In Danistan Islam is promoted while Christianity is attacked: Now that 37 per cent of Victorians have just recently voted for Labor (and 35 per…
The left is in a real quandary over Qatar: To chronicle the hypocrisy and double-standards of the left is a full time job, and this…
Freedom is being thrown away in the West while being fought for in Communist China: The contrast could not be greater: While sheepish and servile…
Bad news in Victoria: The night has not been a good one for Christians, for conservatives, and for those who value freedom, family and other…
Don’t expect any apologies anytime soon: Little did I or anyone else know three years ago that the world would soon come to a standstill.…
The despicable hypocrisy of the secular left is never-ending: It is a truth that we hear all the time, but it must be repeated nonetheless:…
Finally some justice for one brave mother: Times of crisis can bring out the best and the worst in people. History always tells us this,…
Debauchery and deviance know no bounds here it seems: If we were to have a contest to determine who is the most Christophobic, Anti-Christian, God-hating,…
Australia and other nations will become puppet states of the WHO and the WEF: There is world-wide outrage and concern about the latest attempt at…
This new book on ScoMo is a must read: Now that Australians know when the next federal election is taking place (May 21), the more…
Say no to all this Christian fatalism: I get this all the time: I urge people – especially Christians – to stand up for what…
Segregation is fully upon us – should it be? The basic answer to the question in my title is this: it depends on what sort…
Our prayers can change nations – keep at it! Here is a truth you can count on: we will never know just how important, efficacious…
This is the new fight for freedom: There have always been major battles that would determine the course of a culture. Usually they involved a…
What is happening in Austria now should shock us all: Melbourne was once called the world’s most livable city. Now it is more properly known…
Is this the answer we have been praying about? If Scott Morrison was the miracle man to win the 2019 Australian federal election, Adem Somyurek…
Discerning the times – and God’s will: OK, a mouthful of a title, bringing together a number of ginormous subjects. But there is a purpose…
People power and divine power can work wonders: Evil, darkness, unrighteousness and ungodliness are coming in like a tsunami all over the West. There is…
The Great Reset is real, and it is taking no prisoners: With the astounding new power-grab being attempted by Dan Andrews in Victoria, making him…
Our ‘conservative’ Prime Minister has declared war on choice: If I hear our Prime Minister telling us about one more thing that will not be…