The lies of the trans militants must be resisted and exposed: It was not all that long ago when hardly anyone was talking about homosexuality.…
What does biblical Christianity have to say about the issue of transgenderism? Sadly what should be perfectly obvious is far too often not. For example,…
The prefix “trans” means to go beyond, or over, or across. Today the transgender movement is having a great run at going well beyond the…
The homosexual activists have long sought to rewrite the Bible in order to make their lifestyle appear to be scripturally acceptable. They have failed big…
Perhaps 40 or 50 years ago I could have gotten away with writing a few articles on homosexuality from a biblical point of view. But…
One very effective way of dismantling the many myths and lies of an ideological agenda is to have someone who has been there and done…
The word “equality” is thrown around all the time in our politically correct culture. “Fairness” is another such term which we hear constantly. But sadly…
Telling lies about God and what God’s Word says is a common practice of those who seek to justify their rebellion and sin. Sadly, we…
Anyone involved in the culture wars, in political debates, or in discussing the various social and moral hot potato issues of the day, will be…
War has been declared on normality, reality, biology, morality and sanity. The militant homosexual/transgender revolutionaries have unleashed a reign of terror on everyone and everything…
As many of you might have heard, Bruce Jenner (and that is who he is, not Caitlyn) was recently named “Woman of the Year”. Yes…
The next big front in the sex wars is the push for all things transgender. It is receiving a huge push, including in the lamestream…
Yes we can and should work with others at times: Back in 1970 Canned Heat released the hit song, “Let’s Work Together.” It was rather…
When you expose the darkness, be prepared for a reaction: In just a few weeks in Washington, we have witnessed one of the greatest examples…
When and where should politics and the church intersect? Yesterday I wrote about the woke Episcopalian pastor who used her sermon time to denounce Trump…
Politicising the pulpit for woke agendas: No, I am not talking here about people going around vandalising churches, be it with graffiti or arson attacks…
Here are three incredible stories of champs that you should be aware of: There are plenty of heroes that we are all aware of, be…
What we must know about harmful gender ideology: Whenever you want to dehumanise and control groups of people, a major tactic is to get them…
Cutting the fat with DOGE: Those who know me are aware that there are various things that I strongly dislike – to put it mildly…
Trump’s win has energised conservatives and Christians all over America: One of the big wins coming out of the recent American elections is how fully…