Truth About Homosexuality the MSM Will Not Tell You
The mainstream media is fully in bed with the homosexual activists – certainly metaphorically speaking, but likely often literally as well. Homosexuals have done a great job of taking over the MSM, and so they very handily control the social narrative. They determine what the cultural storyline will be. And it is all pro-homosexual. Anyone or anything that differs from the official party line is strictly censored out. It is only on the rarest occasions that a bit of truth sneaks into the media, and then it is roundly attacked. A few inconvenient truths that almost never see the light of day in the MSM has to do with the reality about homosexual “marriage” and parenting. While the MSM is obsessed with pushing the homosexual marriage agenda, it is not keen to tell us the whole story here. One brave media outlet was willing to go against the grain with this unheard of headline: “US gay marriage court ruling triggers divorce rush.” The story begins this way:
June’s US Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage is sending couples to court for a very different reason: same-sex divorce. Marie Griffin, who lives in Savannah, Georgia, moved out of the home she shared with her wife in May. But the couple, who married last year in Washington, could not end their marriage because Georgia did not permit same-sex marriage or divorce. On the day of the June 26 Supreme Court ruling that all states must recognise same-sex marriages, she said she recalled thinking, “We have to, and we can, get a divorce now.” She contacted a lawyer and is pursuing a divorce. Her wife, Sandy Rogers, didn’t return requests for comment. Ms Rogers’s lawyer, Martin G. Hilliard, said his client and Ms Griffin were in a “legal hinterland” when they separated. The ability to divorce lifts a “huge burden”. Couples in US states such as Georgia are lining up both to wed and divorce in the wake of the court ruling, say lawyers, some of whom are reaching out to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities for business. Some say they have clients who have been waiting for years to divorce. Even some counties that initially refused to issue marriage licences following the Supreme Court ruling say they are allowing same-sex divorces.
Hmm, homosexual marriage? Given that so few actually want it, it is not in the least surprising to see this rush to the divorce courts. This is a lifestyle that is not exactly known for faithfulness, monogamy and exclusivity. But the media would have us believe otherwise. It is the same with the issue of homosexual parenting. In the pink storyline of the MSM, all children raised in such households absolutely love it, and there are no gainsayers to this narrative. Thus the alternative media has to rain on the parade, and offer a few stories which demolish the reigning pro-homosexual paradigm. I have written often about various individuals raised in homosexual households, and the hardships – if not the hell – they have had to endure. These persons of course are not supposed to exist. There are no unhappy children of homosexual households – or so we are told. But I prefer those who have been there and done that to tell their own stories. One of the most damning stories is that of Moira Greyland. Hers is a shocking and horrific story, yet she has had the courage to tell it publicly. She starts her tragic tale this way:
I was born into a family of famous gay pagan authors in the late Sixties. My mother was Marion Zimmer Bradley, and my father was Walter Breen. Between them, they wrote over 100 books: my mother wrote science fiction and fantasy (Mists of Avalon), and my father wrote books on numismatics: he was a coin expert. What they did to me is a matter of unfortunate public record: suffice to say that both parents wanted me to be gay and were horrified at my being female. My mother molested me from ages 3-12. The first time I remember my father doing anything especially violent to me I was five. Yes he raped me. I don’t like to think about it. If you want to know about his shenanigans with little girls, and you have a very strong stomach, you can google the Breendoggle, which was the scandal which ALMOST drummed him out of science fiction fandom. More profoundly, though was his disgust with my gender, despite his many relationships with women and female victims. He told me unequivocally that no man would ever want me, because all men are secretly gay and have simply not come to terms with their natural homosexuality. So I learned to act mannish and walk with very still hips. You can still see the traces of my conditioning to reject my femininity in my absolute refusal to give in and my outspokenness, and my choice of theatrical director for much of my life. But a good part of my outspokenness is my refusal to accept the notion that “deep down I must be a boy born in a girl’s body.” I am not. I am a girl reviled for being a girl, who tried very hard to be the “boy” they wanted. Suffice to say I was not their only victim of either gender. I grew up watching my father have “romances” (in his imagination) with boys who were a source of frustration because they always wanted food and money as a result of the sex they were subjected to, and didn’t want HIM. (OF COURSE!) I started trying hard to leave home when I was ten, after the failure of my first suicide attempt, and to intervene when I was 13 by telling my mother and her female companion that my father was sleeping with this boy. Instead of calling the cops, like any sensible human being, they simply moved my father into their apartment, which I called “The Love Nest” and they moved back into our family home.
She continues:
Now it should be noted that boy lovers do not think of what they are doing as “molestation.” To them it is sex, they imagine it is consensual, and any objections will certainly be overridden by the orgasms they are certain they can produce, and it is the shame of these orgasms that silences the boy-victims, and persuades them they “must” be gay. (Regardless of subsequent heterosexual marriages and children.) Apparently, 33 reports against my nameless male relative for pedophilia were not enough, and he’ll skate on all this. Not my circus: not my monkeys. I did what I could, and I am easy to find, if ever I am needed to testify. Pardon my fatalism, but serial sexual offenders don’t stop, and there is likely to be another victim. Either someone will come forward, or he’ll offend again, or perhaps, being that he is older, he’ll pass on before he ever has any consequences. Between the time of my reports of father’s offense and my nameless male relative’s, I went and got a Bachelor of Music Performance, and had a career as a wedding harpist and singer, then I married and had children, then I got a Master of Music Performance, and since 2007 I have mainly taught voice and harp and directed operas with two opera companies I founded: one in Southern CA and one in Northern CA. I also made an album of Celtic music. Yet I’ve always been dissatisfied with my career: artists need to tell their story, and mine was rather too ugly to be told.
Her concluding words must be shared far and wide:
Due to my long experience with the BDSM community (bondage/discipline, Sado-Masochism) it is my belief that homosexuality is a matter of IMPRINTING, in the same way that BDSM fantasies are. To the BDSM’er, continued practice of the fantasy is sexually exciting. To the gay person, naturally, the same. However, from what I have seen, neither one creates healing. My mother became a lesbian because she was raped by her father. My father was molested by a priest – and regarded it as being the only love he had ever experienced. There are a vanishingly few people who are exclusively gay, but far more who have relationships with people of BOTH genders, as my parents and other relatives did. What sets gay culture apart from straight culture is the belief that early sex is good and beneficial, and the sure knowledge (don’t think for a second that they DON’T know) that the only way to produce another homosexual is to provide a boy with sexual experiences BEFORE he can be “ruined” by attraction to a girl. If you’re OK with that, and you might not be, it is worth your consideration. If you think I am wrong, that is your privilege, but watch out for the VAST number of stories of sexual abuse AND transgenderism that will come about from these gay “marriages.” Already the statistics for sexual abuse of children of gays are astronomically high compared to that suffered by the children of straights. Naturally my perspective is very uncomfortable to the liberal people I was raised with: I am “allowed” to be a victim of molestation by both parents, and “allowed” to be a victim of rather hideous violence. I am, incredibly, NOT ALLOWED to blame their homosexuality for their absolute willingness to accept all sex at all times between all people. But that is not going to slow me down one bit. I am going to keep right on speaking out. I have been silent for entirely too long. Gay “marriage” is nothing but a way to make children over in the image of their “parents” and in ten to thirty years, the survivors will speak out. In the meantime, I will.
We all need to understand that such stories are not unique. There are many others who have had such unpleasant upbringings, but they are often fearful of coming out of the closet to tell their stories. So thank you so much Moira for your amazing boldness in speaking out. As I keep saying, if the MSM refuses to tell such stories, then I and others in the alternative media will. Truth is important, and if it is being suppressed in the main channels then we need to utilise any others that we can to get the word out there.
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What about this new report out of Britain where nearly half of all young people do not identify as exclusively heterosexual? Apparently since this survey began the percentage has been increasing.
But I thought sexual orientation was immutable? I thought a pro-gay culture wouldn’t influence people’s sexual orientation? I thought the new movement for SSM wouldn’t encourage an increase in homosexuality?
97+% of children in homosexual households will learn the subletities of homosexual relationships for 16 or so years. That’s not parenting.
If gays were the last people on earth, they would change to safe mankind. And form real Marriages to do so. Marriage is about children.
Great work as usual Bill, God Bless.
From the team at the Canberra Declaration :-
Abraham Lincoln once said, “I have been driven to my knees many times by the conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom, and that of all about me, seemed insufficient for the day”.
Such was the case when key Christian leaders got together at the beginning of July 2015 and in desperation called for 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting for a ‘Miracle for Marriage’ from 20 July to Sunday 9 August 2015.
The good news is that things happen when people pray!
Listed are nine miracles that the Canberra Declaration Team believes came about because of answered prayers. We know that much blood, sweat, and tears were involved in everything surrounding these wonderful outcomes, but as St Augustine said, “Without God, I can’t. Without me, He won’t.” Soli deo Gloria! (To God be the glory!)
1.The day of fasting ended on 9/8/15- 3000 bouquets of flowers appeared on the lawns of parliament house on 10/8/15
2. A full page advert ran in The Australian on Monday 10 August which helped to influence a miracle vote in the Coalition Party Room.
3.The decision in the Coalition Party Room was made on the 11/8/15
4. Katy Faust from USA and Millie Fontana from Melbourne, who have both experienced as children the challenges associated with same-sex parenting, shared their personal stories with parliamentarians from 11-13 August.
5. On Wednesday 12 August, Katy Faust appeared on Lateline and her interview became one of the most popular videos in the history of Lateline.
6. On Thursday 13 August, the Uluru Bark Petition, in support of marriage, was launched at Parliament House, Canberra by over 70 Indigenous elders and leaders, from all over Australia.
7. On Friday 14 August, a tabloid size advert appeared in The Australian (page 4) advertising the full Uluru Bark Petition in both Pitjantjatjara and English to 492,000 influential Australian
8. On Monday 17 August, ABC Media Watch exposed the incredible bias against supporters of marriage between a man and a woman by the Australian media elite.
9. On Monday 17 August the highly anti-family, pro-homosexual Q & A program, featured not one but two supporters of marriage between a man and a woman. Usually the odds are 5 to 1 against, but in this case the odds were only 4 to 2 against; Tony Jones also being an avid supporter of homosexual marriage.
May I add that its a miracle in itself that the ABC is beginning to allow some oppositional opinion on the topic after years of bias. I have complained 3 times in 3 years to the ABC- we should all do the same- it seems to be paying off.
Thank you Bill for keeping us informed. We’ve all heard of censorship OF the press; well, what we have now is censorship BY the press (and other media of course).
It’s a sad day when we have to rely on alternative media in order to know the truth.
Folks, we must continue to pray daily for Bill, his ministry and his loved ones: for protection, encouragement, and for the continued inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Many thanks Brian.
An Optus new ad for Internet features data plans for families with voiceover saying that families come in all different sorts.
Out of 10 families shown, two feature homosexual couples with children. Suggesting 20% of families are with homosexual parents. Again, the corporate sector pushing the agenda for homosexual marriage. Maybe a boycott of Optus needs to be called for?
This is the nub of the matter: the fantasy of “happy ever after” homosexual relationships and the sad reality you never see in the mass media. I recommend reading this superb account by a sensitive homosexual called Ronald Lee that shows this cognitive dissonance perfectly.
The story of Moira is shocking. She has risen above the destructive depravity of her parents to become a beautiful poised young woman, creative with strong emotional intelligence.
Jesus is God the Father’s only begotten Son, the first fruit of God beings whose bride is the true church, (from the Greek Ecclesia or Called Out ones who obey God’s commandments especially the keeping of the Sabbath) who will implement God’s kingdom to come. The process of God indwelling in the Called Out ones who have been reborn in the Holy Spirit, mirrors the act of union of a man and woman and the begettal of a child in life reproduction. Clearly the process of human reproduction is a critical blueprint for God’s plan for human kind.
An ounce of emotion/desire outweighs a ton of reason/logic.
‘As it was in the beginning….. ‘
The Son of Perdition who presently occupies the Whitehouse has sent out this decree:
Until this effluent pipe is well and truly blocked it will continue to pour its toxic effluent onto the rest of the World.
David Skinner UK
Damian Spillane, many thanks for that. Here is more evidence to show that homosexuality will undoubtedly spread through acculturation.
Karl Maria Kertbeny, the man who coined the words “homosexual” and “heterosexual” in the mid 19th century did not seek biological arguments to use for the liberation of homosexuals, – i.e. a relatively small social group with limited power to further their own interests – instead, he made the point that the modern state should extend the principle of not intervening in the private lives of citizens to cover homosexuals, too:
“To prove innateness … is a dangerous double edged weapon. Let this riddle of nature be very interesting from the anthropological point of view. Legislation is not concerned whether this inclination is innate or not, legislation is only interested in the personal and social dangers associated with it … Therefore we would not win anything by proving innateness beyond a shadow of doubt. Instead we should convince our opponents – with precisely the same legal notions used by them – that they do not have anything at all to do with this inclination, be it innate or intentional, since the state does not have the right to intervene in anything that occurs between two consenting persons older than fourteen, which does not affect the public sphere, nor the rights of a third party.”
David Skinner UK
(1) The Orphans came from war torn England and many were heavily sexually abused and had to work as builders for the brothers.
(2) The Stolen generation another massive experiment at the hands of the delusioned that all had to live as whites to advance. What is advance into what? much of their lives must have been filled with love of their parents their tribe and their land and the freedom to live off the land. Us the whiteman in our concrete bunkers where our lives are so fulfilled by things. We cant even escape the system if you do your persecuted as a vagrant, If you try to live outside the system and off the land in natural way you will be hunted down. In the US you will be shot out of hand.
(3) Now we are well into the third major mistake against our children. When will we stop messing around with the natural order of things and stop listening to the minority who would have us change it?
It looks like TPG is currently not on the list of telcos supporting ssm, but I am not sure if they have their own network or if they themselves use the infrastructure of another telcos, but I am about to find out.
Many blessings
Ursula Bennett
Do I have to order your books from the USA?
Thanks Robert. Depends where you are at of course. If in Australia, you will find them at various Australian book stores. if elsewhere, there are American and English online bookstores that sell them, both as paperbacks and Kindle format.