20 Essential Conservative and Christian Websites

Here are some of my top conservative/Christian websites:

When you are in an ideological war – a war of ideas – information is ammunition. And when the main gatekeepers of information such as the mainstream media and the Tech Giants increasingly are beholden to just one point of view – the secular left version of events – then it is imperative that alternate sources of information be found and utilised.

The good news is there are plenty of excellent websites that promote conservative and/or Christian values, beliefs, and ideas. Of course the bad news is they are often the subject of censorship and attack by the same Tech Giants and lamestream media mentioned above.

Many helpful sites have been banned or removed – at least temporarily – and getting access to them can prove to be difficult at times. But we need these sites more than ever as the West keeps lurching to the left, and keeps waging war on conservatives, Christians and other recalcitrants.

The initial reason for offering such a list was due to a concerned pastor asking me for it the other day. He has been doing his best to inform and educate his own people about the spiritual and cultural and political wars we are in, and he wants to do even more of this. He aims to take his people further in equipping them and preparing them to get even more involved. Well done pastor!

So he asked me for some good websites that he could pass on to them, and I said that this would be easy enough for me to put together. I was planning to head out to the shops just then, but he seemed quite insistent that I send him a list ASAP. So I spent around ten minutes putting together a quick list. It had 20 quite good sites on it – 10 from Australia and 10 from overseas.

I sent that off to him and did my errands. But it occurred to me that since I had put this together, I might as well share it more widely. Thus this article. There of course is one big problem with this list: it is very much partial and incomplete. There are so many more sites that could be recommended.

Indeed, I will likely get folks writing in, upset that their fav website was not included. My apologies if I did not list them – yet. As mentioned, it certainly is not an exhaustive list, and I hope to add many more sites to it in the days ahead. But given the urgency of the hour, and how censorship, book banning, and website culling is now becoming the norm, I wanted to get this out right away.

So feel free to send me your favourite sites (make it easier for me: include both the name of the site and its home page URL). And try to keep it on-topic. There are thousands of great Christian websites of course, but this list is narrower in focus. It has more to do with the culture wars, politics, and the various battles we are in – all from a more or less conservative point of view. Some of the sites are quite Christian in orientation while others are not.

Soon enough, after I add more sites, and you send in your preferred sites, I will put up a revised version of this article. One can easily see a piece like this with a hundred or more recommended sites. So let me know which ones you want to see included in future articles.

Here then – in no particular order – are the 20 useful sites (of many) that I had put together for my friend. I think these are all excellent sites that you need to be aware of and should be regularly visiting (and yes, I did have to include my own site here!):

Australian sites:

Caldron Pool – https://caldronpool.com/

FamilyVoice – https://familyvoice.org.au/

Canberra Declaration – https://canberradeclaration.org.au/

Australian Christian Lobby – https://www.acl.org.au/

Australian Spectator – https://www.spectator.com.au/

Quadrant – https://quadrant.org.au/

Lyle Shelton – https://www.lyleshelton.com.au/

Binary – https://www.binary.org.au/

The Good Sauce – https://goodsauce.news/

CultureWatch – https://billmuehlenberg.com/

Overseas sites:

Dennis Prager – https://www.prageru.com/

The Daily Caller – https://dailycaller.com/

The Epoch Times – https://www.theepochtimes.com/

Glenn Beck – https://www.theblaze.com/

National Review – https://www.nationalreview.com/

American Thinker – https://www.americanthinker.com/

LifeSiteNews – LifeSiteNews.com

PJ Media – https://pjmedia.com/

The Daily Signal – https://www.dailysignal.com/

LifeNews – https://www.lifenews.com/

Happy reading and research!

[719 words]

21 Replies to “20 Essential Conservative and Christian Websites”

  1. Christian research net is another great website ive been reading for years. Actually discovered bill through that site!

  2. Comprehensive ‘one-stop shop’ coverage on current American politics as they happen (from a pro-Trump perspective) often featuring many guests and hosts from other shows can be found at The War Room show live at https://americasvoice.news/ for 2 hours at 1:55am and 9:00am Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time (usually Monday through to Saturday in American time), and also at the Steve Bannon’s War Room Pandemic show (for live coverage and previous episodes) athttps://pandemic.warroom.org/

    Hosted by Steve K. Bannon, “…an American media executive, political strategist, former investment banker, and the former executive chairman of Breitbart News. He served as the White House’s chief strategist in the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump during the first seven months of Trump’s term.

  3. Agenda Weekly – https://agendaweekly.com/ is a wonderful family oriented political site. There’s a free sample month and you can subscribe to access a huge amount of information.
    The Daily Chrenk – http://thedailychrenk.com/ is an Australian blogger who comes from Poland and has very good insights.
    The Wentworth Report – https://wentworthreport.com/ is also Australian and has daily updates from perceptive sources.
    The Stream – https://stream.org/ is a Christian political site.

  4. I concur with Brenden Walters above for https://www.churchmilitant.com/ for news from an ‘orthodox’ Roman Catholic perspective for both within and outside the Roman Catholic Church.

    Other Catholic websites (either an ‘orthodox’ or ‘traditionalist’ flavour) for news and commentary:
    https://taylormarshall.com/ (author of Infiltration – The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within)
    https://www.timothyjgordon.com/ (author of Rules for Retrogrades – Forty Tactics to Defeat the Radical Left and author of Catholic Republic – Why America Will Perish Without Rome)
    https://www.thecatholicthing.org/ with Robert Royal
    https://onepeterfive.com/ with Steve Skojec
    https://www.ewtn.com/ sometimes accused in recent years of being milquetoast though is still often hard hitting with The World Over Show with Raymond Arroyo (also available on youtube on the EWTN youtube channel

    Also in general news can add:
    https://www.breitbart.com/ for general conservative friendly news
    https://www.revolver.news/ a ‘Matt Drudge’ style conservative friendly website
    https://justthenews.com/ appear to be partnered with https://americasvoice.news/
    https://www.turleytalks.com/ with Dr Steve Turley base in USA and (I think) Eastern Orthodox who apparently has put out his own list of preferred conservative websites
    https://www.dailywire.com/ headed by Ben Shapiro who is a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to Trump from a neo-con former ‘never Trumper’ perspective, though to his credit Ben Shapiro has been consistently anti-abortion, pro-Second Amendment (right to keep and bear arms), generally politically incorrect, and (from his Jewish perspective) rates Muslim Jihadists as a much bigger threat than neo-Nazis.
    https://www.oann.com/ probably best known for Jack Posobiec
    https://thenationalpulse.com/ which has a show on https://americasvoice.news/ hosted by former Muslim turned atheist Raheem Kassam who often co-hosts with Steve Bannon on the previously mentioned above War Room Pandemic show
    https://www.newsmax.com/ which regrettably went to water under pressure of lawsuits from Dominion over voting machine fraud allegations
    https://rudygiulianics.com/ with former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani
    https://www.jihadwatch.org/ with Robert Spencer for Muslim issues
    https://gatesofvienna.net/ for Muslim issues with a focus on Europe
    https://www.rebelnews.com/ based in Canada with reporting in Australia done by the Melbourne based Avi Yemini (at https://twitter.com/ozraeliavi?lang=en) who has been doing remarkable work in covering the COVID-19 protests and organising legal action against COVID-19 fines.

    And in Australia:
    https://richardsonpost.com/ (formerly pickeringpost.com when former Australian political cartoonist Larry Pickering was still alive) WARNING: the Disqus comments section is not strictly moderated and can run into hundreds or thousands of comments that can get ‘wild and woolly’ with possible trolls and many off-topic comments on current issues (some of which can make an interesting read)
    https://www.theunshackled.net/ based in Melbourne and headed by Tim Wilms WARNING: while the Unshackled appears to be a ‘civic nationalist’ website, it has had guests from time to time who appear to be into ‘white nationalism’
    https://sheikyermami.com/ Muslim issues and other politics from an Australian perspective
    https://nationalshooting.org.au/ gun laws politics and legal action news in Australia
    https://thesydneyinstitute.com.au/ (especially its “Media Watch Dog” sections) by long time conservative media commentator Gerard Henderson
    https://www.iheart.com/live/sky-news-radio-8319/ which shows live (and for free) the ‘after dark’ 5:00pm onwards Sky News shows hosted by Chris Kenny, Peta Credlin, Andrew Bolt, Alan Jones and Paul Murray, and the 9:00am Sunday Sky News ‘Outsiders’ program hosted by Rowan Dean with Rita Panahi and James Morrow (also available in podcast form for free at https://more.skynews.com.au/podcasts/).

  5. May I suggest The Conservative Treehouse. Very in-depth analysis of USA politics and the unholy alliance of big tech, big government/ deep state and global media to advance the leftist ideology at the expense of Christian and conservative world views.
    They also survived deplatforming by WordPress recently.

  6. I watch simonparkes.org for what is happening behind the scenes in US, I believe they are Christian.

  7. “ The initial reason for offering such a list was due to a concerned pastor asking me for it the other day. He has been doing his best to inform and educate his own people about the spiritual and cultural and political wars we are in, and he wants to do even more of this. He aims to take his people further in equipping them and preparing them to get even more involved. Well done pastor!”

    Well that pastor. Well done indeed!

    This is the Pastor’s, actually every Believer’s, reasonable service and we should all take a leaf out of his book, because

    One day the Son of man will return from from his far journey
    (Mark 13:33-37)
    and he will require an accounting of the talents
    (Romans 8:32 and 1Corinthians 3:21-23)

  8. Some good Christian commentator blogs which I find excellent to read, and, along with your blog Bill, good sort of filters for digesting the issues of our modern culture! All the while pointing us back to Christ! I don’t know if they’re conservative but certainly these men have a heart for the Lord.

    David Robertson –


    Also he has a very good weekly podcast-


    And David Robertson has loads of useful and interesting links.

    Stephen McAlpine –


    And Third Space –


    Thanks again for the excellent blog Bill!

    Christa King-Freer

  9. Lynette, Simon Parkes is not an obvious Christian at all and, though he comes across in calm, British demeanor, has also had his fair share of weirdness, including his claim to have had sex with an alien. He also believes in some hidden “plan” and has led many astray with false hope. Be aware.

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