There is nothing loving about affirming the delusions of others: The only thing worse than those suffering from harmful delusions are other folks around them…
On being a social media repeat offender: Hmm, another day, another case of sheer idiocy from the faceless folks at Fakebook. These guys are such…
The crushing forces of wokeness continue to ruin sport – and everything else: One of the clearest signs of creeping totalitarianism is when everything is…
You know things are really bad when the church cannot define what a woman is: When the church follows the world instead of the living…
You need to be aware of this key Christian thinker: The important and incisive Catholic writer and social commentator Anthony Esolen is well worth being…
We now have an entire generation of offended snowflakes: Taking offence – especially when none was intended – has always been a problem. It was…
The media and tech giants have shown their true colours: There is now no question which side Big Media and the Big Tech Giants are…
Salem Books, 2021. We must flee from the woke gospel: A number of books have appeared recently offering a critique of the religious left, progressive…
This Christian doctor desperately needs your support: What would you think if you lost your livelihood, your career, your only source of income, all because…
Leftist maniacs are running IKEA: It is not surprising that on a daily basis the loony left seeks to push more insanity on those of…
You are doomed if you are one of these: Not all that long ago it was commonly acknowledged that certain folks really were the dregs…
Why we must not be inclusive of inclusion: One of the main mantras of our dumbed down, morally foggy, and increasingly senseless society is the…
Moonbats everywhere! A number of years ago I was asked to contribute a chapter to a book on conservatism and politics. Although the book never…
We have NOT learned the lessons of history: Censorship is now alive and well in the West. Whether it involves refusing or shouting down unpopular…
A few recent indications that Australians might be fighting back – finally! There have been a few recent events in the Australian political scene that…
When you hear the word “diversity,” head for the hills: We now all know that one of the major mantras of the radical left is…
This war is real – and getting worse: Can conservatives sometimes use words like ‘tyranny,’ ‘fascism,’ and ‘totalitarianism’ too often and too easily? Yes. Are…
The Great Reset is real – and a very real threat: No, it is not some conspiracy theory. It is as real as it is…
Cancel culture is censorship culture: The cancel culture is alive and well, and getting worse by the day. Usually the targets are Christians and conservatives…