Urgent: Pray and Work to Protect Marriage
As you should know, with renegade federal Liberals pushing for an all-out confrontation on the homosexual marriage issue, we are now in very precarious times. Yes, we have fought and won countless other moves over the past decade or so to redefine and thus destroy marriage in Australia.
But each new challenge must be faced afresh. And when you have a party that is supposed to be a conservative party in good measure pushing for all this, things are getting quite worrying indeed. I have been part of fighting these radical changes for a long time now.
So too have many other brave champions who have laboured so hard, prayed so hard, and done all they could to stand up for marriage, family and religious freedom. We really do believe that two things have allowed us to hold the line so far: plenty of hard work, activism, lobbying, and the like, as well as massive amounts of prayer, spiritual warfare, fasting and intercession.
Sure, if pressed as to which was in one sense the most important, we would all nominate the latter. Without God we are all toast. But we also fully realise that we must always put feet to our prayers. We must work as hard as we can while we pray as hard as we can. Both are vitally needed.
Many pro-faith and pro-family groups are now working overtime to stop this latest attempt to mangle marriage and fracture families. They all deserve mention and credit, but let me highlight just one. The National Day of Prayer and Fasting group has recently said this:
Day of Prayer & Fasting for Marriage 8 August 2017On Wednesday 2 August 2017, Australian Prayer Leaders, during a national teleconference, confirmed a proposal to call the Christian people and churches of Australia to pray and fast for marriage on Tuesday 8 August 2017. This day of prayer is now formulated around the Biblical day which is a 24-hour period which begins on Sunset the 7 August and finishes on Sunset on the 8 of August. This is the same period that the Coalition Party Room will meet to discuss the mutiny by Coalition MPs who are threatening to force a parliamentary vote on the redefinition of marriage.
Ps Peter Walker, an Indigenous Christian leader, said, “I, along with many other Aboriginal leaders, am deeply concerned about the moral condition of our nation and our government. The call to pray and fast for the future of marriage in Australia has been in part motivated by the prospect of the betrayal of the will of the people of Australia who elected the government on the promise of a plebiscite. Australians want a democratic public plebiscite on the proposal to redefine marriage by a margin of 46% YES Vote to 39% NO Vote with 15% undecided. This is a majority.”
Ps Rebekah Milne said, “We are going to bring our petition before the governmental throne of Grace, which rests upon the shoulders of Jesus Christ, who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. All power, authority and might has been assigned into His hands. We call upon believers everywhere to humbly bow their knees in repentance on behalf of churches, government and every sphere of society where we have sinned against God and our nation for failing to uphold the righteousness and justice that are the foundation of the Kingdom of God’s dear Son.”
Jenny Hagger, Australian House of Prayer for All Nations, said, “Humbling ourselves is always the first step when we as Christians begin to pray for our nation. We as the church need to engage in a deeper level of repentance because the scripture says that we as believers need to ‘turn from our wicked ways’ because ‘The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him’. Daniel 9:9.”
Warwick Marsh, National Day of Prayer & Fasting team said, “We need Revival and transformation for our nation to experience the healing power of God. We must advance on our knees trusting in ‘the Blessings of Almighty God’ as it says in our Constitution which is as relevant today as the day it was written.”
Peter Kentley from Christian Federation said, “We invite people of faith to join a Zoom Conference Prayer Call for Marriage on Monday 7 & Tuesday 8 August 2017 to coincide with Party Room Meetings. Among many things we will pray that the children of Australia would be preserved from the horror of the Safe School Agenda that has been articulated so well by a Victorian mother, who has now received over 3.4 million views on a viral Facebook post in the last week. Andrew Bolt’s brilliant article in the Herald Sun, Monday 31 July 2017 called Enemies of Christianity Declaring New War on Religion should encourage us all to pray and make a stand for the future of our children.”
I believe the timing of various things is often far more than mere coincidence. I believe that God is actively at work behind the scenes. As one example, the past few days I have written two articles on the “miracle of Dunkirk,” which coincides with a new motion picture on this event.
In those articles I spoke of how it really was a miracle, with so many Christians praying, fasting and pleading with Almighty God to pull off what could only be regarded as a miracle. The evacuation was expected to save maybe 20-30,000 stranded Allied soldiers, but instead over 335,000 were rescued.
A national day of prayer had been called for, just prior to it, and we clearly saw the hand of God at work in this whole affair. My two articles can be found here:
I believe we need a similar miracle in the next few days. Instead of the miracle of Dunkirk we need a miracle of Canberra. The enemy is rushing in like a flood to destroy this land and hold its inhabitants captive. We need a mighty act of deliverance. We need a miraculous rescue here. And we all have a role to play.
Just as hundreds of civilian craft were used to evacuate the soldiers at Dunkirk, we need all concerned Christians to do all that they can, whether they pray and fast, contact their local MPs, or what have you. If we do all we can, God will certainly do all he can.
Please get involved. And whatever you do, make sure you pray and ask God to be glorified in all this. The results will be seen in the days to come.
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Bill, preaching, regardless of the Human Rights Commission action to prevent it is also needed. When relentless persecution of preachers by the Human Rights Commission increases in the coming weeks and months and the brave media reps like Andrew Bolt report it, the public will be more aware of what the hidden same-sex agenda is all about. Bob
Dear Bill,
Let’s pray unceasingly !
God bless,
May this be one issue that all Christians can agree to do – to pray, to fast to look to our Creator to bring healing to this land.
Incidentally Andrew Bolt passes on an observation that there may appear to be a way to hold a public ‘vote’ on same sex marriage without having to get the senate to agree to a plebiscite.
Will be joining you in prayer from Portland, Oregon. Deborah Kern
Many thanks indeed Deborah. You are a champion. God bless you!
Twelve hours or so behind you here in the UK, Bill, but I do my daily reading at around 7am, so will be with you at the corresponding Oz time. We here had ssm imposed on us rapidly, had little time to fight it.
Thanks Bill, I’ll see if I am allowed to exhort our congregation to join the National Day of Prayer. When commentators like Paul Kelly call out the bankruptcy of the new morality, it’s time for the average Aussie to get off the couch and join us in this, the fight of our lives.
We will be praying in Port Stephens. NSW
Thank you,
Now listen, Whomsoever is on His side as I am predominantly the same side of the Lord. We shall without doubt Win this case/rebuttal/hearing. Nevertheless, let Us know that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forevermore in His name.
God 1st,
JOHN 2:23-END.
Thanks Bill,
Please post, re-post, talk to anyone & everyone, call on the landline (that certainly surprises people out of their apathy).
Pray night & day – just like Esther did before presenting herself to her husband – The King.
Christian Warriors Unite and Fight with the Power of Our God Most High for families, for future children & grand-children, for present children and grand-children.
Father God, May Your Will be done, Your Kingdom Come,
In Jesus Mighty Name,
We pray,
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds… (KJV 2 Cor 10:4 “good buddy”)
Thanks for this Bill, and all the other articles to date. It’s interesting you pointed out your Dunkirk articles as I mentioned them to a family member just the other day, and was struck by the parallel with our current situation. The fascists appear to have the upper hand – control of the air(waves) and ground (parliament), and yet despite the probability of total defeat, there’s the certainty that God is on our side. Not only are we guaranteed the possibility of victory in the face of defeat, but should it be God’s Will to let Australia suffer SSM then we have the model of Daniel’s friends to encourage us – “But if not”. I’m just reading Killing Christians by Tom Doyle and despite the frequent martyrdom of Christians in the Islamic world, the faithful are growing in leaps and bounds. Perhaps just as the death threats, violence, hatred, and vitriol being expressed against the ACL and other Christian groups or leaders is changing minds about how to respond to the plebiscite, so too the sufferings of Christians in an SSM Australia will cause people to rethink their relationship with God? I like my comfort zone and have absolutely no wish to exit it, so am hoping and praying that God acts to preserve marriage in this country, but if not let’s pray that the outcome serves His purpose and glorifies Him.
Hi Bill
Just a quick question, on the ACL website it says : “Your voice is needed now urgently as MPs prepare to head back to Canberra next week. The Liberals are having a special party meeting at 4pm on Monday.” Not sure which is correct; Monday 7th or Tuesday 8th. Would hate the day of prayer to be a day late!
Thanks Linda. I believe the correct date is Monday August 7. But one can never pray too much, so both days can be filled with prayer! And the process may drag out for days and even weeks. So keep praying!
Bill for 25 years we have been making a Cross of Reparation over Australia from the compass points to Alice Springs every State has a representative and we pray for Australia and her people, especially for this Land of the Holy Spirit. Our feast is August 17th and we will do a small walk of reparation in the streets of Alice Springs. Please ask prayers that this little group of people will be pleasing and successful in asking our God to have mercy on our continent.
Unfortunately like many other prayer groups we are only a few, but we trust that God will be pleased with our efforts and clear Australia of abortion, euthanasia, marriage, safe schools and all the other rot invading our Nation. Keep up your good work. God bless, Raine
What we need Bill is for the Church leaders to call for a public demonstration through the streets to get our message to the politicians. The Media has been totally one sided on this issue. Sadly the Churches have been sitting on their hands on the issue that has brought it to this stage.
Where is the leadership of the churches in this Bill. What we need for those against this move to rally in public to demonstrate our objections. The Church leadership must act and act now. They have sat on their hands for too long on this issue.
That is the million dollar question Patrick. Sadly it seems most church leaders do not know or do not care. Most are far too cowardly and into men-pleasing to ever speak out on such an absolutely vital issue like this.
What we need Bill is for the Church leaders to call for a public demonstration through the streets to get our message to the politicians. The Media has been totally one sided on this issue. Sadly the Churches have been sitting on their hands on the issue that has brought it to this stage.
1 Timothy 4:3 “forbidding marriage” Perilous times. The Spirit expressly speaks. This is the work of people with consciences that cannot feel any more. These are people who are listening to what demons teach them. All authority is given to Me go and proclaim to all nations, teaching them to obey all I commanded you. And we now have sodomites taking the bull by the horns to subjugate this nation to Satans’ abomination. We are the Israel of God and it is our honour to bind these evil powers. Standing shoulder to shoulder with every believer in Jesus Christ risen from the dead and ascended to the Right Hand of the Father we say NO! and we say GO! Get out of the halls of Parliament in the Name of Jesus. We who are those whom He has washed from the filth of sin, we whom He has set apart from the darkness of the evil one, we whom He has justified forever through faith in His precious blood shed for us, we, the people of God in Christ reject your lying attempt and we bind this evil now by the faith of the Son of God. And we praise Him. We glorify Him. We thank Him for His great mercy to us. And we serve and adore Him. Thanks be unto God who gives us the victory and this is the victory – our faith. Jesus is Lord.
We pray against the blatant defiance of the Creator God and His created order. The SSM is a violation of design. Awakening of the conscience and the soul of our nation Australia Lord!
People have only just started praying, but the Coalition has apparently decided, for now, on their course of direction. In some ways it feels like we have a short reprieve. Or perhaps I’m jumping the gun and this is leading me astray. Either way what I found highly disturbing was this paragraph:
More than 500 Australian religious leaders sent an open letter to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull today urging politicians to “show leadership” and legalise same-sex marriage. Anglican, Catholic, Uniting Church, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish and Muslim religious leaders have signed the letter. “As people of faith, we understand that marriage is based on the values of love and commitment and we support civil marriage equality, not despite, but because of our faith and values,” the letter reads.
Who are these leaders? And what letter are they talking about? The only letter I’m aware of was to Prime Minister Abbott in 2016 and it was signed by thirty-eight archbishops, bishops, senior rabbis, Sunni and Shia leaders, and pastors from major Protestant denominations. And how is it that those 500 leaders were ready with their letter when Christian leaders were not?
To summarise the 2016 letter, while the suffering and injustice faced by people with same-sex attraction is to be deplored it doesn’t justify or necessitate the destruction of marriage. Australia’s current definition is shared by the vast majority of nations and cultures and more than 91% of the global population. Marriage alone provides children with the foundational relationships for their human identity and development – a mother and a father. Redefining marriage will affect everyone. In countries which have embraced SSM those individuals and institutions adhering to the classic model of marriage are vilified and subjected to legal punishment despite this violating not only freedom of religion, but also the rights of “… conscience, belief and association, and the right of parents to educate their children according to their own beliefs.”
Should be room for some commentary given the radical difference in focus between these two letters, but that can wait for a more opportune time.
Many thanks guys for working and praying. The Liberals today voted to stay with the plebiscite policy. Only 7 rebels voted against this.
Know your traitors: The seven MPs who voted to change the policy were: Warren Entsch and Trevor Evans (Qld), Tim Wilson and Jason Wood (Vic), John Alexander and Trent Zimmerman (NSW) and Senator Dean Smith (WA).
Praise God, Bill – How the Angels are Singing…….
When God’s people pray & humble themselves before Him – with fervent entreaties for His Sovereign Will to be done here on Earth as it is in Heaven.
So NOW the fight for the Battle of Traditional Marriage continues…….
Personal emails from Politicians from both sides of the fence asking, explaining, exhorting & defending the values of traditional marriage are arriving thick and fast – I LIKE IT!.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
Holy Spirit Reign down on our Great Southern Land.
Dear Bill
John Alexander sits in Bennelong which in NW Sydney Bible Belt (Epping, Eastwood etc) so I find his vote for a parliamentary gay marriage vote disturbing. This was John Howard’s old seat.
Regards Phil
This is another example of the government refusing to take responsibility, and expecting ordinary people to do their work for them — like when they don’t remove weeds and rubbish from Crown land, leaving the task to adjoining private landowners whose lifestyle and property values are lowered.
Coalition MPs have chosen to hide behind the plebiscite because they are too afraid to tell the truth about marriage and sexual behaviour. They don’t want their personal carriage on the taxpayer-funded gravy train to be darailed by false accusations of “bigotry and homophobia” from hostile media. MPs receiving the equivalent of a fortnight’s age pension every day of the week simply have no idea what life is like for ordinary people.
Surely they have no reason to be afraid, as the LGBTIQ dictators are clearly running scared lest their lies be exposed, twice blocking a compulsory vote, and launching High Court action to stop a postal vote. They have lied since the beginning, when they said “what consenting adults do in private in no-one’s business”. If it’s no-one’s business, why must we pretend that it’s marriage? So that gay activists can teach it to other people’s children in our schools — children they have chosen to be incapable of having themselves.
A man putting his penis into another man’s mouth or anus has nothing to do with marriage. It was the LGBTIQ dictators who demanded this be legalised, so it can’t be illegal to describe a legal activity.
No parent would give their children faeces to eat, and tell them it’s the same as eating normal healthy food. So why pretend that using the place faeces comes from as a vaginaphobic substitute for natural sex, is normal and healthy? There might as well be a plebiscite on the answer to 2 + 2.
Hi Bill Came across these videos of Masha Gesson lgtbi activist. Openly admitting it’s not about Marriage and that it won’t stop at ssm..
Thanks Jo. Yes I have quoted her often, including here:
Michael Watts – loving ‘The Truth’ of your ‘out there’ commentary.
How can anyone not cringe at the blatant repulsiveness of ss relationships when described in such graphic but necessary detail.
Please keep posting – shocking others out of there apathy is a necessity in this fallen world.