There Are Plenty More Gosnells Awaiting Conviction
So baby butcher Kermit Gosnell was found guilty of murdering three babies born alive in an abortion mill, and acquitted in the fourth baby’s death. The long-standing trial, which the lamestream media basically refused to cover, has helped to lift the lid on the dirty little secrets of the abortion industry.
The jury has yet to decide if he should get the death penalty for these horrific murders. The really ironic thing is these clear cases of infanticide are something the president of the United States has long championed. So here we have a jury deliberating on whether this baby killer should be executed for the very thing Obama thinks is just fine.
The good thing about this trial is that it finally begins to lift the lid a bit on this sordid and evil money-making industry. Gosnell is a very rich man – all thanks to the thousands, if not tens of thousands, of babies he has personally executed.
Mega-abortion mills like Planned Parenthood, which receive millions of tax dollars by avid supporters like Obama, of course are doing the very same thing. They are slaughtering millions of babies, including born-alive babies. The only difference between Planned Parenthood and Gosnell is better marketing techniques.
This is business as usual for the baby killing machines. They should be on trial as well. But with Obama speaking at their conferences, telling them that ‘God blesses’ them, and lavishing them with millions of dollars of blood money, it is not likely this will happen any time soon.
But the Gosnell butchery is just standard procedure in the abortion industry. He just happened to get caught out. Plenty of other baby butchers are still doing their thing, and still getting rich off all the slaughter of the innocents. We know there are plenty of other Gosnells out there.
In fact, this is simply the tip of the iceberg. Lila Rose of Live Action has been doing undercover video-taping of other baby killing clinics, and we have on tape the abortionists proudly admitting to their gruesome baby-killing techniques, even when the baby is still alive after the procedure.
They have now done four such videos, and they are shocking in the extreme. Once again the MSM is ignoring this, while courageous media outlets like Foxnews have ran with them. You can see them here:
In addition to these mind-numbing videos, there are a number of investigations under way about similar episodes. They make for horrific reading. But we must read them nonetheless. Let me just offer these two paragraphs for starters. Read them and weep:
“They saw her breathing and moving, curling up in the doctor’s hand. Showery seemed to have trouble figuring out how to kill the baby. According to witnesses, he dropped her into a bucket of water. The witnesses saw bubbles rising to the surface of the water as the baby began drowning. Despite what they were seeing, none of the clinic workers stepped forward to save the baby.
“Apparently, the child was not dying fast enough for Showery. He pulled her out and put her in a plastic bag. Witnesses testified that they saw the bag move with the infant’s breath. Shortly after that, another clinic employee put the plastic bag into a freezer where the other (successfully) aborted babies were stored.”
Did you just get that friends? Did you read that? Did it break your heart and cause you uncontrollable grief? If it did not, you better pray that God softens your heart – and fast. This is some of the most grizzly and demonic child abuse you will read about. It is deliberate infanticide by baby killers who get rich out of such activities. Let me offer it now in its larger context:
“Abortion provider Raymond Showery was accused and eventually convicted of killing a five-pound baby girl who survived an abortion at his clinic Southside Medical Center in El Paso in 1979. Showery aborted the baby by hysterotomy. This is a type of abortion where the abortionist cuts open the woman’s uterus in a kind of C-Section and removes the baby. It is a seldom-used abortion technique, almost unheard of today.
“Clinic workers later testified that the infant girl had light brown hair and was about a foot long. They saw her breathing and moving, curling up in the doctor’s hand. Showery seemed to have trouble figuring out how to kill the baby. According to witnesses, he dropped her into a bucket of water. The witnesses saw bubbles rising to the surface of the water as the baby began drowning. Despite what they were seeing, none of the clinic workers stepped forward to save the baby.
“Apparently, the child was not dying fast enough for Showery. He pulled her out and put her in a plastic bag. Witnesses testified that they saw the bag move with the infant’s breath. Shortly after that, another clinic employee put the plastic bag into a freezer where the other (successfully) aborted babies were stored.
“This story is especially difficult for me to write about, because I was born prematurely and weighed only a few more ounces than this baby girl. I was born in 1975, three years before the murder. I was transferred to a unit that specialized in caring for premature babies, and was given the best treatment available. I have been told that I was regarded by the nurses as one of the ‘good’ babies, a ‘big’ baby, because many of their patients were much smaller, weighing only a pound or two. Yet many times these babies survived as well. It is clear that had the baby girl in this story been given the chance, it is very likely she would have survived.
“It is not clear how the murder came to light, but Showery was charged with the baby’s murder. He was accused also of falsifying medical records and successfully hiding the body of the baby. Five clinic workers would testify against him. In the trial, it was revealed that he may have killed other babies that were born alive.”
And there are many more such stories out there. Gosnell is not alone. He is in good company – or bad company really. There are plenty of these baby butchers still freely doing their thing, making millions of dollars, and all with the complete support and approval of Barack Hussein Obama.
If there was only one reason to impeach Obama, and try him for crimes against humanity, this would be it. Of course there are many other diabolical crimes this man is guilty of – just think Fast and Furious. Think Benghazi. The list goes on and on.
But when baby killing like this reigns supreme in a land, and the leader of the nation fully supports it, then you know the end must be near. The life-giving God of the universe must act when bloodshed covers the land, and evil is celebrated and endorsed from high places.
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That makes horrific reading Bill. May God have mercy on us for this. Seems death row is sometimes the womb.
Doug Holland
For a list of other activities showing the huge amount of blood on BHO’s hands, see here:
Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch
In over two decades there were over 40,000 babies slaughtered at Gosnell’s clinic. At least three of them now have got some justice.
Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch
They have built the high places of Topheth in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to burn their sons and daughters in the fire—something I did not command, nor did it enter my mind. So beware, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when people will no longer call it Topheth or the Valley of Ben Hinnom, but the Valley of Slaughter, for they will bury the dead in Topheth until there is no more room.
Jeremiah 7:31-32 [NIV]
John Wigg
Good point;
“Nonetheless pro-choice thinkers may have the strongest reasons to demand Gosnell’s death under our current abortion regime. This is because pro-choice thinkers must disagree strongly with my premise that there is little difference between killing a 30-week old fetus in the womb and killing that same child moments after she has passes through her mother’s birth canal. At least, this is true of the many pro-choice disciples of philosopher Judith Jarvis Thompson.”
Damien Spillane
This reading (quite rightfully) made me almost fall over in horrific grief/anger… the terrible thought that this can happen to even 1 person, let alone millions as it has for years.
I remember a couple years ago when Trevor Grace ran the anti abortion independent party at the Federal? election i think and how angry the pro death people became….Many posters were ripped down off poles all over the place and i remember seeing a crazed man run at the TV camera that was reporting this in a fit of anger and hatred signifying his hatred of the posters that were merely advertising a political party – a small one.
Jeremy Woods
That story literally took my breath away, hitting me so hard. Our lovely youngest grandson (one year old) has just lrft for home with his Mum, my youngest, who (so thankfully) survived when a doctor who did not believe that I was pregnant ripped out an IUD which was “giving trouble”. I never believed in abortion before that and was unaware at the time that an IUD was supposed to perform very early ones. After that experience I became very anti abortion and agree with John Wigg that the people who are killing innocent children whether within or outside the womb are all facing the horrendous judgement of God even if they are not caught in this life, unless they completely repent – like John Newton did of his slave trading.
If other EU Christians want to do something against abortion, they can contact this email or go to the following links to sign a petition to preserve the life of all humans from the time of conception: ,
I hope that similar voices (NOT ones carrying out violence against any person) may not only be heard but listened to and acted upon throughout the world.
Katharine Hornsby
Dear Bill, Thank you for your article. My heart is breaking for these little ones whose suffering is so ignored by a heartless media.
When news of Angelina Jolies’s breast reconstruction broke the media went wild with it but of course there was deathly silence on other causes of breast cancer such as abortion especially in prima gravidas. There has been many studies now done on this all of which have been ignored by the MSM.
I e-mailed one radio station where the comments had been particularly grovelling about Angelina, challenging them to cover this, the psychological effects of abortion,the effects of RU486 and the Kermit Gosnells case. I was surprised that I got a response at all but even so it was merely to correct me and tell me that Angelina Jolie had had no natural children. That all her children were adopted which in their view makes her even more heroic. Had she been as truly heroic as they claimed to this nauseating degree she could have used her celebrity status to educate the public on the risk of abortion in relation to breast cancer as well as the gene factor. I don’t believe she didn’t know.The godless media also trumpeted that she had drastically reduced her risk of dying from breast cancer from 85% to 5% but who can be that presumptuous since nothing happens unless Almighty God allows it?
The attitude of the MSM is disgusting in the extreme.All I can say is that one day they will have to face the Supreme Judge on ‘what they have failed to do’ as it says in the Catholic act of contrition.How anyone can think that Angelina Jolie’s breast reconstruction can pass as news is beyond me when unborn babies are dying in their millions at the hands of monsters like Gosnell who is said to have boasted that one baby was so big it “çould walk to the bus”.
All I can think of is that they covered Angelina Jolie’s breast reconstruction purely because breast cancer is so common and many celebrities have suffered from it and the majority of the population have no other beliefs or interest except the guidance and example which emanate from a mindless pop culture. I hope these comments are useful.
Patricia Halligan
Though the situation looks almost beyond help, nevertheless God is in charge and will prevail. Meantime we continue to act against the slaughter in ways that do not use violence and to pray for all involved. When we consider Dr. Nathanson we know that all things are possible with God, this side of the grave.
Anna Cook