Thank You Parliamentary Champs
When people stand up for what is right, often against all the odds, they deserve a whole lot of praise and credit. Such people are far and few between. Most folks prefer never to take a stand for anything, but just sit there with their lips sealed.
Yesterday I wrote about the defeat in the Victorian parliament about two utterly despicable bills put forward by the cultural Marxist Labor government of Dan Andrews. This was tremendous news indeed, and is well worth being aware of:
One of the two dastardly bills knocked back was the “Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Bill 2016.” This was another piece of gender bender lunacy, and we can all be so very grateful that enough politicians had the common sense to resist such moonbattery.
Here I want to single out two of the parliamentarians who took a courageous and principled stance. There are others of course, but I do happen to have access to the speeches of these two, so I wish to share parts of those for you here. The two champs I refer to are Victorian state Liberal MP Bernie Finn and DLP MLC Dr Rachel Carling-Jenkins.
We have a transcript of Bernie Finn’s speech, so let me offer some portions of it:
Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — This bill is an interesting bill to say the very least. I have spoken in this house before on the subject of gender dysphoria. I have discussed how it only affects a small number of people but how, medically, people who suffer from this disorder can be treated and, if indeed they desire, they can be led to a sex change operation and they can be led to a new life if that is what they require. I do not think anybody has any problems with that. We understand, we offer empathy, we offer sympathy and we offer support to the people who find themselves in that situation, most certainly. But I have to say that this bill is quite possibly the greatest piece of ratbaggery that has ever been before this Parliament, upper or lower house, in the history of Victoria.
There is a thing called the pub test, and every politician knows about the pub test. I challenge the minister to come with me to the Royal Hotel in Sunbury or to the Black Horse in Bulla or to the Gladstone Park Hotel Motel or to the Royal Hotel in Essendon or to any of the pubs out in the west. I invite her to sit at the bar and explain to the gathered people exactly what this bill is about. I invite her to come with me and sit there with the good people of those areas, quietly having a sip after a long day, to explain to them that this is a bill that the Victorian Parliament is actually spending good time on — debating a bill which will allow people to change their gender every 12 months. I am more than confident that she will not last in that bar very long at all.
It is a nonsense to suggest that we need legislation of this nature. People who have, as I say, and suffer from gender dysphoria can be assisted and can be treated, and that is great, as indeed they should. But this legislation is nonsense. This is nut bag central, and I think the overwhelming majority of Victorians will agree.
Ms Patten interjected.
Mr FINN — Ms Patten may well get up. She spends probably a fair bit of time in Brunswick Street, and I would imagine that in Brunswick Street this would be a fairly hot issue. But I have to say to you that Brunswick Street is far from representative of the great majority of Australia, and thank God for that. We have so many important issues that we are charged with to debate and to pass laws on in this Parliament, and I think the overwhelming majority of people would be absolutely perplexed at the Parliament spending time discussing this today.
He continued:
Mr FINN — What I am saying is that this government does not have the first idea of how this legislation will very deleteriously affect children. I see that the people from the far left over there in the corner are having kittens at the prospect of what I am saying here, but that does not particularly worry me as quite frankly I do not care what the extreme left think.
This is the sort of stuff that comes from the extreme left. And who is pushing it? You have got Dictator Dan himself, the great leader of our state, the great champion of the extreme left, with his Socialist Left government. They are constantly pushing this sort of nonsense down our throats. We want to spend our time in this Parliament doing something constructive, actually doing something which is going to help people, not this sort of rubbish. Honestly where on God’s earth do these people get off thinking that they can get away with this? We have people in big cars and big offices with lots of staff who are being paid fairly hefty sums of money to come up with this, and that is just staggering.
He concluded:
Mr FINN — This is coming from the extreme left nutbags who run this government. That is the problem. We have a small and ideologically blinkered extreme left-wing group who run this government, and they produce this trash. We saw it in the last bill that was defeated as well. We have seen it time and time and time again. They go after religion, and they go after families. It is the old story: ‘If we destroy religion, if we destroy families, if we destroy the basis of our society, hey, then we can get what we want’. That is something I think Karl Marx was probably preaching 100 years ago, but here we have a Premier and a government who are actually — —
Mr Somyurek interjected.
Mr FINN — Mr Somyurek may well be interested in this. In fact I will put money on it. Here is a government that is actually putting it into place. There is no greater example of that than the further attack on children. Not happy enough with Safe Schools, which is an atrocious and a despicable attack on our children, here we have a situation where they are putting children in a place where they can be used as a weapon between warring parents in a custody settlement or worse.
It is to my way of thinking quite frankly intolerable. I have given up on tolerating the tolerance brigade. I have been told for years that I just have to sit back and accept it all as it comes. Whatever they come up with I just have to accept it, because I am tolerant. ‘You’ve got to be tolerant of everything’, they say. But fair dinkum, you have got to draw the line somewhere, and this legislation is most certainly somewhere and it is somewhere that I am drawing the line.
We have to get a sense of perspective about this. We have to get our priorities straight, and clearly this legislation is showing that we have a government here in Victoria whose priorities are so far up a wattle you cannot see them. That is the simple fact of the matter. What is going on among this small group of people around Dictator Dan who think — well, I am not sure what they think. But certainly they are so far out of touch with the great bulk of Victorians that they can come up with this stuff. My suggestion, my plea if you like, is for Ms Patten, for my Green friends over there, for my friends in the Socialist Left of the ALP to go out — go with me, go with Mr Somyurek, go with whoever you like — and talk to real people and find out what real people need.
Terrific stuff Bernie. And I love the “pub test” as well! We sure need more champs like you to tell it like it is, instead of all the gutless wonders who sit in parliament and never do anything but line their pockets. I am not in favour of human cloning, but if I were, I would order at least a dozen copies of Mr Finn.
The other champion is Rachel Carling-Jenkins. Her speech is now on her website so let me offer bits of it here:
I begin my speech today with reference to the words of Germaine Greer, author of The Female Eunuch, a book which revolutionised the feminist movement in the 1970s. Ms Greer has become one of the leading voices in the second wave of the women’s liberation movement — famously believing in liberation rather than equality. When confronted with the relatively recent phenomenon of transgenderism, Ms Greer stated that a transgender woman, and I quote:
“…can’t be a woman … I’m not saying that people should not be allowed to go through that [gender change] procedure, all I’m saying is that it doesn’t make them a woman … Just because you [have an operation] and then wear a dress doesn’t make you a … woman. I’ve asked my doctor to give me long ears and liver spots and I’m going to wear a brown coat, but that won’t turn me into a … cocker spaniel. I do understand that some people are born intersex and they deserve support in coming to terms with their gender, but that’s not the same thing.”
She continues:
If the law is changed to require all Victorians to treat a man as a woman just because he declares that he believes he is and has accordingly had his birth certificate changed to declare this as a legal fact, it is clear that such spaces are no longer safe for women. This is not a fanciful or speculative concern….
This is a reality in other countries. In February 2014 a Toronto court jailed a 37-year-old man, Christopher Hambrook, after he pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual assault and one count of criminal harassment involving a deaf and homeless Quebec woman and a Toronto survivor of domestic violence. Hambrook committed these crimes at two women’s shelters where he was living under the name Jessica, claiming to be a woman.
She also notes how dangerous all this is for children:
This bill would allow a child’s sex to be changed annually to male, female or any sex descriptor of choice on the application of the parents of a child…. I note here that the World Professional Association for Transgender Health notes in its standards of care that gender dysphoria in childhood does not inevitably continue into adulthood and that only 6 to 23 percent of boys and 12 to 27 percent of girls treated in gender clinics showed persistence of their gender dysphoria into adulthood. These figures should make us very cautious about responding to a child’s expression of feeling like a boy when she is a girl or like a girl when he is a boy by rushing to publicly transition the child through recording a new legal sex. In many cases I am afraid that this may burden the child with the necessity of undoing this change once the transitory feelings of childhood gender confusion pass away.
In summary, this bill seeks to implement a fanciful, radical, ideologically-based approach to the question of sex which is out of touch with the common-sense realism with which most Victorians approach this question.
Way to go Rachel. I suspect there has not been so much common sense and down-to-earth realism heard in the Victorian parliament for quite some time. May it continue, and may it increase. And may the influence of Bernie and Rachel continue to increase as well. God bless you two.
[1982 words]
I am grateful that we still have strong and principled parliamentarians. I suggest we “like” their pages and post a thank you to encourage them.
Thanks for this Bill. I will email them both with my congratulations, support & gratitude. God bless you.
It is simply frightening that half the Upper House voted for this insanity – and also to deny religious institutions virtually to hire people of their choice. Choice for perverts; none for Christians. What a dismal state Victoria has become. How in God’s Name did we slither so low into hell? Thanks to all the sane MLCs who voted against these Bills written by the devil.
The silent majority thank you, Rachel and Bernie, and may we be inspired by to speak boldly at every opportunity.
Hear, Hear! Although transgenderism is a very rare disorder, I have met three of its victims (two in my own workplace!) and I am sympathetic to their plight. I shall quote my own Blog:
“Hitherto, this has always been seen as a social problem: how to permit these unhappy people to live with some sort of dignity and peace of mind. But lately there have been strident calls to treat it, not as a problem, but as an issue of “rights” – which are defined very broadly, despite the fact that they are not self-evident, nor were they agreed upon by the rest of us. That is a route which leads to madness, which will ultimately rebound to the detriment of those it is intended to help. “
I’ve just come across this video clip where a woman proves she can get her gender identity changed to male in just an hour.
Wow – What a Victory, Bill & fellow Christians.
The excerpts from Bernie & Rachel are GOLD.
And yet what entertainment? – Would love to have had a seat there.
Extreme Left-Nut bags & Cocker Spaniels – we can only shake our heads @ you & Pray for your enlightenment!
Christian Warriors continue the fight – the Silent Majority is becoming louder.
God has won the War – We must continue to arm ourselves against these attacks.
And continue to pray for Our Blessed Leaders in Parliament.
Father God,
Thank you for this victory, continue to empower & protect ALL our Leaders who promote Your Will on Earth to be done as in Heaven.
Let each & everyone of us continue to work tirelessly towards Your Truth, Your Light & Your Love to shine out again on our blessed country, Australia.
In Jesus Mighty Name, We Pray, Amen
Thanks Bill, what a couple of great, sane speeches in the midst of that gaggle of Green gooses! But let’s thank God that the rank pride of Dipper Dan and his queer cronies came to light to be put out by such as Bernie Finn and Rachel Carling-Jenkins and those who rallied with them to this fray. What if they had been a little more cool, more ‘patient’ and slithered their rottenness into the minds of one or two who may have been gullible? It was too close. It should not have been. We the silent majority indeed thank our friends in parliament and must take a closer look at ourselves. Hosea 4:1 – 6 reads like a Victorian newspaper 2016-17. These are Sword and Trowel days for us.
Unfortunately, elsewhere…
Thank you Bernie, Dan, and Rachel Carling-Jenkins and any other good and moral custodians. God be praised for you. Be strong and very courageous in His might.
Thank the Lord we have a few sensible, courageous pollies left in Victoria. Much appreciated Rachel and Bernie I hope a few more get behind you and sort out that degenerate Dan Andrews before he destroys your lovely state.