.
What he could never have known when he first opened his shop was that celebrating gay marriages would be a precondition for making a living. And when you consider that there are at least a few dozen other bakeries within a short drive from Masterpiece Cakeshop that could have accommodated the couple’s celebratory pastry needs, why would he?
Yet instead of exhibiting a basic level of tolerance (or dignity), two priggish bullies decided to call the authorities when Phillips refused to bake them a cake. And the cultural commissars at Colorado’s Civil Rights Commission soon ruled that he had discriminated against the couple.
The shop was not only ordered to alter store policy and start baking cakes for gay weddings–or else face debilitating fines, as is often reported in the media–but it was also forced to provide comprehensive staff training, ensure compliance, and then file quarterly obedience reports with the government for two years describing precisely which remedial measures it had taken to conform and documenting why any other patrons were denied service.
So, you know, I’m sure this is exactly how Jefferson imagined America would turn out when he was writing the Declaration of Independence….
The court has effectively tasked itself with determining for you when religion should matter. If nothing else, it’s comforting to know that Colorado can force an orthodox Islamic butcher to make sausages for a polyamorous bisexual bachelor/bachelorette party, so long as no one asks the butcher to outwardly promote swine and free love.
Not only does the court now apparently hold the power to bore into the souls of shopkeeps to establish that their religious objections aren’t authentic, but it can also decide when their prejudice is. It makes the risible assertion that any theological problem with gay marriage is really just “opposition” to the existence of gay Americans—whatever that means….
A person may have gay friends and relatives–they may even love their fellow gay Americans–but if they decline to participate in a same-sex wedding for theological reasons, the court wants us to assume they could only be motivated by bigotry.
He concludes:
If you admit – and many rational people do, even those who quarrel with the reasoning behind religious obstinacy – that millions of Christians hold some form of a genuine, long-standing religious conviction that prohibits them from celebrating gay marriages, but you still support state coercion against them, then you might as well just concede that religious freedom isn’t compatible with your conception of a contemporary society.
Whereas at one time the state wouldn’t substantially burden religious exercise and would use the least restrictive means to further “compelling interests,” the state today is inclined to substantially burden a Christian by the mere fact that someone’s feelings are hurt.
And if you think that is a bit of a stretch to say people can be severely punished for hurting someone’s feelings, simply recall the recent case of a bakery in Oregon run by a Christian couple. They were fined $135,000 for causing ‘emotional distress’ to a lesbian couple for not making them a wedding cake! I wrote about that mind-numbing decision here:
Make no mistake about it: Big Brother is alive and well, and he comes in six colours of the rainbow. Goodbye freedom of conscience, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion. Welcome to the Brave New World of homosexual totalitarianism.
Christians can kiss freedom goodbye – they must bow down and serve their homosexual overlords.
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Whilst it is true that the sads (they’re actually the least gay demographic in our community) use “… six colours of the rainbow.) God’s rainbow (ie the real rainbow, not the fake rainbow) is considered to have 7 colours – roygbiv. The sad movement comes up deficient again.
Things are getting pretty insane in Australia, let alone America. Garry Burns has just logged his 69th homosexual vilification complaint against a mentally handicapped taxidriver John Sunol who’s been denied representation in court as the homosexual mafia fabricates case law to use against the rest of US.
On Monday Tess Corbett is facing jail for the crime of saying she supports Section 25 of the Victorian Equal Opportunity act that lawfully allows the dismissal and lawful discrimination of any gay rights activist / school teacher that comes out as a sodomite in front of a class of preschool students.
The battle is on. The @nodiscrim NSW Anti-Discrimination Board is facing total destruction, for their level of corruption, so is @NCATNSW too. More to follow.
Tim Gill, the democrats / gay lobby “ATM” money man – the man that has been credited for setting up the tribunal that went after Jim from Masterpiece cakes fought hard to end mandatory sentencing of pedophiles, to ensure gay pedophiles can have another crack at it in Colorado and more children get abused there. It’s nice to see what these kind of people value in addition to persecuting people of faith.
That’s interesting that you point out that the fake rainbow flag has 6 colours Kev. I’d never thought about that before but now after searching around, it is clear that this Big Brother system does have a 6 colour flag – and the book of Revelation makes it clear that man’s number is 6 – fallen short of God’s number – 7.
A totalitarian twisted, fused state of homo/islamic/relativistic chaos is now established all throughout the western world. Only barbarism can ensue.
How much easier things would be if the condition of homosexuality didn’t exist. It is a curse on humanity. It will take years to drive their ideology out of society, unless God intervenes.
What we are dealing with here are group of lunatics who have been allowed to redefine reality. In the name of equality we too have the right to redefine it. Let’s have a level playing field. There was a case of two lesbians in South Africa who demanded that a little boy call one of them “daddy.” Now because the child would not play they game they killed him [1] Now we are not toddlers but grown adults. Therefore when these nut cases come and ask us for cakes, bed and breakfasts, in fact all our goods and services, including our children, we humour them and hand over pretend cakes, double beds and children etc. – photographs, or simply pieces of paper with the word, “cake” or “double bed” written on them. Homosexuals are no more real than those who think they are dogs [2], or the Wizard of Oz [3].
All who consider themselves to be homosexuals are dangerous. If they want to be air stewards OK but never let them take control of a real plane full of real passengers [4]
[2] i)
[4] i)
David Skinner UK
How can you legislate conscience or religious integrity? It’s definitely becoming 1984.
Chris, it’s going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better – if at all.
I think it is an error to refer to men who enact sodomy etc as Gay, not only because it is an obvious misuse of the word, but because it implies that these men are an immutable classification of man, like black, white, male or female. These men are not an immutable class of man, but rather, they are merely men that enact sodomy etc.
By using the description ‘gay’, these men attempt to elevate their action to the same immutable quality as sex or colour, and by extension, lower their opponents to the quality on racists or sexists. This is obviously an effective political strategy.
I think we should concentrate our opposition to the actions of these men, which are commonly regarded as obscene, and not be drawn into appearing to oppose the actual man i.e gay.
There is actually no such thing as a ‘gay’, there are only men who enact homosexual acts.
Joe Deller, Gordon Brown the former UK Prime Minister, in 2009, said, “ You cannot legislate for love.” He said this when he gave a reception to gays in Downing Street, London[1].
What he did not add was that this was the first time that “sin has been legalised without a conscience clause.” (quoted from a friend).
In other words, every legal barrier, protecting the nation against the excesses and perversions of homosexuality will not only be removed, but such sexual addictions will be imposed on our children with an iron fist – and there will be no exemptions, not on any grounds.
The warning signs of this happening in every school, throughout Australia, are already here. Take just one example: Young High Technology School, in NSW has this on their web page [2].
[1] /
David Skinner UK
David Landini,
In 1967 homosexuality was decriminalised in Britain.The Earl of Arran who was one of those who passed the bill had this to say in his summing up speech.
“I ask one thing and I ask it earnestly. I ask those who have, as it were, been in bondage and for whom the prison doors are now open to show their thanks by comporting themselves quietly and with dignity. This is no occasion for jubilation; certainly not for celebration. ……Lest the opponents of the Bill think that a new freedom, a new privileged class, has been created, let me remind them that no amount of legislation will prevent homosexuals from being the subject of dislike and derision, or at best of pity. We shall always, I fear, resent the odd man out. That is their burden for all time, and they must shoulder it like men—for men they are.” [1]
Read what the pinkoes think of his speech fifty years later [2]
David Skinner UK
Thank you Bill for your article exposing what is happening. As you know we are experiencing the same problems in the UK and Ireland. The militant behaviour of many homosexuals is very useful in promoting a totalitarian society. Do they themselves know how they are being used?
We should remember that many homosexuals are also very embarrassed by the bullying that they witness, and they do speak out too, at great cost. This type of militant behaviour and dictatorship is creating hatred.
I would never support or promote homosexuality, but by the same token people should be more educated on the many causes, and they are not hearing about that. After all, people are not born gay. They too at some point desperately wished the condition of homosexuality did not exist. But the condition does exist, and we should help.
So what example has the church, and what example have men and women set to children who are fatherless, or have been abused in society before all this kicked off. I can tell you so very little.
This is a spiritual battle, and we should never forget that every one of us was once a sinner, and every one of us has the potential to be a saint too.
Children should not be carrying the burden of wondering why they have same sex attraction. We should help them lift that burden. It does not have to be for all time, as thousands of silenced ex gay people can attest to.
Lets not forget this, otherwise we too could fall into the category of selfishness. The devil is very crafty.
Yes, Shirley; it seems to have taken at a least a decade for people to slowly waken up to the truth of what you say. Many older homosexuals, those who in the early days of the gay revolution fought for gay human rights, are regretting what they have helped to unleash, whilst the young ones, have no idea of how they are being manipulated only to be squashed like cockroaches in maybe a decade’s time.
I believe it is all summed up in these articles and one youtube.
David Skinner UK
Yes, there are many older homosexuals who have now seen the light. What happened to all the preachers over these years though who said nothing. And why have all the good solid male role models gone? If you are called by God as a preacher in particular, subversion techniques should not have been working on you.
Just a handful of brave people now who speak on this issue with truth and love and offer genuine understanding. There are a lot of young people out there looking for love in all the wrong places and I don’t see the church speaking up.
They are listening to a lot of condemnation now from the church rather than an understanding and answer to the human condition for us all, This is pushing them further into a world where they can identify with others with the same problem.
Very good to speak out against it; and especially admire those who have spoken up in their own churches David.
We really need to hear some positive testimonies out there now. So I’m really praying God will bring those forward.
If we get into name calling we’re no better than the militant homosexuals who call everyone bigots, even though we have to say it how it is too.
Appreciate the discussion