Postmodernism and Threesomes – Why Not?

One of the main postmodern beliefs is that there is no “metanarrative”. That is, there is no absolute, over-riding story that ties everything together, or offers us a coherent and consistent worldview. Instead, all we are left with is our own personal stories.

You have your story – and your own truth – and I have mine. So if you think the gassing of millions of Jews is acceptable, who am I to disagree, or say you are wrong? You have your own truth, and that is unassailable. If you think gender is just a social construct, and can mean whatever you want it to mean, who am I to differ?

If you want to claim that it is bigoted and discriminatory to insist that we only eat food through the mouth, and that we must allow those who prefer to eat through their noses or ears, who am I to say this is wrong? If that sounds a bit far-fetched, it seems no more far-fetched to me than what we have done with sexuality, biology, marriage and family.

Marriage has always meant the union of one man and one woman – until the past few decades. That is because biology is one of those stubborn realities which cannot be wished away or altered at one’s whim. At least until recently. Now we think biology is also a social construct.

There is no metanarrative for biology, sexuality, gender, marriage, family and so on. Any version is as good as the next. Even though nature has clearly intended for heterosexual bonding to result in children (one of the primary reasons for marriage), in today’s PoMo world, biology does not mean a hill of beans.

So we have decided to not just jettison biology and gender, but we have gutted the very heart of marriage, and decided we will just make things up as we go along. Now that we have allowed the homosexual militants to smash marriage by claiming gender has nothing to do with it, there is no reason whatsoever to maintain any other restrictions.

If gender goes, then so too should number. And of course age restrictions are also bigoted and discriminatory, so they should be abandoned as well. And while we are at it, we should not be so species-ist about marriage – who says animals or objects cannot be involved?

So the homosexual assault on marriage and family has now done everything we have warned about for so long: it has opened the floodgates, wherein anything and everything is now allowed. Thus we see activist campaigns for polygamy, for polyamory, for incest rights, for bestiality rights, and so on.

LOVE AT THIRD SIGHT: MEET THE WORLD?S FIRST MARRIED LESBIAN THROUPLEMy new book will fully document these developments in great and disturbing detail. Indeed, I have documented multiple dozens of cases of this happening already, and there appears to be no end in sight as to where all this is heading. Consider the latest bit of news – this one involving a “family” of three lesbians and a baby:

Brynn, Doll and Kitten Young – who claim to the only “throuple” in the world – are expecting their newborn in just 3 months time. Doll, 30, and Brynn, 32, had been together for 2-and-a-half years when they decided to spice up their relationship with an additional partner.
Smitten after meeting Kitten, 27, through a threesomes’ website, they decided to tie the knot to each other last August.
And, after undergoing IVF with an unknown sperm donor, the youngest of the group is now with child. “The three of us have always wanted kids and wanted to grow our family,” Kitten, who like Doll took IT expert Brynn’s surname because she is the main breadwinner, told The Sun.
“We decided that I’d be the one to carry the babies because I’d like to be a full-time mom,” she added. Massachusetts became, in 2004, the first state to legalize same-sex marriage. It does not allow polygamy, however, meaning the trio’s marriage is not officially recognized. Despite this, they claim their union is the real deal. “In our eyes we are married. We had specialist lawyers draw up paperwork so our assets are equally divided,” said Brynn.

“In our eyes”. Yep, that says it all. When we throw out absolute truth and universal morality, then that which is right and wrong, true and false, becomes merely a matter of personal preference. And no one can disagree with personal preference. You like chocolate ice cream, while I prefer vanilla – both are neither right nor wrong – they simply are.

Such PoMo relativism of course means the end of civilisation. “In our eyes, chocolate ice cream is the best.” “In our eyes, Jews are not human beings, and can be treated as such.” “In our eyes, blacks are not real humans so we can enslave them as we will.” “In our eyes, unborn babies are not people, so they can be killed whenever we want.”

Not everyone was thrilled with this news item however. An editorial in the Washington Times put it this way:

Justice Antonin Scalia warned of such mischief when his colleagues tossed out the Defense of Marriage Act. “By formally declaring anyone opposed to same-sex marriage an enemy of human decency,” he wrote in his dissent in United States v. Windsor, “the majority arms well every challenger to a state law restricting marriage to its traditional definition.”
Justice Scalia predicted in 2003 that the majority decision in Lawrence v. Texas, striking down a law making sodomy illegal, would become the battering ram to eliminate prohibitions on bigamy, same-sex marriage, adult incest, prostitution, bestiality and obscenity, among other things.
That’s yesterday’s news, however, for Kitten, Doll and Brynn, who say they only want to demolish the stigma against polygamy. “The three of us have been brave enough to stand tall and go against what society calls normal,” Brynn told another tabloid, The London Daily Mail. ” … and we deserve the rights afforded to others.”
The three Youngs are the latest example of what Justice Scalia correctly identifies as the snowball picking up speed as it hurtles downhill. Lesbian activist Masha Gessen lifted the veil on the radical homosexual agenda when she told a Sydney, Australia, audience in May 2012 that same-sex marriage is “a lie.”
“Fighting for gay marriage,” she said, “generally involves lying about what we’re going to do with marriage when we get there,” adding, “It’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist.” Noting that she has “three children with five parents,” Ms. Gessen said, “I don’t see why they shouldn’t have five parents legally.”

Yes the homosexual militants have been saying for quite some time now that anything goes in their brave new world of sexual and moral relativism. Truth is whatever we make it to be. Morality is whatever we prefer. That is life in our PoMo world.

Children deserve to be raised by their own biological mother and father, cemented in marriage? Nah, that is just your story. There is no truth here, or right and wrong. There is no metanarrative. There are only 7 billion stories, and we cannot say any is wrong.

After all, we don’t want to be seen as judgmental or intolerant. That is however rather odd in a PoMo world, don’t you think? In a worldview that says there is no ultimate truth and universal morality, there is still one absolute sin: to say something is wrong.

In this world of relativism, there is still one absolute vice: to claim something might not be right, or true, or good. But logical consistency was never a strong suit of the postmodernists. And we are all paying the price now as a result – especially our children and their three “mothers”.

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20 Replies to “Postmodernism and Threesomes – Why Not?”

  1. Bill
    Perhaps I’m missing it, but any chance of putting a “Home” button at the top of your page. I’m forever having to edit the address to get back to your home page.

  2. The logic of PoMo’s claim that there’s no meta narrative fails at the first test. The claim that there’s no meta narrative is in itself a meta narrative.
    Its a bit like the atheist logical contortions when they say “there is no such thing as an ominscient being”. A statement which itself requires the atheist to be omniscient.

  3. So lets see, polygamy and polyandry are now so pre-everything. So as they have decided on throuple, should we now look at it as, quouple, penouple, sexouple etc. and its not inter species now, its spouple.

    So Bill, really you must try and keep up you know, how backwards of you tsk tsk tsk. SARC off/

    Serious on/
    Do you remember on Q&A when that tania stot despoia personage said that same sex marriage would in no way throw the numbers and age and species out the door?

    I wonder if we can get someone to contact her with this including a we told you so but you refused to listen.

    Well on a closing note, this is how so many societies died, Greece, Roman, Babylonian amongst many others, not to mention Sodom and the surrounding towns, we all know how well that went don’t we.

    All we can do is try to hold on, save as many out of it as possible and hang on, because the ride is going to get rough.

    Hope your trip through the old falling down joint is going well Bill.

    Neil Waldron.

  4. This is all very sad and bodes ill for the next generation of children who are the innocent products of this madness. The rate and complexity of social change is getting faster and faster every week.Just when I think it couldn’t get worse, it does.

    Well written post as usual, Bill.

  5. Let me guess….the next ‘buzz’ word of this relativistic age will be ”polygamophobe” …

  6. What a nauseating deception these three girlies present, wrapped up in their girlie world. What about the baby? Where is the baby’s father? A baby’s birthright is its biological mother and its biological father and in that all humans are equal.

  7. In our current topsy-turvy world, there appears to  be much confusion about what we should or shouldn’t do or say. The postmodern moral relativist will say there is no overarching meta narrative which informs our thoughts and actions and the truth is found in our own perceptions. We decide what is right and true and others’ opinions are just as valid as ours- except, of course, the opinions of the conservative and those who believe in God.

    Then the meta narrative of the progressive cuts in. You can’t do this, you can’t say that and if you do, the inner authoritarian surfaces and corporal punishment is the solution.
    Nietzche hinted at the current confusion in his book “The Gay Science (1882, 1887) when wrote of the rantings of a so-called madman who was bemoaning the consequences of the death of God.
    “Have you not heard of that madman who lit a lantern in the bright morning hours, ran to the market place, and cried incessantly: “I seek God! I seek God!..Whither is God?” he cried; “I will tell you. We have killed him—you and I. All of us are his murderers. But how did we do this? How could we drink up the sea? Who gave us the sponge to wipe away the entire horizon?What were we doing when we unchained this earth from its sun? Whither is it moving now? Whither are we moving? Away from all suns? Are we not plunging continually? Backward, sideward, forward, in all directions? Is there still any up or down?..God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him….How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?”
    And I think Nietzche has hit the nail on the head- the madman was correct in asking, that in out moral relativism, have we not become Gods ourselves, where we can determine what is right or wrong and up or down and determine what we must do to atone for our “sins” and how we should be punished?
    Yes, after pronouncing “God is dead” Nietzche has unleashed on the world a meta narrative with horrifying consequences (the Holocaust)- and I guarantee there’s worse to come.

  8. I would hate to have young children today, trying to steer them through this minefield, with so many ghastly influences bearing down on them.
    Whatever is this due baby going to think, being brought up by three women-in-a-bed? If it’s a girl, she will have no close male influences in her upbringing; she could even become a lesbian herself. And if it’s a boy…..poor boy, surrounded by three perverted women. And in both cases, the child will never know their true father or have the natural upbringing that God intended.

    Why on earth do so many people think this is cause for “celebration” and sit back in total acceptance? Does nothing ever stimulate their inner conscience, to think about whether or not these relationships are actually evil?
    Of course we are told it’s “all about love” and that Christians should stop moaning because Christ commanded us to love one another…..but He didn’t mean like this!

  9. Luke, I just watched the video link you posted and then also on a page related to this was the 4 Corners story of the paedophile gay dads who abused a boy they’d bought. It’s unbelievably sad. The police in all the countries who worked so hard to save the boy and get the gay fathers locked up were incredible heroes.

  10. Yes, when I hear the word “narrative” I see red, for I know what they mean by it. So I like the way you counter them Bill by reminding them that there is a written “narrative” that can not be altered and God wrote it.
    Yes, we killed God, and that was in His loving merciful plan right from Gen 3:16 we couldn’t just do it because we decided to do it, but death could not hold Him, He will have the last word.
    And if we do not repent and believe that, all we have done is kill ourselves.
    Many blessings
    Ursula Bennett

  11. It has all be said before – Romans 1:26-31 (ICB) and the answer is herald the gospel – the only good news for this depraved world.

    26 Because people did those things, God left them and let them do the shameful things they wanted to do. Women stopped having natural sex and started having sex with other women.
    27 In the same way, men stopped having natural sex and began wanting each other. Men did shameful things with other men. And in their bodies they received the punishment for those wrongs.
    28 People did not think it was important to have a true knowledge of God. So God left them and allowed them to have their own worthless thinking. And so those people do the things that they should not do.
    29 They are filled with every kind of sin, evil, selfishness, and hatred. They are full of jealousy, murder, fighting, lying, and thinking the worst about each other. They gossip
    30 and say evil things about each other. They hate God. They are rude and conceited and brag about themselves. They invent ways of doing evil. They do not obey their parents. 31 They are foolish, they do not keep their promises, and they show no kindness or mercy to other people.

  12. I saw this in the news a few days ago and looked up some of the news reports and videos. Just a comment about the supposed “3 lesbians” – I am pretty sure “Brynn” (the tall dark one on the right in this picture) is a transsexual male. In the photos and videos she/he is obviously taller, deeper voiced, larger handed and has a prominent adams apple. Typically, it is un-P.C. for the media to mention that one of the lesbian throuple is actually a male-turned -female as all that is important is the gender they choose to be and who are we to dare point out the obvious gender differences that result from natural biology! Overall, I think this news announcement is a massive publicity stunt/attention seeking effort by these three. I doubt the three way relationship will last more than a couple of years. Watch out for the first throuple divorce!

  13. Robert, as you pointed out the evils of this age are just the same old evils that the apostle described two millennia ago.

    Isn’t is sad that people unfortunate to live in dissolute times always justify their immorality by saying, but this time it’s different.

    But it ain’t. It’s the same old depravity and will always result in God’s punishment.

    As the Catholic popes proclaimed last century, the West now cultivates a culture of death.

    In Australia abortion is now a woman’s right. Too bad about the father and his family’s rights to his child and his parents’ grandchild and his siblings’ cousins.

    And death? Governments are whingeing about how expensive it is to keep old people alive. So why do it? Why not just provide palliative care? Answer: it’s not profitable.

    I’ve read that something like 90% of an Australian’s medical expenses will be incurred in the last six months of their death.

    If so, that’s absurd and a monumental waste of taxpayers’ money.

    But hey, it’s big bikkies.

  14. Interesting to see that gay bishop Gene Robinson is getting a divorce from his gay partner – actually his second divorce- he was previously married to the mother of his two children.

  15. I just want to say keep up the good work and keep on fighting the good fight, it’s wonderful and refreshing that in such a politically correct dominated world that we now live in, it’s good that there are people like you who are not afraid to speak the truth and tell it like it is.

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