Babies and Barbarism
There are all sorts of terrific reasons to have an abortion:
-to advance your career;
-to be rid of “burdens”;
-to be able to make more money;
-to be “free”;
-to live a convenient and happy-go-lucky life; and so on.
Well here is a neat new reason to abort babies: to improve your love life. Yep, it seems aborted babies make for great aphrodisiacs. They are seen as a general cure-all and an enhancement to one’s sex life. A number of news items have reported that pills, made from dead babies in China, are being imported overseas, and are very popular in various quarters.
Here is how the Daily Mail began its coverage: “Thousands of pills filled with powdered human flesh have been discovered by customs officials in South Korea, it was revealed today. The capsules are in demand because they are viewed as being a medicinal ‘cure-all’.
“The grim trade is being run from China where corrupt medical staff are said to be tipping off medical companies when babies are aborted or delivered still-born. The tiny corpses are then bought, stored in household refrigerators in homes of those involved in the trade before they are removed and taken to clinics where they are placed in medical drying microwaves.
“Once the skin is tinder dry, it is pummelled into powder and then processed into capsules along with herbs to disguise the true ingredients from health investigators and customs officers. The discoveries since last August has shocked even hardened customs agents who have pledged to strengthen inspections.
“Chinese officials are understood to have been aware of the trade and have tried to stop the capsules being exported but thousands of packets of them have been smuggled through to South Korea. ‘They are normally brought into South Korea in luggage or posted by international mail.’ The capsules were all confiscated but no one has been punished because the amount was deemed small and they were not intended for sale, a customs official added.
“Chinese newspapers have identified the north eastern provinces as the source of the human flesh capsules, in particular the Jilin region which is close to North Korea. There is a huge demand for alternative Chinese remedies – which include ground up rhino horns. The Chinese have historically consumed human placentas to improve blood supply and circulation.”
The Wall Street Journal reported the story this way: “South Korean customs officials are boosting efforts to stamp out illegal smuggling of drugs that are allegedly coming from China. Reason: The drugs supposedly contain human flesh. A screenshot from a documentary by Korean TV station SBS on pills allegedly made from human flesh and smuggled into South Korea.
“Since August, Korean authorities have discovered nearly 17,500 of the human flesh capsules in the luggage of tourists and in international mail, the state-run Korea Customs service said in a statement Monday. The pills, disguised as performance enhancement drugs, have been smuggled in by ethnic Koreans living in northern Chinese cities and contain so-called super bacteria that is hazardous to human health, the statement said.
“South Korea’s crackdown on the drugs began last year after SBS, one of the nation’s major television broadcasters, ran a documentary accusing Chinese pharmaceutical companies of collaborating with abortion clinics to make pills allegedly made of human fetuses and the remains of dead infants. The documentary claimed that DNA tests verified that the pills were made from powdered humans.”
Mark Steyn adds these comments: “Thousands of pills filled with powdered human flesh have been discovered by customs officials in South Korea, it was revealed today. The capsules are in demand because they are viewed as being a medicinal ‘cure-all’. The grim trade is being run from China where corrupt medical staff are said to be tipping off medical companies when babies are aborted or delivered still-born.
“The tiny corpses are then bought, stored in household refrigerators in homes of those involved in the trade before they are removed and taken to clinics where they are placed in medical drying microwaves. The pills are 99.7 per cent ‘human remains,’ and are said to enhance sexual performance.”
It is all very shocking news indeed, but sadly not at all new. For years now we have known about how the Chinese have been using aborted baby remains for various products. Back in 2006 I reported on how Western women are seeking to look younger by the use of aborted babies. They use treatments of anti-ageing stem-cell injections made from aborted foetal tissue:
Of course China is not exactly known as a place with a great human rights record. And it has not just been babies who have suffered in the process. Chinese prisoners have also been used to help with various products, including cosmetics. Back in 2005 the Guardian reported on this horrific trade:
“A Chinese cosmetics company is using skin harvested from the corpses of executed convicts to develop beauty products for sale in Europe, an investigation by the Guardian has discovered. Agents for the firm have told would-be customers it is developing collagen for lip and wrinkle treatments from skin taken from prisoners after they have been shot. The agents say some of the company’s products have been exported to the UK, and that the use of skin from condemned convicts is ‘traditional’ and nothing to ‘make such a big fuss about’.
“With European regulations to control cosmetic treatments such as collagen not expected for several years, doctors and politicians say the discovery highlights the dangers faced by the increasing number of Britons seeking to improve their looks. Apart from the ethical concerns, there is also the potential risk of infection.
“MPs on the Commons select health committee are to examine the regulatory system and may launch an investigation and question ministers about the need for immediate new controls. ‘I am sure that the committee will want to look at this,’ said Kevin Barron, its Labour chairman. ‘This is something everyone in society will be very concerned about’.”
Nor is it just the Chinese involved in such unethical and repulsive practices. Recall the recent controversy over PepsiCo and its use – at least indirectly – of flavour enhancements done by means of aborted baby parts. That story I discussed here:
So the culture of death seems to know no bounds. If the justification for killing babies is not for making headway in your career, or to promote “choice,” then we can seek to justify it by saying we all want to have fresher, younger skin. Surely that desire must trump the rights of unborn babies to see life beyond the womb.
Question: Where are all those who carry on about social justice at a time like this? Why aren’t they speaking out about this big time? When will they realise that social justice must begin in the womb? Otherwise it is all just so much hot air coming out of their lips. But perhaps they have made their lips to look younger, so that is why they are silent.
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This on top of the book I just finished on Bonhoeffer. I thought I heard it all after the description of human skin being used to make purses and skulls being shrunk for desk ornaments. Surely, we have become more civilised? Only in the eyes of the “brave new worlders”, the rest of us weeps but we know God weeps with us.
Many blessings
Ursula Bennett
Yes it is horrific stuff, Ursula. We obviously have not learned the lessons of history. But of course, both communist China and Nazi Germany were/are godless, atheistic states, which fully rejected Christianity. So this sort of stuff is usually what comes as a result.
Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch
Yes, they are – were ungodly nations, but in China, the number of Christians is reportedly 3 times as large as that of Communist party members. Can we see a cultural influence of Christianity there?
On the other hand, what is it that stands between us and such things? Amos 4:6 and following applies to the church, but through the church is a nation blessed, does it go the other way too that through the church is a nation lost when the church doesn’t do its job properly?
Many blessings
Ursula Bennett
Thanks Bill
Yes we need to know about this. I can’t think of a word to describe it only to say, I feel very sad. If anyone is unsure of how low satan will go, this story should do it. Can’t wait for God to show his hand.
Daniel Kempton
Thanks Daniel
Of course there are at least three ways in which God can show his hand:
-He has shown his hand at Calvary, and the defeat of evil was there initiated, and his Kingdom inaugurated;
-He is showing his hand through his church. We have a job to do here, to represent him and his values to a messed up world;
-He will show his hand when he comes again to judge all humanity, and to bring full and final justice to planet earth.
Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch
This is really chocking material. Makes me wonder how anyone can come up with a commercial proposition like this. How do humans conjure up though for such means of production and profit making. This must have some refection on the vast number of aborted baby that are at the disposal of these Frankenstein monster for them to come up with such ideas. Mad cows disease had it origin in the recycling of animal bodily wast into stock feed. Makes one wonder what is next.
Bill Heggers, Perth
There is no limit to the depravity of a society which has turned so far from God as has ours. The outcome will no doubt be horrific and then God will be blamed for a “punishment” which is actually a consequence!
Anna Cook
This IS absolutely barbaric. I haven’t heard of ‘baby or adult human’ body parts being used for ‘medicine or beauty’ products before. I’ve heard of human adult skin/ hair used by the Nazi’s; but not baby’s parts used. It is ALL sickening!!! I’ll call it ‘cannibalism’ [ I can’t think how to spell the word!]. It is ALL absolutely dreadful! I hope & pray it is stopped somehow!
Darilyn Adams
Ironically, use of these pills for their intended purpose may lead to an increase in pregnancies and abortions – a vicious circle!
John Bennett