If Things Are This Bad Now…
If all the ‘love, tolerance, diversity and acceptance’ of the pro-homosexual marriage camp is this bad now, just imagine how much worse things will get if and when it is legalised. Daily we find horror stories of really ugly and nasty bullying, bigotry and barbarity from the pro-camp.
The stories just keep on coming, and they sure are not pretty. The hatred and bitterness and rage flowing from the “Yes” camp has even been shocking and turning off hardened observers. Many have said that whereas they had planned to vote in favour of homosexual marriage, because of all this relentless bullying and hate, they will now vote “No”.
Well, another day, so another set of examples of what life looks like when the militants are in charge. As stated, if it is this bad now, just you wait… Let me start with some really lovely, tolerant thoughts from one activist from the homosexual lobby. As reported in the press:
Coalition MPs have hit out at a “vile” tweet by gay rights advocate Benjamin Law, claiming his joke criticising anti same-sex marriage campaigners amounted to “online bullying”. The comedian and TV star posted a tweet 11 days ago that read: “Sometimes find myself wondering if I’d hate-f*** all the anti-gay MPs in parliament if it meant they got the homophobia out of their system.”
It generated almost 300 likes and many replies, including one that reads, “Start with (Andrew) Hastie,” the Liberal and Christian MP for Canning in Western Australia. Mr Law then tweeted: “[sighs heavily, unzips pants].” Former army officer Mr Hastie yesterday told The Australian: “Noting my skills acquired in my previous career, I’d like to see him try.”
The MP also claimed no one who was against same-sex marriage would get away with such a joke. “If anyone on the No campaign jokingly suggested using sex as a weapon against Yes campaigners, there’d be immediate calls for their resignation and marginalisation. Instead this guy gets a 20,000-word platform from Quarterly Essay.”
Mr Law told the newspaper: “Sure, the member for Canning has decent cheekbones, but he’s a little too clean-cut for my tastes.
It concludes:
Mr Law’s essay, published today, calls for the Safe Schools program to be implemented in every school, and criticises the $122 million postal survey on same-sex marriage for accommodating “those who think same-sex romantic partnerships are inferior to heterosexual ones”. Another reply to Mr Hastie’s tweet read: “Shotgun Bernardi *eyes off George Christiansen’s (sic) whip*.”
Mr Christensen also waded into the discussion, attacking Mr Law’s tweet as “vile filth”. He added: “It’s ironic that most supporters of Safe Schools say they support it because it’s anti-bullying and yet they engage in some of the worst online bullying you’d ever encounter.”
Then we have yet another case of homosexual discrimination:
A Melbourne bookstore has been criticised online after warning people who “vote no” in the upcoming same-sex marriage postal vote to never visit their shop again. “If you vote ‘No’ in the forthcoming plebiscite, please never visit our shop again,” Sticky Institute wrote on its Facebook page.
Enraged social media users held no punches when delivering a string of scathing comments. Others threw their support behind the store’s stance, with more than 1500 people liking the post.
One angry social media user wrote: “And there goes your business… first rule of owning a business is you don’t discriminate. Money is money and it’s hard enough breaking even without taking everything you can get”.
“I’d give no stars but can’t. As an adult with my own brain I don’t like businesses telling me how to vote on a subject,” another wrote. “Obviously run by bigots who are intolerant and practice outrageous discrimination,” another said.
Now, one can make a case that a private business can do whatever it wants, and it can reject any customers it wants. But if we agree with that principle, then why do homosexual activists insist that this cannot be allowed to happen to Christian cake-makers, florists, photographers, etc.?!
They claim this is horrific discrimination and an attack on their human rights. So which is it? Why can a homosexual business say no to customers that dare to hold a different view, but those small business owners who do not want to promote something they find their conscience cannot allow for – eg., baking a lesbian wedding cake – must be made to do it!? Double standards much? Hypocrisy much?
My final example is a real shocker and comes from Queensland. A public meeting on “Safe Schools” – not homosexual marriage – had to be cancelled at the last minute because of all the ugly threats made by the activists. And as usual, most of the MSM totally twisted the truth about the whole event. Here are some reports on this:
Queensland ACL head Wendy Francis said this:
If anyone ever tells you that the “Safe” schools program has nothing to do with same sex marriage, please just remember that last night’s event was an information night about safe schools and the same sex marriage protestors shut it down shouting shameful things all to do with them demanding same sex marriage. The event was about safe schools. They turned it into an ugly scene. The news said it was a tussle against sides but that just isn’t true. We had already cancelled the event. Protestors stopped parishioners from turning into their own church grounds shouting hateful slogans. All about marriage. At a cancelled safe schools event.
There were even lies about cars ramming the crowds of protestors. Not true at all:
Queensland police said they monitored the protest — organised by the National Union of Students and partly led by Socialist Alternative members — and there was no record of any cars hurtling towards protesters, nor any other assault or injury.
One witness had seen a driver blocked by protesters from getting into a carpark, but police helped make a path through the crowd. Footage showed the same. The planned meeting, cancelled at the last minute to avoid a confrontation with protesters, wasn’t even supposed to be about same-sex marriage. Instead, the event was scheduled to hear a talk from the Australian Christian Lobby’s Wendy Francis about the Safe Schools program.
Yet for much of yesterday, the protest and allegations were across the media and fed fears that the marriage debate was turning violent….
The ACL-backed Coalition for Marriage slammed the protesters yesterday. “This is another example of the appalling lengths LGBTIQ activists will go to shut down free speech,” said spokesman David van Gend.
“They blocked access to the hall in question, preventing access for those seeking to attend the meeting. They then chose to make some very serious allegations, dismissed as false by Queensland Police, as a way of excusing their bullying tactics.”
As usual Andrew Bolt got stuck into this story. He mentions one grandfather who told him that he had sent this email to the Immigration Minister, who seemed to blame both sides for the clash:
We were contacted about 3.00pm to say that the event had been cancelled because of safety concerns. Can you imagine my outrage today when the misleading media said there was a clash between pro and anti same sex marriage supporters! What happened was unfortunate people who did not know of the cancellation arrived to find they were blocked from entering the car park. They were greeted by these clowns calling them bigots.
And [politicians] got sucked into this nonsense of appealing for tolerance on both sides of the same sex marriage vote. This was not a same sex marriage event and the violence came from activists who obviously alerted to the stations they were going to put on a stink…
I cannot believe how this country has gone down the sewer under successive weak Governments. Fifty years of paying taxes and I cannot even go to a meeting now without harassment at best and cancellation at worst. Please stand up for the silent majority.
As I said, if all these nasty assaults on ordinary Australians are occurring now, and if all these deplorable attacks on our freedoms are daily happening, just how much worse will things be when homosexual marriage gets the green light? We are already in a very precarious place in which Australians are afraid to say what they believe, or simply attend a public meeting.
If faux marriage becomes law, you can expect all this bigotry and bullying to be ramped up massively. Will they start filling the jails with all the recalcitrants and conscientious objectors? Time will tell.
Much better to take a very strong stand now against all this thuggery and intimidation, while we still have the freedom left to do so.
(BTW, apologies for the language in the photo. But we need to be aware of what we are up against here.)
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Thanks for this article, Bill. I’m glad you didn’t censor the language in the photo, as it beautifully demonstrates what “being gay” is all about.
I just reported this post to facebook as discriminatory and hate speech .. wonder if they will actually do anything about it.
Well done Peter!
Bill another example I should add. I had read something online about this one person stating that scientist have found zero evidence of a “gay gene” and the sad part was that even though the writer and scientist stated that they supported SSM, they got bombard by the LGBT activist and quickly labeled “homophobes” and some journalist actually started threatening them. Apparently even the thought of there not being a gay gene is enough to anger the LGBT hornets nest.
Quite so James.
If churches want to preach what the Bible says about marriage and homosexuality, the time to do it is NOW.
Vilification and outrage is only going to ramp up, once same sex “marriage” is enshrined in law.
Yes exactly right Phil.
Was Benjamin Law’s Tweet comments the “yes” campaign’s POTUS “deplorable” moment? It has been argued that Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” label against potential Trump voters, turned the tide of the POTUS election against Clinton,H.
Can just see that grubby little nobody Benjamin Law trying that on ex SAS Andrew Hastie. Could find himself the recipient of an instant sex change operation!
A rally in Canberra a few weeks ago informing the community about Safe Schools with speakers such as Lyle Shelton, Fred Nile, David Kim, Paul Monagle and mums whose children had suffered under the regime was shouted down by LGBTI protestors who invaded the stage surrounding the speakers, draping rainbow flags over them, and drowning them out (in spite of the speakers having microphones). Again, their message included same-sex marriage messages and delightful chants such as ‘we’re here! we’re queer! we’re fabulous!’ The police told me they could do nothing to protect our freedom of speech, even though we had obtained a permit, because the protestors had freedom of speech too… ??? the Canberra Times hailed it as a victory for the LGBTI lobby because they shouted the loudest. Good parents don’t allow tantrums to win, but sadly there are not many left who even understand what a good parent is. Most parents let the tantrumming toddler rule the roost, as Australians seem keen to do on a national level.
Hi again Bill. On a slightly different tangent, thank you – I keep trying to make sense of all this but am very time-poor so rarely finish a thought process – it seems as if whatever my current question is you provide the answer! Something that helped me understand the bigger picture was chap 9 of ‘Stealing from a Child’ as well as reading ‘The Communist Takeover Of America – 45 Declared Goals’. Both chilling. (Would be great if that was part of the history curriculum!) It is possible you’ve covered this already, in which case I would appreciate if you can direct me to it, or, if not, maybe you could consider penning one of your brilliant overviews on the subject. I would hope that if Ozzies grasped how same-sex marriage is just being used as part of a bigger plan to destroy our culture it might help the no case.
Thanks Sherna. Yes I have often written on those matters, eg:
And so on…
And this new article from a friend is also worth reading Sherna:
The words of the prophet in Amos 5:10, 12-13 come to mind.
I heard Dr van Gend, in a radio interview today, refer to the words of the Lord Jesus found in Luke 23:31 – He might also have aptly referred to Christ’s remarks in verses 28 & 29 of the same chapter.
A certain self-righteous outrage has always been an integral part of Gay Liberationist activism:
…We will show you how we can use our righteous anger to uproot the present oppressive system with its decaying and constricting ideology… – “Gay Liberation Front: Manifesto”, London 1971, Revised 1978 [Full Manifesto text accessible at: https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/halsall/pwh/glf-london.asp ].
A movement which has not infrequently spoken and thought in terms of “maintaining the rage” may not always see life in the terms of the old Hippie’s “Make love, not war.” slogan…
For many proponents of the “No” case in the present debate, it is not so much a case of “Remember Lot’s wife.”, but rather a case of, “Remember Lot’s daughters.”…
Dr.Thomas Sowell, US author, columnist, economist and social theorist has some great points to make about the “social justice warrior” phenomenon. People like Benjamin Law he refers to as SJW “mascots”. He symbolises that makes people feel good. The actual fate of the mascot is of major consequence one past their use-by date. He goes on to say that the first thing a person will do for their ideals is to lie followed up by character assassination. The of course comes the shutting down and drowning out of an alternative opinion. Have a listen
… and of course all the turmoil about which businesses will be patronized by which people just proves yet again that the idea that redefining marriage will be good for the economy is just another lie in a long list of lies. You don’t put substantial numbers of people out of business and work and create huge divisions in society without it having detrimental economic effects. you don’t undermine the whole idea of laws and justice being based on truth and fact without it having huge, long term effects on a society.
Clearly the above examples are a very good indication of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Lateline last night had the whole program on the Alphabet issue. What disappoints me is the ABC always roll out a liberal spokesperson. This time it was none other than Robyn Whittaker whose theology has been discredited by many. David Ould came on and as he made a point guess what ..was interrupted very quickly
I attended this meeting that was arranged to explain about the Not so Safe schools program. When we arrived the police directed us through the exit as the protesters we blocking the entry one. We were told by the organisers that the meeting had been cancelled due to security fears which was disappointing.
THERE WAS NO CONFRONTATION THE PROTESTORS despite what is reported by the media – very untrue.
The only incident came when a person was trying to drive into into the car park and was blocked by protesters and then the police came across to remove them – that was the only confrontation and during that time a young protester was arrested by the police and during the ongoing scuffle the lady that was interviewed by Channel 9 tripped over the concrete bollard and hurt her leg – nothing to do do with her comment that a car driving full speed into the group. They would all be critically injured if that’s the truth – but there again why let truth get the way of a good story Channel 9 – – get the facts.
As the police encouraged us to go home so that the protesters would go. Channel 9’s report was totally untrue and they didn’t have the decency to check the true account and we are bundled into the same camp as these protestors. In fact one of our people went over to help the young woman as she was a nurse.
Trying to understand all this finally got beyond me – until I saw the hand of the devil in it. Then it all made sense – at least to me. The way to begin to understand the devil is, in my view, to put on the mind of Christ.
“Safe schools” program in EVERY school?? Does that mean catholic, Christian and Islamic schools must implement this as well, an ideology that goes AGAINST these religions??.. it seems a very slippery slope, and that we HAVEN’T learned anything at all about the things that are happening overseas regarding these issues!
Two reports on yesterday’s Sydney University event, which highlight the ‘tolerance’ (not) of the ‘Yes’ group: