The End of Sport: Politicising Everything
The crushing forces of wokeness continue to ruin sport – and everything else:
One of the clearest signs of creeping totalitarianism is when everything is politicised. Nothing is left outside of the broad sweep of politics – especially secular left PC politics. Nothing can remain neutral: everything must be brought under the control of stifling woke uniformity. There can be no real diversity allowed.
After all, genuine pluralism and diversity means we respect real differences and allow for real debate. But crushing wokism is not interested in debate: it wants everyone to bow the knee to the latest hard left orthodoxy. And of course forcing everyone to subscribe to all things homosexual has long been a part of this.
I have written plenty of articles about this over the years. Instead of allowing sport to be sport, it has been heavily politicised for decades now. You simply cannot go to many sporting events on the weekend to relax anymore. You will be made to endure the latest radical agenda item – or else. You are NOT there to be entertained – you are there to be indoctrinated.
The recent move by the Australian Rugby League to force their players to have a homosexual pride jumper is just another example of this politicisation on steroids. While many players seem to be OK with this, there has been plenty of media coverage about seven brave players from the Manly Sea Eagles who are refusing to go along with this idiocy in Thursday night’s game against the Sydney Roosters. These players have cited religious reasons why they do not want to be wearing these politicised jumpers.
Hmm, it seems we have learned nothing at all from the sad Israel Folau saga – among others. Stomping on individual conscience and freedom of belief is still alive and well in Australian sport. You WILL comply or else. And the real idiocy and hypocrisy of all this is the old broken rhetoric about “inclusion” and “diversity”. That is the spin the ARL is putting on this:
ARL boss Peter V’landys has rejected the assertion that arguments over the Manly Sea Eagles’ pride jersey were ‘political’ in nature, saying ‘the game will always be there for everyone’. “But as far as the game is concerned, we pride ourselves on being inclusive.”… Nine’s Danny Weidler told Today that the core issue behind the controversy was that the playing group was not consulted.
The ARLC boss said he was ‘heartened’ by the fact that some of the Manly seven had reportedly changed their minds, and said that the idea that the players were themselves being excluded was off-base. “If you don’t want to be inclusive and you don’t recognise that we’re all human beings and we’re all the same, then you’ve got the right to stand down and not play,” V’landys said. “But the game will always be there for everyone.” https://wwos.nine.com.au/nrl/manly-sea-eagles-pride-jersey-player-boycott-scott-penn-peter-vlandys-comments/8c8d9b9a-20c8-4743-a586-d97a4056a516
Um, inclusion for SOME. As Ben Davis of Caldron Pool rightly said in response: “If you don’t want to be inclusive of people with different beliefs by abandoning your own different beliefs we won’t include you. Because the game is for everyone, except people with different beliefs. What a dunce.”
Quite so. And it is always the Christian who is disallowed any of his own beliefs and concerns. They must go along with whatever brainless woke policy is being pushed. Everyone else is to be respected and tolerated, but not Christians.
Thankfully various others are speaking out about this madness:
Daily Telegraph and Fox League journalist Paul Kent has blasted Manly for making a ‘marketing decision’ and failing to consult the players before deciding to unveil a pride jersey. The club unveiled the jumper – called Everyone in League – on Monday to celebrate diversity and inclusivity in the NRL, making the Sea Eagles the first team in rugby league’s 134-year history to wear a pride jersey.
Manly players were set to don the jumper, which features Rainbow colours replacing the traditional white piping on the maroon background, at Brookvale Oval against the Sydney Roosters on Thursday night. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, Josh Aloiai, Jason Saab, Christian Tuipulotu, Josh Schuster, Haumole Olakau’atu, Tolutau Koula and Toafofoa Sipley have stood down over the pride jersey.
All seven players are said to be opposing to wear the jersey on religious grounds. Sea Eagles coach Des Hasler reportedly told the players he understood they were put in a difficult decision and supported their decision not to play. It is understood the players were upset about not being consulted by the club, a move Kent described as a ‘marketing decision’ by Manly. ‘The players only became aware they were wearing this jersey this morning when they read it in the newspaper,’ he said on Fox League’s NRL 360 on Monday.
‘Because of their own cultural and religious beliefs they have an issue with it and it’s to be dealt with and has to be dealt with fairly quickly. Manly did this without any consultation of the players, they did it without board approval, it didn’t get raised at board level. It’s basically a marketing decision and they just assumed that everything was OK.’
Manly will reportedly hold an emergency meeting on Tuesday in an attempt to try and resolve the situation, which has left them in a precarious position. Kent added the fallout from the jersey unveiling was an ’embarrassing look’ for Manly, suggesting the issue was of their own making. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/nrl/article-11045971/Paul-Kent-SLAMS-Manly-making-marketing-decision-Rainbow-jersey.html
Peter Downie, National Director of Family Voice said this about the issue:
These players are the new ‘ambassadors’ for common sense for mainstream Australia. The issue is not just about religion but about being ‘forced’ into promoting the dangerous ‘rainbow ideology’ to appease a minority of the Australian community and players. If this stupidity goes ahead then will there be a Christian jersey day or a Jewish jersey day? The mandating of wearing a pride jersey is a slap in the face of Christians and those who don’t support sport being used for politics. Please call on the Manly Sea Eagles to reject this woke tokenistic gesture of the pride jersey and keep politics out of sport.
They have a form you can fill in to send to the manly club: https://familyvoice.org.au/campaigns/tell-manly-stick-to-footy
And commentator James Macpherson put it this way:
Effectively the religious players have been told … You will celebrate diversity by doing exactly the same thing as everyone else or you will not be included in inclusion round. Ironically, the gay jumper is called “Everyone in League”. Good on the players for insisting that they will not wear a gay straight jacket.
What could be more inclusive than both gay and religious islanders having the right to play for the Manly jersey, which they already do. Why should either party be made to feel marginalized for the other? But where’s the diversity and tolerance if everybody is forced to publicly support a particular point of view, and zero dissent is permitted? That isn’t inclusion, it’s fanaticism.
What LGBTQ activists fail to understand is that no-one cares about the sexuality of players, and no-one wants to know. As long as the players put the football over the try line no-one and kick it through the uprights, no one much cares whether they kiss a woman or a man after the game.
Ironically, it is the gay activists making an issue of sexuality, not the religious players. It’s more than 20 years since star Manly player Ian Roberts became the first rugby league player to come out as gay. That no-one is interested in the players’ sexual preferences these days shows how far we have come. To continue banging on about homosexuality is regressive, not progressive. We agree with gay rights activists that sexuality doesn’t matter. Now just play football. https://blog.canberradeclaration.org.au/2022/07/26/rugby-manly-lgbt-jumper/
But expect the homosexual juggernaut and the woke PC juggernaut to continue to move forward, crushing anyone who dares to think differently. Hey, gotta love all that inclusion and tolerance.
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61% of the NewsPoll support the players position. This shows sanity from almost 2/3 of the population.
That is a good start Kym.
League is the least of worries for the gay community; having seen the latest in female swimwear and evening wear -the Brownlow medal awards for example- the fashion world can’t survive by becoming less and less clothed as revenue diminishes world wide, more so in the current inflation setting. Hence leaders in the fashion world will return to modesty so as to survive – by selling real clothing again. Away goes the mardi gra -and ironically- a return to a full closet; the gay stripe now looks more suitable for rain coats!
God Bless Bill.
The Journal of New England Medicine on Thursday published a study that looked at monkeypox infection across 16 countries between April and June, when cases began to emerge in countries outside of Africa.
The study reported on 528 infections diagnosed between April 27 and June 24, of which 98 percent were in gay or bisexual men with a median age of 38. Of these cases, 95 percent of the infections were suspected to have been transmitted through sexual activity—41 percent also had HIV…”
“…At least five children in Europe have also been infected.”
Interesting to see how the Christian players are treated? Will the media vilify them? The Muslim AFLW player who refused to play the pride match, was applauded by the media for having the courage to stand by her convictions.
Will it be the same rule for Christians and Muslims?
Good question Ken.
Sadly, this promotion of all things ‘woke’ also impacts some of the most vulnerable people in society. I work at a community organisation serving families in need which has been becoming progressively woke in recent times. We can’t even enter our building now without walking through the gamut of brightly coloured flags outside the front doors, and also new bold signage inside specifying that all types of genders/sexualities are welcome there. The ridiculous thing is that they have always have been welcome there. We’ve always welcomed everybody into our services with no exception – I have had many LGBTQ clients who all came to us for assistance and help before the flags and signage appeared.
Sadly though, I know that the display of flags has now frightened away a specific group of people and nobody seems to care two hoots about them. I am aware of several people in our community who now won’t come to our centre for support and assistance precisely because they are escaping an abusive relationship with an LGBTQ partner or spouse. They now feel that they won’t get a fair go with our service – interpreting the flags to mean that the LGBTQ will be prioritised for services.
Of course, this is not to say that everyone who falls under the umbrella of LGBTQ is abusive -abusive people are found in every category of people. Sadly, though, these folk are remaining in abusive relationships because they feel they have been cut off from all avenues of support.
Many thanks for that Anon.
And now on the social media some folks are downplaying the Manly rainbow issue because gambling images are also on the jerseys. But gambling will not send you to a lost eternity as such, but the rainbow lifestyle will because it is inherently sinful. Putting a few bucks on a horse race is not a sin, although a gambling addiction is destructive and can well become sinful.
We really need to talk about #tolerance and free speech and get a good clear understanding of what it really means.
#Tolerance is NOT #Acceptance
We must recognise #Tolerance is NOT #acceptance or support or celebration or validation.
Don’t be drawn in by #leftist PC insanity; you don’t have to approve, accept, endorse, or validate their view; you only need to tolerate it (i.e. put up with it).
Tolerance (noun): The ability or willingness to put up with the existence of opinions or behaviour that one dislikes or disagrees with.
Tolerance does not mean I accept or affirm or support or even celebrate others views, values, or opinions. I am free to have this view.
Further I can and will speak against ideas and ideologies I don’t agree with; except for inciting violence (obviously).
Disagreement is in and of itself is not violent!! Hurting your feelings due to expressing a dissenting view is not violence.
Speaking against ideas and ideologies I don’t agree with is not intolerant, but simple freedom of expression of a differing view.
So well said Bill…and such a sad day for Australia …yet another area trapped by the woke culture…
May God turn many to Himself while there is time, while the world gets side tracked and sees popular sports caught up in wokeism.
The days of enjoying the world system seem to be numbered, just as Revelation says..
More on Monkey Pox
Support the Seven:
Have you any article on why homosexuals and trans tend to adopt outward Christian symbols, for example there is a mexican joint near me and there is a trans person with Crucifix dangly earrings and visible cross tattoos. This has been a common experience I have noticed with many who now outwardly identify whether it be in real life or social media, I cannot grasp why it is a trend for them to use Christian symbols to look “different”.
Thanks Ryan. Some may want to try to convince themselves that somehow their lifestyle is compatible with Christianity (which it is not).
The left acts like we’re still in the 60’s and even then they distort what happened. “Lynching of blacks everywhere, KKK around every corner, gays mercilessly beaten to death with Bibles by Christian zealots and women forced to stay at home and be a mans property”.
I know things were bad but there weren’t the millions of lynchings they try to claim, outside the south you didn’t see many KKK even at it’s height it never had enough members for one around every corner, yes gays were beaten but most were so closeted no-one knew who they were and we now are more about talking to them, and except in a few odd circumstances women were not forced to stay home but chose to and were not thought of as a man’s property.
Society has moved forward the left has not.
We need to get as many people as possible to contact Manly NRL directly to protest the outrage of forcing Christians to wear “pride” jerseys. This will have much more impact than simply commenting on their social media pages and complaining to other, like-minded conservatives on our own social media pages. Manly reception staff will feel the pain this is causing in the community much more, and convey it more forcefully to club management, if they get calls and emails (polite but forceful ones, of course, from Christians) than if we simply comment on Manly’s Facebook page etc, although people should also do that to if they have the time.
This is perhaps the best opportunity we will ever have to strike a blow against the woke, anti Christian agenda. This is because it resonates well beyond the church, because it affects many football fans who are not religious but do not accept the homosexual agenda, and are also speaking out. Therefore, we need to try to get all the disparate Christian/conservative activist groups to for once stop focusing on their own particular pet projects and unite to concentrate all available fire on this one, beatable, target.
We need to demand that the CEO and coach of Manly be fired. We need to demand that Peter V’landys, head of the NRL, be fired for supporting Manly’s stance. Even if that does not happen, it will still send the message to other organisations who would emulate Manly that there are serious risks in this kind of behaviour.
Manly’s contact details are
Phone: (02) 9970 3000
Thanks for that Steve.
Ha! Without its star Christian players, Manly was soundly beaten by the opposition tonight. Time for the woke fools running the show there to wake up: people are sick of having radical sexual politics rammed down their throats, and having conscience stomped on with rainbow jackboots. Let sport be sport!
I recently was unfriended by someone I’ve known for 30 years and is married to a well know Christian radio presenter (you know him well) because I disagreed with her supporting wearing a pride jumper. How does someone who is so close to the daily teachings of the Ways of God just be so wrong.
So I challenged her by pointing out the hypocrisy of supporting homosexual acts, yet supporting scriptures that would stop her husband from adultery.
AND then I got DM messages from others saying that my stance on believing God Ways are good, will cause others to hate the church and God.
Soooooo my response was this (to point out the hypocrisy).
It’s because of people like YOU that men don’t come to church and get to know God!
How DARE you tell a young boy or man that they are not allowed to impregnate every consensual woman on the planet, even though he has maddening urges and is literally BORN that way with enough wild oats to sow accordingly!!
He can’t help the way he was born!!
He’s not hurting any of the consensual women!
And he loves Jesus so why are you telling him to have restraint; even married men are born that way so let men be free from your religious shackles that Jesus set us free from!!
He might get depression!!!!!
“We agree with gay rights activists that sexuality doesn’t matter.” Maybe in some circumstances but Biblical teaching is still clear that homosexuality is a sin so maybe, just maybe, it does matter.
Organizations and charities, the more woke they are and the more woke de jour, the more funding they receive. They are also much more likely to get grants, visits from celebrities and politicians who want virtue woke points and with snapshot pictures for the organization to hang on their walls. Which of the following four things are the quickest 1) Cheetahs 2) Aeroplanes 3) Speed of light 4) People jumping onto the latest woke? You all know the answer (4).