Marriage matters, and women and children especially suffer without it: Many decades of social science research have conclusively demonstrated that heterosexual marriage is an invaluable…
When the trans victims start resisting: Blacks were once invisible people, as have been the unborn. Ex-homosexuals is another obvious category. And now the detransitioners…
They are coming after our kids – no doubt about it: The sexual revolutionaries hate children. There is no other way to account for their…
Church leaders – and their families – sure do need our prayers: Most Christians at least should know what my title refers to. PKs (Pastor’s…
What a bunch of sickos the lefties are: That the secular left seems to hate women and children has been known for quite some time…
Biden’s pro-trans war on children and Scripture: There are at least three major components to the Christian gospel – all MUST be affirmed, and if…
Disney is now a hotbed of sexual radicals: The targeting of our children by the militant activists has been going on for decades now, and…
Now the loons are demanding that all parents surrender their children to the State: The radical left has always made clear its aversion to marriage,…
Yes marriage and family really do matter: It was the Roman statesman and orator Cicero who said some 2000 years ago: “Marriage is the first…
Healthcare tyranny and coercion must be resisted: Medical tyranny continues apace, and now that Australia and other nations are looking at Covid vaccines for children,…
Trans militants have declared war on our children: Adult activists pushing their radical ideologies on innocent children have a lot to answer for. Children should…
Just what is in the water that our leaders are drinking? The old saying about people getting the leaders that they deserve is always worth…
Woke Capitalism in bed with the Big State spells the end of freedom: The surveillance state is alive and well. China leads the way here,…
This is what we are called to do – even if we must pay a price for it: If you were asked to explain what…
Now the militants are targeting kids through breakfast cereal! We live in diabolical days where wrong is now right, evil is now good, darkness is…
Lego is the latest corporation to push woke capitalism: Woke capitalism is destroying everything it touches. I and others have documented this far too often…
The ferocious assault on the family is now nearly complete: For decades now the radicals on the left have told us of their hatred of…
Leftist maniacs are running IKEA: It is not surprising that on a daily basis the loony left seeks to push more insanity on those of…
When proper parenting is abandoned, our children suffer: Here is a simple truth worth bearing in mind: children do not need buddies or pals or…
Parents are now being jailed for resisting the trans agenda: When normality and common sense are outlawed, and when the radicals are in charge, you…