The Victorian State Election
While most elections are important, the November 24 Victorian state election is really a key election indeed. We have had so many destructive policies under the Andrews’ Labor government already, and if they get back in things will become catastrophic. It frightens me no end just thinking of how bad things will get if they are returned to office.
I have written numerous articles on the Andrews’ Labor government and just how toxic it is to everything so many of us hold near and dear: faith, family and freedom. Or, as I heard Mark Latham over the weekend put it concerning the nation: country, culture and civilisation.
The list of their leftist activism is long and dark indeed. This article would be far too lengthy if I started listing all of Andrews’ many diabolical transgressions. Let me just bullet point a few of the more glaring examples:
-pushing hardcore policies of death, from abortion to euthanasia
-running with all things homosexual and transgender
-promoting the despicable “Safe Schools” programs and other education activism, targeting our vulnerable children
-forcing Christian organisations to employ staff who do not share their beliefs
-pushing failed “safe” injecting rooms
-seeking to ban Christmas carols
One can offer other worrying items, such as:
-his soft on crime approach
-his inability or unwillingness to tackle east African crime gangs
-his lack of resolve in dealing with Islamic terrorism
-his war against the Country Fire Authority
-his unhealthy coddling up to the unions
-his wasting of billions of dollars by cancelling needed infrastructure works, especially the much needed east-west link
-his numerous scandals, including the rorts-for-votes debacle
I could spend quite some time on this list. Consider the issue of Islamic terrorism. Just over a week ago we had yet more blood on the streets of Melbourne. This is now becoming routine in Melbourne sadly. The immigrant jihadist who went on a rampage was actually out on bail at the time, something Andrews tried to hush up.
Of course this is the same Premier who told us three years ago: “All of us, as Victorians and indeed Australians, have to accept that violent extremism is part of a contemporary Australia.”
Um, no, I don’t accept it, nor do most Victorians. And call it what it is: Islamic violence. But aside from all his political blundering and numerous scandals, his commitment to radical hyper-leftist ideology is destroying this state. No wonder I called him Australia’s leading cultural Marxist:
All these issues will simply continue and get much worse if Andrews is re-elected. The anti-child “Safe Schools” programs will get massively worse, and I guarantee that they will soon be mandated in all primary schools as well, and independent and Christian schools will also be fully forced to run with them.
For over 3 years I have spoken about the wretched “Safe Schools” programs and written over 45 articles on the matter. Others have also sounded the alarm. Yet most folks still don’t know or care. If this short video does not shake you out of your lethargy, nothing will:
If everyone reading this watched and shared this video, the diabolical Labor government would be easily tossed out at Saturday’s election. And maybe some folks would be jailed as well. Please watch it and please share it. Your children and grandchildren are depending on you.
If things are not bad enough already, we also keep hearing talk of Labor and the Greens getting into bed to push their radical agendas even further. Consider just one shocking news item on this:
The Greens are eyeing off a ministry in a Labor minority government if it can secure the balance of power at next week’s Victorian election, despite Premier Daniel Andrews ruling out making a deal with the party. Victorian Greens leader Samantha Ratnam told the ABC in a wide-ranging interview that “all options” are on the table in the event of a hung parliament. “We want to form progressive government and we are happy to sit down at the table with Labor and try and form the most progressive government this state has seen,” Dr Ratnam said.
‘Form the most progressive government’? I thought it already was the most progressive government! It is nice of the radicals to spill the beans, but this will just be disastrous for the poor citizens of Victoria. There will be no end to the hyper-radical social activism if Labor gets back in.
To say all this is not to claim that the other main alternative is a panacea. The Liberals are a mixed bag sadly. Yes, any major party other than Labor and the Greens would be welcome. And some good promises have been made, including ending the “Safe Schools” programs and reintroducing things like religious education.
But Matthew Guy has been weak on things like homosexuality and homosexual marriage. Consider just one recent media item on this. I realise that the Melbourne Age is generally just about fake news, but if this report is even half true, it is a real worry indeed:
The state Coalition has promised if elected a raft of LGBTI services including a dedicated tourism strategy. It would also carry out a parliamentary inquiry into gaps in public services for the LGBTI community in outer suburban Melbourne and regional Victoria.
It promised to establish Victoria’s first LGBTI business roundtable to be chaired by the premier, provide $500,000 in funding to support Joy FM in becoming one of the first tenants in the Victorian Pride Centre to be built in St Kilda, as well as $50,000 annually to digitise archives and “preserve the history and role of LGBTI Victorians”. A further $2 million will be spent to develop the new LGBTI tourism strategy, including international marketing campaigns and LGBTI business tourism awards.
Good grief. I thought the Liberal party was supposed to be the conservatives party, not just a lighter shade of Labor – not just a lighter shade of pink. And while some in the party – such as the staunchly pro-life Bernie Finn for example – will certainly want to roll back, as much as possible, the culture of death in Victoria, it is a moot point if Guy will have any desire to actually move in this direction.
So the liberals will not bring us heaven on earth. But they will be light years ahead of the most radical, leftist, coercive utopian party in the country. It is clearly time for Labor to go and to bring in some fresh blood with some new ideas. Please vote wisely on Saturday.
And vote prayerfully and carefully as well. To that end some of us have put together the Victorian Christian Values Checklist. It looks at five main parties, and rates them on 21 different issues. Please have a look at this, and share it around, far and wide:
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As you point out, the Libs are a very mixed bunch, but ahead of Labor.
Hence many conservative voters will try and vote for a smaller party that at least puts Liberal ahead of Labor in the Upper House.
However, Voting-1 Above-the-line gives very little control of where your vote actually goes. E.g. Derry Hinch’s Justice Party seems to have made it an art form for their Above-the-line preferences to appear to flow to Liberal before Labor, whereas they seem more likely to help elect another MLC for Labor rather than for Liberal. Some other parties, similarly, seem to want to deceive voters. The problem is that Vote-1 above the line is prone to corruption and back-room-deals so it is no longer used in Federal elections.
Numbering every square below-the-line is better, but daunting because it is hard to rate the parties. One way of rating parties is to check out their “Group Voting Tickets” to see how they preference each other, and then choose the closest ‘Ticket’ to your views and copy or modify that for your own vote.
Since there are about 20 double-page Group-Voting-Tickets (GVTs) to study for your Region, and since some of them will be designed to hide their actual effective preferences, I have summarised the GVTs for most Regions (as a single-page per Region) at – including highlighting where the preference flows are unusual and may deceive unwary voters.
Thanks to Peter for the tiny.url link and the work that has gone into the analysis.
To Peter, in the South East Metro page there is a column & row (no 4 in the list) without a title. Can he tell us who that group is please?
It would be very interesting to see just how many parents would ACTUALLY take their children out of these SSP schools listed online 2017 (see below ) even if they were informed about the Safe School Program and it’s materials?
e.g., Ruyton Girls’ School, St Michael’s Grammar School, Mentone Girls’ Grammar School, Mentone Girls’ Secondary College, Mentone Grammar, Methodist Ladies College, Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School, Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School, Ivanhoe Grammar School, Kew High School, Lowther Hall Anglican Grammar School, Lynall Hall Community School, MacRobertson Girls High School, Melbourne Girls College, Melbourne High School, Balwyn High School, Bialik College, Camberwell Grammar School, Camberwell High School, Canterbury Girls’SecondaryCollege, Carey Baptist Grammar School, Castlemaine Secondary College, Caulfield Grammar School, Fintona Girls’ College,Firbank Grammar School,Geelong Grammar and Geelong High School….
These schools are ‘hard to get the kids into’ schools with long waiting lists even for students living within the ZONES and often very/highly Selective (potential students sit tests) … therefore I would say unfortunately not many informed parents would take their children out. What do your readers think?
John, the official VEC booklets etc do not give that group a name although it occupies the Group D slot on the ballot papers for South Eastern Metro Region. Go to
and click on South Eastern Metropolitan Region and you will see that every Group Voting Ticket has a D box with no party or Group name.
I would very much like to know just how much state and federal public funding is being misappropriated for the purposes of establishing pagan, atheistic religious tenets and the associated sexual and other immoralities. We know huge amounts are plowed into the public broadcasting propaganda machine for a start and obviously there is much more being siphoned off to promote the wickedness and immorality of atheistic, pagan religious beliefs. Clearly the fact that the public broadcasters illegally refused to allow Christian advertising for the “marriage” plebiscite and got away with it and are still getting away with their propaganda, proves that public funding is being used to establish pagan, atheistic religious tenets in complete opposition to all principles of Western democracy, free speech and the very fundamental principles of secularism. They are only are getting away with it by pretending that their beliefs are not religious in nature but, of course, we know that what they espouse is certainly not based on facts and is in reality establishing atheistic, humanist religion. We have plenty of evidence that their beliefs are not scientific and somehow we have got to stop them getting away with this.
This is also more evidence that democracy only really works properly for a moral people and where free speech is allowed.
Thank you, again, Bill for opposing this wickedness and bringing some light to this dire situation.
Yesterday a card from Victorian Trades Hall Council was put in our letterbox. It stated that out local MLA did not stand up for marriage equality, a republic,dying with dignity, or renewable energy and he wont stand up for you. So kick him out.
We love our member as he represents everything we stand for and fights for our rights.
My hope and prayer is that people ignore this labor rubbish and re-elect him. How much lower can these people sink.
Quite so Madge.
Its an utter worry that anyone could vote Labor or the Greens. To cast a vote for them is shear lunacy.
It’s an unfortunate fact that very few of the traditional conservative/Christian minor parties are running at this election which greatly diminishes the voting options for conservative Victorians. One new conservative minor party which is contesting the Victorian State election for the first time is Australian Liberty Alliance. The party is not Christian but has a good mainstream conservative platform with a special focus on measures to counter the process of Islamisation. Needless to say the leftist mainstream media is trying its best to deny any publicity to ALA and disgracefully even the Liberal and National parties have placed ALA last on their how-to-vote-cards!
Australian Liberty Alliance is contesting all eight Legislative Council (upperhouse) Regions which means every Victorian has the opportunity to vote ALA at least in the upperhouse. I am the candidate for Northern Victoria Region.
Key policies can be found on the party website at this link:
Regards, Ewan McDonald.
Thanks Ewan.
I live in Jill Hennessey’s seat of Altona – currently held by a very safe margin. Next to us is Tim Pallas’ seat of Werribee (he doesn’t even live there). Both are seen as arrogant, out-of-touch and underperforming in their electorate as they as seen to dictate rather than consult, and offer services that are not wanted (juvenile detention centre 800m from housing for one – since reversed through immense public pressure) or not needed (a community hospital in Point Cook when we have Werribee Mercy hospital plus a private hospital less than 10 minutes away). Or make promises for fixing things by 2025 (eg. the Hoppers Crossing level crossing, which restricts access to the said hospitals for those who live north of Hoppers Crossing). Hennessey even promised a new senior secondary college to be built by 2015 – it’s just started construction now.
Thankfully local independents are stepping up and putting the ALP last (Greens 2nd last). While the ALP might still get voted in courtesy of their unthinking rusted-on support base, I fully expect they will get the fright of their lives. If the independents get in, Altona and Werribee might get the attention they need.
Thanks Stephen.
I find this quite interesting Bill. It seems there is a massive push by the marxist Left, all over the world, to be part of a “race to the bottom”?
Here in South Africa we are rapidly decending to become another failed African state like Zimbabwe and Somalia and, and, and, and, and, etc.
The most disheartening aspect is that it is often well educated, well meaning people who oppose opposition to this decay. They look upon you with open horror if you stand up for what is right.
I think that is why there is a “stairway to Heaven” but a “Highway to hell” as sung in a long past song?
The people with soft hands will enable the fall of Decent society into a hellhole of crime and depravity. Mark my words. I have seen it happen too many times, and am living in a State sponcered genocide of minority groups now that the PC main stream media refuses to expose.
So good luck and strength in your own battle with the highly funded and supported forces that oppose decent and honest society.
Thanks Bill for another very enlightening article.
We watched the Skynews debate between Andrews and Guy this week and were astonished that Mathew Guy would not say he would scrap the Safe Schools Program when given the opportunity to by the host four times.
Your disclosure about his probable ties with the LGBTQI may explain why. The name Judas springs to mind.
Who would have imagined that Mark Latham would become a truer Liberal than both the State and Federal Liberal leaders.