Gender Bender Moonbattery

The madness of political correctness is especially to be found in a whole range of gender-bending activities being promoted by radical activists and social engineers. They are intent on destroying not only marriage and family, but gender and sexuality as well. Consider some recent headlines:

-“Transsexual spared jail for own safety”
-“‘Father’ to go from birth certificates”
-“School must allow ‘transgender’ 6th grader to use girls’ bathroom: Maine human rights panel”
-“Government human rights arm pushes for third gender”
-“Obama’s State Dept. Removes Mother, Father From Passports”
-“A ten-year-old boy has been placed on a hate register for calling a fellow pupil a ‘gay boy’.”

Many more such headlines could be mentioned. There is a war going on against the very idea of gender. We are told by the sexperts and eggheads that gender is fluid and changeable. It has nothing to do with biology and everything to do with social conditioning.

Thus we are told that gender is simply a “social construct” and is changeable at will. Today if you like you can be a heterosexual. Tomorrow you can be a homosexual. The next day you can be a bisexual. The following day you can be transgendered. The list goes on and on.

Indeed, if gender is simply a human invention and can be redefined whenever and wherever, then there really is no limit to gender, to sexual combinations and permutations, and to family and relational structures. Everything is up for grabs in the brave new world of the gender deconstructionists.

Someone who knows all about this is Babette Francis. The Australia pro-family activist has been taking on these gender bender crazies for years. She has been to plenty of UN conferences where the radical feminists, homosexualists, and other social engineers have sought to ram through their manic agendas.

She has written extensively about such matters, and has just recently written a great piece about these gender militants, and she is worth quoting at length. She says, “In the beginning there was male and female. Soon there was homosexuality. Later there were lesbians, and much later gays, bisexuals, transgenders and queers. But anyone who thinks LGBTQ is the full count of contemporary sexualities is sadly out of date.

“For example, the transgendered have for some time been divided into those who are awaiting treatment, those have had hormone treatment, those who have had hormones and surgery, and those who have had hormones and surgery but are not happy and want it all reversed.

“Enter the Australian Human Rights Commission with some exciting new developments. In an extraordinary document entitled ‘Protection from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and sex and/or gender identity,’ the AHRC has come up with a further list of ‘genders’ which they require us to recognize, and on whose behalf they want our federal government to pass anti-discrimination legislation.

“To date (by the time you read this, the AHRC’s family of sexualities may have increased and multiplied) these are: transgender, trans, transsexual, intersex, androgynous, agender, cross dresser, drag king, drag queen, genderfluid, genderqueer, intergender, neutrois, pansexual, pan-gendered, third gender, third sex, sistergirl and brotherboy. (No, I don’t know what ‘neutrois’ means).

“So if we add these genders to the LGBTQ list we get 23 in all, not to mention the divisions within the transgendered group. For PR purposes, however, the ‘gendered’ community now identifies itself as LGBTQI (the ‘I’ stands for ‘intersex’.) Rather than abbreviating I think they should add all the other letters of the alphabet, then we would all feel protected and not discriminated against. Being Indian by birth and having married an Australian of Anglo-Celtic origin, I am all for diversity, but I am not going to commit to ‘neutrois’ until someone tells me what it means.”

Let me interject at this point. The Intersex condition is a legitimate category based on real chromosomal abnormalities. It is a very rare condition, but does manifest itself in such disorders as Turner’s Syndrome, Klinefelter’s Syndrome, and Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, etc.

These usually involve genetic abnormalities which are made manifest in genuine sexual confusion, as in ambiguous genitalia. This is far different from homosexuality, and must be considered quite separately. Indeed, most people in this area are not at all happy how the homosexual activists have sought to use and co-opt these people for their own cause.

But back to Francis: “Once the government passes proposed legislation, presumably businesses will be required to provide designated toilets for each gender, and Equal Opportunity Gender Identity (EOGI) units will ensure compliance with federal legislation.”

Let me take this a bit further as well. So do we end up with 23 different toilets at every public venue? Or in the name of inclusion, do we just have one big happy toilet where all 23 can come in and do their thing, and have a jolly good time in the process?

She continues, “The fact is that in international law the only binding definition of gender is contained in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which states: ‘…the term ‘gender’ refers to the two sexes, male and female, within the context of society. The term ‘gender’ does not indicate any meaning different from the aforementioned definition.’

“During negotiations, the European Union and its supporters simultaneously claimed that gender is a fluid social construct but also tried to reassure old-fashioned countries that ‘we know what the definition is.’ One delegate rebuffed the EU explanation retorting, ‘If it’s really not a problem, then why can’t we plainly state what it means [i.e. male and female]?’

“Debates about gender are perennial at the UN even though the women of the world have more urgent needs – such as a clean water supply, good roads, electricity, and maternal health care. This year’s debate gave me a feeling of deja vu as I recalled an incident at a CSW meeting in New York some years ago. The delegate from Nicaragua refused to accept any definition of ‘gender’ other than male and female. The Swedish government threatened Nicaragua with the withdrawal of aid unless Nicaragua sent home its recalcitrant delegate.

“Nicaragua is a poor country, dependent on foreign aid, so the hapless delegate was ordered home and a new delegate was sent to New York. When the debate on ‘gender’ resumed, the new Nicaraguan delegate innocently said: ‘But in my country, gender is male and female…..’, so Sweden was back to square one. This is but one example of the way wealthy countries bully third world nations into accepting their sexual fetishes.”

The grotesque and bizarre moonbattery we see in operation in both the Australian government and at the UN is indeed something to behold. If it weren’t so serious and so dangerous we could all just have a great laugh at all of it. But these bureaucrats and eggheads are unfortunately deadly serious.

It seems that long ago their minds have rotted out and their moral capacities have been rendered useless. For our tax-payer-funded fruit loops in Canberra to actually come up with 23 different genders shows that some open minds need to be immediately closed for repairs.

No wonder our nation – and world – is in such a horrendous mess with nincompoops like this running the show. Perhaps the most fitting punishment for their crimes is to lock them up in one big unisex toilet for the rest of their lives where they can celebrate their sexual diversity to their heart’s content.

[1240 words]

11 Replies to “Gender Bender Moonbattery”

  1. I agree with Bill that intersex is a special category, but it is a genetic disability not a new gender, and those suffering from these genetic anomalies are usually infertile. They do not constitute another gender but are a genetic disability, just as Down’s syndrome is a genetic disability.

    There is one fairly rare condition in which people who are XY have a mutation which renders all cells in the body insensitive to testosterone. People with the complete form of so-called Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS, also known as Testicular Feminization Syndrome) are female in external appearance and are normally raised as girls. Typically, the abnormality is only detected upon their mothers’ questioning their failure to begin menstruating by age 16. People with complete TFS are infertile since internally they have testes, not ovaries, and no female internal reproductive organs. However, since their androgen insensitivity renders their brains as well as other organs incapable of being masculinized by testosterone, and since the ‘default’ body shape and external genitalia are female, they function quite naturally in adult life as women, often marrying and raising adopted children successfully. Incomplete forms of AIS yield a spectrum of disorders including mildly feminized males and various degrees of ‘intersex’. The appropriate medical and/or surgical treatment of patients with these intermediate forms of the disorder is properly handled on a case-by-case basis. See also “Androgen insensitivity syndrome in the era of molecular genetics and the Internet: A point of view”: author Warne GL, Zajac JD; McLean HE, Center for Hormone Research, Royal Children’s Hospital, Parkville, Vic., Australia, source: Pediatr. Endocrinol. Metab, 1998, Jan. 11: l, 3-9, and ‘Abonormal sexual development and psychosexual issues’, author Hines, M., Department of Psychology, City University, London UK, source: Bailheres Clin. Endocrinol. Metab, 1998, April 12: l, 173-89.”

    These rare genetic disabilities require careful medical assessment and treatment, they do not constitute new genders and it is sad to see them co-opted by homosexuals to further the homosexual agenda.

    Babette Francis

  2. Bill, I sometimes wonder whether when Jesus stated “by their fruits you shall know them” He also was describing this kind of moonbattery. (great word that – describes the insanity of progressivism so well) as well. Certainly the fruits or results of this kind of gender confusion is shown in the insane results it produces. There is no confusion in the way we’re created – only in the rationalising of the human mind can we get this kind of insanity.
    Morris Otte

  3. Thanks Morris

    Yes quite right – we can judge them by their fruit – or in this case, rotten fruit. And maybe all this nicely ties into my description of them as fruit loops!

    Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

  4. And here I thought homosexuality was innate and cannot be changed.

    It seems these definition are the things that are fluid, moving from one to another depending on which they think will gain greater acceptance in society.

    Kylie Anderson

  5. I know a man who changed his gender identity, by private medical treatment, to a woman and then began a lesbian relationship with another man who had also changed to a woman. This person now regards himself (a) as herself and (b) as being the age from when he became a she. Now that the lesbian relationship has broken up after some years, this person is now “looking for her prince charming to live happily ever after with”. When the person telephones it sounds like the person I used to know but as the conversation progresses I become aware of a worrying detachment from reality and anything I might say that does not fit in with his narrative could elicit an extreme angry reaction with possible fearful consequences. What’s that all about? I would say too much self-indulgence – or, the current buzzword, narcissism.
    Rachel Smith

  6. Kylie, that’s a good point.

    All this gender fluidity contradicts the activists claim that homosexuality is innate and fixed (and therefore, conveniently, can be the subject of “human rights protection”).

    John Angelico

  7. Well I can save the Australian Human Rights Commission some paper by just creating a new category: Try-Gender, that is try anything. I think that would encapsulate all that they are doing at the moment.

    I think this sums it up.
    “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7)
    Oops I missed a few genders
    “For as a Try-Gender thinks in their heart, so are they.” (Proverbs 23:7)
    Fixed 😛

    Jeffrey Carl

  8. The french for tower and wall are feminine in gender: la tour and la mur. Hence the woman married to the La Tour Eiffel must be a lesbian and the woman married to the Berlin wall must also be one. She however, has been a widow for some years as it was demolished many years ago. I suppose the best thing would be to reduce everything to a common denominator and call everything “it.”

    David Skinner, UK

  9. I generally consider all of the multiple gender “stuff” as nutty and ridiculous – until I know someone who goes down this path, and actually just feel really sad. To think that somebody can get this disillusioned to believe that after several decades as a man they then need to be a woman is so hard to come to terms with.

    As for 23 genders, can anyone in their right mind take that seriously? And must it really take up parliament time?

    I fear for how many more titles will be thrown around in the next 50 years. Speaking up for morality is becoming more than important; it is crucial for this world to survive!

    Jess Hagen

  10. Hi Bill,

    Yes, I’m a pedant about the usage of words, but forgive me for taking issue with the usage of the word “gender”.

    Its primary meaning is an attribute of nouns. This is the case in most European languages other than English. For example: in German the moon is masculine: “Der Mond”, and in French the moon is feminine: “La lune”.

    Sure, “gender” is a synonym for “sex”, but in our bold new PC world official forms now ask for “gender” when they really mean “sex”, where in the past they would have asked one to enter “Sex”.

    On French and Spanish official forms asking for personal details one is asked to enter “Sexe” or “Sexo”, respectively, never “Genre” or “Género”, respectively.

    One final point: if “gender” is truly meant to supplant “sex” then why does one only hear of “sexism”, but never of “genderism”?

    OK, I’ll stop there!

    Kind regards,
    Dominic Baron, NZ

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