Another Successful March for the Babies
I am just back from another terrific March for the Babies in Melbourne. Well done to all who came to stand up for babies and well done to the organisers who made it a big success, including Victorian MP Bernie Finn. And it was great to see so many friends, colleagues and co-workers there.
Around three or four thousand folks who are concerned about the slaughter of the unborn, and Victoria’s notorious abortion bill of 2008, came to the seventh annual march. Because of increasing security concerns (the pro-aborts can be quite nasty and violent), this year’s march was much shorter than normal.
We again met at the Treasury Gardens, but instead of marching through the city we went straight to Parliament House just a few blocks away. There, with adequate police protection, we heard a number of terrific speakers, with the rally concluding not much over an hour from when it started.
The ferals (as they even like to call themselves) were certainly conspicuous by their absence this year. Only ten rather subdued and quiet protestors showed up, in marked contrast to the thousands of pro-baby champions. The only time I heard anything out of them was when Anna von Marburg got up to speak, and one of them screamed out (in a very loving and tolerant fashion), “Go f**k yourself Anna”.
Speaking of the speakers, Anna gave a terrific and inspiring word, recounting the successful work she and her team are doing in Albury to save lives and put pressure on the baby-killing machine. They have been doing a terrific job there, and are seeing the fruit of all their hard work. Well done Anna and Co.
Democratic Labour Party MP Rachel Carling-Jenkins also spoke very well indeed, and discussed her newly drafted private member’s bill which would curtail some aspects of our 2008 law. Given that the media will say almost nothing about the rest of the rally (no bloody confrontations, with most of the ferals likely up in Bendigo to counter the anti-mosque rally), they will have little to talk about except this announcement.
But the Melbourne Age has already run an article on this. They of course think it is a horrific idea and they are already bagging her suggestion. Their article says in part:
Under the proposal – announced at a pro-life rally in Melbourne on Saturday – women who are more than 20 weeks’ pregnant would not have the right to an abortion except in the case of a medical emergency. And doctors who carried out an abortion in breach of the new rules could face prosecution and jail terms up to 20 years.
“This protects women from the awful physical and mental consequences of late-term abortion and it protects children,” Dr Carling-Jenkins told the crowd at the annual March for the Babies rally at Parliament. “Women deserve better. Abortions don’t solve problems – they create them.”…
Dr Carling-Jenkins says she plans to introduce her bill – the Infant Viability Act – in the next sitting week of Parliament, which starts on October 20. However, fellow cross-bencher Fiona Patten, from the Sex Party, branded it “a stunt” and pointed out that the bill could not be debated until next year at the earliest.
March organiser Bernie Finn rallied the troops, urging them never to quit until we see babies fully protected in this state. He said: “We are not going to go away until we have a law that protects all people.” Several other speakers rounded out the brief but invigorating meeting in front of Parliament House.
Once again thanks must go to the Victorian police who did an excellent job this year as they did last year. Indeed, last year they were superlative, keeping the crowds of angry and hate-filled protestors away from the peaceful prolifers. Perhaps because of their successful actions last year that deterred the pro-aborts from turning up en masse this year.
As mentioned, I could only count 10 of these folks – all being the usual suspects from the Sex Party, the anarchists and socialists, etc. The usual rent-a-crowd in other words. So an absence of manic, screaming protestors plus a beautiful spring day made for a really terrific march.
Although much shorter than previous years, it was a stirring witness to the watching world that many of us will not stay silent while 20,000 innocent babies are killed every year in Victoria, part of the 100,000 butchered annually in Australia.
Let me conclude by singling out a few wonderful champions. While I continue to wonder why there are not tens of thousands of folks showing up for these marches (there would be at least 100,000 Christians alone in Melbourne), many great saints made heroic sacrifices to be there.
Many rural Victorians made the long trip to be in attendance, but let me highlight three champions from interstate who were determined to get there this year. Rissa from NSW made great sacrifices to come, and it was great to catch up with her. She is a superstar.
And two gals came all the way from Perth: Eleanor and Emily. Emily left her family behind but did bring one of her very young children with her. Now that is commitment. Now that is dedication. Now that is sacrifice. All for the sake of the unborn. I salute these three young female warriors for life!
Of course some regulars also make the long trek over, such as Daniel and his family who come each year from Brisbane. All these folks deserve our greatest praise and honour. Zillions of folks in Melbourne could not even be bothered to turn up to an event like this, yet these heroes made great sacrifices to do so.
I thank them and all the thousands of others who did march today. And I will see you again next year!
I just saw the 6pm news reports: Ch. 7 said a large police turnout greeted the pro-lifers! Um no, the police presence was there to protect the prolifers from the rabid pro-aborts, as we saw the need for in previous years! And Ch. 9 spoke about a “crusade” and said “hundreds” of prolifers were there. Um no, there where thousands there. Typical lamestream media baloney.
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Again, I would have loved to have been there but not being in charge of my own movements without assistance, I had to content myself to pray for you and be with you in spirit. I would loved to have brought our beautiful Downs boy with us. He would have just smiled and loved everyone all round and generally made himself a great favourite. I actually pray every year that that years march might be the last as it is only there as long as those horrible laws exists for which removal we are all praying.
Many blessings
Ursula Bennett
Brumby who brought in the bill is gone. Napthine who failed to amend it and said that “I will never do anything to reduce the choice of women” is gone. So who is next? The ball is in Andrews’ corner. There is nothing about being pro-abort that guarantees a long-life in politics.
Well done all those that could make it to March for the Babies 😉 I was under the weather but managed to find some great tunes by Joe Pots – Shout It Out : Warning to Planned Parenthood. It’s good to know that there are some great artists out there that I’d be proud to have children & young adults listen to. This track should be at number #1
Here’s the You Tube link :
& lyrics :
Personally Bill I was disappointed with the turnout.
As you said there has to be 100000 Christians in Melbourne. Where were they all?
Was the march promoted in churches?
We all need to do a lot more to save the babies!
I suspect the socialists were otherwise engaged this year with protesting the protest against the planned mosque in Bendigo. Hence the peace those of us at the march enjoyed.
Typical of the Lamestream media reporting – twisted as usual.
Congratulations to all who were able to attend and send the message that protection for the unborn, most vulnerable, in our society most proceed unabated
Now that you’ve had a well policed rally perhaps next year more people will feel confident enough to show up, & the sad pro-death pc zombies stay away.
Where is this event advertised? Which Christian publications? Eternity magazine? Didn’t see it there. There was not one word about it at my church. I get the ACL’s email updates and didn’t see it there.
Clearly, it needs more promotion.
Great news and well done.
Good to read what actually happened on Saturday. Thanks for pointing out the inaccuracies in the report I saw on Channel 7’s evening news.
Why the lack of militant opposition this year?
Could they have elected to go to Bendigo, and attach themselves to the protests there?
Why did I not go?
Well, I have a condition that limits my mobility.
I may reconsider my non attendance for next year.
ACL advertised the event, as well as Salt Shakers ( The problem is reaching those who do not pay attention to these publications. We can ask schools and churches to include them in their newsletters/bulletins, and print out leaflets…it’s up to us!
After last year’s turnout, it did feel disappointing this year, so I find it encouraging to hear that there were others that wanted to come along but couldn’t make it. For those with mobility concerns, perhaps skipping the march and waiting at the finish (which could be either parliament house or outside the abortion clinic) is an option?
I wonder why there were fewer participants this year? Perhaps because Labor is in power? If the coalition took no notice, why would Daniel Andrews? (Or maybe it was the weather – there was a chance of a thunderstorm). When Bernie Finn said we “will” be back for the march next year, I wish he could have said “might”, but we know that he is right. In the meantime another year passes and many more babies die. However, this new bill is definitely something to give us hope.
So in the end, whether there are three thousand or seven thousand, the most important thing is we are out there marching!
Anna’s terrific short talk at the rally can be seen here:
I think the churches are not advertising it. I think a lot of church leadership are not interested in public issues. Not sure why, but i could guess that maybe they just want everything smooth in their congregations. So anything a little bit controversial might rock their boat.